Invincible Earth! : Volume 1

Chapter 9: Fight Test

A monstrous glare flashed across Xuan Long’s face as he saw Lance ignoring him. He controlled his expression and started following Lance.

Lance first stood in front of the PP test. This was a leather covered padded square, almost like a seat on a bike. Behind it was a tube which connected it to a round metal ball inside which a man could fit. Above the pad was a digital display with the number 0 on it.

Lance stood in front of the machine and calmed his breath. He closed his eyes and adjusted his posture into a slight variation of the horse stance, with more emphasis on quick movement thus not as lowered to the ground as a standard stance. This was what all initiates were taught: discard all thoughts. There exist only two things: your target and you. You are not the fist. You are not your body. You are one complete force with a singular will to destroy.

Lance visualized himself breaking the pad as he gathered all the energy in his body. The energy construct radiated with a brighter light as it responded to his wish to punch with as much power as possible.

He punched, with every cell in his body screaming for total annihilation.

A loud but muffled “THUD” sounded across the training field. People who were just walking in after having their breakfast searched to find the source of the sound, eventually seeing Lance in perfect posture, with his arm embedded in the pad.

A “DING” sounded as the digital reading wavered before stabilizing at a mind-numbing figure: 1001 kg.

A look of shock appeared on the spectators faces. This was a result that was in the top three in all groups, including the advanced groups.

Xuan Long especially had a look of fury in his face. “How is this possible?!?“, he thought. “Wasn’t he just an unknown-IN initiate? Even if he broke through, unless he has a strength-related IN, such a result is impossible. But all such INs are recorded and it has been millennia since a new one has appeared! Thats simply impossible! Unless.... has he reached the Mind and Body as One realm? Thats even more impossible! People who reach such a level in the initiate stage go on to become masters at least! And he reached this level with a month’s training? It takes years of training since very young to reach this realm. Hes only had a month! No! Wasn’t he just useless cannon fodder till now? Attok cannot have such a good descendant! HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?!?” Xuan Long became more and more furious as he thought about the implications this could have on him.

He had had simple instructions: break him, or make sure he will be useless. If the faction leaders saw that he couldn’t even do such a simple thing, he might be discarded! His position, money, women, status would all disappear!

As Xuan Long started to think how he could sneak Lance away and silence him regardless of the consequences to hide this result, he heard a thud as Lance fainted.

He had given his everything, and that had drained him considerably. The last thing Lance remembered was a murderous look on Xuan Long’s face before passing into blissful oblivion.

He didn’t know that for once, him fainting had actually turned out to be a boon for him. It had saved his life.

Lance woke up in the familiar pod. This wasn’t the first time in this month, as he had fainted multiple times with injuries too severe for enidra to heal.

But instead of the familiar Darius or Entsy looking in from the outside, it was Attok.

Lance first felt fury, as this was the man who was the reason behind his one month of inhumane pain and suffering. But then, he remembered that if it weren’t for this man, he would never be here with at least a chance to make his dreams come true.

Which was better: a life of apathy with no purpose, or a life of pain with the chance to find your purpose?

Lance had made his choice. Every time he had almost given up but somehow found the determination to dig deep and persevere, he had stood by that choice.

As he saw the face full of concern looking at him, Lance felt again that maybe he had made the correct choice after all.

He could feel the unspoken bond of blood between them in Attok’s expression. For once, he truly connected to this old man.

Seeing Lance woke up, Attok cracked a smile. As Lance got out of the pod, he almost collapsed again as he felt a feeling of weakness wash over him.

“Careful boy. The solution gave you enough energy to wake up, but you still need some real food in your body and some rest to get back to normal.”

Attok supported Lance on his shoulder as they walked together to the cafeteria. Lance didn’t speak. The sudden change in feelings had zipped his mouth and there was also a slight tension in the air.

