Jason (Blue Halo Book 2)

Jason: Chapter 17

“It’s possible they didn’t find what they were looking for at Courtney’s apartment and have left Cradle Mountain.”

Even though Steve was on the phone and couldn’t see him, Jason shook his head. “I don’t think so. And I think it would be dangerous for us to entertain that thought.”

Another quiet week had gone by. That didn’t mean they weren’t still here or weren’t coming back. Courtney was going to remain protected by him and his team until the FBI did their goddamn job and brought this Mafia organization down.

Steve sighed. “I spoke to Agent Peters. His sources say Tommy Lima is well trusted within the family. He’s also the former boss’s only male relative. He’s looking like the best bet for the new Don.”

“And you said the Bonvicin’s have interests in the drug business?”

“Cocaine mostly, in both the transportation and distribution of the drug. There are whispers though that their business is growing, and it’s been getting harder for them to remain under the radar so may be looking for new income streams.”

Something equally illegal and harmful to the community, no doubt. “None of it makes sense. Courtney has nothing to offer them.”

“I know.” Steve sounded equally frustrated. Exactly why Jason had contacted him, and not Peters. He trusted Steve.

There was tapping over the line. Steve typing on a keyboard. “Something interesting to note is that since the old boss died, there’s been less of a blood trail in their wake.”

That was interesting. But there was always the chance that this new boss was just better at keeping his kills under wraps. “Thanks for the call, Steve. I appreciate you keeping me updated.”

Jason hung up, leaning back in his seat and pinching the bridge of his nose. He needed more. He needed locations. Motives. He needed these guys to get the hell out of Cradle Mountain.

Sighing, he pushed to his feet just as a light tap sounded on the door. Amy stepped inside, two cups from The Grind in hand.

She lifted the drinks. “Iced coffee?”

His brows rose. It was getting close to closing and he’d been counting down the minutes until he could see Courtney. He was just opening his mouth to decline when she spoke again.

“I thought we could use them to get through the performance review.”

Her performance review… shit. That was supposed to be today. Now. He’d written it in his calendar but had barely looked at the thing all day.

She frowned. “If it’s not a good time, we can reschedule…”

“No.” He wouldn’t do that to the woman. Not when he’d made a commitment. “Let’s do it. Have a seat.”

She placed one of the drinks in front of him, and the other on her side of the desk before sitting.

He clicked into the online document the team had used to share their feedback. “Why don’t you start by telling me how the last month here has been?”

Her lips stretched into a smile. As she crossed her legs, the tight skirt slid up, exposing a fair amount of skin. Jason kept his eyes trained on her face. “I love it here. You and your team have been so welcoming. The reception area is comfortable and the work has been stimulating. The only thing is…” She paused.

Jason cocked his head to the side. “What is it?”

“I guess it’s just hard when there are parts of the business that I don’t get let in on. It makes organizing appointments and schedules a bit difficult. For example, I scheduled some personal security work in Oregon for Flynn and Tyler next week, and finally getting confirmation about the job, but when I told the guys, they said they weren’t available. That no one was available.”

Ah, damn. Jason had asked that everyone remain in Idaho until the Mafia family was taken down, but he’d forgotten to tell Amy.

“Sorry. It should have been communicated to you that we’re not taking work outside of Cradle Mountain right now. My fault. We’ll let you know when we want to restart that.”

She nodded. “Thank you. I guess that’s it. More communication would be great.”

“We can do that.” He and his team were so used to only notifying each other of changes. They needed to change that. “Anything else you’d like to discuss?”

She shook her head. “Nope, everything else is going great.” Her hand went to her knee, traveling up the exposed skin on her leg before smoothing back down again.

He frowned. Was the woman doing that on purpose?

“So, what does everyone think of me?” she asked.

He scanned the feedback on his screen. “Rave reviews. Words like efficient and quick come up multiple times. Many comments on how you’re a pleasure to work with. Callum even said we need a second Amy around the office.”

She chuckled and lifted her drink, taking a sip. “That’s sweet.”

She reached forward to return the cup to the desk as his gaze turned back to the screen.

There was a light thud, then the sound of liquid spilling.

Amy jumped to her feet, hand over her mouth. “I am so sorry! I’ll grab a bucket of water and some towels.”

Jason stood as she rushed from the room. He walked around the desk to see the coffee already absorbing into the carpet. Damn. The smell would hang around for weeks.

When she returned, she dropped down to her hands and knees, pressing a damp cloth onto the coffee puddle. Jason lowered, grabbing the second cloth from the small bucket of soapy water.

“Man, talk about bad timing,” she said quietly. “Tipping a drink onto the floor during my performance review. And to think I thought I could hide my klutziness.”

