Jax's X Game The Axelridge Series Book 2

Chapter 32

(Chapter song ‘Youngblood’ by 5 Seconds Of Summer)


“So, you've been beaten…stabbed…impaled…trampled…and shot twice.” I chew my lip as Jax waltzes into my room counting on his fingers. “By my count you have…3 lives left.” He sits on the bed beside me and kicks up a knee.

I chuckle as I adjust the blankets around my legs. “You’re keeping score.”

“Not with me. I’m on borrowed time at this point, but you…” He scoots closer and leans to my lips. “My sensual Luna…I’m going to have to protect those lives at all cost.”

“You are?” I lean closer to him with dreamy eyes and I brush my lips on his.

He moans a tiny bit and smirks. “Oh, hell ya. I still have to mark this absolutely fine, tasty shoulder. He leans down, moves my shirt and kisses my marking spot. He nips my neck and I take in a shaky breath. My skin breaks in goosebumps and my arousal starts to rise. The bond intensifies and the fire in my middle has me wanting way more than what he’s giving me.

He kisses my lips, then his fingers softly come between us. “Later. I have a meeting, but you better have that fantastic ass ready for me when I get home, got it?” He mumbles as his thumb rubs my lip.

“Got it.” I smile with last filled eyes.

“Get dressed, sexy. We're going home.” He pulls me in for another kiss and I am so filled with the love of my mate. I never thought I’d want someone like Jaxton ever again, but through all these years, he’s all I craved.

Independence is good. It can teach many things. But you can't strive for that at the expense of those that love you. There comes a time in everyone’s life that they will have to rely on others. They will need the love of a caring heart. There is no shame in seeking help. On the flip side, one shouldn’t depend solely on one person. You still have a duty to yourself and the person you spend your life with should be supportive of that. I think that’s what Jaxton was missing. I was missing it, too. I punished Jax for trying to help and in turn he tried to force too much of his ideals on me under the guise of improving me. We were young and inexperienced. We had very little guidance then no guidance at all.

I see the error of my ways to an extent. Jax and I are a team. We will always be that team. It makes no sense to hurt the other players on the team when the enemy is charging. You'll only shoot yourself in the foot. Through this, I learned, yes, I can do a lot for myself. I can play at Jaxton’s level, but I can always count on him to support me or pick me up when I’ve fallen. In the past, he would stop me from trying. I think now, he’ll just show me a better way and I will cherish him for it. Always.

The monsters are still out there, but the clarity I have now will make the attacks we deal, much better.

Having Jax by my side after all these years is a miracle. Fate certainly didn’t have to give him to me. I think she tested me with Vincent Vinelli. I believe she wanted to show me that even though I could have accepted my fate and become as evil as him, my heart wanted better. My heart wanted better for my daughter. If I ever see her again, I hope I can express how sorry I am and prove to her I don’t fault her for her father. I truly wish she’s afforded the same love I am. I hope I really did give her, her best chance.

Now, I look forward to my best chance with Jaxton. We both will keep getting beat down, but we get back up.

The Vinellis think they did something when they opened fire on the ball. No. Far from it. The mark I’ll bear on my shoulder will prove that forever and always.



“WE NEED TO SHRED THEM NOW!” Eddie hits the table and it stops me in my tracks. He’s raging hot and I have to think of he’s been switched.

“Ed? You…You OK?” I side eye him as I walk to my chair.

“No! My friends messed up because of those lycan bitches! I’m fucking pissed!” He slams himself down in his chair. “Plus, I haven’t eaten anything since yesterday.” He growls.

I nod. “Ok. Well, before something explodes in your head, go eat something.” I advise.

“Fine, but when I get back, we’re talking invasion!” He snarls and storms out of the Hub.

“Wow. I think he needs to smoke one too. I’ve never actually seen him this angry since high school.” I look to Noah and Griffin.

“Aye. The lads been ragin since it happened. We all are. Lycans just be doing my head in.” He crosses his arms and leans back with a solemn face.

“We'll get them.” My eyes drift to the empty seat beside. I twist my lips like the way my gut twists when I think about it.

Marcus left almost a week ago and I haven’t heard a thing from him. If it wasn’t for Audrey recovering from silver poisoning, I probably would have lost my complete mind.

Marcus and I are pretty much adopted twins, if you couldn’t tell by now. We do so much together, that when ones hurting, we both suffer. That’s the way I feel. Maybe we're a little co-dependent, but we've helped each other through so much.

I pulled him from the mafia street scene and took him on as my own and now he has to deal with them on his own. It pisses me off, but I can’t just keep killing one. They just keep coming.

I just hope that Marcus is OK. I think I’ll give him another day or two before I go hunt him out. Not hearing from him is really starting to grate.


I whip my chair around to the council room door.

Like he heard me, Marcus struts into the Hub. “Hey, guys! Miss me?!” He grins.


We all get up and greet him like he’s been gone a year.

I give him a hug and a shoulder shake. “One more day, I was coming for your ass. You said you’d call." I point in his face as I eye him.

