Jason (Blue Halo Book 2)

Jason: Chapter 20

Little fingers touched Courtney’s leg from behind. She turned, two empty coffee mugs in hand, to see Mila standing behind her, other hand tucked behind her back.

“Excuse me, Courtney.”

Popping the cups on the empty table beside her, she crouched down, eyes level with the girl’s. “Yes, honey, what do you need?”

She shuffled from one foot to the other. Adorable. “I’ve got no more sprinkles left, but I still have half my chocolate milkshake.”

Courtney clenched her jaw to keep from smiling. “I see. That sounds like quite the problem.”

“It is! The sprinkles are my favorite part. I was wondering”—a small breath—“could I please have some more?”

“Hm, have you asked your dad?”

Courtney shot a quick look over her head to see Blake looking their way, a ghost of a smile on his lips as he gave a slight nod.

“I have. Daddy took some of my sprinkles, so he said it was okay for me to have some more. If it’s okay with you?”

Could this kid get any cuter? Courtney could just about feel her ovaries exploding. “Of course it’s okay, sweetheart.”

Mila’s grin was almost as wide as her face. “Thank you.” She skipped back to her table.

Courtney followed closely behind. “I can’t believe he stole your sprinkles.”

Blake leaned back in his seat with no remorse.

Mila sighed like she was four going on forty. “To be fair, I offered. But I was kind of hoping he’d say no.”

She climbed into the booth and reached for her drink, passing it to Courtney.

Courtney leaned down, pretending to whisper to the girl. “I do that too. Offer out of politeness but hope they say no.”

“Women,” Blake muttered under his breath, a smile on his face. Then he spoke louder. “I’ll know better next time.”

“Or you could ask Courtney for your own sprinkles,” Mila said, leaning against the table.

Courtney chuckled. “Good idea. I’ll be sure to bring you your own sprinkles next time, Blake.”

He gave a short nod. “Appreciate it. Could you put that in a to-go cup? Callum’s going to be here any minute.”


Courtney headed back to the front, stacking the two coffee cups she’d abandoned and taking them with her. Blake never stayed at the cafe for long when he was with Mila. Not with the trouble that lurked. In fact, she had a feeling he was only there now because Mila might have begged him.

Callum chose that moment to step inside the shop. He nodded her way before heading to Blake and Mila.

Courtney added the extra sprinkles, giving it to one of her servers to take to Mila. The place was packed today. And every time a new customer stepped inside, she was left hoping, wishing, to see one person.

It was crazy. She’d seen him a few hours ago, woken up right beside him. But she couldn’t help it.

Last night, kissing in the rain, telling him she loved him… yep. It was definitely the most romantic moment of her life, just like she and Jessica had predicted it would be. And the shower afterward hadn’t been too bad either.

Her body heated at the thought.

She sidled up beside Joey, nudging him in the shoulder as he plated cakes. “Busy again.”

“Yeah. That media coverage is still bringing customers to the shop in waves.” He gave a tight smile, not looking up.

She frowned, touching his shoulder. “Everything all right?”

“Of course.” His response came quickly. Too quickly?

Oh, no. It wasn’t more money issues, she hoped. Or was it his mother? Her health?

She lowered her voice so that her words only reached his ears. “Is your mom okay? Are you still affording her bills?”

There was a slight pause. Then he continued plating the desserts. “Everything’s fine, Courtney.”

She dipped her head, trying to study his face. The store was busy, this really wasn’t the time, but for him, she’d make time. “Remember, I’m here and happy to help if you need—”

“I know.” He straightened, lifting the plates and a glass of juice from the counter. “Thank you.”

Then he was gone, moving around the counter and out to the customers before she could get another word in.

Something wasn’t right. He’d always been pretty happy and laid-back. This wasn’t the Joey she was used to. But if he didn’t let her in, how was she supposed to help? She didn’t have a heap of money, not with how much she put back into the business, but what she did have she’d willingly offer.

Courtney looked up to see Blake and Mila leaving. As they did, someone else walked in.

She almost groaned out loud. Oh jeez. Amy.

She hadn’t been in since Courtney had caught the woman in Jason’s office. She’d assumed she wouldn’t be seeing her face again. Which would have been A-okay with Courtney. She’d said she didn’t mind Jason keeping her on at Blue Halo until she found another job, but that didn’t mean she wanted to see the woman here.

