Invisible Mate ( Mate Series Book 1)

Chapter The Aftermath

Adele was in tears when she heard about Chris and Liam’s parents. She could feel their pain.

Maria faced Adele and said, ” After that day, Shawn had changed completely. The caring and loving Shawn died along with his mate and had turned bitter. More than the death of his mate, he couldn’t digest the fact that the person he trusted the most had betrayed him. Also, his best friend had been killed by his mate.”

Maria thought about the day when the pack members were shocked to see their Alpha carrying his injured mother to the pack hospital.

While the Doctor was checking Emelia, Maria asked Shawn about Clara. He looked furious and replied coldly, ” She’s dead.”

Maria was stunned at his reply. Before she could ask anything else, the Doctor checked Emelia and said she was very weak and the wolfsbane had entered her bloodstream and infected her organs.

Shawn, who was already angry, held the Doctor by his neck and roared, ” Save her! I don’t know how you do it, but you must save her.” After that, Shawn stormed out of the hospital.

Later on, Maria went inside the forest with a few warriors and was horrified at what she saw. Clara, Lea, and Matthew were lying dead on the ground in a pool of blood.

Maria’s thoughts are interrupted by Adele, who asks, ” What about Emelia? Was she safe?”

Maria recalled the day when she met Emelia at the hospital when she was conscious. Emelia was in a lot of pain, she told Maria what had happened in the forest and requested Maria to take care of Chris and Liam.

“Emelia had lost a lot of blood, and unfortunately, she could not survive, ” Maria replied sadly.

Adele was hurt to know that while Maria continued, ” Shawn was devastated and fueled by revenge. He wanted to destroy the witch, the vampire, and everyone who was involved. On that full moon night, after Clara and Matthew’s death, in his grief, Shawn had totally forgotten about the moonstone. The next day when he went back to the forest, the stone was gone. Shawn ordered his warriors to look for the vampire Daniel everywhere. Many rogues were killed, their hiding spots destroyed. At last, Shawn found Daniel hiding in an abandoned house. He trapped Daniel there and set the house on fire.”

" Did he die? Was the moonstone destroyed?” enquired Adele.

" Daniel’s ashes were found the next day at the spot where he was trapped, but we couldn’t find the moonstone anywhere. I think it got destroyed in the fire,” reasons Maria.

Adele was not convinced. ” Do you think a mere fire could destroy such a powerful sacred stone?”

" I don’t know, Adele. I just hope the evil witch is gone forever,” says Maria with disgust towards Samara.

Adele was lost in thought when Maria said, ” There’s a strong reason for Chris and Liam to behave as they do. After Matthew’s death, Shawn could not give his Beta position to anyone else other than Liam. So he personally trained Liam to be the Beta. His training was very harsh and brutal. Chris’s situation was even worse. Shawn, who would never even harm a fly without reason, had turned abusive towards his own son. If Chris was not able to train up to Shawn’s expectations, he would be beaten badly.”

“Shawn wanted the boys to have no weaknesses, and according to him, mates were a werewolf’s greatest weakness. Mates could easily influence your thoughts and opinions, so Shawn made it a point to ingrain into the boys’ brains never to trust their mates blindly. Also, Shawn had grown to hate women, especially those who held power. He believed that women would go to any length to get what they desired, and he imposed his thoughts on the boys.”

“The constant abuse and training changed Chris completely. Chris had become cold and arrogant, while Liam didn’t have any family, so Chris was the only person he could hold onto. Liam and Chris became completely dependent on one another, and eventually, they both fell in love.”

Maria observed Adele keenly just to see if she was bothered by the mention of Chris and Liam’s love. Adele had already accepted her mates loving each other and was still willing to be with them, but unfortunately, they didn’t want her.

Maria held Adele’s hand and said, ” I won’t force you to give in to them but at least give them a chance Adele. I think you can change them.”

Adele didn’t know what to say. A few hours back, she was adamant about leaving the Blackwood pack. When she recalled how her mates treated her, she was hurt, but she could understand them better now.

