Jen's Legacy.

Chapter Dreaming, while dawn's left hand was in the sky...

Claire was caught-up in a dream. Why was she naked in so many of her dreams and struggling with her embarrassment?

She was in what looked like a courtroom filled with voices and mutterings, and the scraping of chairs, whisperings, and of shuffling feet, but she could see no one anywhere, except for papers being moved about as though many people were present that she could not see.

A gavel thumped several times on a wooden block at the front of the room. She saw the gavel being lifted, and then slamming down, but there was no one holding it.

She was standing on a small pedestal that was rising, to present her to all in that room. Except she could see no one.

“Silence in court!” The gavel banged. “I will have silence while we deal with this difficult, indelicate matter of Healey, versus Prescott.”

“How do you plead, Madam?” Someone was addressing her, and though she could not see anyone. She could feel a hundred pairs of unseen eyes burning into her, waiting for her answer.

She did not understand what was happening to her. Whatever it was, it was happening too fast.

She stammered in confusion. “Plead? About what?”

She was greeted by silence. They were waiting for her to say something more.

She struggled to wrap her mind around this sudden situation and to make sense of it. She was in a dream, of that she was sure, but it was unlike any dream she’d ever had before. It was too real, she could feel things, and smell things which never happened in any dream she’d had before.

She tried again. “What is the charge against me?

“Neglect, Madam! Gross, inconsiderate neglect of your obligations and of your own needs. Neglecting your duty as a woman in love. If, you are in love.”

She protested. “I most certainly am in love! But, what duty do you speak of? What have I neglected?”

“You were given the task of rescuing that man there….”

Claire looked around. She saw that Royce was on the opposite side of the courtroom on a pedestal rising from the floor up into the chamber for all to see, just as she was, and he was also clearly visible to everyone in that room. If there was anyone in that room. He was also as naked as she was. And he was aroused for her. He would always be aroused for her.

“… that man there, Royce Healey; saving him from what he intended to do with himself in his moment of grief, and you knew what was required of you. Why have you neglected that obligation?”

Royce was smiling at her. They were both stark naked and neither of them was able to move easily except in slow motion, yet their words and their speech were clear enough and not slowed.

“I was? I did?”

The matter-of-fact voice came back her. “You were. And you did.”

“But that is what I have been trying to do for some time now.” She felt flustered and began to flounder, trying to find an excuse. She glanced at Royce, seeing what she was always conscious of about his body. That male part of his looked even bigger now.

“But he… that… item… is very big and intimidating, and I am….”

There were angry rumblings from in front of her and many voices objected.

Item? Item? Intimidating? If she cannot address it directly and call it what it is; a Cock, and a magnificent Cock at that; welcome it into her body and embrace it, there is no hope for her.

The gavel came down to impose order.

“What you seem unable to address directly, Madam, is what a hundred women like you; thousands; tens of thousands of them, even now, at this very moment in time, are unhesitatingly embracing and engaging: that… item, as you call it”—she felt the scorn—“unreservedly; and they are dealing with it as it should be dealt with for their mutual pleasure and progress. But not you.”

“But he….”

“Silence!” She stopped trying to find an excuse why she and Royce hadn’t yet made love.

"Your excuses are unwarranted. There is not a man alive that can refuse a woman's advances when she makes up his mind for him. And if you think that particular Cock is big, just wait and see what your fallback option is going to be.”

Fallback option? What inquisitorial process was this? Was she to be strapped to a wheel, just as naked as she was, her legs and arms spread wide, or pilloried and...? Better not go there.

Rumblings from the floor… ‘indeed yes, just wait until she sees that, beauty.’ Anticipatory chuckling.

“Now, that particular Cock--the fallback one--I would definitely describe as 'unmistakably intimidating'. It is all a matter of knowing what it is that you want, need, and value, and getting on with it. Do you, or do you not want this man and his Cock to be part of your life, to fuck you forever?”

She didn’t much like the way they expressed it. It would have been better if they’d said, ‘make love’ instead of that unmistakably raw, ‘fucking’ word.

“I want him to fuck me your honor.”

If you couldn’t beat them... join them, even if it made you uncomfortable, except it wouldn't be... 'that'.

“Then I do not understand the difficulty. Clearly you did not try hard enough, as you have so far failed to get it into you. You knew what you would be required to do even as you took on this task, and you were given every opportunity to get him to fuck you.”

