It'll Come Naturally

Chapter 407 The Harley Girl (Part One)

One shot, one dead. Almost every sniper should be capable of this. Daisy was a maestro of military skill. So it was a piece of
cake for her.
She fired five shots continuously and hit her targets with each bullet. She was just an amazing sniper! One would hardly guess
that a lady would have such a masterful sniping style. But Daisy had that and more. And she was a female high-ranking military
officer, to boot!
"Shit. How come the snipers are everywhere? Where the hell are our snipers?" Though these desperadoes were used to the
fugitive life, their hearts were stricken with fear when seeing their confederates fall suddenly in front of them. They stopped and
dared not to step any further. They were scared that they too would earn a bullet for their indiscretion.
The corners of Daisy's mouth turned up slightly. She trained her gun on the next target. She was not a killer. However, being kind
to your enemies sometimes is the same as being cruel to yourself. She always kept this principle in her mind. Therefore, the
more dangerous the situation got, the crueler she should become to avoid being killed by others.
The hiding place is extremely important to professional shooters. Once they are discovered by the sniper of the other party, they
either change their hiding spot, or die. And Daisy knew it well. So she would carefully watch her surroundings to see whether she
was noticed by others or not each time after she fired. Once she felt that she was exposed, she would leave without any
A sparking bullet whistled past Daisy's ear once again. 'Oh, bad!' Daisy thought to herself, 'I'm exposed. Fortunately he doesn't
know the exact spot. That's the only reason I'm still alive. Damn! I have to be more careful!'
But even it was a minor mistake, Daisy took advantage of it and shot back successfully. Her target groaned and then fell down.
She hit the target with deadly accuracy. And she broke out in a cold sweat as well. She could do this all day, except for the fact
that they were running low on ammo.
"Let's move." said Edward. He figured out that she was discovered. So when another man approached them, he raised his gun
and shot the man immediately.
On the other side, Luke threw out several darts without hesitation. Though not every dart cut a throat, he successfully brought
down the pistols leveled by the desperadoes, and bought lots of time for Daisy to locate another sniping spot.
However, more and more of them were gathering and shooting at them. They found it more and more difficult to whittle them
down, especially when they were running out of bullets. So Daisy, Edward and Luke soon went to ground and hid themselves in

the bushes. They were staring at the people approaching them.
"Colonel, stop fighting! You know it's in vain! You'd better show up. Be a good girl and accept my affection! I promise you'll love
it!" He was indeed a hawk. Even in such a dangerous situation, he was still showing his lust.
Edward's eyesight froze all of a sudden when he heard it. Even though he might expose himself, he still raised his gun and spat
a bullet at that lascivious man. Everyone had thought the hawk would surely be shot. However, he pulled one of his men nearby
to him, and positioned him in front of himself. The poor boy was used as a shield and got killed by the bullet. What a sinister and
ruthless man he was!
Everyone paused for a few seconds, frozen due to what they saw. Daisy took advantage of the time and pulled the trigger
nonstop and fired at the batch of bandits. Meanwhile, Luke kept throwing his darts in the melee. Several darts left his hands
immediately and flew out into different directions.
The screams and cries came out at once. When these bandits realized what had happened, they started blasting bullets crazily
into their hiding place. They couldn't move, they couldn't even breathe, and they were perilously close to being shot more than
At this moment, a scream broke out. It was especially shrill in the suburbs at midnight. And it was getting closer to the battlefield.
"Ahhh! Ahhh! ... Everyone move! Move! It's out of control! Move NOW!" A pretty girl was riding a Harley dashing towards them,
with the head of the motor lurching to one side. Obviously, the brake failed to work.
"Oh damn it! Who's that girl?" said those bandits in surprise. As a matter of fact, they could just shoot her to avoid being hit by
the motor. However, the problem was that there were cars following her. Those cars were flashing their high beams. They could
even hardly open their eyes due to the strong light, let alone handle Daisy and others. They could do nothing but bumble about
to avoid being hit by the rushing Harley.
The bandits' cars were just stopped there and the Harley zoomed to one of them and kissed it. Then a loud noise of "boom" burst
out and everything went silent later on. Unavoidably, the girl on the Harley was thrown from the motorbike and flew through the
air. Luckily there was a thick layer of hay so she did not get hurt much, though she landed hard. She escaped broken bones, but
there were a few raw patches.
"Miss, Miss, are you alright?" The cars following her jammed on their brakes sharply. They left their cars, and all the men rushed
out anxiously to the diminutive girl and lent a hand to set her upright.

"Shoot! I'm alright, but try anything and you won't be! Damn it. I'll get even with that thieving vendor. He sold me a defective
motorbike!" The girl cursed arrogantly and aggressively. Her face was full of unruliness and anger.
"Yeah, we need to go find that guy! Though the bike was stolen by us, he was misleading us with a defective bike first. We could
have been killed!" Several men in black shouted their agreement with the girl. They did not care about the danger surrounding
them at all.
"Yeah, you're right. I am not bad at driving a motorbike. It's the bike that is wrong and caused this mess," said the girl as if she
was redefining reality. And she was blaming anyone but herself. And anyone could tell that what happened today was definitely
not for the first time.
"What The Fuck? Are you fucking blind? What are we to you? Dead?" The man with a scar on his face lost his temper and yelled
loudly at first. Looking at these people who were ignoring them completely, he got extremely angry.
"Uh! I'm sorry! I forget that you are here. But what are you doing here at night? Shooting a movie? What's the name of it?
Probably 'Midnight Ghosts'?" The girl raised her beautiful face and a flash of interest and willingness was shining in her eyes.
"'Midnight Ghosts', that's not bad. Little girl, you know what? Our boss will definitely please you later on. God knows that a
female military officer is not enough, so he sent another little girl to our boss?" A man with a pock-marked face said with a lewd
smile and shook the gun in his hand in front of the girl, trying to frighten her. Her scream would make him happy.

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