Invisible Mate ( Mate Series Book 1)

Chapter Blood Moon - Part3

Samara was ecstatic. She was trapped in the damn stone for thousand years suffocating in the dark abyss, and now that she was free, she couldn’t stop herself from looking around. She ignored everyone who was there and was busy observing her surroundings. She closed her eyes and felt the air around her. She touched the trees, leaves, flowers, stones just to make sure it was real and not her imagination. Finally, she was free.

Now Samara wanted to test that she had all her powers. She must show the Moon Goddess that she was still the most powerful even after being trapped for so long. She concentrated on the tree in front of her, and it immediately burst into flames. She chuckled evilly that her powers were still working. She then moved the rocks around, put a dent on the tree trunk, and made a wild tiger run by a mere glance.

Daniel was in awe. While he was busy admiring Samara demonstrating her powers, Chris’s priority was to save Liam. He slowly approached Daniel and snatched the antidote he was holding to threaten Chris earlier.

Chris didn’t waste any time; he rushed towards Liam and injected him with the antidote. He just prayed that it would work as he couldn’t trust Daniel to be truthful with him.

Daniel laughed at him. ” I was not lying, the antidote actually works, but you are wasting your time.”

" What do you mean?”

" Now that Samara is free, do you think you guys would be alive for long?” Daniel sneered.

Liam shook beside Chris, and Daniel continued, ” You, your little boyfriend, and all your pack members would be soon dead.”

Daniel then approached Samara and bowed to her, ” My Lady.”

" Who are you?” Samara snickered.

" I-I am Daniel.”

" Oh.., the useless vampire?”

Daniel was flustered at the blatant insult but was relieved when he heard Samara say, ” ... though I am impressed. At least you were of some use.”

" Now, what do we have here,” she looked at Chris, helping Liam stand up. It was as if she was aware of the people around her just now.

" That’s... Alpha Black,” Daniel muttered.

" Mr. Black... You are my special guest, ” Samara gave him a smug smile. ” I should thank you for helping me.” She approached Chris, and he stood in front of Liam, who was still a bit dizzy.

" So you are the infamous Alpha Black,” Samara said and sent Chris flying across the forest. Chris hit a tree nearby tree and winced in pain. The attack was unexpected, and Samara managed to do it without even touching him.

" Huhh!!! The most powerful Alpha doesn’t look so strong now, ” Samara mocked.

“Chris...” Liam called and raced towards him.

Adele and Axel reached there and were shocked to see a dreadful-looking woman dressed in black.

" We are late, ” Adele said in dismay. She then saw Chris and Liam and rushed towards them.

" Chris... Liam...” Her sadness turned to relief when she saw her mates were safe. ” You are safe... Thank the moon goddess.”

" You... What are you doing here?” Chris asked, alarmed.

Adele was surprised he even asked that. ” We are here for you.”

Chris was confused because he never expected Adele would come to his aide. Archer’s words ran through his mind, and he was wondering whether she was really there to help him or she had some other motive?

At that moment, even the Blackwood pack army had joined them. Trevor and Dalton came rushing towards them and cried out in relief. ” Alpha... Beta... Are you okay?”

Chris was happy to see them and said, ” We are fine, Trevor.”

" Tsk...!! ” Samara grunted in disapproval. She watched them to have some fun but was not happy that she was not the center of attention. ” Sorry to interrupt your little reunion... It’s good you are all here now; I can get rid of all you pests at the same time.”

Trevor and Dalton were angered by her words and attacked Samara simultaneously, followed by a few other warriors.

Sera approached Adele and reminded her, ” Adele, don’t just stand there. You have to get rid of the witch.”

Adele was too overwhelmed to see her mates safe and alive after a week. She realized that the threat was still here, and right now, they had to get rid of her. She saw Axel, Trevor, Dalton, and a few others fighting with Samara, Daniel, and the rogues.

Samara was having the time of her life doing what she likes best, torturing and playing with others’ lives. She was bored for the past thousand years, and now that she has had her chance, she will entertain herself to the fullest. Compared to her prowess, the people fighting her were nothing. She was not even using her full powers, and still, they couldn’t even come near her, let alone punch her.

Chris and Liam were getting ready to fight with Samara when Adele stopped them. ” I know how to get rid of Samara.”

" How?” Liam asked, interested.

" Do you have the moonstone?” Adele asked.

Chris realized that the moonstone flew out of his hand when Samara had come out of it. He skeptically looked at Adele and asked, ” Why do you want the moonstone?” He spotted Sera with Adele, and his suspicions increased. ” What is she doing with you?”

" She is here to help me. We three can together trap Samara again in the moonstone.”

" How can you be so sure?” Liam asked.

Adele was reluctant to say, but she had to tell them the truth. ” Sybil told me.”

" Sybil... the witch?” Chris spat.

" Yes, she has researched about Samara and the moonstone for years. She said your ancestor Christian Black had trapped Samara in the moonstone with the help...”

“I have had enough of these witches...” Chris growled. ” Don’t waste my time and let me deal with Samara. You stay out of this.”

" You can’t do it alone...” Adele cried out desperately. ” You will need our help,” she pointed towards herself and Liam.

" I will help him, Adele; you stay out of trouble, ” Liam said.

" Why are you not understanding what I am trying to say. We have to do it together because of the bond we share.”

" I don’t trust these witches.” Chris stared at Sera and scowled, ” Where is your Mom? Is she celebrating that her plan finally worked?”

