Ito Ai: A New Dawn

Chapter 100: The Second Wave Part Two

"Alright, but before that." Ai pushed Eiji on to the couch and then mounted him before pushing her lips against his. The two kissed for a few minutes before Ai finally stood up once more. "Just in case you turned into some grotesque monster, I wanted to at least get one more kiss in."

Eiji did not know where to laugh or cry. He let out a sigh and said: "So how will we do this?"

"Relatively simple actually. You will cut your finger and I will do the same. Well, I will bite the tip of my finger. It should produce some purple blood which I will then rub on your wound. If things work out right and it acts as it did with me, it should begin to mutate your blood cells and the rest of your body. But be warned, you must not succumb to anything while you have a fever. I will do my best to keep your head cool." Ai said. She was only working on the theory of what Mai had told her before. That the purple substance that entered her body might have been blood cells that mutated to become an organism of its own. If this was the case, she should be able to pass some of her blood to Eiji and get the same reaction as she got when the purple blood entered her or it could fail. But at this moment and time, Ai was basically using Eiji as a human experiment. But she was also doing this because she wanted to give Eiji a better chance of survival. If the were even the slightest chance of success she felt it was worth it.

Eiji knew this was dangerous but if it worked he already saw the results. Ai was living proof of that. And the way this world was becoming he would not want to be the man who has to hide behind his woman. Although officially she was not his woman as of yet. "Alright let's do it then before I change my mind."

Ai nodded and Eiji went ahead and cut his finger. Ai bit hard on the tip of her finger causing only a small drop of blood to come out. Ai then quickly rubbed the tip of her finger onto Eiji's cut before her wound closed and waited. After a while, Eiji finally collapsed and began having a fever. 

Ai took care of Eiji for almost an entire week before his fever finally subsided. She had used all kinds of things to reduce his fever including liquid medicines she fed to him by mouth. She even fed him water and food by mouth as well. Eiji only woke up on the fifth day. He still had a small fever but it was slowly going down. "How do you feel?"

"Like I slept very well..." Eiji said with a smile. "Am I grotesque?"

Ai laughed and kissed Eiji's lips while shaking her head. "Nope, you still look like Eiji. Here squeeze this."

Ai handed Eiji a metal bar which Eiji took and squeezed, crushing it in the process. Ai smiled and hugged Eiji: "Looks like it worked. But I was worried there for a bit since it took you so long to wake up." 

Ai will never tell Eiji just how worried she was. She never left his side for even a second and barely slept at all these past few nights. Eiji hugged Ai back but soon heard soft breathing was coming from his chest. When he looked down he saw the dark circles under Ai's eyes as she slept peacefully in his arms. He shifted his body and scooped her up so she could lay next to him on the couch. As soon as she was shifted she clung on to him and snuggled in close not waking up at all during the process. Eiji, laid there and stroked her hair and watched her sleep.

Clinking sounds could be heard overhead which woke up both Eiji and Ai. "Damnit!" Was all Ai could say when she heard the noise coming from above. 

"What's happening?" Eiji asked as he saw Ai hurriedly getting dressed. He followed suit not sure what was going on. 

"The second wave is already here! This should not have happened for a few years!" Ai complained. She picked up her howa and went over to the hatch to the bunker, only to be stopped by Eiji. 

"Where are you going!?" It was not so much the machina he was worried about but the radioactive rain that was falling from the sky.

"Eiji, We are both basically superhumans now. Don't tell Mai but that day after the storm I tested the whole radiation thing. It won't affect us. Come on." Ai explained before opening the hatch wide open slamming it into a passing machina, sending it flying. 

Eiji sighed and finished getting dressed before grabbing his howa and following after her. When he nervously exited the bunker, he saw Ai grab a leg of a machina and swing it around before smashing it into another one and then stomping on the both of them, crushing them underfoot.

Eiji looked up at the green rain falling from the sky in awe. He never thought he would ever be able to walk out in one of these storms and not melt like he had seen happen to others. It did not even sizzle as it touched his skin, it acted no different than any other rain. It hit his skin and rolled off as if it was nothing.contemporary romance

As Eiji was examining the rain a first type machina lunged at him striking at his head. The metal blade slammed into the side of his head but Eiji did not even react. The leg of the first type machina, bent into a weird angle due to it hitting something stronger and basically immovable. 

Eiji turned and grabbed the machina with his hand and crushed it with his fist. A big smile formed on his lips as he began joining Ai in fighting the machina. Ai looked over to see Eiji smashing machina to bits and smiled. "We need to head back to the base! So close the hatch and seal it. We will need to come back later. If this wave gets to the base, Mai and the rest will not be able to hold them off if they are discovered."

"Lead the way!"


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