Jason (Blue Halo Book 2)

Jason: Chapter 25

Courtney nervously paced her kitchen, trying not to dig her fingers into the flesh of her arms. Trying and failing. God, she was a nervous wreck.

When the milk on the stove began to bubble over, she cursed softly under her breath before turning the heat down.

Her gaze shot across to the living room. Blake sat on the couch watching a Louis Theroux documentary. She wasn’t paying attention. Heck, she couldn’t even tell someone what Louis was investigating. All she could think about was Jason. Was he okay? Was he coming home soon? Was he coming home unharmed?

Blake, on the other hand, didn’t look like he had a care in the world. She’d even caught the guy laughing a few times during the program. Whatever he was on, she needed some of that.

She opened the jar of cocoa, spooning out a few heaping tablespoons and stirring them into the milk. Next, she went to the fridge and grabbed the maple syrup, pouring in a mountain of the stuff.

Hope Blake likes his hot chocolate sweet…

“Maple syrup?”

Courtney yelped, spinning around and finding Blake right there. Like an inch away. “What the heck, Blake? Do you make a habit of sneaking up on unsuspecting women holding glass bottles?”

He lifted a brow, a smile just visible on his lips. “I think you were just distracted.”

Maybe… definitely. But still…

She poked his chest. “Make. Some. Noise. Sheesh, you’re lucky I have the grip of a ninja or you’d currently be wearing this syrup.”

He chuckled. “There are worse things I could be wearing.”

Shaking her head, she turned back to the stove. “And yes, I prefer adding maple syrup to cocoa over sugar because it gives me the illusion that I’m being healthier.”


“The stuff comes from a tree, so it’s basically a vegetable.” She dared the man to correct her.

Another chuckle. “I don’t know if that’s how it works, but if it’s any good, I might try it for Mila.” He sat on a stool at the island.

She grabbed some mugs, dividing the cocoa between the two. “Oh, she’ll love it. Maybe add some sprinkles too.”

Could a kid overload on sprinkles?

“I think she’s getting her daily dosage of those from you.” He took the mug from her fingers, trying a sip. Then he nodded. “Not bad.”

Pfft. “Not bad my ass. It’s awesome and you know it.”

One massive shoulder lifted. “It’s pretty good.”

The guy was clearly downplaying his enjoyment. The stuff was amazing.

She leaned against the island. “Is Mila with Willow tonight?”

“Yeah, she’s been staying at my place Saturday to Tuesday, then with Willow for the rest of the week. Both Willow and I are pretty flexible though if anything needs to change.”

Courtney nodded, both hands wrapped around the warm mug. “Must be a bit tough. Having her only half of the week.”

Less than half the week.

“It’s not ideal, but I grew up with divorced parents so it’s not a new concept to me.”

“Mila was two when you were… taken?” Was that the best way to word it?

Blake didn’t seem to care if it wasn’t. “Yeah, two. But I was away a lot before that. On missions.”

There was regret in his voice. The man had been a SEAL. She was sure a lot of his time hadn’t been his own. The sacrifices he made for his country—the sacrifices many made for their country—should never be taken lightly.

Reaching across the island, she squeezed his hand. “Thank you for your service, Blake.” He gave a short nod. “I’m sure Willow understood.”

When she pulled her hand back, he scrubbed his face. “I should have taken more time off once Mila was born. Made myself more available for her. I didn’t realize she had…” He shook his head. “I should have taken more time off,” he repeated.

There it was again. A hint that there was so much more to their story. “Was Mila planned?”

“No. She’s what we call a happy accident.”

Courtney threw her head back and laughed. “I was the same, but in my house, I was referred to as ‘the whoopsie child’.”

She didn’t mind. She liked to think of herself as the gift her parents never knew they needed.

“Oh, yeah. That’s Mila too. It’s crazy. That someone you never planned for can take up such a huge part of your heart.”

