Jax's X Game The Axelridge Series Book 2

Chapter 6

(Chapter song ‘Bleed It Out' by Linkin Park)


Maybe…Just maybe pushed the button on Jaxton. What can I say? There’s just something in him that looks good when his masculinity is challenged.

I hate that we have to come together on these terms, but he should know by now, I never back down from a fight. Especially, when that fight comes from Alpha Dupree.

The saddest part is he doesn’t realize that this is all his fault. All of it.

When I first met Jaxton, I was the sweet, quiet chemistry student. Never spoke up. Never stepped out of line. I was fully intimidated by men. I was, for lack of a better description, a geek. Until I met Jax.

He was strong, charismatic and confident. He scared the bloody hell out of me.

But…he was sensitive and nice. He helped me come out of my shell and now he can’t handle the monster he created.

It’s not that I want to be a bitch to Jax. I did love him at one point, but when you’re constantly told you can’t be something, do something or say things, it grates and you feel a force in you that wants to prove him wrong. I didn’t start the gender war. He did.

As far as I’m concerned, women should have an equal opportunity to do the things men do. Even some men can’t play lacrosse, so don’t feed me the bullocks that women can’t play.

As far as our relationship went, I let him believe I left him for his trainer. Truthfully, I left WITH his trainer. Chet was special and kind to me. He did what Jax couldn’t. He believed in me. He not only taught me lacrosse, but combat and self defense. He taught me to how to stand up to men like Jax and how to command presence. He really was a great friend. For ten solid years, we trained. He helped me perfect myself and understand that no matter what, I can beat the obstacles in my way and reach my goals.

Over the years, I played the small leagues and learned even more. When the Roughnex announced they were opening up training to women, I went for it. I made midfielder and became the first woman on a men’s team. I did great, but only played one season. I had other things to do. Lax was an accomplishment, but I couldn’t make it my life. I had other plans.

Now, I have an open contract with the Roughnex as a fill in. It also allows me to pop into the All Star Tournament when I want.

When I heard the tournament was being held in Oxford, I jumped at the chance. I didn’t expect Jax to want me on his team, but I figured it was worth a shot. As expected, he shut me down. That’s fine, my team still has my back.

“Good luck, Miss.” The man behind the counter finished entering my name into the players database at the Lumber Jax Stadium in Oxford. I smile as I receive my credentials and my name appears on the monitor above his head under The Roughnex.

“Thank you.” Just as I finish, I caught a cinnamon musk scent. It tickled my nostrils. Spinning around, my eyes search where it’s coming from. I know that smell. A small smile grows on my lips. I feel a bit naughty invading his territory like this knowing how he feels about me. He thinks he got rid of me. I can see in his face, he’s disappointed.

“What the hell are you doing here, Audrey?” He barks as he approaches through the crowd of players.

“I’m here to register. Same as you.” I dust off my grey pant suit and black blouse. I spy a few of my teammates and wave. They wave back and I note the eyes Jaxton is giving them.

In the sun of the skylights, Jaxton’s muscles almost shine in his cut off tank shirt. His brown eyes catch mine as I finish checking out the chiselled features. He’s certainly grown over the years. The man before me is large in stature and frame, but I can tell the boy I left 20 years ago, still resides deep inside.

He looks up as the Tournament team lists refresh on the monitors above the check in desks. People walk around us reading them and looking up, pointing to the teams.

His brows lift as he reads my name under the Roughnex. “No.” He says with a bit of shock.

“Oh yes, Alpha Dupree.” I saunter up to him and smirk. “You can’t shut me out of this tournament. There’s nothing in the rules that state I can’t play. As long as I’m signed to a team. Which, had you been paying attention, I am.” I softly bite my lower lip as I eye him. His hard chest protrudes in his shirt and I remember how his skin felt on mine.

I’m joined by some of my Roughnex teammates. “Is there a problem, Audrey?” Devan, our goalie, eyes Jax.

I glance to my left and right as the boys move in. I turn back to Jax. “No. Alpha Dupree was just wishing me luck. Weren’t you, Jaxton?” I smirk.

He flips his gaze between the men. “Good luck.” He clenches.

He pushes past me, but stops. “Stay away from me.” He quietly growls. His scent surrounds me.