She looked around, noticing that everyone else was on the floor delivering food or tidying tables.

Dang it. That just left her.

Amy stopped at the counter right in front of her.

“Hello, Amy.”

“Hi.” Amy wet her lips, pausing before speaking again. It was the first time Courtney had seen her look anything other than self-assured or smug. “I was wondering if I could talk to you.”

Like in private? Yeah, that was a no. “We’re really busy. Maybe another time.” Or never. Whichever was further away. “Can I get you something?”

“I can be quick. I just need to apologize. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have tipped my coffee and…”

“Tried to create a situation where Jason kissed you?”

She grimaced. At least she had the gall to look uncomfortable. “Yes. I’m sorry.”

Courtney raised a brow. “Really? You’re sorry?”

“Yes,” she said firmly. Courtney was almost convinced she was being honest. “I acted on one-sided feelings and it wasn’t fair to you. He’s not interested in me. It won’t happen again.”

Her words seemed genuine, but they also sounded stilted. Almost rehearsed.

“I can tell you don’t believe me,” Amy continued. “And that’s okay. I probably wouldn’t believe me either, what with how I’ve been acting. I just needed you to hear me say it.”

She dipped her head. “I appreciate the apology.”

Did she forgive her? No. Would they ever be friends? Big capitalized No. But did she believe the woman was sorry? Possibly.

“Thank you.”

Courtney sighed. “Can I get you something?”

“Just a bottle of orange juice to go would be great.”

It was the first time the woman hadn’t ordered something for Jason and made a pointed comment about it. Courtney turned, grabbing the juice from the fridge before handing it over.

Amy passed over her card. “I’m happy for you and Jason.”

Courtney wasn’t sure she believed that, either. Still, she gave the card back, nodding to the woman before she walked away.

She was just turning away when a soft cry, followed by a loud clatter, sounded through the shop.

Spinning around, Courtney’s mouth dropped open at the sight of Amy and Joey on the floor, shattered glass and spilled liquid all around them. Running around the counter, she shuffled through customers. Callum was already there, on his haunches at Amy’s side.

Courtney lowered. “Are you both okay?”

Amy grabbed her ankle, pain etched across her face. “I think I twisted it.”

Callum gingerly took her calf in his hand. “I can already see swelling.”

Crap. “I’ll go grab an ice pack.”

Pushing to her feet, Courtney ran to the back room. Opening the freezer, she started to step inside—and stopped. A chill that had nothing to do with the temperature swept through her limbs. Joey had moved most things out of the walk-in freezer. Ice packs weren’t one of them.

Sucking in a deep breath, Courtney took a step. Then another. Quickly, she reached for an ice pack.

Before she could even turn, the room suddenly plunged into darkness and rough hands shoved her against the shelves. She opened her mouth to scream but it got stuck in her throat. Jagged breaths seesawed in and out of her chest, each shorter than the last.

She was locked in the freezer. Again. Only this time, instead of being shut in with a dead body, she was here with a man. A man who had the sharp edge of a knife pressed to her throat, hard, threatening to cut into her skin.

“Where is it?” The man’s voice was low and deep with a gravelly undertone. It was one she’d heard before.

The dark encompassed her as a lightheaded fog began to seep in, leaving her knees weak. Her hands were clammy and trembling where they clutched a frigid shelf.

The guy’s chest vibrated against her back. He was talking again. But the words weren’t making it to her, not with the blood rushing between her ears, so loud it was all she heard.

Pain stung her neck.

Good God, he was cutting her. And she was going to pass out. She’d be completely at this thug’s mercy.

She tried to make her voice work. Her hands. Her legs. Anything. But the chill skittering over her skin sank deep into her muscles, her bones, rendering her completely motionless.

The last thing she saw was light beginning to filter into the freezer. But as quickly as it had come, it was gone, her world turning black.

Jason burst through the doors of The Grind. The shop had been cleared of any customers. Two young girls sat at a booth near the window. Servers. He barely saw them. Courtney was all he saw, sitting on a barstool at the counter, eyes glazed, and bandages on her neck and forehead.