He scratches his brow. “Yeah…I’m sorry. My dad called and he held me up. The Lycans called a truce.”

“Really. That quick.” I turn my head slightly and scrunch my brow.

“Yep. Damnedist thing. They wanted my dad to stop the extermination and come to the table. I guess my dads still got it.” He shrugs and pushes past me.

“Hey, guys…Marcus!”

Finn walks in and Marcus side claps him.

“Glad to see you safe, bud." Finn smiles and hits his shoulder.

“I am, too. It was iffy for a while, but I don’t think they’ll come after me again.” Marcus informs.

“Good. Let’s get this thing started.” Finn says as he walks to his seat.

Marcus and I walk to our seats and sit down at the same time. It felt so good. We exchange smiles and kick back.

“Ok. So the surveillance teams have found a hacker.” Finn announces.

“What? No way!” Marcus growls as he sits up.

Finn puts his hand up. “We don’t know who it is, but his signature looks familiar. I’m running it by Phoenix and hopefully Hunter will be able to find something.”

“Who do you think it is?” I ask.

He eyes me. “Alistair.”

“Fuck.” Griffin hits the table and slams back.

“It better not be, Finn.” I growl.

“I still need a chunk of his ass, so I hope so.” Marcus grits.

Finn nods. “It’s not conclusive, but given the signature, I’m putting it at a 90 percent chance.”

“You don’t think he’d have the balls after what he pulled.” I tick my jaw as I meet his eyes.

“I hope not. For Eddies sake. Don’t tell him until we can confirm it.” Finn says to us all.

“Finley. We can’t hide this from him. He has a right.” Griffin shakes his head at Finn.

“I don’t need him flying off the handle. Alistair is dangerous.” Finn leans to us. “If he’s upset, he leaves himself open for attack and we know how well that goes.”



“Yeah, ok. We won’t tell him.”

“Tell me what?”

We all turn to the door and Eddie walks in with three hotdogs. He shoves half a dog in his mouth. “Marcus!” He smiles with his mouthful as he takes his seat beside Griffin.

“Oh…uh…ya know. I forgot.” Finn shrugs.

“Oh.” He chews. “Must not have been important.” He sets his dogs down and licks his fingers.

“Nope. I don’t think so.” Finn shakes his head.

The meeting went on and my mind pushed possessive assholes aside. I thought of killer legs, black lace and a night of dirty passion. A few more hours and I’m marking my mate. It’s going to be amazing.

“Marcus. This truce. What’s the details on that?” Finn asks.

“Oh.” He clears his throat and sits up. “You know. The usual give and take. They both signed so as far as my pack goes…”

Finn nods.

“So it’s all good? The truce is active now?” I arch a brow.

“Uh…Yeah…Mostly.” He flicks his eyes to me.

“What did you have to give up?” I ask as I rest my hands on my chest.

“Well, weapons and junk. I-I dunno. I wasn’t really paying attention.” He glances at me.

I sit up. “You sat in a room with two of the most powerful families in New York for a week and didn’t pay attention?” I scowl.

He side eyes me. “Nah…Cus, ya know…there may have been other things to pay attention to.” He rests his elbows on the table, cups his hands together and rests his lips on them as he glances at me several times.

I study him and shake my head. I cross my arms. “Girls. You’re talking girls.” I state.

He looks around the table. “Maybe.” He barely made the word audible.

I lay my hands on the arm of my chair. I breathe deep as Sophie’s face pops in my mind and a vein pops in my neck. I push out my chin, tick my head and throw a nice, hard, solid left hook to his gut.

He doubles over and falls on the floor.


“WHAT THE HELL?!” Marcus holds his stomach as he scowls at me.


“What?! Stepping out? We’re not even hitting, man! There’s nothing to step out on!” Marcus growls as he stands.

My lips fall and I pull back. “You’re not?”

“No.” He straightens his shirt. “It’s not that I don’t want to, she doesn’t. She wants us to get to know each other first.”

“Oh.” I turn in confusion and sit. He pulls his chair in and sits too. “Um…sorry.” I grumble.

“Don’t worry about it.” He grumbles back.

I side eye him. “She’s my only sister. I…I just…”

“I get it. Don’t worry. I’d never do her like that. Marcus Cooper isn’t a cheat.” He nods at me.

I nod back and push my wolf down. I guess I should be relieved that Sophie isn’t mixing herself up with guys since she’s been hidden from society her whole life. Still, that doesn’t quell the bad vibe I’m getting from Marcus. He’s acting weird and I’m sensing I’m not getting the whole story here. I’ll have to have a private conversation with him tomorrow.

Right now…

“Meeting adjourned.” Finn announces and we all stand.

I turn to Marcus. “Don’t call. Don’t knock. Don’t come over.”

I spin and walk out.

“But I just got back.” Marcus complains.

“Yeah, well…I have a mate to mark. So, if you show up, I’m punching you again.” I warn.

He chuckles. “You have fun, buddy.” He claps my back as we walk out.

“Oh, I plan on having lots of fun.” I grin stupidly and bounce my brow as Marcus laughs.

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