It'll Come Naturally

Chapter 112 I Am Feeling A Little Strange

"No big deal. Just out of carelessness." Belinda avoided Duke's sharp eyes and wondered why he suddenly became interested
in her. She distinctly remembered that he used to dislike her. What made him change his mind about her now?
"Well. My dear sister-in-law, you shouldn't be too hasty in drinking. Yes, I asked you to drink it up, but I didn't tell you to gulp it
down like that." Leena mumbled as her heart continued to race rapidly.
Belinda gave an angry glare to Leena. In her opinion, it was exactly Leena's expectation. After all, it was Leena who got her in
such an embarrassing situation.
"Son, why don't you eat? You don't like the food?" Edward asked when he saw the disconcerted Justin.
He remembered how Justin loved gourmet food. So why didn't he have any appetite tonight? The food at this restaurant was not
bad. It was palatable!
"I'm alright, dad. I'm just not hungry." Justin raised his head and smiled. But his smile was even bitter than a crying face. Of
course, he had no appetite----there was a time bomb right in front of him, Belinda. He really wished to go home and stay with
Luke. He would rather not see what would follow next.
In spite of Duke's tight watch, Belinda poured herself another glass of wine and began sipping in order to evade his overly intent
Leena, on the other hand, looked at her quite hesitantly. Was the drug too strong and effective? She wished that Belinda would
drink more, that way nobody would notice that she had drugged Belinda through alcohol.
"Daisy, you should have a drink as well." After saying so, Belinda poured half a glass of wine for Daisy, but just before she
handed it to her, the glass was taken away by Edward.
"I will drink it for her." Edward smiled and drank it all up as he didn't want to listen to Luke's droning when he found Daisy drunk.
Daisy looked at Edward in confusion, not knowing why Edward did this.
"What? You want me to carry you home again? If that's what you want, you can drink as much as possible. I wouldn't mind
carrying you home at all." Edward intentionally shouted. So his words were heard clearly by all present. Their attention was
shifted to Daisy now.

That embarrassed Daisy. She glared at Edward with her beautiful eyes. Well, she may have drunk more than usual in recent
days, but there was no need to announce it in public.
"Mom, when were you carried home by dad? How come I don't know about it?" Justin's statement made Daisy even more
embarrassed. Now her face was as red as blood.
Daisy became quite upset now. Were Edward and Justin trying to make fun of her? If not, then why were all their words designed
to embarrass her?
Belinda found herself getting warmer as she drank more wine. She looked up confusedly--- Is the air conditioner working or not?
"Belinda, your face looks so red. Are you drunk?" It shouldn't be so. Belinda could always drink a lot.
"I don't know. I feel like I'm boiling and I'm really uncomfortable." Belinda sounded so gentle and sweet that even she herself was
taken aback.
Edward looked at Leena in surprise. Was he right in thinking that Leena had drugged Belinda? Leena was quite unruly. A
moment ago, he thought Leena was trying to get Belinda drunk. He didn't stop her then because he didn't consider that she
would drug Belinda.
Duke didn't notice anything wrong with Belinda. He continued drinking on and off. With his eyes squinted, he was lost in thought.
If Edward hadn't mentioned that woman, he would have completely forgotten about her. But now as he thought of her, it was like
a thousand years had passed.
"Daisy, I am feeling a little strange." Belinda whispered. The heat had shrouded her.
"What's wrong? Are you sick?" Daisy remembered Belinda's shivering moments ago, so she put her hand on Belinda's forehead
to see if she had a fever.
"I don't know. I feel extremely hot." Belinda had a sudden urge to take off all her clothes.
"Belinda, you feel uncomfortable?" Leena was a bit worried now. Her friend had promised her that the drug was not too strong.
Then how did it take effect so quickly? Maybe she was deceived, and the drug was actually really strong. Then what should she
do now?

Edward nudged Duke's arm and whispered in his ear. After his words, Duke hastily looked at Belinda, his brows knitted. Leena
had gone too far this time.
Then he hurriedly walked to Belinda, his face was wearing no expression but coldness.
"Belinda, stand up. I will take you home." Duke threw a glare at the culprit, Leena, and pulled Belinda up.
"Duke... Belinda... Will she be okay?" Leena asked timidly. She was both concerned and scared now.
"I will deal with you when I come back." Duke wondered if he had doted on Leena too much and perhaps that's why she was
behaving recklessly and improperly. Now she even dared to drug others.
"Duke, I'm okay. I can drive home myself." Belinda felt weird but she didn't want to take his favor, yet she liked his cold body. She
wanted to get closer to him and take in more coolness from him.
"If you don't want to make a fool of yourself in public, you'd better come with me." Duke's eyes grew darker and colder. Maybe it
was due to her rejection, or maybe his care for her.
"Duke, what do you mean? What's the matter with Belinda?" Daisy was totally confused. She held one of Belinda's hands and
wouldn't let go of it.
Duke gestured at Edward and let him explain to Daisy.
Then Edward gracefully and slowly stood up and whispered in Daisy's ears. Even at this urgent moment, he intentionally let his
warm breath caress her cheek and curl her heart. He knew how to make good use of his charm.

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