Jayhaven Chronicles

Chapter I Did It

Peak was flooded with injury after injury, death after death in this horrid fight. He and the other Healers could hardly keep up.

Needle dragged another cat from the battle, her already scarred ears dripping with fresh blood.

“Someone help her!” She said with panic. With a bolt of shock and grief that surprised even himself, Peak realized that the injured cat was Lily.

As others rushed forward to treat yet more wounds, Peak wondered if the tides of the battle would change. They have to. This can’t be the end of our home! Peak gave a sniffle. My home.

Then it came to him. My home! I have to get back home!

Peak began to bound away. “And just where are you going?” Needle snapped from afar. “Coward!”

Peak pretended not to hear her. He ran fast as he could with his lame paw. But for once it didn’t even cross his mind.

He came to his den, so eerily still without Hawk’s snide comments or Spider’s or Dusk’s teasing. Peak shoved open the door and flew up the stairs.

When he came to his room, he could still hear the howls of the battle far away. I have to do this fast.

He observed quickly the cage holding the previously sick rat he had kept to study it’s behavior. It was scurrying about and squealing, perfectly healthy. This could actually work.

Peak took his herb concoction in his mouth and bolted back out of his den, his paws once again skimming the ground. He found the main Healer’s facility not far from the academy, where he knew his patient lay inside.

The walls of the facility were marble, and the echoes of Peak’s paws sounded creepy by themselves. He rushed up a secret passageway he had found earlier in his career into room number 906.

“Claw!” He screamed. His eyes adjusted to the candleless space and saw the body of the golden tom, so still in his bed.

Peak bounded up to him. “Claw! I have something for you, you have to drink it.”

But Peak knew the Battler leader couldn’t hear him while deep in a coma. Peak took his potion and tried to pry open Claw’s mouth with his paws.

Please let this work.

He poured the liquid into Claw’s mouth, tilting his head upward to try and get him to swallow.

Please let this work.

Peak waited for what seemed like forever watching this almost dead cat. It was so sad in the small dark room, like Claw had somehow tainted it with his illness.

Please let this work.

But it never did. Claw never woke up. Peak felt hot tears roll down his cheeks. “I’ve failed.” He closed his eyes tight and began to sob. “I’ve let everyone down.” He tried to imagine what Rapid would tell him. He knew. “Peak, you tried. That’s as much as anyone could do. And look how close you came!”

But not close enough.

Peak turned to leave, his tail dragging and his ears flat, when-

“Huh-hu-wha?” Came an extremely groggy voice.

“Claw?” Peak whipped around. The Battler leader had awaken, his amber eyes blinking away sleep.

“I did it.” Peak was stupefied for a moment. “I DID IT!!!”

Claw shook his head forcefully, like he had flies in his ears. “Bhrhrhr! Yeah, you did it.” Claw looked at himself. “Whatever ya’ did.

Peak broke from his excitement. “Claw, you have to come. These horrible creatures are attacking Jayhaven! They’re called dogs, they almost killed me, Hawk, and Rapid!”

Claw jumped to his feet, shock filling his eyes. “Say no more, boy. C'mon, what are we doing just standing here?”

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