After walking a few steps, Attok couldn’t take it any longer and said, “I’m truly sorry. I was sent out on a mission before I got to know that that twisted Xuan Long had been appointed as head instructor this time. I only got back this morning. You must blame me for everything you went through, and you are right to. Our factions have always been on the opposing side, but there is a major event approaching that has put everyone on edge. After centuries of losing to us, they are desperate and have started to target the younglings. We neither expected nor prepared for it. 3 great seeds have been ruined. You are the special case. Your performance has caused them to place an eye on you, but now that I’m on the station, they wouldn’t dare move. Our line is not one that can be taken so lightly. And that Xuan Long? He will have his due.” As he stopped speaking, Lance could hear a low sonic boom as Attok closed his fist in fury. Waves of anger radiated from him and for the first time, Lance was awed by the sheer power of emotion. He felt that if he didn’t compose himself, he would also be swept away by the tumultuous waves and become angry before measure.

The feeling stopped abruptly just as Lance couldn’t take it any longer. “Pardon my loss of control. We legends can influence the minds of people below our rank by just feeling something strongly. Its why we are so good at commanding troops. Anyway, what happened? How did you get into the top three score? Have you reached the Mind and Body as One realm? Or have you discovered your IN? Scans showed no indication of either possibilities. All the doctors are going crazy trying to figure out how the hell you managed to output that much power. Again, you are the talk of the station. So, tell me. How?“, asked Attok expectantly, with eyes shining with hope.

Seeing these eyes, Lance could only sigh with the feeling of Deja vu. Again, same as with the test, he had no idea in hell how he had managed to do it.

“I have no idea. Xuan Long, leave him to me. I’ve got a whole list of ways to torture that crazy maniac. All I know is that every time he asked me to give up, I chose not to. And that changed something in my body. I don’t know what or how, and I can only notice this when I look back because I felt the cumulative effect when testing my PP. What is that realm anyway?”

“Mind and Body as One. It is the first mental realm of cultivation. Realms are basically boundaries that one is acknowledged to have reached when he/she can reach certain parameters. There are various types of realms like physical, paranormal and even magical. The mental realms are one of the most important ones, as the mind or consciousness is the source for everything.

The realm of Mind and Body as One signifies that one has attained full control of their body. Initiates are taught to punch with every cell in their body, but is it physically possible to do so? In this realm, it is. It basically means that you have mastered the art of controlling your body. Because you are only in the initiate phase, activating that state caused you to faint due to mental and physical exhaustion: your body is just not strong enough to handle the load, even though you have broken through. Congrats on that, by the way. You have made me and a lot of people who had high hopes on you proud.“, answered Attok as he beamed at Lance with happiness.

Lance digested everything that Attok had told him till now as they reached the cafeteria. Helping him sit at a bench, Attok went to get some food.

A peculiar incident took place as Attok walked towards the long queue. It seemed that it was lunch time, and most of the initiates were impatiently standing in queue for the heavenly enidra.

As they stared with bated breath for the line to move, they felt an urge in the corner of their minds to move aside. They ignored it at first, but it got stronger and stronger until it filled their minds. Eventually, they found themselves moving to the side as a tall and muscular gentleman in a tuxedo walked past them.

After he did, any thoughts of reprimanding him were squashed as waves of overwhelming might washed over them from his wide back. The only thing they could do was scamper back into the line after he had passed and discuss who he was with their friends.

To Lance, it seemed that Attok was thick log that parted the water as it flowed through a shallow stream. People automatically moved out of his way without him saying a word.

As Attok came back with a plate almost filled with enidra, Lance was still looking at the line trying to figure out just what it was that Attok had done.

Figuring this out, he said, “That’s just a trick that even you are going to be able to do when you become a master. But to do it so smoothly, you gotta be a legend. As you have at least almost reached the first mental realm, you are guaranteed to become at least a master! We all have much higher hopes for you though. And so far, we are very satisfied. Thats why, the faction elders have decided to reward you.”

Hearing the word “reward”, everything else Attok said flew out of his mind. Ever since he had learnt that cultivation was real, he had imagined himself with a sword on his back, arms crossed behind him, the very image of deadly style as he gazed over the territory he owned. This was the image Wuxia novels had developed in him.

Expectations higher than ever, he looked at Attok with the eyes of a toddler who knows his father has gotten him a gift but is hiding it behind his back.

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