“I can. The question is…can you?” I stare into his eyes.

“I won't have any problems doing that.” His eyes float down my front and back up.

“I can tell that’s a complete…lie.” I lean to him.

“That’s a fucking promise.” He grinds.

“We'll certainly see, won’t we? This game’s about to get interesting…Do you think?” I bounce my brows at him with a smile.

“Really…interesting.” He snarls. He pushes past two of my teammates and walks down the hall.

“Oh, Jaxton…” I sing.

He stops and turns around.

I fold my arms and smirk. “If you want to win this thing, better learn how to kneel."

His face falls and his mouth goes small as I tick my head. He knows what I’m talking about. I know what he’s really fighting.

He quickly scowls and turns away, stomping down the hall.

“What was that all about?” Red, one of our midfielders asks.

“Oh, just a little inside joke.” I chew my lip as I smile coyly.

Jaxton thinks he’s a hard nut, but I know better. If we are going to win this tournament, getting into the head of the Captain of the top team is the best way to do it.

I turn to Red after Jax disappears into the crowd.

“I don’t want problems here. If there’s going to be problems, I need to know.” He runs his fingers through his fire red hair.

I shake my head. “No problems. Just a couple of friends reuniting.”

“Keep it that way, Oakland. The last thing we need is to lose a player.” He crosses his muscular arms and eyes me.

“Don’t worry, Red. I can be just as professional as Alpha Dupree.” I smirk.

“Ok. The tournament starts in two days. Get settled and then meet tomorrow morning for practice time.” He instructs.

“Yes, sir.” I smile.

He leans in. “I’ll be over around 10.” He whispers with a sly smile.

“I’ll be waiting.” I smile back.

I’m not with Red and I probably shouldn’t be having fun with a team member, but when a girl has needs and a man is around to satisfy them, I don’t see anything wrong with something casual.

Could I have that with Jax? Maybe. Would he allow it? I can safely bet…not right now.

I think a few actions and words in the right places and I’ll have him eating out of my hand.


Practice went as expected.

We ran the gauntlet of drills, shots on the net and refreshed our passing skills on the field.

The sun beamed through the clear glass sun dome over the grassy lacrosse pitch. It made it a tad warmer, but I think Jax did a wonderful job at keeping the climate indoors livable.

Each team received two hours to work out plays and perfect positions. I guess we overstayed our time because as soon as I went to shoot, a ruckus rose from the sidelines.

I stop and turn.

Jax is “asserting his authority" to Red.

“You’re over your time. Get off.” Jax demands.

“We will. We just have one more play to work out…” Red protests.

“No. This is our field and you need to leave.” He sticks his chest out just as I join the two men.

“Gentlemen. I’m sure there’s a compromise…” I start.

He side eyes me. “I don’t compromise.”

“Finally.” I roll my eyes.

He turns to me. “You have something to say?” He growls.

“No.” I say smugly. “You go on with your tantrum. We'll wait.” I wave him off.

“I’m not throwing a tantrum.” He leans to me and grits.

I huff a chuckle. “Is that a diaper I see sticking out your trousers.” I point to his shorts.

He looks and pads his shorts then shoots me a look of annoyance as my team chuckles.

Jax juts his chin out. “You think you’re being cute, don’t you?”

I fix my hair. “Calling a spade a spade is not being cute, Alpha. It’s honesty. You should try it.” I narrow my eyes at him.

He points a finger in my face. “I told you stay away from me. Now get off my field.”

I grab his hand and shove it away. I wince when I feel a quick, sharp tiny shock off his skin. I think he felt it to as I see his hand flinch.

“I am staying away, Jaxton. Maybe you should pay attention when booking practice time.” I advise.

“Let’s go guys. We can practice later.” Red clenches as he looks Jax over. “The Alpha has spoken.”

Jax glares at me. “Yes, I have.”

My team walks past him and I give him one last look. “I know you’re all bark, Jaxton. I will warn you, I’m not. I’m all bite.” I tick my brow and leave him to his practice.

I may not want to be a bitch to him, but seeing him squirm is really starting to entertain. I wonder how long I should let him stew before I make my move.

You know what, I’ll leave that ball in his court.

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