Invisible Mate ( Mate Series Book 1)

Chapter A start to the End

Alexa was running around the barren land of the dark forest, crossing through the dead trees and the rotten leaves, looking for an ounce of life, particularly the Moon Goddess. After Alexa’s last encounter with the Moon Goddess more than a year ago, she relentlessly tried looking for her, but every time, she failed.

The witch had gotten quiet for now, but before Alexa was out of the moonstone, she had to find a way to eradicate her.

Although Alexa had been trapped in a Dark Abyss without her loved ones, she remained sane and hoped one day everything would be okay because the Goddess had asked her to maintain her faith in her. At times she was frustrated that her efforts were not fruitful, and sometimes she even hallucinated that she had seen the Moon Goddess, only to be disappointed later on. As time went on, Alexa’s days worsened because of the hallucinations. Some days it seemed too hot, and other days it was too cold. Sometimes she felt like drowning in water, and sometimes as if she was burning. She dreamed of being attacked by strange creatures and also choking to death by an unknown force.

After looking around for hours, Alexa thought of taking a rest as usually during this time, Adele would talk to her to tell her about her day. She decided to lay down beside a tree and wait.

Alexa couldn’t always hear what was going on in the outside world, unlike Samara, who could not only hear everything, she could even control the minds of weak-minded people. She would forever thank the heavens for giving her a human who was so strong-willed and was never phased by Samara’s manipulations. She could hear Adele’s voice only because Adele called out for her with deep affection.

Alexa recalled the previous day when she heard Iris and Ian smiling and talking to Adele, calling her Mamma. She felt a warmth in her heart and felt like her kids were calling for her. It made her resolve to look for the Moon Goddess even stronger because even the thought of her kids facing the problems Alexa and her mates were facing was scary.

" You have been looking for me...?” Alexa suddenly jolted up when she heard the familiar voice.

" Took you long enough.”

" As I said earlier, nothing is easy in life,” the Moon Goddess chirped.

" So, can you tell me now?”

" Straight to the point... eh?”

" I can’t wait to get rid of the witch,” Alexa said with determination.

" Me too, and it’s rather simple after you trap Samara in the stone.”

Alexa was surprised. ” Is it? How?”

“Samara would be destroyed if you destroy the moonstone.”

" I thought destroying the moonstone wasn’t easy.”

" Yeah... that’s right.”

" Then what’s simple?” Alexa scoffed.

" What I meant is the solution is simple, but the process to get to that solution is not.”

Alexa snorted.

" The witch’s attitude has rubbed on you. I just wanted to lighten the mood,” the Moon Goddess said jokingly. ” Do you know why I created the stone?”


" It was a toy for my kids.”

" A toy?” Alexa asked, shocked.

" My kids were playing when they saw the moon and thought it was a ball. They were fighting among themselves, trying to get to the moon. I had to intervene.”

" So you created a stone and told them it was the moon?” Alexa asked.

" You are smart,” the Moon Goddess praised.

" What was the need to create such a powerful stone for kids?”

" Initially, it was just like any other ordinary stone, but my kids are powerful, so they destroyed it in minutes.”

" Ahhh... so...”

" Yes... I had to give them something indestructible.”

" So, does that mean I have to tolerate Samara all my life?” Alexa asked, appalled.

" No... I created the stone with the essence of moonlight and the water from the holy river and my powers. So you will need all these things to eliminate it as well.”

" Essense of moonlight is fine, but what about the other two? Where is this holy river?”

" You will find it where the moon is nearest to the earth.”

" Can’t you just give me the address or the coordinates?”

The Moon Goddess raised her eyebrow, and Alexa shook her head in annoyance. ” Okay, I get it. I will find it on my own. What about your powers?”

" I will help you when the time comes. Don’t forget to call for me.”

" Okay. So on a full moon day, I go to the holy river and drop the stone while calling for you?”

" That’s right.”

Alexa stared at the Moon Goddess apprehensively. ” Is it that simple?”