" If that bitch is not dead yet, I would be the one to destroy her," Adele was surprised at Alexa’s sudden outburst.

" Who?” Adele asked, confused.

" Who else, that witch Samara,” Alexa said with disgust.

" If it comes to that, I will help you,” said Adele with determination.

“We have to stay here for our mates Ad; they need us.”

" I don’t know Al; Chris himself said he doesn’t want us.”

" They are our soul mates; if we don’t understand them, who else will?” said Alexa.

" Their attitude pisses me off.”

" Can’t you bear with their attitude just for a while? I am sure we can make a place for ourselves in their heart.”

When Adele didn’t reply, Alexa persuaded even more. " Do you want to accept defeat without even giving this relationship a try?”

" I want to, but...”

" No more buts. Soon our pups will be born. We can have a happy family together.”

The thought of having a happy family with her mates and pups was enough to convince Adele. “You’re right. It won’t be easy to make them trust us, but at least we won’t regret not even trying.”

Alexa was pleased to hear that. " That’s my girl.”

Adele faced Maria, who was looking at her expectantly, and said, ” I won’t leave, Maria.”

Maria was so happy she instantly hugged Adele. ” I knew it; you are the right one for them. The Moon goddess has sent you to make everything right.”

Adele broke the hug and said, ” But first, I need to know a few things.”

" What is it?”

" Where is Shawn now? Why is he not here?” enquired Adele.

Maria’s face paled instantly. Tears flowed down her eyes, and she mumbled, ” He’s gone.”

Adele was aghast. ” Gone? Do you mean...?”

" Yes. He is no more. Though he acted strong and cruel in front of everyone, he was in a lot of pain internally. Shawn never let anyone know, but he missed Clara a lot. Every night, he was lost in her thoughts, having sleepless nights. During the day, his anger was directed at others, especially Chris. Year after year, his health deteriorated, his heart was getting weak. He couldn’t survive the agony and betrayal.”

Adele couldn’t stop the tears while Maria said, ” That’s the power of the mate bond. Betrayal from your mate crushes your heart and breaks you completely. When Shawn died, Chris was just 17. Though Shawn was abusive towards Chris, his death shook him. He didn’t take it well. He blamed his mother and the mate bond even more.”

" Chris did not even have much time to grieve over his father’s death as he had to take care of the pack. He was forced to be the Alpha and Liam, the Beta.”

Adele was crying, but she couldn’t help but say, ” How can they completely blame their Mom. They didn’t do it on purpose; Samara manipulated them.”

" What would you do if someone forced you to harm your family?” Maria asked.

Adele felt offended at the thought and said on impulse, ” No one can force me to hurt my family. I am not that weak.”

Maria smiled. “See, you answered it yourself. If a third person can easily manipulate you, then that relationship is not strong enough.”

Adele understood now. She thought how Shawn must have felt when his mate didn’t trust him but rather believed a stranger.

Maria remembered the happy times with her best friends Clara and Lea.

She looked at Adele and said, ” Clara and Lea were good and lively people who always cared about everyone, especially their family, but still, they weren’t strong enough to fight against Samara’s cruel intentions. They could have avoided getting manipulated by her, but they placed their trust in the wrong person.”

" Are you pointing towards Sybil?” asked Adele.

" Yes, I am sure the rituals Clara and Lea performed with Sybil had something to do with manipulating their thoughts because, after attending those rituals, they had got distant from everyone. That’s why Chris and Liam hate witches with a passion. One witch destroyed their family hiding in the moonstone while the other betrayed them in the garb of being a victim.”

Suddenly Adele remembered something and asked, “What did you say was the name of Sybil’s daughter?”

Maria thought for a moment and replied, ” I think it was Sera.”

Adele was dumbstruck. She recalled her friend Sera telling her about her being a witch. Could it be that Sera was Sybil’s daughter, or was it just a coincidence? She must find out the truth.

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