Invisible Mate ( Mate Series Book 1)

Chapter Adele is Pregnant

The following day, Adele woke up in a different room. It was entirely made of wood, even the walls, and the ceiling. She was alone here and was wearing a long shirt. It smelled of Liam.

Adele recalled the events of the previous night and blushed.

Alexa couldn’t stop herself and said, " I know; it was sensual; I would do it again and again.”

Adele looks at herself in the mirror and notices the mark on both sides of her neck. Both were moon-shaped, one slightly bigger than the other. The mark was in deep black, and it looked as if it is a tattoo etched on her skin. She moves her fingers across the mark and feels an acute surge of desire through her entire body. She was aroused again and ached to be with her mates.

Adele goes out of the room and looks around but couldn’t find her mates anywhere. She goes out and realizes she was in a wooden cabin in the forest. She then hears a playful howl at a distance and sees two giant wolves playing together. They were flipping sticks around and ran to catch them.

Alexa gets excited watching them play. She shifts into her snow-white wolf and catches the stick in between her teeth, and races around. Conan and Lex follow behind her, trying to grab hold of her. They were chasing, tackling, and nipping at each other. Both Lex and Conan jump simultaneously, and all three were rolling over the wet grass.

Conan licks Alexa’s muzzle, and Lex was mouthing her neck. They were in a good mood, and the rest of the afternoon was spent playing and running around the forest.

Adele’s heat would last for two-three days, so they all had decided to stay in the cabin until then. Those were the best days of her life. She had built a good bond with her mates, and most of the time, they were indulged in passionate lovemaking.

After the third day, they all returned to the Packhouse. Maria gave a knowing look to Adele and teasingly asked her about her first experience. Adele’s cheeks were red with embarrassment, and she sprinted off to her room as soon as she could.

For the next few days, Adele was feeling very tired and exhausted. She felt morning sickness and frequently felt the feeling of nausea. She got it checked with the Pack Doctor, and it was confirmed that she was pregnant.

Chris and Liam were ecstatic, especially Chris. He had immediately informed his Pack members and held a celebration.

Adele was so happy looking at their excitement. Her life had taken a turn in just a few days. It was hardly a few weeks back, she had met her mates, and now she was pregnant. The thought of giving birth to a new life filled her with nervousness as well as anticipation.

Adele had informed her family, and they were equally happy to hear the news. They couldn’t stop themselves and immediately joined the celebrations at the Blackmoon pack. Adele was joyful to see them after a few weeks and spent the whole evening with them, reminiscing the past.

Even the pack members had not seen Chris and Liam so happy after their parent’s death, so everyone was in a cheerful mood. The arrival of a new member had become a hot topic of discussion among the pack members. Everyone started to speculate whether the pup would be an Alpha or a Beta.

The first few weeks of her pregnancy, Chris and Liam were very concerned about Adele’s health. Werewolf pregnancies are different compared to humans and the pregnancy period varies from 3 to 6 months. Based on the number of heartbeats the Doctor had found out, she was carrying two pups. Chris had hired a personal maid for Adele, who would be taking care of her meals and other necessities. He didn’t want her to stress herself.

As Adele would be the mother of their child, Conan and Lex had suggested their human to forget their bitterness towards the mate concept and try to accept her whole-heartedly. Even Chris and Liam had formed a comfort zone sharing the same mate, so they considered giving this relationship a chance.

After a month of her pregnancy, one of Adele’s friend Sera called her, asking to meet her. Sera seemed a bit off, and Adele was concerned for her, so she immediately agrees.

Adele’s dad had suggested that she join a martial arts school to be more well-versed in the human ways of fighting. There she had met Sera. Sera was antisocial and never spoke with anyone; she usually just completed her practice and left.

Adele managed to befriend Sera as Adele had helped Sera improve her fighting stance. Gradually they had gotten cordial with each other, and Adele had informed her about being a werewolf.

Sera seemed to be a bit surprised, but somehow, she took the news quite well. It was as if Adele being a werewolf didn’t bother her; instead, she got more comfortable with Adele after that.

So on the next day Adele was going to meet Sera. She goes to Chris to inform him she was going to the city to meet her friend. Chris didn’t want her to go to the town alone, so he accompanies her.

Sera had asked to meet at a regular meeting café, so Chris drops her there and says he will be back within an hour.

Sera was already waiting for Adele at the café. As soon as Sera sees her, she gets up from her seat and hugs Adele. Adele hugs her back, and Sera gasps, ” Y-You are p...pregnant?”

Adele was shocked. ” How did you know?”

Sera seemed to have realized what she said and tries to change the topic. “Let’s sit down first.” They sit down, and Sera orders coffee, whereas Adele orders fruit juice.

" What’s up with you. You are just 20 and already pregnant. I never expected you would be the hearts and love type,” asked Sera.

Adele blushed. “It’s not what you think.”

“Then what is it? And where’s your boyfriend?”

Adele didn’t know whether she could call Chris or Liam her ‘boyfriend’ and how will she explain to a human about having two of them.

" Actually, he’s not my b-boyfriend; he is my m....”

“Mate,” Sera finished for her.

Adele was shocked again. ” Do you know about mates?”

" I know a lot about your kind,” says Sera calmly.

Adele gave her a surprised look, and Sera continued, ” The reason I called you here is that I need to tell you something important.”

Sera looked a bit reluctant, and Adele held her hand to assure her and said, “Sera, you know you can tell me anything.”

Sera feels confident and says, ” I...I...I am a witch.”

Adele looks confused, and Sera adds, ” I mean, I am literally a witch, the spell casting one.”

Adele was dumbstruck. This was totally unexpected. No wonder Sera wasn’t shocked after knowing about Adele being a werewolf. ” Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

Sera looks sad and says, ” You know what the other supernaturals think about witches. Our kind is not usually accepted. You were the only friend I had, and I didn’t want to lose you.”

“I will never judge you based on your birth,” says Adele reassuringly.

Sera’s eyes were filled with tears, and she hugs Adele again in gratification. She breaks the hug and says, ” First, you tell me who’s your mate and how is he?”

Adele is cheerful again upon hearing about her mate and says, ” His name is Chris; he is the Alpha of the Blackmoon Pack.”

Now Sera is shocked and says, ” Do you mean, Chris Black, from the well-known Black family?”

Adele didn’t know the history of the Black family. She shrugs and says, ” I don’t know much about his family history, just that his pack is the strongest werewolf pack.”

Adele was also contemplating whether to tell about Liam being her second mate. She decides to come out clean with her.

" I...I have two...” Adele was about to say when she looked at Sera, but Sera seemed lost in her thoughts.

" Sera...” Adele said, trying to get her attention but no response. She tried again, and Sera jumped up a little and held Adele’s hands. ” I need your help, Ad.”

Adele put her hands on Sera and said, ” What help do you need? I will do whatever I can.”

" It’s about my M-Mom; she is...” Sera was about to say when she looked at something outside the café and abruptly got up from her seat. “I need to go,” Sera said in a bit of a hurry. She looked nervous now.

Adele was surprised at the sudden change in her behavior and asked, ” What happened? Why do you look so tensed?”

" I will tell you everything, but right now, I need to leave. Wait for my call,” saying this, Sera left , but she did not go through the front door; instead, she went towards the back entrance of the café and sped away.

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