Its Too Late To Forgive


Mean while in City A -
( Same Routine since last almost half a year - )
Entire bar of one of the most posh pub was smashed into clusters of glasses. Entire furniture was scattered all around. The
owner of the bar along with his staff was just standing far away from this place and watching this Nobel man behaving like a
hooligan and destroying everything that came on his way.
They didn't wanted to get involved in this as they themselves didn't wanted to be broken like these furniture. It was known that
this prestigious man would go daily to one of the bars of the city already drunk and after having few more drinks, we would
smash all the things in the bar.
But eventually his assistant would pay the bar owner more then what is required hence no one files a police complaint against
him or stop him from doing as he pleased.
Almost the entire bar was smashed into debris but still Henry was not satisfied. He is been fighting with his inner self since last 2
and half years now and still couldn't find himself in this mist.
Yes it's almost 2 and a half year that Bella disappeared from his life.
It's been 2 and half years since the only woman he ever loved left him alone..
It's been 2 and a half years since the woman who belonged to him and to whom he belonged, within minutes became invisible to
this world...
"Where are you Bella?
Aaaaaaahhhhh......... "
Entire bar staff shock with fear when they heard Henry's painful growl. At present Henry was looking like a rouge werewolf,
violent, angry, frustrated but still lost. If one sees deep into his eyes then they can see the pain, helplessness, loneliness and
guilt in them.
"Help me.... someone help me..."
He took out a picture from his wallet and called one of the cleaner boy towards him. The cleaner boy took small fearful steps
forward towards Henry. As soon as the boy came close to Henry, the latter tried to put his hands on the boy's shoulder but

slipped and fell on the ground. He held his trousers and raised his head and in a pleading way and showed the photograph
which was in his hand to that boy,
"H.... help me.. I.. know you can. You, you see this... "
He pointed at the woman who was in this photo. It was the photo which was taken at the time of their marriage registration.
"S... she is my wife.
Isn't she beautiful."
Said Henry with a beautiful and proud smile which seemed ugly as his entire face was drenched with his tears.
"My wife... "
He repeated. Then pouted his lips and sadly spoke,
"But she is angry with me.
Can you... can you p... please ask her to come back home.... "
He looked at that boy with pitiful and pain in his eyes,
"T... tell her I am s.... scared...
Tell her I have not eaten anything for so long...
Tell her that her home.. her h.. husband...."
( Henry proudly pointed on himself with a broad smile.. )
"... Husband... me .. Me... we are waiting for her....
Tell her that I need her..
Tell her I can NOT live without her..."
Saying this he remembered what he saw in the videos. He fell on the ground. He sat on the floor supporting the couch. He took
another big sip of his wine, directly from the bottle. He closed his eyes and streams of water came out of them.

Carson and Kevin, who just arrived , were beyond shocked to see their friend like this.
It's been almost 6 months now that Kevin showed few of the videos of Bella's prison life which he was able to retrieve through his
contacts. Kevin was a well known and world renowned lawyer. Extracting evidences were not hard for him but still, even after
using all his powers, it took him almost 2 years to get 5 videos of Bella's 4 years of prison life. But frankly these 5 VIDEOS
WERE ENOUGH TO BREAK Henry beyond repair.
6 months back at Kevin's office -
"Kevin you cal..."
Carson wanted to ask Kevin the reason why he was called to the latter's office in an urgency. But before he could ask, Kevin
raised his face and looked at Carson. Carson was shocked to see that Kevin’s eyes were red and swollen, quite evident that he
must have cried alot.
But why?
Kevin threw a pen drive towards Carson,
“Give this to him.”
“What is this?”
Carson took the pendrive from the table and asked Kevin with queries written on his face,
“It's... it's a... no... few video recordings of prison in which Bella was there."
Kevin controlled his tears from falling and then spoke again while trying to hold back his sobs,
"Bella is in them all and.....
........... let Henry take a look at it."
Carson was taken back,
"All video recordings were destroyed. Weren't they?”

