Invisible Mate ( Mate Series Book 1)

Chapter Who is the mole? - Part1

The warriors were ready. Adele was impressed with their eagerness and enthusiasm to save their Alpha and Beta. No matter how judgemental these pack members were, it would go without saying that they were very loyal to Chris and Liam. They were ready to sacrifice their lives to save them. Seeing their determination, Adele’s resolve to get her mates back was even more elevated, and she promised herself that she would not let anybody lose their lives in their quest to find Chris and Liam.

Dalton suggested that based on the information provided, 20 warriors were enough for the attack. So he selected the best, and they were ready for the fight. Adele suggested Trevor stay at the Blackwood Pack, as they couldn’t leave the Pack members unguarded.

Meanwhile, Sera approached Adele and gave them a potion.

“What is this?” Adele asked, interested.

“It’s a potion to mask your scents. When you take this potion, the enemies wouldn’t know when a werewolf or even human is nearby. It gives out the scent of the air around you, so they will never know when you are near. It will work for an hour, ” Sera explained.

" Wow, Sera!! When did you learn that?” Adele asked.

" When I was 10, I took a keen interest in making different types of potions. Then I realized being a witch, it comes to me naturally. Mom says she has never seen a witch so skilled in making potions. ” Sera stated proudly.

" That’s impressive.”

" I can make many types of potions, Ade. Though I can’t fight alongside you, I promise you I will do whatever I can to assist you,” Sera said sincerely.

Adele was overwhelmed by her friend’s gesture and hugged her tight. Sera hugged her back and teased her, ” Just don’t ask me for a love potion or to bring back the dead.”

“I know, silly,” Adele smiled back. ” But can you make a potion for healing the injured?”

" Yes, of course,” Sera beamed. ” I just need a few herbs, and I can start immediately.”

“That’s great,” Adele said, relieved that she could keep the pack members safe. ” You will get the herbs here in the woods. Take whatever you need and make it in abundance. We will need it.”

" I will get to it, then,” Sera said excitedly and left. She was pleased with herself that she could be of some use to her best friend.

After a short while, Axel, Adele, Dalton, Trevor, and the 20 warriors gathered at the Pack grounds.

Before leaving, Adele said to them, ” I don’t want anybody to risk their lives, so if you are injured, please back off.”

“But Luna, we are ready to fight till our deaths. We will make sure we get the Alpha and Beta back from that evil witch,” one of the warriors said with determination.

Adele took a different approach. “You can help in bringing them back, only if you are alive and healthy.” She then tried to assure them further. ” Sera is preparing a potion which helps faster healing. So whenever you see someone getting severely injured, get them to safety so that we can save them. We can do this if we help each other. I don’t want any deaths. Each and every life is important here.”

The warriors looked at Adele with silent appreciation. They had been to many fights in the past, but nobody had said such words to them. Her words gave them the impression that even their life mattered.

Dalton was genuinely impressed. ” I will take the responsibility, Luna. Being the head warrior, I will ensure everyone’s safety.”

Adele nodded and held up the potion Sera just gave her. ” For now, take this potion. It will help us in masking our scents for an hour.”

Dalton took it from her and shared it with everyone.

" You have grown, little sis, ” Axel chirped, looking at his sister in awe.

“Ohhh, Come on,” Adele said, blushing at the compliment and walking towards her car. Everyone sat in their vehicles while Trevor went back to the Packhouse.

They were all on the way, but before they could even reach their destination, they were intercepted by the warrior who had informed Dalton about Chris’s whereabouts.

" What are you doing here? I asked you to keep a watch on them,” Dalton growled.

“I-I am sorry, Sir, but they are not here.”

" Not here? What do you mean? Didn’t you say Alpha might be here?” Dalton asked, exasperated.

" H-He was here. I could smell him. But right now, no one is here. The whole place is deserted.”

" What happened? Be specific,” Adele asked.

" Y-Yes, Luna. I was keeping a watch from a distance, but suddenly, I was attacked by the rogues. I fought with them and, in the process, fell into the river. When I got back, the whole place was deserted.”

" What? How the f**k did they know about your location? ” Dalton screamed. “Didn’t I tell you to stay hidden?”

The warrior jolted at the head-warriors tone and stuttered, ” I-I was well hidden, Sir, but I don’t know how they found out. They didn’t even question me, just directly attacked to kill.” He then recalled something and suddenly said, ” When I fell into the river, I heard a rogue say, ′ Ignore that wolf. We need to leave immediately. They will be here any moment.’”

