Its Too Late To Forgive

Chapter 68: 67. I AM TAKING YOU HOME

As long as Bella behaves good and is obedient then nothing will be done to hurt her anymore. It sounds so simple and easy,
thought Henry. He didn't see any other reason for Bella to refute to this.
“You don’t need to go to LAS DEUX anymore."
Bella moved her lips a few times, and finally swallowed the question with protest in her stomach as she remembered that as long
as she is good, it won’t hurt anymore.
"Your work is done. You are no more needed in the club plus from now on wards you will be living with me so all your needs will
be taken care off well."
The man proposed again.
Bella wanted to refuse to this proposal. But once again the same phrase ran in her mind,
'As long as you are good, I will never treat you that way again.'
This phrase kept reverberated in her mind, she lowered her head cautiously, and bit her lip helplessly and thought,
'Bella, don’t resist, it’s useless, it’s all in vain, he won’t let go and you will never even get out of this city.
Don’t resist, he will dislocate your jaw again.' But still Bella didn't wanted to live with Henry so she spoke again,
"Sir, I am an employee of LAS DEUX. That's where I earn my living from. What will I do if I don't work there? My job is going fine
there Sir."
She was somewhat angry on him right now. First he kidnapped her from her dorm. Then he is even forcing her to stay with him
and now he is even stopping her from working. If she doesn't work then how will she pay him back and gain her freedom?
"Really Bella... you think it's a fine work to show and sell your smile, your touch and your body to earn money? Even if you are
willing to do all this , I won't allow you too. That's my club and it's my decision who will work and who won't. Understood!"

Bella wanted to laugh so this point. Maybe Henry had forgotten but she hasn't that it was him only who transferred her into the
PR department. It was him only who had advised her to sell her laugh, her face and her body to earn 8 million bucks for him.
Bella couldn't control herself and spoke with indifference,
"Young master Jackson Sir, maybe you are forgetting that it was you who had initially transferred me to the PR department. I
only followed your advice. He had told me to sell my laugh, my face and my body in order to earn money. And that's exactly what
I did.
When I did before then why not now also. Please let me go back."
Henry clenched his teeth and pulled Bella close to him. He pulled her hair by one hand and forced her to look into his eyes.
"Don't you know why you can't work there anymore. Don't you understand?"
"No young master, I don't understand. I only know that I want to continue my work."
He brought her lips closer to his and spoke while almost touching his lips on hers,
"please don't make it hard for me. Tell me where you happy when you had to humiliate yourself for money infront of other men?
Tell me Bella??"
Henry took a deep breath, left Bella's hair and with one hand starting settling them again and spoke softly,
"I promise I won't hurt you if you be a good girl. Ok"
Bella understood that there was no sense fighting with Henry right now. At present he could do anything to her and she didn't
wanted it.
“Got it.”
The little head hung down and nodded obediently. But why was she so unwilling!
Her eyes were a little red now. She gathered her courage and asked again. She just wanted to convince Henry somehow to let
her out.

“Why can’t I even go to LAS DEUX and work in the kitchen ?”
Henry turned and looked at her with his signature cold gaze. Bella shivered but spoke again,
"Martin will be there looking for me all the time then why can't I go and work?"
The man sneered. His drak eyes fell on this small face. He put his hand to cover her head and gently stroked ,
"So, my little Bella knows she can't run away from me!"
Upon hearing this, Bella couldn’t help shivering. She ran back into her memory's lane and tried to remember if there was any
time when this man called her "my little Bella" or just "Bella" so softly in the past!
She had looked forward to earn this softness from this man for almost 15 years or more. But now after hearing it so suddenly
and unexpectedly, what she can feel is just a feeling to laugh on it.
Fortunately, with her head down, Henry couldn’t see the irony in her eyes. She was also afraid that when he saw the irony in her
eyes, she didn’t know how he will torture her again.
“As long as you stay by my side obediently, you don’t need to worry about any things. I will help you deal with anything and
everything to want.”
Henry gently kissed her forehead and spoke again,
“You just need to stay by my side.”
And just like you did for past fifteen years, just continue to love me wholeheartedly... he added in his heart.
“... Hmm.”
Just be good and obedient. She grinned and laughed silently "Just be good!"
She sat back in the car and started looking outside and suddenly she realized something. Bella panicked and turned towards
Henry and spoke again in a shock,
"This is not the route for LAS DEUX?"

