Invisible Mate ( Mate Series Book 1)

Chapter Blood Moon - Part 1

Chris was sitting on his bed and staring at his mother’s photo. It was his thirteenth birthday, and an hour ago, he had just turned to his wolf form for the first time. After three years, his Dad looked at him with admiration in his eyes. His Dad was impressed seeing his huge black wolf and even said that he was proud of him.

On this day, Chris missed his Mom a lot. She always told him that she couldn’t wait to see his wolf, but unfortunately, she was not alive to see this day. A few tears fell down his eyes, recalling the happy times.

Suddenly, his room door opened, and his Dad entered in. Chris hurriedly hid his mother’s photo, but it was too late.

" What is that you are hiding?” Shawn growled.

“I-It’s nothing, Dad,” Chris stuttered.

" Show it,” Shawn shouted, and Chris flinched in fear.

When Chris didn’t move, Shawn held his hand firmly and snatched the photo he was trying to hide. Shawn stared at Clara’s picture, and he was red with anger. Without thinking, he backhanded Chris right across his face.

Chris whimpered in pain and held his cheek. His lip was bleeding, but that didn’t affect Shawn. ” You are weak and pathetic, exactly like your mother,” he spat. ” For three years, I trained you to be strong, but what do I get to see? You crying like a wimp sitting in your room, holding this damn picture.” He tore the photo into pieces and threw it on Chris’s face.

" I was too lenient with you. It’s high time you come to your senses.” Shawn held Chris’s arm and dragged him towards the dungeon. He opened the door of his torture room and pushed Chris inside.

Chris was trembling in fear when he saw the strange devices in the room.

" W-What is t-this room?” he asked apprehensively.

" It’s my torture room,” Shawn smirked. ” I always used it for my enemies, but it looks like I can use it for your training as well.”

“P-Please, Dad, I-I don’t want to be here. I promise I will do better.”

“Oh, you sure will; I will make sure of that,” Shawn sneered. He lifted Chris’s arms and bound them to the chains hanging from the ceiling while

Chris was trying in vain to escape.

“Stay still, or it will be worse,” Shawn snarled, and Chris stood there like a statue after the threat.

When Shawn was done binding Chris’s hands, he walked towards the wall and fetched a whip hanging on a hook. Chris almost fainted when he saw the whip as he knew what was coming next.

Shawn approached Chris and asked, ” Tell me what I taught you.”

Chris opened his mouth to answer, but no words came out.

‘Whack.’ Chris cried in pain when he felt the whip across his stomach, chest, and back.

" Don’t make me repeat myself. What did I teach you?”

" Always be strong and....” Chris stopped to take a breath, and he felt the whip hit him again.

" And what?” Shawn yelled.

" And...and not to trust anyone.”

" What else?” Shawn asked, hitting him again.

Chris recalled what his Dad had tried to ingrain in his mind for the past three years, and before he could answer, he jumped in pain as his Dad had hit him yet again on the same spot. His whole body felt like it was on fire. Chris’s wolf Conan who had just woken an hour ago seemed to have gone in shock. Conan’s soul resided in Chris’s body for the past thirteen years, but he was dormant, and now that he was awake, he was not prepared for this.

" Mate’s are a weakness,” Chris screamed.

" Exactly, and that is the most important thing you must always remember. Say it again.”


" Mate’s are a weakness.”



“Mate’s are a weakness.”

Archer saw Chris groaning and fidgeting in his sleep. He was annoyed seeing Chris scream in his sleep for the past two days. Staying in the god-forsaken dungeon without food and water acting like a good guy was already too much for him.

Suddenly Archer got a message from his Beta through mind-link. ” The Blackwood Pack’s army has reached the Demon’s forest.”

“Fu**k!!!” Archer cursed in his mind. ” How did the bit*h find the Demon’s forest? She might ruin everything. I have to do something about it.” He sent a message to his Beta about his plan and asked him to act upon it immediately.

Today was the day they had been preparing for months. He chanced a look at Chris, who was still asleep. The effect of the sleeping drug would be over soon, and they couldn’t inject him with any more drugs now as they needed him up and moving so that he could give his blood on his own for the ritual. Once Chris learns he is no longer drugged, no chains can hold him back.

