Ito Ai: A New Dawn

Chapter 105: Questioning

Mai had accidentally hit the button to the outside cameras and witnessed a scene she never thought she would ever see. Ai and Eiji were both chatting away while in the nude bathing. She had quickly shut it off after but she couldn't help but worry. Ai sat in the chair looking at Mai, confused as to what she meant. She then looked at Eiji who seemed to be sweating and at a loss for words. "Mai, I do not understand what you mean?"Ai tilted her head to the side. For her everything except the kissing that she has done, was normal things that would happen in her past life. Although, having a boy help wash her back was new as well. 

"Ai you were naked and bathing with him!" Mai said with fully blushed cheeks.

"Oh? Well, he needs training for that. I can't have Eiji one day washing up in the rain with a bunch of other women around and his eyes wandering now can I?" Ai said nonchalantly. She didn't even realize how possessive her words sounded.

"Ai, are you even listening to what you are saying!? Have you two….become adults?" Mai did not want to think it was possible but with Ai mentally twenty four she couldn't help but think they had already crossed that line.

"Become adults..." Ai sat there for a while trying to understand what Mai was talking about only to have Eiji lean over and whisper into her ear. Her eyes went wide and her cheeks blushed as she quickly shook her head. "Mai what are you thinking! I could ask you the same, you and Shogo seem close!" Ai retorted.

"Where do you even see that!?" Mai was flabbergasted. Where did Ai even see Shogo and her being close? If anything he was nothing but a punching bag! Doing her best to calm herself down Mai gave Ai a serious look and asked: "Have you guys kissed?"

"Mmm…. Eiji started it though. But kissing is nice, so I like to kiss him when I can." Ai said bluntly with no hesitation. 

Mai facepalmed, Ai was a lost cause. She had lost so much of what was normal after spending so long in a fucked up world. Since there was nothing she could do with Ai since she will do as she wishes no matter what, Mai turned to Eiji and glared at him. "You hurt her, I will find a way to kill you." 

"You have my word, I will never betray her." Eiji said, bowing his head to Mai. He had already committed himself to being at Ai's side no matter what.

"Mmm! If he goes against his promise to me after all that we have done, he will lose a part of his body that makes him a man." Ai added in causing even more misunderstandings. Not realizing that she had yet to state what exactly their relationship was.

Eiji received another glare from Mai but she did not add anything more. "Okay, now that the important thing is out of the way, explain to me how Eiji is now like you Ai." To Mai, Ai's relationship with Eiji was more important than the fact that Eiji had become the same as Ai.

"Well you see, I remember what you said that the purple stuff that mutated me, maybe a life form of its own and that was able to change its host and that if I gave my blood to someone else it may have the same effect. So well, I tested it ou…." Ai was cut off by Mai suddenly yelling at her.

"Are you stupid!? What the fuck would you have done if Eiji turned into a grotesque mutant or simply died!?" Mai's furious expression was a first for Ai to see since Mai was always so calm and composed. 

"Well, I..." Ai knew it was dangerous and that she had used Eiji to test out this fact but she felt that if anyone would be able to suffer through it all, Eiji would be able to do so. During the time he had a fever she was so worried, that she barely slept and watched him and took care of him twenty four hours a day. It was a time she felt very helpless and actually regretted her actions.

"Ai, how would you have felt if Eiji had died?" Mai suddenly asked. She wanted Ai to realize the gravity of her mistakes. She only knew survival and nothing else. 

"I-I don't know..." Ai stumbled on her words since she truly did not know how she would feel. She knew that Eiji had made his way into her heart but she had not realized just how much he had. Or realize that all the actions she had shown him were no different than a girl flirting and being possessive of the man she loved. Ai only knew familial love, which only lasted a short time, and never thought of anything beyond that. She felt at ease with Eiji by her side which she was taking for granted. Especially with how Eiji followed each of her whims without a word of complaint.

"Mai, I think you shou…." Eiji who was trying to help Ai, so she would not be pushed into anything was quickly cut off by a cold glare. contemporary romance

"You shut up!" Mai said coldly before turning back to Ai. "Well let me say it this way. If Eiji was to begin kissing another girl what would you do and how would you feel?" 

"Huh? He dares?" Ai's eyes went big and she turned and grabbed Eiji by the collar of his shirt, slapped him across the face, and yelled: "Who is she!?" 

Mai almost burst out laughing seeing Ai act like this. "Ai, it was a general question. There has been no one in this base that he could have kissed. But now you must understand your feelings, right? If Eiji were to have died due to your little experiment you would have been devastated. Don't try to do things like that again."

"Mmm..." Ai slowly let go of Eiji and sat back down. Eiji held the side of his cheek that was red. She had hit him pretty hard. Mai was glad she finally made her point. She had never expected that one day she would be lecturing Ai instead of Ai lecturing her. But from that outburst just now she knew Ai's true feelings for Eiji now run deep. She also felt maybe this was good. It showed Ai was finally coming out of her past life hole and was now learning to trust those around her.

"It's good you understand. Now please promise me you two will not go too far. We are not equipped to be having any babies on board." Mai was worried about this the most because she was afraid Ai would take things too far and Eiji being a man, and Ai being the girl he liked, he would not be able to resist if she pushed him too far.

"I'm not that dumb Mai. I am still pure, so don't worry. Who the hell would want to raise a kid in this fucked up world. Plus this body is far from being old enough." Ai replied as she gave Mai a look as if she had just asked a stupid question. Mai could only let out a sigh of relief as well as wonder what exactly Ai was thinking all the time…

"So what are we going to do from here on out?" 


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