Jason laughed. “Don’t worry, I won’t put a mark against your name. I’d rather someone that spills a drink once in a while but is good at her job than the other way around.”

“Goodness, you are such a lovely boss, Jason.” She dropped the cloth into the bucket, the smile slipping from her lips. “And I’m not just talking about now. From the moment I got here, you’ve been so great and made me feel so comfortable.”

“It’s nothing.” And to be honest, he felt a bit uncomfortable with the praise.

He started to rise but stopped at her hand on his shoulder.

“It’s not nothing. Thank you.”

He dipped his head and stood. When she went to do the same, her ankles wobbled in her high heels. Out of instinct, Jason wrapped an arm around her waist, steadying her.

Immediately her hands went to his chest, her eyes to his lips.

Courtney placed another chair on the table. Okay, it was probably more of a slam than a placement. The loud bang of wood hitting wood vibrated off the walls of the shop. At least it blocked out the quiet curse words escaping her in uneven intervals.

She shot a quick glance out the window, noticing the brow lift from Aidan as he watched her from his car. Yep. He heard it from all the way outside.

She was just lifting the next chair when hands yanked the thing from her fingers, none too gently.

“Okay, I know you’re the boss, but I’m calling it. You’re officially off chair duty.” Joey placed the chair on the table a lot more gently than she would have. “I’ve swept this half of the floor, you can sweep the other.” He indicated the other side with his head.

“Fine,” she huffed, moving across the room to the broom.

“You gonna tell me what has you in a rage?”

“I’m not in a rage.” But she was certainly working her way up to one.

He lifted a brow.

“Fine. Amy came in again.”

God, she couldn’t even say the woman’s name without sneering it.

“I saw.” Joey moved to the next table. “I also saw your eyes shooting death rays into her back as she left.”

Courtney swung around to him. “Do you know what she said to me?” Argh, even thinking about it had her fuming.

Joey stopped, a half-smile on his face. “Tell me. Let it all out.”

“She said to expect Jason home late tonight. That they had a meeting booked and she wasn’t sure how long it would go for.”

His brows rose for the second time. “And?”

He was right. That didn’t sound so terrible. “Okay, it wasn’t what she said.” Courtney’s tone lowered a fraction. “It was the way she said it. She was baiting me. Trying to put ideas into my head about what she might be doing with Jason. Trying to make me question his commitment to me.”

“You’re right. She probably was trying to achieve all that.”

Probably? There was no probably about it. The woman was a snake.

“And you fell right into her trap.”

She was worse than a snake. She was a—

Wait. What?

Joey folded his arms. “You let that pathetic woman walk in here, plant seeds of doubt in your mind, while she returned to your man.”


“Yeah. Let.”

Did she? Was he on to something here?

“Okay, maybe I did. But can you blame me? The woman’s gorgeous! Of course I don’t like her telling me about her time with Jason.”

Especially when she was subconsciously waiting for history to repeat itself. Waiting for Jason to do what the others had done to her.

He walked across the shop, stopping in front of her. “You’re gorgeous too, Court.” His hands went to her shoulders. “Now go get your man.”

She frowned. “He’s working.”

“If he really is in a meeting with her, knock on the door, and when he answers, plant a big old kiss on his lips. Remind Amy whose bed the man is sleeping in and who he belongs to.”

Courtney’s cheeks tingled at the bed comment. But it was true, dammit. The man was sleeping in her bed. He was hers.

Joey lowered his head. “The woman’s trying to step on your grass. Kick her off.”

“Step on my grass?”

“Go.” He stepped back, pointing to the door. “Claim him right in front of her.”

Something sparked inside of her. A little shot of fire. Determination. “You’re right. He’s mine. And she needs to see it.”

“Hell yes, she does.”

“Are you okay closing?”

“Get your ass out of here right now.”

She chuckled, grabbing her phone from behind the counter before heading out the door. The second she stepped outside, Aidan was beside her, his long legs only needing one stride for every two of hers.

“So, it’s time to kiss Jason?”

Of course the man heard with his super hearing. She didn’t even care.

“Yes.” A “big old kiss” right on the lips.

Aidan chuckled. “Okay. I might head off once you hit his office. I don’t need to see that.”

Courtney power-walked the whole way there, moving quickly up the stairs. When she opened the door, she saw Amy wasn’t at her desk. She must be in his office having the meeting right now.

Walking down the hall, she turned to step into his office—but suddenly stopped. Her heart skidded in her chest, her mouth dropping open.

One of Jason’s arms was wrapped around Amy’s waist, and they were gazing at each other like they were about to kiss. Like they were moments away from fusing their lips together.

Jason lifted his head, looking her way.

But she barely spared him a glance, already turning and fleeing from the building.

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