Callum was there, standing beside her.

Jason was there in seconds, tugging her close. Holding her. She remained seated, but her arms wrapped around his waist, head pressed to his chest.

“I’m so glad you’re here.” Her words were muffled against his shirt.

He pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “What happened?”

He’d gotten the CliffsNotes on the call from Callum, but he needed to hear the words from her. Then he needed to find that fucker Lima and murder him.

Jason was just pulling back when the door opened behind him. He turned his head to see Agent Peters walking in, trailed by his guys. The man was staying in town at a local motel, so it wasn’t a surprise he’d made it here quickly.

“Hello, everyone.” Peters made eye contact with each of them, before landing on Courtney. “Miss Davies, I’m sorry to hear you were attacked again.”

She gave a small nod. Jason kept one arm around her waist, watching the agent closely.

“Can you tell us what happened?” Peters asked.

Courtney swallowed. “There’s not really much to share. A customer ran into one of my employees, rolling her ankle. I ran to the back kitchen to get some ice from the walk-in freezer. The door closed, then he was behind me, pushing me against the shelving and pressing a knife to my neck. He asked me where it was.”

Jason took her hand and stroked the inside of her wrist, keeping the intensity of his rage caged within his chest.

“I started to panic from claustrophobia, so I didn’t hear anything else. I just remember the door opening before I passed out.”

“Is that how you got the cut on your forehead?” Peters asked.

Jason had been told that neither of her cuts were deep enough to warrant a hospital visit, but she shouldn’t have been hurt at all, damn it.

She touched the small bandage on her temple, just below her hairline. “I think I hit my head on a shelf when he ran out.”

Peters made notes on his pad. “And who opened the freezer door?”

“Annabel.” Courtney indicated to the booth by the window. “She’s the brunette. She came back to see if I needed help getting the ice. My employees all know about my claustrophobia. When she opened the freezer door, he released me and knocked her out of the way while he ran out the back door. She was stunned, so it took her a few seconds to call out for Callum.” Courtney paused. “She’s only eighteen, and a bit shaken, but I asked her to stick around to give you a description of the guy.”

Peters nodded. “I assume the guy came through a back door, as well?”

Courtney grimaced. “Yeah. It’s supposed to be locked.”

Peters nodded to some of his guys to head out back.

Jason frowned. It wasn’t just supposed to be locked, it was also supposed to be alarmed. He had arranged for the alarm to be installed after the initial freezer incident a few months ago. The one involving Grace’s attacker, Kieran.

Courtney rubbed a hand over her face. “One of my employees, Joey, opened it to take out the trash. He forgot to relock and arm it.”

Forgot? Courtney almost had her throat sliced open because someone forgot to lock and arm the door? No one should even be using that door. Trash was supposed to stay in the back until it could be taken out the front. That was what they’d all agreed to.

As if sensing his unease, Courtney touched his chest. “It’s not his fault. He’s had a lot on his mind.”

Yeah, well, that distraction almost got her killed. Not good enough.

When she leaned into him, he released her hand, curving an arm around her waist.

“And you said you couldn’t hear him? So you’re not sure what he wanted?”

Courtney shook her head. “I was seconds from passing out. I couldn’t make out anything he said.”

The lines beside Peters’s eyes deepened as he frowned. He didn’t even try to hide his frustration. The small pad in his hands flipped shut. “Well, Miss Davies, it sounds like you had a lucky escape.”

Fresh anger burst to life in Jason’s chest.

Again, it was like the woman sensed it, pressing a hand over his heart, her gaze on the agent. “Thank you for coming.”

The detective gave one short nod before moving across the room to the girls.


It was about time Jason did his own check on this guy. Find out why exactly he was so quick to believe Courtney wasn’t being honest.

He made a mental note to call Wyatt. The guy was a damn good hacker and a friend of their team. If there was any shady information on Peters, he’d find it.

Jason would also be looking into Joey. Maybe even have the guy followed. Today’s mistake should never have happened.

Turning to Courtney, he took her into his arms, not quite feeling like she was close enough. “I’m so damn glad you’re okay.”

“Me too.” She sighed. “I think it’s time I made an appointment with Grace to deal with this phobia.”

He pressed a kiss to her head.

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