Ivan's Queen

Chapter 27 - Follow the Leader

Ivan Romanov’s P.O.V.

Early March.

Location: Eastern Region, West Area.

I put on my shorts before struggling to get the long, green tunic over my head. Growling in frustration I curse at being injured before sighing in relief when I finally get it on. Putting my arms through the holes slowly I smile triumphantly when I’m dressed. I slip on my shoes before looking through the knitted bag that Naomi had packed for me.

There’s food wrapped in leaves, a large flask of water, spare clothes and many things I’ll need when the time to change my bandages comes. My eyes narrow in disgust when I spot a second flask. Opening it, my suspicion is confirmed when it’s the terrible tasting medicine Naomi and Edgar have been forcing me to drink. I pick it up and contemplate on throwing it away but of course, the old man is always ten steps ahead of me.

“Are you ready to go, your highness?” He pops in and smirks devilishly when he catches me with the medicinal drink.

“Edgar.” I groan as I send him a knowing look.

He brushes me off like always before gesturing for me to follow. I look back at the hut I’ve occupied for so long and commit everything to memory before leaving it. Today, Edgar and I along with a few men are setting off for the central kingdom so that I can return home. Naomi waits for me outside and a crowd of villagers and children watch from their huts as I bid her goodbye. She smiles warmly and opens her arms which I walk into.

“I’m going to miss you. Thank you for taking care of me, I’ll never forget it.” I sigh as I embrace her.

“I’ll miss you too, Ivan. Don’t forget about us when you reach that grand castle of yours!” She jokes which makes me laugh as I pull away.

“Never.” I promise with a smile.

As much as I am sad to leave I’m more excited to go back home. My memories are starting to trickle in slowly and I’m relieved to have my childhood memories back. I remember my teen years too along with taking over the kingdom and when I was preparing for a war. But after that I draw a blank. Konstantin and Maksim have been helping me but I can tell that they are holding back certain things so that I’m not overwhelmed. I still can’t remember people in my life such as my family and when they tried to show me it only caused severe pain in my head which caused them to stop.

“Come along, Ivan.” Edgar calls after he’s hugged Naomi.

We get into a carriage and set off down the dirt path with the other men following behind in a second carriage. Waving goodbye to everyone one last time I turn back to Edgar. He pats my knee with a reassuring nod before telling the rider to make the horse go faster. I take in my surroundings as we travel through the land but eventually there’s nothing but barren land to look at.

“How long to the harbor?” I ask Edgar who frowns thoughtfully.

“A few days…three or four at least.” He lays his staff down on the ground. “Crossing the sea will take longer. The last time I traveled to central it took me two weeks on the bloody water!”

I grin as he begins to recall how many times he became seasick and trying to convince me of how he saw mermaids and pirate ships. The rest of our journey is spent with him telling us stories of when he was younger. Apparently, he served as a warrior when my dad ruled before he found Naomi and retired.

The two other men accompanying us in the carriage tease him about how long Naomi made him court her before agreeing to marriage. His warm laugh echoes in the quiet evening as he tells us of all the things he did to woo the love of his life. Seeing the genuine love in his eyes as he talks about his wife makes me smile.

Until my gaze lands on the clear blue waters of the lake we pass.

Instantly my mind flashes with a memory of a pair of icy blue eyes with a single fleck of brown in the left one. They are framed with long, black lashes as they blink innocently before crinkling at the corners. Happiness and love shine brightly in them and I find myself wishing I could see the full face of this person.

However, I’m brought out of that memory as Edgar pulls out a photo of himself in his armor standing beside Naomi with his arm wrapped around her shoulders. The photo brings forth another memory. I start to remember a war that I had participated in – no – that I had led. People of different species had wanted to take my throne from me. It was the Great War. I remember the destruction, the deaths, a woman who betrayed me and waking up trapped by my enemies.

I wince as I remember how they tortured me until…until someone saved me? After that Maksim and Konstantin went crazy and took over, leading my warriors to victory. I start remembering everything after that and my heartbeat increases in excitement. I remember that I have two sisters, Valentina and Misha. I begin to remember how they look like and my memories with them.

Until I hit another wall.

The last thing I remember is travelling back home to the USA, to The Renascence Pack which Valentina now leads alongside Misha. I remember stepping through a portal and ending up in my parent’s home. But what happened after that? I think to myself. Why can’t I remember what my parents look like? Did I only have two sisters?

I sigh heavily in frustration as I slump on the bench. I just want my memories back! What if I return home to people who I cannot remember? I think to myself in dread. I send a prayer up to the Moon Goddess and ask her to return my memories to me before I reach home.

Vulcan Romanov’s P.O.V.

Three days later.

Location: Eastern region, West Area.