After she finished speaking, her shoulders were pressed down and was made to sit back and relax on her seat. A warm breath
blew in her ears saying,
The magnetic deep voice with the fragrance of grass and a hint of nicotine, breathed on her ears,
“From today, you will live in the Jackson Family Mansion with me. I AM TAKING YOU HOME..."
He added the last sentence very silently. It was a feeling that came from the bottom of his heart. Thinking about the phrase and
word "home" made him excited. He never called that Mansion home before but now with Bella he wanted it to become thier
home forever.
For the first time in his life, he actually felt like as if he is returning to his home. A home where he and his love will stay and grow
Henry looked at Bella who was looking at the road outside in a horror. He still remembered when they were young, this girl would
barge in any time in this house as if it was her own. He never cared if anyone stopped her or said something to her. It hardly
mattered to her.
Cindy used to live in the quarters provided to the family of staff of the Mansion. She and Bella were close friends. Henry
remembered that whenever he felt bored in his study he would come to to balcony and always saw Cindy and Bella near the
pool basking in the sun. Cindy would always be in a skinny two piece bikini displaying her sexy body as much as she could. On
the other hand , Bella would be in more a like conservative style bikini. Even though Bella was younger then Cindy but her body
was way beautiful then the latter.
Whenever Henry saw them both, he couldn't keep his eyes away from Bella. He knew that in a heat of the moment he would do
something with Bella and he also knew very well that Bella will never be able to control him or stop him. That's why whenever he
saw Bella in his house he would insult her or ignore her so that she leaves and go but it never happened. Bella would simply
smile and go to other corner of the house.
Sometimes he would see her running around in the garden in her shorts and T-shirt. The sprinkles would make her body wet and
her entire shirt would be stuck to her beautiful body. These were the moments when Henry would loose all his control. He tried
so many times to pin that woman on his bed but whenever he saw the love in her eyes, we would hold his feelings back and wait
for the right time to come.

Henry knew that even he loves her and that's why he didn't wanted to do anything with her before marriage or atleast their
engagement. But he was also a man with heavy and dominating male hormones. He had his own needs so that's why he choose
Cindy for the time being.
He had already made it clear with Cindy that they were just bed partners and nothing more then that. He had also told her about
his feelings for Bella and hiw he wanted to wait for the right time. Cindy never objected to anything what Henry said. He gave
everything that she demanded infact unwillingly he gave her the name as 'his woman' also so that no one can call her his
mistress as complained by Cindy herself.
Soon they entered the big iron gate of Jackson Mansion. Henry looked at the woman who was sitting next to him. He saw the
reaction that Bella gave as soon as she saw the iron gate. She looked at it in horror. Then she lowered her head, her breathing
was heavy and she had clenched her dress tightly in her palms. Her entire body was trembling.
Henry knew why this was happening. Even he remembers it clearly when he had pulled Bella inside his car on the rainy day
almost 5 years back. Cindy always said that Bella had sexual relations with other young masters and was fooling Henry by
pretending to be pure.
Henry was drunk and Cindy was missing. Police declared that Cindy committed suicide by jumping off the cliff into the sea. She
was pregnant by his child. Cindy's last message was that Bella had sent few gangsters who gangraped her and then killed her
child. Because of this shame and mental breakdown she committed suicide.
Henry was angry and Bella was kneeling outside his car pretending to be pure. He wanted to teach her a lesson of what it meant
to fool Henry Jackson. Till date Henry had never crossed his limits with Bella as he believed that she was a virgin. But by Bella's
today's act, he was sure that whatever Cindy had said about her was true.
Henry still remembers how he had pulled Bella inside the car. When Bella had entered the car, there was a spark of hope in her
eyes. But in next second, Henry had torn her clothes apart and without any warning, against all her struggle, he had inserted his
thick dick inside her tight vagina. He still remembers how Bella's body was trembling in pain under him but he did not stop. What
is his anger or pleasure, he couldn't understand that time!
Henry always believed in Cindy saying that Bella was not pure but that day when he felt her tight walls against his thick dick and
when he saw blood on his car's back seat, he was sure that Cindy was lying. Bella indeed was a virgin and he took her virginity