Sera was shocked at the accusation and stuttered, ” P-Plan? What are you talking about?”

" Your mother’s plan to help Samara get free. She was involved with that vampire in kidnapping us,” Chris spat.

" No... My mother didn’t do anything; rather, the vampire had kidnapped us,” Sera screamed.

" How can you be so sure that Sybil was involved?” Adele asked Chris.

" Do you know their ancestors belonged to Samara’s coven? Not only that, they were even her followers. Did your friend tell you that?”

Adele was shocked at the revelation and looked a Sera accusingly.

Sera was flustered but tried to defend herself. ” I-I agree our ancestors were Samara’s followers, but my grandmother didn’t approve of her ways, so she had left their coven.”

" How can you trust her now? ” Liam asked. ” She was hiding the facts.”

" Please, Ade, I didn’t do it on purpose. I was just scared. But whatever Mom told you about the moonstone was the truth.”

Adele looked unsure, and Sera said, ” We would never help someone who killed my Dad.”

The determination in Sera’s eyes was enough to prove to Adele that she was telling the truth, but that was not the case with Chris and Liam.

" There’s no point in arguing... I can’t let my men die,” Chris said and jumped into the fight.

" Please listen to me, Chris...” Adele screamed, but he had already left. She turned towards Liam. ” Liam... There is a reason I have two mates. The moon goddess wants us to get rid of Samara.”

Liam wanted to believe Adele, but obviously, he trusted Chris with his life. ” You stay here. I don’t want you to get hurt,” he said and left.

Adele was stunned at her mates. Even at this point, they refused to believe her. What kind of mates do that? Do they hate her so much? What do I do now? She thought of the second option Sybil had told her about and started hyperventilating. ” No, no, no... anything but that.”

Alexa was equally tensed, and her voice cracked when she spoke. " L-Let me talk to them. I-I can convince their wolves. I am sure they will listen to me.”

Adele felt a ray of hope and looked around for Chris and Liam. Chris was fighting a rogue while Liam was fighting with Daniel. Samara sat on a rock, enjoying the show with an amused smile. She occasionally flipped her fingers, making things and people fly in the air.

Adele fought with a few rogues and desperately pulled Chris to the side. Chris was about to smash the person but stopped when he felt the sparks. ” What the...?”

He stared at Adele who’s eyes were snow white. ” I need to speak to your wolf,” Alexa said.

" There’s no use talking to him. He completely agrees with me,” Chris said in a matter-of-fact tone.

" I don’t want to talk to a foolish human,” Alexa snickered.

Chris was about to retort, but Conan stopped him. " I heard what your human said. She believes her witch friend way too much.”

" The witch is my friend too, and I trust her. What her mother said was right; there’s a reason why I have two mates. I even believe... it was our wolf spirits that had trapped Samara thousands of years ago. Now we have been reborn into these bodies so that we can trap her again.”

" That’s ridiculous.”

" Why can’t you trust us?” Alexa said, almost in tears. " Don’t you have any feelings towards your mate? ”

" Archer told me I alone can control Samara, no one else.”

" Archer... that vile human,” Alexa said in disgust. ” He was lying. He is working with Samara.”

" Don’t you dare say that about my friend,” Conan growled. ” He died trying to save me.”

" Died...?” Alexa was surprised to hear that. Archer is dead? How is that possible?

" Yes. He sacrificed his life to save me. The least I can do is honor his words; else his death would be for nothing.”

" I don’t know what Archer is playing at. He was never the type to sacrifice himself for anybody else,” Alexa was adamant.

" You don’t know him at all. He is my friend. I know him, and I trust him more than I trust you,” Conan spat.

Alexa was deeply hurt by her mate’s words and couldn’t stop her tears. She desperately held Chris’s hand and almost begged. " Please trust me. I love you. You are my mate, and I would never do anything that would harm you.”

Conan was still quiet and kicked a rogue who tried to attack Alexa from behind. " You are distracting me from my goal. What is your motive?

" My only motive is to get rid of the evil witch,” Alexa said in frustration.

Liam saw them arguing and approached them. ” Why are you two quarreling in the middle of a fight?”

" Ask her,” Conan said, annoyed.”

Alexa tried to convince Liam’s wolf now. ” Lex, you are the more sensible one. Think with a calm mind. Just for once, try it my way. We three will work together and trap that witch back in the stone.”

" I can do it by myself. I don’t need anybody’s help, least of all a woman,” Conan said with contempt.

" Lex, please.”

Lex looked at Conan and said, " What’s the harm in trying it her way for once?”

" Archer told me I can control Samara because of the Black bloodline, and as she is my soulmate, even she can do it. I think that’s why she is insisting on it.”

Alexa was appalled. " This is what you think of me? I am not so selfish, Conan.”

" I don’t know what to think of you. I don’t even know you properly.”

" You never even tried to know me,” Alexa screamed. " I am your mate, for heaven’s sake. Why will I harm you?”

" I trusted my mother. My Dad trusted his mate. What was the result?”

" I am not your mother, Conan. I am Alexa, your soulmate. Please don’t compare me with her.”

Conan was not pleased to hear Alexa talk about his mother. " You don’t know anything. You were not there when Sybil was manipulating my mother. You were not there when she tried to kill Chris. You were not there when she betrayed her mate, her son, and her entire Pack. So yes, I DON’T TRUST YOU.” Conan barked. ” Even the mother who gave birth to me was not worth trusting then how can I trust you. I didn’t even want you in the first place.”

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