" What do you think?” the Goddess smirked.

" You said nothing was easy.”

" You might have to face a few obstacles on the way.”

" What kind of obstacles?”

" I have already given you the clues.”

" Clues? What clues?” Alexa asked, confused, but then she recalled all the dreams and hallucinations she had gotten for the past year. ” The dreams...? Hallucinations...? Was it you? I thought it was the witch.”

" I was just giving you a heads up of what you might have to face in your quest.”

Alexa shuddered at the thought. ” Why do you hate me so much?” she growled.

" Not at all...In fact, you are one of my favorites.”

" As if... Then why do you have to make my life so difficult?”

" It’s easy to blame God for everything. Whatever happened to you was your own choice.”

Alexa was about to retort, but when she thought about it, whatever the Goddess had said was right. It’s was Alexa’s own choice to get herself trapped here. Though she was influenced by her mates’ decisions, nobody had forced her. ” That’s so unfair. I had no other choice.”

" You had a choice Alexa, but I am glad you didn’t go for that option,” the Moon Goddess said, proud of her. “... And that’s why I like you. You chose to save the world even if you had to bear the consequences. Though your path might not be easy, I believe you can accomplish what you set out to do.”

" Woww...!!! I should be thankful.”

The Moon Goddess chuckled at Alexa’s sarcastic comment and said, ” It’s time for me to go now. Your human is trying to contact you.”

" Hope your kids won’t come after me once I destroy their toy.”

" I like that confidence.” And just like that, the Moon Goddess was gone.

Adele woke up from her sleep, still confused. Everything seemed so real.

" Al...?”

" Hmmmm...?”

" Was it a dream or a memory?”

" A memory.”

" So... What do we do now?”

" What else? Get to work.”

The next few days, Adele spent in the library on her research. Chris and Liam thought she was behaving strangely and even asked her about it.

" What are you up to?” Chris asked skeptically.

" None of your business,” Adele snapped.

“Maybe we could help you...” Liam added.

" No, you cannot.”

Alexa insisted they go on the quest alone; hence they did everything secretly.

" Don’t you think we could take Chris and Liam with us? They can be of great help,” Adele suggested when she read about the holy river and the deathly path that led to it.

" Do you want our kids to be without parents?”

" W-What?”

“We never know whether we would survive. Are you willing to take a chance?”

" No,” Adele said sadly. ” I would rather my kids at least have their fathers beside them.”

They discreetly arranged all the things they would need for their journey. The weapons, tools, medicines, clothes, sleeping bags, and every possible thing she could think of. The only thing left was a few potions that she could get from her friend Sera, but she had to confide in her for that.

" Are you insane?” Sera burst out when she heard about Adele’s lethal plan. ” You are planning to go alone?”

" Calm down... lower your voice,” Adele said, looking around to see if anyone heard her.

" How the f**k can I calm down? And you, Alexa... You returned just a few days back, and you want to go on a death trip again?”

" It’s better to get done with it once and for all,” Alexa remarked.

" I cannot allow you to risk your life again.”

" But we don’t want anybody else to die.”

" Even if you die in the process?”

" We won’t die. We will be safe,” Alexa tried to assure her though she was not sure herself.

" It’s too risky. I am telling your family about it.”

" Please don’t,” Alexa held Sera’s hand to stop her. " Don’t you trust me? I have prepared everything, and the Moon Goddess has suggested what I have to do.”

" The Moon Goddess? How? When?”

" I met her while I was in the stone.”

" But... It all seems so dangerous. What if something happened to you?” Sera almost choked up.

" I will take care of myself, so I need your help.”

" What help?”

" A few of your potions.”

So finally, it was the day for Adele to leave. No one except Sera knew about her plans. Adele had already taken the moonstone from her brother’s office and left a note stating what she was about to do. She then went to her kid’s room, who were sleeping, as it was already past midnight.

" Wish your Mom luck. I hope to see you again,” she kissed them on their foreheads and jumped out of the window, transforming into her wolf.

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