Thinking about the past, which was filled with both happy and sad memories, Henry looked at the woman who had almost buried
herself in her seat. Bella had continously kept her head down since they have entered the Jackson Mansion's premises. Henry
was extremely looking forward to the days to come in which he wanted to form new memories with Bella on his side.But the
woman beside him didn’t think so.
Her shoulders were continously trembling. Jackson Mansion held too many memories of her and him, memories of her and
Cindy. She didn't know how she will live here in the future?
Her face was pale. Her body was trembling. She didn't wanted to enter this Mansion again. She wanted to just run away right
"Young master Jackson Sir, why don't we live in LAS DEUX. I like it there. Please."
Henry pulled her on his lap. He held her tightly by her waist by his right hand and by his left he started stroking her cheeks softy
and spoke,
"Bella, be a good girl and be obedient. No one knows this Mansion better then you. This place is far more bigger than my condo
There are many new servants here. I will ask them to prepare your favorite dessert in the evening tea. You can enter my study
and take a book and just bask in the sun near the pool side and enjoy your evening tea and dessert , like you always did."
saying this he kissed her on her forehead and pulled her more towards himself so that her forehead can rest on his shoulders.
Somehow Henry was feeling complete.
But this is not what Bella wanted. She didn't wanted to step in this place again which held plenty of her past memories. She
didn't wanted to remember her last at all weather good or bad, she wanted to forget everything that her past held.
"Can I please....."
Just as she was about to protest again, Henry tightly held her waist and pressed it a bit. Bella's body tensed up and she stopped
"Good girl, don't protest more. "

Henry magnetic voice sounded gently in her ears. Saying this he kissed her earlobes softly. Bella didn't speak a single word after
The car stopped at the main gate if the Mansion. Bella continued to sit on Henry's lap. Henry felt her tensed body and slowly
started rubbing on her shoulders in order to relax her a bit.
Bella raised her head and from the rare window she looked at the closed wrought iron gate. She trembled uncontrollably and
closed her eyes. She could now only imagine that from today onwards she herself will be caged in this golden cage with Henry
being her master. She closed her eyes tightly and tried to conceal her tears. She only repeated same words again and again in
her mind, 'Be good be obedient.'
She then slowly opened her eyes and met with a pair of another beautiful eyes who was looking at her with full emotions and
care. She didn't wanted to look into Henry's eyes and then lowered her head again. Henry held her tightly. There was guilt in his
eyes but he didn't wanted to show that too Bella.
'I am sorry Bella. I know this is wrong but I have no choice.'
Henry really didn’t know what method he should use to keep this woman by his side. He will do anything to be able to make this
woman’s heart return to the way it was five years ago, with him and only him in her eyes.
For this even if he had to cage and imprison her for rest of her life, he was willing to do so. But one thing was for sure, I WON'T
Martin opened the door and Henry carried Bella in a bridal style and entered the Mansion. As soon as they entered the Mansion,
they were welcomed by many servants. Henry nodded to them and took Bella directly to the second floor.
Bella knew this house more then anyone. She understood where they were heading to. She started struggling in Henry's arms
but he ahd held her tightly. Soon they entered Henry's bedroom. Henry made Bella sit on his bed and then stood straight.
"This will be our room from today."
He told Bella with a smile.
"No, I can't stay here. This is your room and I can't share a room with you. This is not appropriate."
"Why isn't it appropriate Bella? This is the room for the real hostess of the Jackson Family. And that place always belonged to

Before Henry could finish his talk, his phone rang.
"Yes, Ray I am at the Jackson Mansion. Yes, I am coming downstairs."
Saying that he turned and started walking towards the door. But before existing, he turned and looked at Bella,
"Be a good girl. I'll ask Claire to accompany you for shopping. You can shop whatever you want and be back before 6. I will see
you in the evening."
Saying this he left Bella in his room no went to the main drawing room where he met with questioning and angry eyes of Ray

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