" How did they know we would be coming?” Axel asked, confused.

Adele wondered the same when she said, ” First, let us check the location. We can find some clues.”

They all headed towards the location, which looked like an ancient Mansion. They scanned the entire mansion, but there was no trace of a single soul.

“The scents of werewolves are fresh; it’s obvious they were here a while ago,” Axel remarked.

" And I could smell Alpha and Beta in separate cells in the dungeon,” Dalton spat in anger.

Adele felt a chill run through her spine when she heard Chris and Liam were locked in the dungeon. How were they? Were they tortured? Her thoughts are interrupted by Alexa. ” They are not hurt. Not yet,” she said sadly.

" How do you know?”

" I just know.”

They all head back to the Pack, and the pack members who were anticipating their Alpha and Beta’s arrival were all disappointed when they heard what happened.

Tess seized the chance. ” I am sure there’s a mole around here,” she sneered, staring right at Adele as if she was the one. ” I trust my pack members, but I am not sure about the members of other Packs.”

Axel didn’t like the blatant accusation. ” What are you trying to imply?” he asked, gritting his teeth.

" Isn’t it obvious?” she spat, and Adele was about to respond, but Trevor beat her to it. ” Enough, Tess!! Stop with your bullshit.”

Tess was shocked at her brother’s reaction, but he ignored her and faced Axel. ” I am sorry, Alpha. I apologize for her misbehavior. Be rest assured we do not doubt you.”

" If it’s not them, then who else would inform the enemies?” Tess spoke again defiantly.

" We would sort that out ourselves,” Trevor growled. ” You go back to your room now.”

Tess wanted to argue further, but one menacing look from Trevor was enough for her to turn around and run back to her room.

After she left, Trevor stared at his pack members. ” I don’t want to point out at anyone, but if someone here tries to betray our Pack, I will make sure they would regret it.”

The Pack members were appalled. There was an uproar from the crowd, and they started protesting. ” How can you blame us?” ” Don’t you trust us?” ” You believe the Alpha of another pack, but you don’t trust your own pack members?” ” I think it’s the witches.” Several members even went to the extent of blaming each other. ” I think it’s him. He has been missing from the Pack often.”

Adele was irritated at their childish banter and tried to stop them. ” Please stop arguing among yourselves.” When they ignored her words, she roared in her Luna tone, ” Stop It!!!”

Everyone was immediately silent. Adele faced the angry Pack members and said, ” What are you guys doing? As a pack, we are supposed to work together, not fight among ourselves. How will we save our Alpha if we are not united?”

The pack members looked down in shame, unable to face Adele. Adele continued, ” I will find out this person, but right now, stop blaming each other and go back to your rooms.”

Everybody dispersed and left as soon as possible while Axel huffed, ” This is tougher than I thought. ”

Adele signed. ” You should head back home now; it’s late; Daisy must be waiting.”

" How are you holding up without your mate?” Axel asked, looking at Adele with concern.

Being away from her mates was not new to Adele, but this time things were different; their life was at stake. Adele felt choked, and Axel held her and kissed her forehead. ” We will save them, Ade.”

After Axel left, Adele went to the nursery to get her kids. After a disappointing day, she wanted to sleep with her babies to find some peace. She took Iris and Ian to her room, and soon they were all asleep.

Adele suddenly woke up at the sound of Ian crying loudly. Her heart was in her mouth when she saw a silhouette standing beside her kids. Even though the room was dark, she could see through her werewolf sight a man whom she had never seen before.

The next second, he was in front of Adele swinging a dagger at her, but she ducked and kicked him hard on his chest, sending him flying backward.

" Who are you?” Adele screamed, staying between him and her kids so he couldn’t reach them.

The man attacked again, and Adele held his hand and punched him on the face making the dagger fall off. ” Did Samara send you here to kill me?” she asked.

They then heard a commotion outside, and Adele looked towards her room door. The door burst open, and Trevor entered inside, followed by Dalton.

" What happened? Are you okay?”

Adele looked in front and was shocked to see the man was not there. “Where did he go?”

" Who?” Trevor asked.

“A man attacked me just now.”

They saw the window was open, and Dalton said, ” He must have escaped through the window. I will go and check.”

Dalton moved towards the window and was about to jump out when Adele said, ” Be careful.”

Dalton nodded and jumped out of the window.

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