Jax's X Game The Axelridge Series Book 2

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

(Chapter song ‘Born Slippy' by Underworld)


I spin my 6 foot lacrosse stick in my hand as I watch Matt, our face off guy, take the center X on the field.

To my left, the Top Dogs Long Stick Midfielder. He’s eyeing me and readying himself.

I check the netting of the pocket at the head of my stick one last time before I look over and smirk. “Don’t hurt yourself, Yager.”

“You ain’t shit, Dupree. Simmer down.” He shakes his head as the two Faceoff/Get off guys lay their lacrosse sticks parallel to each on the ground.

The ref places the ball between the two players pocket netting and backs off.

I bend over slightly and plant a foot.

The ref blows the whistle and the two clamp their pockets on the ball. They grunt and growl while they’re hunched over and fighting hard to rake or pop it out.

I break from the side box and get into position as the midfielder on the other side of the field, snaps out of his side box and follows our FO/GO guy.

The ball pops out and heads my way.

I lower my stick to the grass and scoop up the ball in my pocket just as Yager tries to bring his stick down on mine. I drop my shoulder and shove, hitting him in the chest.

I underhand a pass to Gerard and run to the substitution box.

“Stick!” I yell as I throw my long stick to our equipment manager. He tosses my short stick to me and I spin around, running up the field. Matt runs off and is replaced with Tyler. We both run to the attack zone at the other end of the field.

Their defenders move in and we clash with them over the attack line.

Tyler grabs a pass as a Top Dog throws his stick out and tries to intercept. Tyler spins around, placing his body between him and the ball.

He steps left then right and throws an over the shoulder pass to me and I hook it.

“HERE!” Gerard runs towards the X box between the goal cage and out of bounds. I pass the ball to him and he catches. He dodges a Top Dog defender trying to trip him up while he cradles the ball as he runs so he doesn’t drop it.

“5x5!” I yell telling the guys to attack from the side.

We move to the side around the goal circle. Defenders shove and push as Gerard comes around to the spot on the side of the net.

I run backwards. “CHOP IT!”

He throws an over hand to me and I’m nailed by a defender just as I get the ball. I jump and shoot. The ball hits the net on the bottom right.

The crowd roars and I land on my back. My team crowds me, smacks my helmet and helps me up.

The ref calls the score “11 to 10.”

Now we just need to run out the clock.

I blow out a breath and look over the field. My midfielders nod and I nod back. I glance at my defenders and they nod too. My attackers also indicate they’re ready.

The Top Dog FO/GO bends over and lays his stick on the grass. I can tell he’s saying a little prayer. Truthfully, I am too. If it wasn’t for wolf healing, I’d be busted and bruised. This game is that much of a fight.

Matt drops and I'm ready in the side box.

The whistle blows and the fight starts. Matt gets the ball, passes to Gerard and runs off the field.

Gerard books it up the center and is met with a wall of Dog midfielders.

A middie slashes his legs and he goes down. Top Dog is on ball, but he’s not getting away with that. The ref missed the call. I run at him like a freight train and knock him up into the air and onto his ass.

The crowd cheers.

He groans as I take the ball. “KEEP YOUR FUCKING STICK LEGAL!” I yell at him and run the ball up field to the attack box.

The ref assesses him and he waves him off. He doesn’t want the minute penalty. I'm ok with that. He wont try that dick move again.

I’m met with a defender and pass. Another defender intercepts and throws it to his middie.

The guys runs up the sidelines toward our defense box as we try to hit his stick and pop the ball out.

Our defenders ready themselves as we come in.

We take our positions to cover. The ball is passed and they run through the X behind our net.

“GET TO THE CIRCLE!” Our coach yells.

I’m shoving the middie in front of me back as we cover the open grass in front of the white painted circle around the net.

They pass and the guy in front of me gets it. I cover his ass and don’t give him an ounce of room. I shove my stick under his and pop it up. The ball gives and Tyler grabs it.

I dodge around the guy and open myself up. He throws and I’m surrounded by defenders and middles. With a hop, I manage to catch it and spin around.

I deke left and right until I’m over the defense line and run up center field.

They catch up and I have to run left. Balancing the ball in my pocket, I look for my pass.

I side step around a guy and another comes in with a shoulder. I throw the ball as I jump to the side and land on the grass.

They chase after it and I look in my netting. I smirk when I see the ball and scramble to my feet.

It took them a minute to realize that I still had it. “STUPID DOGS!” I cackle as I enter their zone and pass.