She was about to say something again in her defense.

“Yes, yes, I know that you have progressed with him, undressing you, that lotion--nice gambit, by the way, and clever-- and getting him to touch your breasts and all, but you never went far enough to suit the constraints of this moment. You should have completed your task by now. The pair of you should have been fucking like a pair of ferrets about now. That cunning instrument between your legs, Madam, was not put there by your creator for idle distraction, or for singular entertainment, or just to gaze at in wonderment in your mirror”—how had they known she had done that? — “or to scratch at, but is there for a more serious purpose. It is there to be fucked hard, and often. By him.”

There were mutterings, and tut-tuttings, from all around them.

“You had enough help. We even let Jen get into your thoughts to kick things along. She cannot escape this place until you get on with what you were supposed to do to help rescue her from this limbo. She tried to help you on occasion, but that did not seem to be enough, so we must now take this to another level and give you another opportunity to redeem yourself and to be fucked, but I should warn you, time is running out.”

What kind of a court was this, and what kind of a dream was it that shocked to this degree?

“Remember, failure is not an option here, both of your lives are at stake, and there is too much tragedy that would follow that, so many other lives that would be lost. You should have been pregnant by now.”

That shook her to the core. She should?

“That window for success for you is closing, and is even tighter now than your vagina (Claire’s ears were burning. She wanted to clench her legs together, but couldn’t), and for that delinquency, you are both culpable. A dynasty cannot be founded on empty promises, or inaction, but needs strength of purpose and actions, Madam. Actions! Fucking, actions!” He shouted the last words. They reverberated around the chamber.

Then dropped to a whisper:

“Instead of pussy-footing around, and dithering.”

There had been actions enough, but just never moving far enough or fast enough to get to actual, unmistakable, 'fucking', for this peculiar court to swallow. She didn’t understand what the magistrate was saying; if he was a magistrate.

“A dynasty?”

“What did you think I was talking about. This, after all, is the court of Future Dynasty Protection, the FDP.”

Those three letters were everywhere on the furniture and on a banner, fluttering against the back wall.

“What must I do?”

“You must both of you become more decisive, Madam. Both of you. Decisive and Declarative... openly declarative... wide open! You know what is required. You both know what he needs of you by now; to get that stiff rod of his into you. He’s shown you often enough and enough sperm being expended in the wrong places, but you are both of you failing, and both of you have been found, wanting.”

Royce was the only other person that she could see, and he was drifting on his pedestal, coming closer to her. Royce was standing to attention, in both senses of that word; more eager for her than she had ever seen him before, and that part of his was growing impossibly, even as she watched, reaching out to her as he was.

Did they intend that he should couple with her right now?

He was reaching out for her hand to try and comfort her. She reached out too, and took it as he got close enough to her, feeling him hold it, as the voice droned on in her head.

But this was not what was required of her.

She let go of his hand and reached over to grasp his still-growing erection, feeling him gasp at the sudden firmness of her bold touch, pulling him toward her, reeling him in as though she were landing a large fish.

An audible sigh went up from the courtroom just as though it were packed with observers and listeners, all approving of what she was now doing.

The voice from the bench paused.

“However, with this new development, in your seeming- recognition of the seriousness of this situation and what is required, I see that all is not yet lost. There is still hope.”

Claire pulled Royce closer to her, even as she felt herself floating away from her pedestal, all of the while pulling Royce closer to her by pulling on him there—also floating freely—as she moved her legs apart for him and began to pull him into her, getting him started into her suddenly gaping vagina; all two feet of him and still growing, seeing him disappear into her, then she pushed his body, the rest of him, into her, folding him into there, until there was nothing left. He began to fill her body as though there was nothing else in there to stop her; no internal organs.

The gavel came down again, freezing everything in place, as though a decision had been made by the court.

“You, Royce Healey (Royce wouldn’t be able to hear him, considering where he now was), shall go for a period of 'insensitivity training'. You have been too easily put off by your fear of hurting this woman when you were required to fuck her mercilessly and without hesitation, just as you were required to do with Jen Shelby. She, saved you from failure there, as I am sure you recall. And you, Madam, will now move on from the Dynasty Court, to the Chamber of Difficult Decisions and Decisive Actions; the CDDDA, where you will be given the opportunity of embracing Jens’ legacy to you, as well as closely embracing something else entirely, if you dare, and to get on with fucking him.”

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