It'll Come Naturally

Chapter 139 Losing Her Focus

"Duke! Let! Me! Go! Why do you bring me here?" Belinda punctuated each word with dramatic pauses. She wanted each word to
count. Belinda panicked as she was led away from the restaurant. Straightway she was practically thrown into the presidential
suite of the luxury hotel. Her anxiety grew stronger by the second.
Duke did not answer. His handsome face reflected a mesmerizing evil under the colorful lights. A smile swept across his face.
'Are you afraid now? A bit late, isn't it?' Thought Duke.
"What do you think?" Duke chuckled playfully, suddenly pushing Belinda up against the wall. His lanky body closed in as he
slowly touched her soft lips with his fingers. It was all so dangerous yet so delightful.
"Well... How would I know?" Belinda answered hesitantly. Inside, though, she was thinking 'My God! The man is a force of
nature! How can he be so sinister and sexy at the same time?'
"No rush. You'll know very soon." He whispered. The hot air warming her ear was soon felt by her whole body. Belinda felt her
knees get weak.
"I... I don't want to know, is that okay?" Belinda felt like crying, unsure what Duke's motives were. Whatever his motives were,
she just wanted to run away. Yet she was already locked in his arms. She couldn't get loose no matter how hard she tried.
"It's too late. I warned you, but you ignored me. Tell me, how should I punish you?" Duke's anger had faded, but he was not yet
ready to let her go.
"Um... I really can explain that."
'Shit... When did this bastard become so wicked? Is he playing cat-and-mouse with me?' Duke could've had his way by now, he
was just teasing Belinda's fragile nerves non-stop. What made her most anxious was not knowing Duke's next move.
"Go ahead. I'm listening." Duke's coolness was entirely different from Edward's allure. Duke's every move was infinitely smooth
and gorgeous, while Edward was extremely charming in his every manner.
"Can you let me loose first?" Belinda's forehead was coated with sweat. Her heartbeats rang through her chest as if her heart
would jump out at any second.
"Woman, the moment you ignored my warning was the moment you lost the right to ask anything of me." Duke didn't loosen his
grip, but instead got closer. His icy lips brushed over her earlobe. Belinda practically sizzled at his touch.

"Damn you, just say it! What do you want?" Belinda just let him have it, let all her anger out. There was nothing she could do
anyway, so why not just get it over with? It would be better than enduring the sexy sensations Duke kept hitting her with.
"What should I do then? Tie you to the bed? Or should we just do it right here?" Duke played with strands of her hair, leering at
"Pervert! Whatever game you want to play, leave me out of it." Belinda gave him a powerful kick. Only a fool would sit still and
not fight back.
"Ha! I love your spunk! We'll have more fun if you struggle!" Duke was completely transformed. His icy persona had gone, now
he was a brute. A bully.
"Duke, have you gone nuts? This isn't you." It looked like the man had lost his mind. Every time Belinda saw him, he was always
excessively aloof and quiet. Why did he start talking dirty all of a sudden?
"So who am I, then? Should I do this?" As he spoke, his lips abruptly closed in and robbed Belinda of her breath. The cat bided
its time, waiting to feast on the mouse because it wanted its prey to know who was in charge.
Duke's kiss was laced with a hint of anger. He toyed with her tiny tongue mercilessly, leaving no way out. She had crossed him,
and he would punish her for it.
Belinda had never kissed anyone. Her conservative beliefs kept her from taking that final step. But she gave in to Duke. If she
had her way, she would have wanted her first time to be with someone who loved her deeply. But fate had other plans. Belinda
was caught up in Leena's scheming.
She thought she would be devastated, but she wasn't. It was Duke. Maybe Belinda had finally accepted what Leena kept
pushing for with the "sister-in-law" moniker? Maybe that's why whenever Leena called her that she was embarrassed, and not
"Ahh! It hurts..." Her thoughts wandered, so Duke bit her lip forcefully. That was what she got for losing her focus.

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