As if on cue, Archer heard the rattling of chains beside him. Chris woke up groggily and looked around. When he realized he could move his hands and legs, he didn’t waste any time and pulled on the chains with all his strength. Eventually, he broke the chains that bound his hands to the wall and removed the chains binding his legs.

Archer’s eyes were wide, seeing the extent of Chris’s strength. He was terrified now. What if his plan backfires? What if they couldn’t manage to free Samara from her trap? If Chris discovers that Archer was working with Samara, he would surely torture and kill him.

" Are you having second thoughts, weakling?” Samara sneered in his head.

Archer winced at the sudden intrusion in his mind, and he had a feeling that he was stuck between a rock and a hard place. Both options seemed unpleasant, but now he had come too far, and there was no chance to back out.

By now, Chris was free and was helping Archer out of his chains. After freeing Archer, Chris headed towards the gate and banged on the lock, breaking it instantly. Many guards entered the dungeon and tried to stop Chris, but he tackled them one by one while Archer made a show of fighting with the guards. At one point, Chris was surrounded by multiple rogues and was finding it difficult to ward them off.

Archer was waiting for the right opportunity to be the ‘Hero’ in front of Chris. He signaled at one of the rogues, who moved forward to attack Chris with a silver dagger, and Archer shielded him. The blade pierced Archer’s heart, and he winced in pain.

Chris was shocked when he saw his friend taking the hit to save him. “Archer...” he yelled and killed the rogue by snapping his neck. ” Why did you do it? I could have tackled him.”

“I-I couldn’t let you d-die,” Archer stuttered.

" I won’t let anything happen to you, Archer. I will save you.”

“I-It’s too late, C-Chris.”

Chris was desperate and tried to pick Archer, but he stopped him. ” Y-You can’t save me, Chris b-but you can s-save Liam. ”

Chris was frustrated. ” How can I leave you here to die? You are a werewolf, so I am sure you can hold it for a while until we get help.” Chris tears off his shirt and wraps it around Archer’s wound to stop the bleeding.

Archer was irritated as well as scared. Irritated that Chris wouldn’t stop being self-righteous and scared that he would smell the blood on him and realize it’s fake. Luckily right now, the dungeon was full of blood and dead bodies of the rogues who Chris had killed. Archer had to act soon so that Chris would leave him alone and head out. If he wants Chris to trust him completely, he must make the ultimate sacrifice.

" Argh!!!” Archer screamed. ” I-I can’t m-move. I-It’s too painful,” He fell to the floor and held Chris’s arm.“P-Please p-promise me something.”

" Why are you talking as if you are going to die? I will save you and Liam as well. I won’t let anyone die for my sake.”

" F-First you p-promise me you will not f-free the witch from the m-moonstone,” Archer stuttered.

“I don’t know, Archer. I can’t be sure till I find Liam,” Chris said sadly.

Archer was happy hearing his answer. ” I-I know, but as I told you e-earlier, you can c-control her.”

Chris looked unsure, and Archer gave him a crestfallen look. ” Y-You don’t b-believe w-what I say? D-Do you think I-I will lie to y-you?”

Chris was still confused about what to do, but his heart clenched when he saw him spitting blood. ” Archer...”

" I-I am h-hurt Chris. Y-your lack of t-trust in me hurts more than this dagger in m-my heart,” Archer says and goes limp.

" Archer...” Chris screams. ” Archer, please get up.” He tried to move him, but there was no response. He heard footsteps, and a group of rogues came sprinting down the dungeon.

Chris was furious. He gritted his teeth and growled. “You are all dead.”

Meanwhile, Adele and her pack had entered the Demon’s forest. The forest lived up to its name. It looked old and out of this World. The decaying air and stifling atmosphere provided the perfect abode for those who worshipped the darkness rather than the light. They could hear the distant sounds of various creatures, and the place was filled with negative energy.

Adele stared at the moon in its full glory with a red glow. She prayed to the Moon Goddess to help her save her mates.

" They are here,” Trevor said beside her, and she saw an army of wolves at a distance.

" I am going with Axel to look for Chris and Liam. You sure you can handle them?” Adele asked Trevor and Dalton.

" Yes, Luna, be rest assured.”

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