Courtney’s own heart softened at those words. “Crazy, but not surprising. That kid is gorgeous.” She took a sip of her cocoa, the sweetness filtering through her blood and dimming some of the worry. “I’m sorry you lost those years with her when you were with Project Arma.”

A steely intensity filled his gray eyes. “Me too. I missed a lot. Willow gave Mila everything she needed though.”

Yeah, but he’d been robbed of precious years he’d never get back. Mila had been robbed of a father and Willow a co-parent. Not to mention what he’d lost with Willow, as well. A relationship he may never get back.

“You love her,” Courtney said softly, almost to herself. She wasn’t talking about Mila, and Blake knew it.

“I’ve loved her for most of my life.”

Willow’s words from earlier that night played back to her: It was also hard. We both found it challenging.

It sounded… complicated. But sometimes, it was the most complicated relationships that were worth fighting for the hardest. “I think you’ll find your way back to each other.”

“Maybe.” She heard what he didn’t say—hopefully. Then he gave a small shake of his head. “Look at you and Jason, though. From barely talking to living in each other’s pockets.”

They basically were, weren’t they? “Yeah, I’m pretty head-over-heels obsessed with the guy.” She leaned farther forward, whispering, “But don’t tell him.”

Blake laughed. Yeah, she didn’t need him to tell the guy, because Jason a hundred percent knew.

The smile slipped from Courtney’s mouth. “You’re really not worried about your team tonight?”

“Why would I waste my energy worrying? They’re the toughest sons of bitches I know.”

Yeah, but they’re not bulletproof. The words were right there on the tip of her tongue. But she didn’t dare say them out loud, because then the universe might hear and play right into her fears.

Blake frowned, no doubt seeing the anxiety on her face. It was probably hard to miss. His tone softened. “If something did happen, the rest of the team is a phone call away, and so is medical support. We heal fast, don’t forget.”

She nodded, gnawing at her bottom lip. That did give her some comfort.

He took another sip of his drink. “I changed my mind. This is really good.”

Courtney straightened. About dang time the man caught on. “I know. It’s the bee’s knees. But you know what we’re missing? Cookies to dunk.”

She went to the pantry, rummaging through the food. Where were they? Jason had to have at least one package. Everyone kept cookies in the pantry, didn’t they?

There were plenty of protein bars…

The ringing of Blake’s phone cut through the room. Courtney straightened, nonexistent cookies forgotten as she returned to the island. She grabbed the edge, fingers wrapping tightly around the granite.

“Aidan, what’s happening?”

Blake’s features darkened. The energy in the room shifted.

Dread swam in her chest, stealing her breath. Oh, God. Something was wrong.

“He’s okay?” More tense silence, then he nodded. “Got it.”

Blake had barely hung up when she was asking, “What happened?”

Strain lines creased the edges of his eyes. “There was an explosion.”

Her stomach dropped, nausea crawling up her throat. “An explosion?”

“Jason’s okay. But Tyler was in the thick of it when it went off. They’ve taken him to the hospital.”

Oh, Jesus. If something happened to him… She pushed off the island. “Let’s go.”

Blake shook his head. “We’re waiting here.”

“Are you serious? Blake, Tyler is lying in a hospital bed! I know you want to check on him yourself. Not to mention find out from your team exactly what happened. And I need to be with Jason.”

She said need because that was exactly what it was. A need to support the man she loved. Make sure he was okay.

When he didn’t budge, Courtney moved closer. “And if the other guys are with him, I’m more protected there than I am here.”

Heck, for all they knew, it could have been a distraction and the Mafia were on their way here right now.

Blake’s jaw tensed. He lifted his phone, sending a quick message, no doubt to Jason.

If the man said no…

A second later, Blake’s phone beeped with a response. He scanned the screen before pushing the phone into his back pocket. “Let’s go.”

Jason prowled the small hospital room, his mind a dark haze of anger. He needed to cool down before Courtney got here. He probably should have told Blake to keep her at home, but the truth was, he needed her. He needed her softness. Her goodness. Her everything.

Tyler lay in the bed while Callum and Aidan were in the hall dealing with the police, telling them this was an FBI matter.

