It Might as Well be String Theory (book 3 of the hexology in seven parts)

Chapter Introduction

Welcome to my Hexology (a set of six books, no dark arts ok), in seven parts. In this busy world, a short story is just the job to dip into on those spare moments of your valuable time. Come on a journey through space, time and reality in bite size morsels.

Any characters or events portrayed in this book are purely fictitious and any resemblance to real people, businesses, companies or institutions either current or defunct in this universe or any parallel ones is purely coincidental.

Dedicated to Sue and Alice

“Chris Troman heresy’s make puppies cry” Gozer the destructor.

" I smite him down, or at least I will when I find him” Yog-Sothoth

“I thought he was funny until he stopped believing in me” Hekkador (high priest of the Therns)

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