The defenders try to block as we play a triangle. I run through them and around the back. I lob it over the net to Tyler who grabs it and spins his stick in a circle for an underhand shot on the net. It hits the post and bounces free.

There’s a mad scramble for the loose ball and I check a guy as I scoop it. He tries cross check, but I duck out of the way. I throw a side shot and it hits the keepers stick. The defenders grab it and toss it away.

We chase it down field and I dive for it. Once I have it, I throw it to Tyler just as I’m pummeled.

He’s checked and lands on his ass. The ball is passed to the Dogs.

I groan and chase the fucker up the field.

“Damn it!” I growl as I run by Tyler getting to his feet.

We cross center line and try to fight for the ball. They pass it up field and we cross over our defense line. Our defenders come out in full force.

After three failed attempts on goal, the ball is fired up over the net and out of bounds.

Our goalie followed it around the net so it possession is ours now.

You can see them kicking themselves for that one.

The refs whistle blows and we all break into a round of chirps that have the Dogs fuming.


“6 FEET X 6 FEET!” Our goalie outlines the net.


The Dogs shake their heads as the ball is given to Tyler.

He passes it to me and I dodge around the Dogs. Once in the attack zone, I hit the 2 point arc 15 yards from the goal and fucking pray. I throw the ball with a side shot and someone up there was listening because that ball went through everyone and into the cage. The goalie never saw it coming.

The stadium went insane. My team runs at me, bouncing and throwing up their helmets.

I’m attacked and thrown to the ground.


The noise was so loud, I could barely hear myself.




I return the chest and back slaps as we clear the field and get ready to end the game.

This is why I love the game because even though there a sizable contract, none of it feels like that. Lacrosse is war, but really we’re all on the same page and just here to play.

We line up for good game and everyone is respectful. There’s hardly ever hurt feelings or personal battles. Just a bunch of guys getting together for some much needed release. At least for me it is.

This win is a great ending to the regular season. Now it’s time for some real fun. The All Star Lacrosse Tournament. Every year for 35 years, professional lacrosse players from all over the country converge on one city to play an all star playoff match. The All Star trophy is just as big as the Playoff trophy and teams go all out to get it.

It's also the time where teams can test new players they’ve been working with. These are former retirees or skilled players that never made the cut. It’s their second chance to get in. They may not play in the playoffs, but they made the team if they play well in the All star game.

We’ve been trying goalies and midfielders which is why Audrey was sniffing around. She thinks she can just be sweet and I’ll let her play. I doubt she has the skill needed. It would be a waste of time.

After a short celebration, I needed to get back to my office to complete the reports for Finn. I’m still thinking about Audrey and the last thing I need is Cy pitching a promo for women to play. Nope. I’m just going to bury myself in my work.

My pack is 15000 wolves strong in a town called Oxford outside the south west bridge. My father was one of the last Alphas to join the Axelridge Alliance. It’s great having a tech city so large and close by. We need it. There’s not a lot around us. We’ve been working on shoring up our borders, but these new rogues are something else. They don’t even look like rogue wolves anymore. They’re smarter, faster and they can fucking disappear. It’s terrifying. Whatever is in the Croak, it’s doing something to them. Even the ones in lock up have been doing weird shit. Besides, linking each other, it’s like they have their own language of yips, growls and barks. None of which make any sense in shifter languages.

Anyway, I’m hoping these dead ones will be able to tell me something about what’s going on.

Forty minutes and three traffic jams later I’m heading up to my office. I clench my jaw as I ride the elevator up to my office.

Now that the game is done, I’m back in my head and my irritation. The cleanse of the game never lasts long these days.

The elevator dings and I leave the car. I walk down the hall and head into my office. The offices are really like small apartments with a sitting area in one room and the office door on the other side. Which I lock. What?

I stand in between my black couches and bean bag chairs with my head tilted as I stare as I try to figure out why the door to my office is open a crack. I know Marcus is playing right now so it’s not him. I see a shadow move across the crack and my face twists into rage.

I go to a panel in the wall and put my hand on it. A red light scans my palm, it slides open and I pull out my mace.

I stride to the door, wringing the handle in pure anger and kick the door open.

“YOU BROKE INTO THE WRONG FUCKING…” I yell. I swing my mace up over my head as I rush in.

I stop when a leggy blonde turns around. She lifts her chin and arches a brow.

She crosses her arms and kicks out a leg. “Really, Jaxton. Is that anyway to say hello?”

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