Ivan's Queen

Chapter 22 - Imminent Danger

Friday 20th December.

Ivan Romanov’s P.O.V.

It’s been two weeks since Amelia and I have returned from our tour and Ayla’s home. We’ve both been running the kingdom successfully and have found a balance between our work and personal lives. But the pressure to keep her safe is still on my shoulders. During the time we’ve been back I’ve increased security and the patrols around the castle. Wherever she goes there’s extra guards following her alongside Benno and Hendrix.

The threat letters are now all about Amelia and have become increasingly gruesome and sickening. At first I tried to hide them from her and not say a word but my efforts were all in vain. Because we share a bond and a mind link it’s hard to keep my emotions and thoughts from her. Eventually, something must have slipped and she stormed into my office one day demanding to know what I’ve been hiding from her. There hasn’t ever been a day where I truly felt relaxed.

Except today.

Since I’m leaving for the eastern region for a few days Amelia wanted us to spend as much time as possible before tonight. We decided to have a date night at home and Amelia set a little challenge. Both of us must cook or bake something from a cuisine of our choice. Other than that, we’re going to continue our Harry Potter movie marathon as per my request. Before I leave tonight we’re going to finish watching the final movie.

Mine and Amelia’s floor along with the kitchen are off limits for everybody in the castle. I wanted us to have as much privacy as possible as we spent our day together, knowing that it wouldn’t feel like date night to her with all the guards and other staff members walking around.

Making my way into the kitchen, my eyes instantly find her leaning against the island with a pensive look on her face. Her pearly white teeth worry her bottom lip and her brows are furrowed as she scans something on her laptop. I walk over to her and the sound of my footsteps capture her attention. Her eyes flicker up to meet mine and a sweet smile graces her lips. I can’t help but steal a kiss and my fingers tangle themselves into her silky soft hair. Pulling away before it gets too heated I stand behind her and wrap my arms around her waist.

“What’s on the menu today?” I smile against her shoulder when her body molds perfectly into mine.

“Chinese!” She whirls around with an excited grin and wraps her arms around my neck. “And what’s for dessert?”

“A little something from France.” I tease before smirking at the curiosity that enters her eyes.

We get to work with her music playlist on shuffle in the background. I pop open a bottle of red wine and hand her a glass before chuckling at her concentrated look as she makes what appears to be vegetable spring rolls. I plan on making eclairs but also bought churros as a back up plan in case everything goes to shit.

“So, I’m going to make spring rolls, chicken lo mein and beef dumplings.” She grins as I start to help her with the rolls as best as I can.

Amelia’s amazing at cooking and seeing her work her magic only adds to my nervousness. I really hope my dessert will bake right, I think to myself as I finish the last roll. Since we’re only making food for us two it doesn’t take long before she moves onto the lo mein. I help with cutting up ingredients as we talk along the way about random things, steering clear of any conversation that involves our duties.

“We can visit your family after I come back if you’d like?” I suggest because I know how much she’s been missing them.

“Really? I’d love that!” She smiles excitedly before leaning over to peck my cheek. “We could visit your family too if you want?”

“Deal.” I nod as I feel her happiness through our bond. I love when I’m the sole reason for her happiness.

We continue cooking and I help her as much as I can since there are three dishes to make. However as soon as she started on the dumplings, I moved to the kitchen island so that I could make the eclairs. Reading the recipe’s instructions, I take the transparent bag and start filling it with mixture.

“Ivan! You need to put the nozzle on first! It’s all going back into the bowl.” She laughs which makes me lift the bag to see that she’s right.

Growling in frustration, I look for this nozzle thing but can’t find it. “Where the hell did I –”

“Here you go.” She smiles cheekily while her eyes sparkle with amusement. “And don’t get angry. Bake with love, remember?”

“That’s bullshit.” I mutter under my breath before crying out dramatically when she swats my arm. “You’ve injured me! My own mate! I can’t bake like this, you’ll have to take over Amelia!”

I pretend to stumble back against the wall before sliding down to the floor and covering my eyes with my arm. I hear her huff and peek to see her shaking her head with a small smile. Smirking when she catches me looking I stand and make my way back to that damned piping bag again.

Thankfully, I manage to get through it and eventually slide the tray into the oven with a proud smile. Turning, I see Amelia checking on the dumplings but my eyes land on the pot with the lo mein. Opening it as quietly as I can I smirk when I grab a noodle and a piece of chicken. Popping it into my mouth I turn only to freeze when I bump into Amelia.

“So impatient.” She sighs and crosses her arms in an unimpressed fashion.

“I’m sorry.” I smile cheekily while pulling her closer by the waist. “Can I make it up to you?”

“Ivan, we have food cook –”

“I’ll take that as a yes.” I murmur before capturing her lips.

A soft moan escapes her as those familiar sparks and tingles erupt across our skin, elated over our contact. She smiles into the kiss and tugs on the ends of my hair which makes me groan lustfully. She tastes like the red wine we’ve both been drinking and I feel even more intoxicated by her touch. Her fingertips dance across my torso and provoke a growl from me as she slips her hands underneath my shirt. But all too soon she pulls away and I groan at the loss of contact. She giggles at my disappointed expression before reminding me that I should check on my eclairs.

“Behave.” She whispers teasingly and winks as she escapes my grip.

I bite my lip and feel my desire increase as I take her in. If only we hadn’t of planned this date night I could be in bed with her right now. I feel my beasts claw at the surface but push them down as I make my way over to the oven.

“Mate now!” Konstantin demands while at the same time Maksim suggests that we “eat quickly and forget about movie.”

“We promised her this. She won’t be happy.” I sigh and am pleasantly surprised when they back down without a fight. But then again, this is Amelia we’re talking about. Maksim and Kon would do anything to make her happy.