We finally make it to the next town that was at quite a distance and more secluded than the others. It’s surrounded by tightly packed trees and large mountains towering high above. I remember this village. It’s the one where the people refused to let me build modern houses for them. My gaze roams over the numerous huts made from wattle and daub with roofs made of straw. I’m happy to see that the people look content with their lives under my son’s reign. It looks like he respected their wishes too.

I hold up a hand when an elderly woman approaches us. We stop before her and she stares at us with a confused frown. However, that changes when I step forward. Everyone’s eyes widen in recognition and they all bow before me. It’s been the same throughout our journey to search for Ivan.

“Rise.” I order and watch as they obey.

“I am Naomi, your highness.” The elderly woman steps forward with a smile. “You have come for Ivan?”

“Yes, is he here?” I ask with anticipation coursing through me only for it to turn into disappointment when she shakes her head.

“My husband, Edgar, found him and brought him here in December. They just left three days ago as he wants to return Ivan to his home.” She explains as she tells someone to bring food and water for us.

“Was he alright? Some men told us he had many wounds.” Kaden asks gruffly before taking a sip of water.

Naomi shakes her head sadly with a strained smile. “The king is suffering from memory loss. He was in a coma for almost three months because of how severe his head wound was. Edgar said that he hit it quite hard when he fell from the mountain’s ledge.”

Sadness and pain blossoms within my chest as I think about my pup. It seems like he can’t catch a break, first the war and now this. Ruxin and Vladimir whimper and whine in agony inside my mind as they grow increasingly worried for Ivan. I send a prayer up to the Moon Goddess that she guides him safely back home.

“If you don’t mind, can we rest here for a while before setting off please?” I ask, knowing that the men are tired and need to recharge.

“It would be an honor, your highness.” Naomi curtsies before guiding us all to a clearing where a fire is burning.

I sit down beside Kaden with anxiety wreaking havoc in my mind. We must catch up to Ivan. He’s a king without his memories which makes him highly vulnerable to people wanting to take advantage of him. I hope Edgar can keep my son safe until then.

I’m brought out of my thoughts when Kaden nudges my shoulder and passes me a bowl of broth and bread. Sighing heavily, I take it and start to eat like everyone else. After we’ve filled our stomachs I tell the men they have some time to rest before we leave again. We help to clear up before everyone lays down by the fire to sleep.

“I’m going to call Amelia. See how she’s doing.” Kaden mumbles as he gestures for me to follow.

After walking around for a few minutes, we finally find a signal and dial her number. She picks up after the first three rings and we manage to catch her snapping at someone. I chuckle quietly at her hormonal self when she immediately apologizes. Even Kaden can’t hold back an amused grin.

“Hey princess. How are you doing?” Kaden asks once Amelia greets him.

“I’m okay…just tired.” She yawns before asking the usual question. “What about you and uncle Vulcan? Are the men okay?”

“We’re all fine.” I answer this time as I take a seat beside Kaden. “But we have some news.”

“You didn’t find him?” Her voice softens in disappointment.

“No, we were too late. But there’s also some good news. The man who helped him recognized him as king and is now travelling to the castle to bring him home.” I explain and hear her sharp intake of breath. “We are going to be setting out in a while to try and catch up to them as we’re already three days behind.”

“That’s great news!” She replies excitedly which makes me smile.

“How is the baby doing?” I ask as I remember that she’s in her last month now. “Did you find out the gender?”

He is being very restless as I’m due any day now. I hope Ivan can make it.” She replies with a light laugh and her words make Kaden and I look at each other with happiness.

“A boy!” I grin as I give him a side hug. “Congratulations, Amelia.”

“There’s one more thing we have to tell you, sweetheart.” Kaden starts as I hand him the phone. “We were told that Ivan has lost his memories. Before he left he only remembered up until him preparing for the war. Vulcan still can’t dream walk as his mind is in the process of healing. It’s blocked right now but he’ll keep trying.”

“So…he may not remember me?” Her question comes out more as a statement as she wonders aloud.

“Yes. Apparently, he hit his head quite hard when he fell from the mountain’s ledge. The force of the impact has severely affected him.” Kaden explains what Naomi told us earlier.

“Oh…that’s okay.” She replies and I can tell the news pains her. “As long as he returns in one piece that’s all that matters.”

I’m taken back to my memory of when she ran after me the day both her and Ivan found out they were mates. She was willing to sacrifice her happiness as long as Ivan was happy. I’m thankful that the Moon Goddess chose someone as caring and selfless as Amelia to be Ivan’s mate. Even if it will hurt her to see Ivan not remember her she still cares for his well-being above all else.

I squeeze Kaden’s shoulder before bidding Amelia goodbye and letting the two talk some more. The sound of her talking excitedly about the baby shower everyone had surprised her with fades away the further I walk. I climb over a grassy hill and am greeted by the sight of barren land and the setting sun in the distance. Releasing a deep breath, I take a seat and think of where my pup must be now.

“I hope you make it back safely, son.” I whisper as I look up at the sky.

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