Kevin sneered,
"Ya they were from the survillance recorder but these are videos and photographs which were forwarded to a particular number
over a period of those 4 years. I also able to get only 4- 5 of them but I am sure there must be 100s of them more."
"What made you cry?"
Kevin smirked after hearing Carson.
He was quite for sometime then covered his face with his hands and cried loudly,
"I wronged Bella, Carson. I wronged her."
Carson couldn't understand what Kevin meant by saying this.
'How can he wrong Bella?'
He and Carson went to City H immediately after Bella's party got over, a day before Cindy's death. Kevin returned on the day
when Cindy died and he himself after 4 days, same day Bella was sent to main prison from the local jail.
"Ya.... me...."
Kevin was quite for few minutes and then spoke again,
"Henry was furious that Cindy was raped and eventually she committed suicide. He called me the same night and asked me to
come to his place immediately, that's why I had to leave City H before you.
When I went to his place, I saw Bella kneeling in the rain outside Jackson Mansion. Her clothes were torn and she looked
nothing less then a rugged doll. For a second I wanted to go and help her but then I remembered that she is a criminal who got
Cindy gangraped and eventually murdered Henry's child, I stopped myself from going further. Without giving her a second
glance, I directly went inside the mansion.
Leo lead me to Henry's room where I saw his lonely figure standing infront of the floor to ceiling french window staring
continuously outside in direction of the gate of Jackson Mansion,.... actually at Bella. He was continously looking at Bella, who
was kneeling outside the iron gate.

Henry turned towards me and I can't tell you what I felt when I saw him like that!!"
"Like what?"
Carson asked in confusion.
"Henry was actually crying. For the first time in my life I saw my best friend, my strongest support crying infront of me.
We both know that Henry is not that cold hearted as he has portrayed himself infront of the world and we also know that Henry
really really loved Bella whole heartedly that time. And still does.
But in the end he is also a human. And human does makes mistake. Everyone does, in anger, in rage, in jealousy, in
happiness... there are millions of reasons to make mistake. Some mistakes can be forgiven but some can't. May be that's what
Henry also felt that night.............
8 years back - Day when Cindy died.
( refer to chapter 1 and chapter 21 for minor details)
"Henry.. are you OK man?"
Kevin couldn't stop himself and walked towards his crying friend and kept his hand on his shoulder and asked again,
"No...... sob sob
...... I am not.....
...... I am not fine Kevin. And I will never be fine..... sob... sob ....
...... Never ever.
What I did with Bella can never be forgiven!..... sob sob...
I am a monster... I love her...
..... I love her more then anything in this world and she knows that then....

...... why did she do this to me?
To my child??
Why???..... sob sob...."
"May be there is some misunderstanding Henry!
May be Bella didn't do anything like that!!"
"Sob.. You really think so Kevin. No Bella did all this. She told me herself."
"She confessed. "
Kevin asked in shock.
"No, but few days back in my office she did tell me something. I was confused by what she told me that day and frankly couldn't
understand her words but today I know what she meant by that statement of hers'."
"What did she say Henry?"
"She was in my office, we were suppose to go for our engagement dress shopping. Cindy called up as we were about to step out
and I wanted to explain everything to Bella but in the end I couldn't. Before Bella left the office she just said,
'I have a BIG SURPRISE PLANNED for you. Which you will get before our engagement. This is my last resort to show how much
I love you. I hope after this you know what you mean to me.'
Just then Cindy called up again. We were suppose ro meet later in the evening as she was pregnant by my child and I needed to
sought this out before my engagement with Bella. I didn't wanted to loose Bella at any cost and I don't feel ashamed to say that I
was scared.... I was scared to loose her, I was scared that my only love will leave because of my stupidity.
I couldn't control myself and went and hugged Bella tightly. And I simply asked her if someone tries to come between us and
splits us apart, then what will she do?
And you know what she replied?
'We don't have to worry much about this. There are people who can take care of this. Henry I hope you know how much I love

How was I suppose to know that time what Bella meant by 'take care'. If only I knew what she was planning back then! If only....
If only...."
Henry started crying again.
"Tell me Kevin... sob .... sob...
What was my child's fault in this? Bella destroyed both Cindy and my child. Cindy was in affair with me. She was not alone in
this. I was equally involved plus I was the real culprit as I cheated on Bella but Bella still punished her brutally and more by killing
my child.
Why Kevin?
Kevin tried to consol his friend but Henry started crying more now.
"Looks are deceiving and it's true in Bella's case. Her looks deceived me. She has an evil heart .... She is a murderer of my child.
I won't spare her. Never. I want justice for my child."
"What's on your mind Henry?"
Kevin knew his friend very well and he was sure that Henry must have already planned something for Bella.
"And Henry I just want to ask you that are you sure that Bella knew Cindy was pregnant?"
Henry was quite for a second. He took a deep breath and spoke again,
"No, I don't think so. But directly or indirectly she got my child killed by getting Cindy brutally gangraped."
Saying this Henry clenched the glass which he was holding tightly in his palm and broke it into pieces. He then looked at Kevin
with murderous eyes.
"And you know what I did?"
Kevin stared at Henry and was still for a minute as he knew that something bad was coming up.
"What did you do Henry?"

