Jax's X Game The Axelridge Series Book 2

Chapter 35 The End

(Chapter song ‘Bad Habits' by Ed Sheeran)


I sit on the hood of my white Audi by the South Bridge entrance. The water of Lake Ontario laps against the rocky shore and the breeze blows through the trees. The moon hangs over the lake with Axelridge glittering off in the distance.

I wanted to tell Jax, I just didn’t know how. All I know is I’m doing this because Sophie and Jax, plus all my friends deserve to be safe from my family and the Lycans.

The Lycans already do enough damage. I don’t need to add to the mix.

As much as I don’t want to get mixed up in all this, I feel it’s my duty as a son and friend.

Besides, it’s not like it means anything. Nothings gonna happen and once this year is over, I can split and the truce will stand.

All I have to do is keep up appearances. Easy. My focus is on Sophie. I made sure that was clear right from minute one.

I turn my head to the highway road leading to the bridge and see a pair of headlights.

I jump off my hood and stuff my hands in my pockets. As the car leaves the black top, I take a couple of steps. Guilt fills me and my stomach feels sick.

The car stops and the lights shut off. I scan the windshield and watch the movement inside.

The door opens and a high heel steps out.

A tight ass in tight jeans follow and my eyes raise to a small tight black shirt. My eyes flick pair of very large breasts. I stare at a pair of full ruby red lips. Big brown eyes and a soft cheek with a freckle on it. Her chocolate brown hair blows in the wind as she walks to me. Her hips sway and her bracelets jingle.

She stops in front of me, kicks out a heel and folds her arms. She’s chewing gum loudly and sporting an attitude I don’t like, but it’s not my place to like it.

I step closer and give a little wave. “Hey, Dia.”

“So…Did ya tell her?” She says in her thick New York accent.

I rub my nape and glance to Axelridge. “Naw. I hadn’t had the chance, ya know? I…I need the right moment.”

She throws her arms out and shakes her head. “Marcus! This won’t work if ya don’t tell her! She finds out, she’ll wreck everything. Is that what you want?”

“No, Claudia. No. I just…I can’t just spring something like this on Sophie. She’s innocent. She’s not from the world I am. I also can’t do it if her brothers hanging around. If he knew I was back in the life, he’d murder me.” I whine.

She closes the gap and smiles as she snaps her gum. “Marcus. You ain’t part of the life, you’re doing me a favor, ok. I can see ya having a hard time with this and I get it. You got some sweet perfect girl over there and you’re stuck with me. I understand. But, you ruin this for me and I will not hesitate to put two in ya chest. Get it?” She straightens my shirt and dusts my shoulders. “Listen. I get this feels like cheatin’, but it’s not. I hate your adorable guts. I got a man. I don’t need a shifter.”

My brows stitch up and look down at the pebbled grass. “Yeah. I get that.”

“Good.” She taps my chest. “As long as we’re kosher and don’t touch, we're good and you can tell Miss, wife material to relax and enjoy the benefits.” She raises her phone and straightens her hair. She fixes her makeup.

“I guess your right. I’m not doing anything to Sophie. As long as we don’t touch each other.” I say.

She drops her phone. “Right. It’s just business, Marcus. In the end, we both get what we want. You go back to the cushy life, away from the family and I get my man. Now, I told my Aunt I was going for a late night walk with you, so I need evidence.”

“What kind of evidence?”

She stands beside me and grabs my chin. I furrow my brow when I feel a tingle from her and it seems to go down my neck to my chest. I get almost the same feeling from Sophie when she touches me, but this feels different.

“Ok. Kisses!!” She puts our heads together, we both make kiss faces and she takes a picture. “Huh. Not bad.” She mutters as looks it over. She types on her phone. “#latenightlake #competelyinlove.” She stuffs her it in her pocket. “Thanks. Auntie will love it.”

“Good.” I grumble.

“Come on, Marcus. It ain’t that bad of a trade off. You fake hook up with me for a year and the Luccos get to live. You should be proud to serve your family.” She spins on her heels. “Ok. I have to go. I’m meeting up with Skyler. It’s our six month anniversary.”

“Congratulations.” I grumble. Skylar. The guy’s a disaster. He doesn’t deserve a woman like Claudia Vinelli.

I’m not sure I do either.


Thank you for reading The Axelridge Series Book 2 Jax's X Game. I appreciate all the support that my readers give me and my world. Thank you.

The Axelridge Series continues with Book 3 Marc's Stolen Heart.

The Axelridge Series in order.

Finn’s Slapshot

Jax's X Game

Marc’s Stolen Heart: Alpha Marcus Cooper, Captain of the Axelridge Silver Bullets baseball team, came from a life of extortion, bribery and murder. His family, The Luccos, are one of the most powerful families in New York. They almost sucked Marcus in until he was saved by Jax. Now, he’s being sucked back in. With the Vinelli family in instability, they broke a truce with the Luccos. To re-establish the truce, Marcus must put on the appearances of being in a relationship with Claudia Vinelli, a princess of the Vinelli family. With the truce only confirmed on the Blue Moon, Marcus must survive the year being faithful to Sophie while trying to ignore Claudia and her self destructive ways.




Each book can be read alone, but for full context, please read in order

1. The Falcon Ridge Series

2. The Phoenix Mountain Series

3. Behind The Alpha

4. The Axelridge Series

From the authors desk:

Coming Soon

The Wolves of London

Oceans Of Atlas

The Snow Queens Hunter

Draco: A Dragon Reborn

The Rise Of The Falcon

A Falcons Reflection

Howls In The Trees

Tale Of The Firsts

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Until the next book, my beautiful readers… Miranda McTier

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