It'll Come Naturally

Chapter 418 The Surgery Is A Success (Part Two)

"Aunt Cynthia, that's my duty. No need to say thank you." Tom answered while peeking at Jonathan. Tom felt reassured when he
saw that Jonathan wasn't angry.
They followed Tom to the ICU to see Edward from outside. As they looked through the window, Daisy felt anxious, and her
heartbeat quickened its pace. She could barely see Edward's face with the oxygen mask. Lots of flashing medical equipment
surrounded him, which she hadn't seen before. Daisy stared at his chest, but with the quilt covering his body, she couldn't see it
She wanted to caress his face and tell him that she would never doubt his love, ever. She wanted to tell him that a world without
him was sheer darkness for her, that she would never hide her love ever again, that every day she would tell him how much she
adored him... She had so much to say to him, but she didn't know where to start. Her thoughts were messy and cluttered.
Others hadn't seen the horrible scene of Edward covered in blood. But the view of him laying listlessly on the bed was enough to
sting their hearts. They were so used to the lively and arrogant Edward. This sudden change caught them by surprise. 'Maybe I
should change the way I get along with him. We are father and son, not enemies, aren't we?' Jonathan thought to himself.
"Uncle Tom, is my dad sleeping now?" Justin's eyes went red at the sight of Edward plugged with all kinds of equipment. He had
been asleep, but he struggled to wake up when he heard their voices. He wanted to touch Edward. Yet, he could only see him
through the cold, thick window. Justin got a bit upset. "Daddy doesn't like me anymore? Why won't he open his eyes and look at
me?" Justin questioned.
"No, Justin, your dad loves you. He is just too tired. And the anesthetic is still working on him. That's why your dad is sleeping.
You miss your dad?" Tom explained and caressed Justin's chubby face. All his fatigue vanished in front of the adorable Justin.
"Uncle Tom, I will be a good boy, and I won't bother dad. Then after dad is awake, he would play with me, right?" Justin replied.
Children were so innocent that they didn't consider bad things, but focused on their honest wishes.
"Sure. Justin you are so cute. Your dad will wake up soon and play with you." Tom figured that the biggest blessing for Edward
was to have Daisy and Justin. Such a good family was a distant dream for many people, but it was a reality for Edward. He
deserved to be envied.
"Okay, it's almost sunrise. You should all go home and have some rest. You'll have to go to work after a while. You can't be with
him in the ICU anyway. It's better to come around after he wakes up." Cynthia advised, her heart full of gratitude. She was
thankful that during all those years when she was away, these people had kept Edward company so that he wouldn't feel lonely.

"Right. You all should go back. Don't worry. I will stay here with Edward. Dad, Mom, you should also go home with Justin. Dad
needs to rest after the blood transfusion." Daisy licked her parched lips and looked gratefully at them for supporting her in her
time of need. For the first time, she realized the magic of fate. What we lose on the swings we gain on the roundabouts. After
she lost her beloved mother, she gained another lovely family.
"Mom, I'm okay. Grandpa and grandma can go back. I want to stay here with you and dad." Justin moved towards Daisy and
held her hand. He wanted to wait at the hospital for his dad to wake up and play with him.
"Justin, be a good boy. Come back later with grandpa and grandma. You can visit daddy after you take some rest." Daisy
answered while kissing his forehead. She had regained her composure and decided what had to be done.
"Daisy, we'll go home then. We will come back later to substitute for you and then you can take some rest. Call me if anything
happens." Cynthia was aware that Daisy wouldn't leave anyway, so she didn't bother to try. She knew that Daisy loved Edward
too much to leave him at this time. She had been through this after all.
"I know. Drive safe." Daisy curled her lips with an attempt to give a smile, yet was in vain.
"Are you alright?" This was the first time that Kevin had spoken to Daisy since he got to the hospital. He didn't want to bother her
as she was already disturbed and anxious. So he just remained silent, but he hadn't taken his eyes off her for a second.
"Kevin, I'm okay. How are things going with the gangs?" When she was extremely vulnerable, Daisy would always put aside their
superior-subordinate decorum and treat Kevin just as a big brother. That was an old habit.
"We have locked all the gang members in prison. The police have gone there to collect evidence. So you don't need to worry
about that. Take care of yourself. Edward needs you." All this while, Kevin had resisted the urge to pull her into his arms.
Because he had realized that no matter how vulnerable Daisy was, he would never be the one whom she resorted to. It would
always be Edward.

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