Henry Smirked.....
"Bella always pretended to be innocent. Cindy told me that she was into affair with many young masters and infact I even saw
her kissing and flirting with few. But infront of me she pretended to be untouched, innocent.... hmmmmmm a fucking virgin.
The way she was begging me today irritated me and made me more and more angry. And you know what I pulled her inside the
car and .... and....."
All of a sudden Henry's voice's tone reduced and he started speaking softly,
"..... and I couldn't stop myself from looking at her again and again. She was drenched by heavy rain. Her beautiful knee length
dress hugged her tightly. Her soaked long eyelashes were flickering like butterfly wings and I couldn't control myself. I went
closer and closer to her but she flinched... and started begging me again to believe her.
She was lying... she was once again fucking lying. Suddenly I could imagine Cindy getting gang raped by so many men and
Bella's face while kissing some other young master. I lost control ..
At that time all my love for Bella turned into anger and hatred and in one go I tore open her dress and made her naked. I wanted
to stop myself from doing all this but my hatred towards her and her snow white beauty pushed me further to continue to do what
I was doing earlier."
Henry stopped for a second. Closed his eyes in shame and tears of his shameful act escaped his eyes. Next he spoke each and
every line with hundreds of tears flowing out of his eyes. He was truly ashamed of himself. He was ashamed of his own actions.
"I tied her hands with one of the torn pieces of her dress and tore her undergarments and fucked her brutally. I fucked her till she
lost her voice. She was screaming under me to stop. She was protesting. She wanted to be free. But I didn't allow any such thing
to happen. I went on and on for hours and didn't stop till I was satisfied.
After I was done I looked at her. She looked so battered and lost, she was full with all my inhuman blue and black bite marks on
her body. Her dress was completely torn and she looked miserable.
I was so frustrated I couldn't stand seeing her looking and pretending to be so pitiful and I mercilessly pushed her out of the car.
Then I looked at her who was trying to cover her naked body with those ragged clothes and.....
......... and just then I saw streams blood flowing in between her legs. I switched on the lights of the car and saw her blood on the
back seat where I just fucked her. I looked at my penis which was also covered with her blood."

"Y.... you... you just raped Bella?"
Kevin screamed at Henry and held his collar tightly and slapped him hard.
"How could you do that? She just turned 18 and... for God's sake she is just a kid Henry. How could you do this to her?"
Kevin was now fuming with anger.
"But she killed my child."
Henry roared on the other side. And kneeled down and started crying again.
"I know I fucked up..
I fucking fucked up everything...
I fucking fucked up my entire life....
But you tell me what you would have done if you were in place of me? Tell me??
Cindy always said that Bella is not so innocent what she pretends to look... But I know how wrong I saw when I remembered the
stiffness and tightness of her vagina when I was fucking her. Her trembling, her screams under me.
She was getting hurt and me... I was hurting her more and more every minute. That time her pain was making me happy. Her
screams were like music to my ears.
Oh God.... help me... I am so ....
Fuck fuck fuck....
Henry got up and smashed few flower pots kept in his room. After that he sat on his couch. Closed his eyes and when he
opened them again, after a while, he seemed to be a whole different man all together. Now he was composed. His eyes were
once again cold and emotionless.
Kevin knew that now Henry has come to a big decision.
"I wanted to punish Bella but not the way I did. I know I did wrong and I will surely take all responsibility for it. Bella and me are
eventually doing to get married. I took her first time in the most brutal way but I promise I will make upto her with my whole life. I

think ... no I know this was a big mistake done by me and somehow I feel that by doing this to Bella she kind of paid for my
child's death.
But I also want Bella to be obedient and realise her mistake to what she did to Cindy. She destroyed her dignity, her pride and
played with her emotions.
I want Bella to feel the same. Even if it's for a while but yes she should. I don't want Leo and Cindy's parent's to feel that I didn't
not do any justice towards their daughter and sister. I want them to know that Henry Jackson's always protects people around
Kevin... I want to put Bella behind the bars for what she has done but for a short while."
Are you fucking crazy!
Do You know the consequences of what you are saying??"
Henry gave him a blank looks. Kevin shook his head and spoke again.
"Bella belongs to a reputed family. Everyone knows her. She has many pursuers.
Let me tell you what all will happen once you put her in the prison.
First of all her entire carrier will be spoiled. All her scholarship will be taken away and she will be left with nothing at all.
Secondly she being from a prestigious family, Evans won't let this happen. Especially Brandon. You know how much he loves his
sister. He will fight till the end to bring her out of the prison, by any means.
Thirdly once other young masters will come to know that you threw her in the prison they all will approach her to pursue her and
trust me she will or atleast her family will make her marry anyone of them but not you. I am sure she herself won't marry you after
what you did with her today."
Hearing this Henry lowered his head as if he knew this was going to happen eventually.
"And lastly after she comes out of the prison, will she be able to face the society as she will be known as an ex convict?"

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