He swung his gaze over to his friend. He’d woken up for a short period of time, but was unconscious again because of the drugs the doctors had given him to keep him under and help him heal faster.

The burns already seemed to be healing, which was a goddamn miracle, but the truth was, none of them had suffered from burn wounds before. They had no idea whether his body would fully heal. Whether he’d scar.

Jason’s phone buzzed, and he looked down to see a message from his sister. She and Mason were on their way to the airport. The doctors here were good, but they didn’t have the years of experience studying altered DNA that Sage did.

He was just putting it back in his pocket when it started to ring. “Wyatt,” he answered.

“Mason told me. How’s Tyler?”

“Stable. The doctors are amazed that he’s still here, given the intensity of the blast.” Any normal man would have died. It sent more shards of rage pummeling through Jason’s blood.

“I’m glad to hear that, my friend.”

“Did you run the prints?” Jason wasn’t sure he was in the right headspace to hear this, but he needed something to focus on. Take his mind off his friend.

“They don’t match any in the system. They don’t belong to Peters.”

Jason stilled. He hadn’t been expecting that. He’d been so sure Peters or one of his guys had been in her apartment.

There was always the possibility Peters had also been in there and had just worn gloves.

One thing he was sure of, Peters had to have known the Mafia’s location. And he hadn’t shared it.

“Okay. Thanks.” Jason breathed through his anger. Every part of him wanted to hit something. Lash out. He pushed it down. Buried it for the moment.

“You need anything else?”

“Not today. Thanks for all your help.” God knew, he was the only person outside the Blue Halo team giving it.

“You got it.”

Hanging up, Jason walked over to Tyler. He’d never seen his friend like this. Usually so large and commanding, now so still and pale. It tore at his damn chest.

“I’m gonna find out how this happened, brother.”

Not just the men who’d set the explosion, but also the person who’d tipped them off.

He was just turning when the door opened. Callum and Aidan stepped inside, followed by men in suits. Including Peters.

Jason was across the room in a second, grabbing the agent by the collar of his shirt and shoving him against the wall, lifting him off his feet. Guns were immediately drawn around him, pointed in his direction. He ignored them.

“How did they know we were coming?”


He ignored Aidan. He also ignored Peters’s men, demanding he release the guy.

When Peters didn’t respond, Jason’s voice rose. “Let me rephrase that for you. Did you, or one of your guys, warn them we were coming?”

Because what other explanation was there?

Peters held up a hand to his men. From his peripheral vision, Jason saw the weapons lower. “No.”

He spoke the truth.

Jason refused to believe it. The Mafia had been expecting them tonight. Someone was responsible for that. “Then how did they know?”

“I don’t know.”

The calmness in his tone combined with the complete lack of reaction had Jason’s temper rising. He lowered his voice, letting his words skitter through the silent air. “You knew their location. You had to have. Why didn’t you share it? And why have you been asking Courtney’s neighbor questions about her?”

A tense beat of silence ticked by. “I talked to her neighbor because it’s my job to cover all bases.”

“And the location?”

More silence. Then the words he’d known were coming.

“I did know where they were.”

His fist tightened on the guy’s shirt, blood rushing between his ears.

“I didn’t tell you because I knew you’d do something stupid—like raid their fucking rooms.” For the first time, a flicker of anger flashed over the agent’s face. “My job is to identify their boss and take the organization down through him. How do I do that without eyes on them?”

“It’s also your job to protect anyone the Mafia is threatening.”

Peters was silent for a beat, his gaze narrowing.

The door opened, and Courtney entered the room. Her feet came to an abrupt stop when she saw Jason.

He dropped Peters. Stepped back. Then her feet were moving again, her chest slamming into his, arms wrapping tightly around his waist.

Jason hugged her back, breathing her in. Instantly, some of the suffocating anger and frustration dulled.

This was why he wanted her here. Why he needed her. And this was why he wouldn’t stop. Not until he ensured she was safe.

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