“Are you talking to them?” I hear her ask excitedly and look up to see her standing beside me. “Tell them I said hi.”

In an instant, Konstantin breaks free and manages to take some control over my body. I find myself pulling Amelia flush against my chest before kissing her hungrily. She squeaks in surprise at the unexpected action.

“Hello mate.” I see her eyes widen in realization when she hears how deep my voice has become before looking up to see what I assume are obsidian eyes.

“Hi, Konstantin!” She smiles widely and wraps her arms around my waist.

“Stop cooking. Let’s mate instead, yes?” His question comes out more like a statement and without waiting for a reply he picks Amelia up and starts walking out of the kitchen.

“Um…Konstantin –” She looks back at the cooker and oven with a worried expression.

Cursing mentally, I quickly regain control and put her back down. “Sorry, I lost control.”

“That’s okay.” She blushes, probably remembering Kon’s suggestion of how to spend our evening.

Mentally, Konstantin is snarling angrily while Maksim voices his displeasure over how he didn’t get to meet Amelia. I sigh heavily as they break out into a full-blown argument inside my head over who loves her more. Promising them that they can meet her in their full forms after I get back from my trip I tell them to be quiet as I take out the eclairs and start filling them with cream and dipping them in chocolate once they have cooled.

Amelia starts plating everything and bringing the food and cutlery to the sitting room where the last movie of the Harry Potter saga is waiting to play. I work quickly and stick them in the fridge so that the cream and chocolate don’t melt while we’re eating dinner. Joining Amelia in the sitting room, I settle down beside her on the couch and pull a blanket over us. I press play and thank her as she hands me a plate that has a bit of everything.

“This is so good!” My voice comes out muffled due to the food which makes her laugh.

“Thank you.” She grins before taking a bite out of a roll as her eyes focus on the screen.

“I’m so screwed.” I groan as I think about my eclairs. The finished product didn’t look that great so I’m not feeling confident at all.

“Stop worrying. I’m sure they’ll taste fine!” She winks before commenting something about the scene.

I literally inhale the rest of the food as we watch the movie while commenting here and there as we go. We’re halfway through when she pauses it, letting me bring the dishes and cutlery back to the kitchen. I grab the eclairs and churros with the chocolate dipping sauce, watching Amelia frown at the extra dessert before her eyes widen in realization.

“Backup plan?” She bursts into a fit of laughter when I smile sheepishly and nod.

“You’re so cute when you blush!” She squeals and tugs me closer by my shirt to pepper kisses to my heated cheeks.

“Shut up!” I mumble and gently shove her away but also secretly enjoy the affection. “I told you to never call me that!”

“My wittle cutie.” She coos mockingly before snickering when I glare at her fiercely. “Okay, I’ll stop.”

“Thank you.” I sigh in relief and place the dessert plates in between us on the couch.

We un-pause the movie while talking about the eclairs. Surprisingly, they’re not as bad as I thought they were. She chuckles lightly when I tell her that I had sent Hendrix to buy the churros. After we’ve eaten she cuddles up to me and wraps her arm around my waist. I run my fingers through her silky brown hair as her scent wraps around me like a comforting embrace. I wish I could stay here forever with no worries, just Amelia and I.

But unfortunately, just as the credits roll one of my guards walks in and tells me that we leave in five minutes. I feel my mate’s hands clutch the material of my shirt a little tighter before hesitantly letting go, as if she’s unwilling to let me leave. A small smile quirks my lips as I feel her sadness. She’s been putting up an indifferent facade all morning but now that it’s time to go that facade disintegrates before my very eyes.

I stand and pull her up with me as we make our way into the foyer. Speeding up to our bedroom I grab my holdall before making my way downstairs. She has a sad pout on her lips and her eyes are downcast. How I wish I could turn back time to this morning when I was making sweet love to her and losing myself in her intoxicating touch and kisses.

Handing my bag to one of my guards I step up to her and cup her face. Her eyes flutter shut and a deep exhale leaves her lips. I tilt her head up and press my lips to hers in a slow yet passionate kiss that leaves me craving for more like always. Immediately after I pull away she wraps her arms around me tightly and gives me a hug.

“Don’t miss any meals and make sure you rest well every night.” She mumbles cutely and her words make me chuckle. Always worrying about me.

“I won’t. I promise.” I whisper as I press a firm, lingering kiss to her forehead. “I love you, Amelia.”

“I love you too, Ivan.” She graces me with a beautiful smile and bright blue eyes. “Now, go. Don’t make the men wait any longer in the freezing cold.”

I make my way to the door with my arm still wrapped around her shoulders. But before we’re exposed to the numerous men that are outside waiting for me I kiss her one last time and savor it. I commit every feature about her to memory before we step outside. Brushing my lips against her knuckles my hand leaves hers as I begin to walk to the car waiting for me on the driveway.

“Bye cutie, I’ll miss you!” She says loudly which makes me freeze. All my guards and warriors accompanying me break out into smiles and quiet snickers. I swear she’s going to be the death of me someday!

“You need a good spanking when I come back!” I growl in our mind link as I turn to her.

“In that case, you better hurry back soon.” She teases with a playful glint in her eyes and a bite of her lip.

“Moon Goddess give me strength!” I groan as I feel heady desire course through my veins.

All I want to do is grab her and lock us in our bedroom until the sun comes up. I struggle to reign Maksim and Konstantin in who want nothing more than to break free and act out all the wild thoughts playing in our mind. Shaking my head with a small grin I wave goodbye and get into the car. The engine roars to life and we drive off with the reflection of my becoming Солнышко smaller and smaller in the rear-view mirror. (Little sun)

I already can’t wait to be back in her arms again.

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