Chapter Chapter Two

Sarah Winslow quietly wept as she sat in her darkened office; within her hand was a photograph of her sister. Memories of their childhood, and their holidays, and the time of her marriage, and then the birth of her children, all flooded back into Sarah’s mind, and making it difficult to contain the torrent of tears, which now trickled along the outline of her cheeks.

The knowledge that she would possibly have had to confront the family and explain to the husband and children were more than she could face, it was decided the best method was for the people compromised, to become involved in an accident that would result in death, this way the authorities would be able to contain the situation, and without anyone having knowledge of the dreadful and heart wrenching truth.

Beside Sarah on the table, were the signed orders giving authorization, for the termination of all those found within the downed alien craft. It was to be Sarah’s responsibility to oversee the operation, and a part of her job description that in truth, she wished she could avoid.

John Dobson gave careful consideration into the location of the new unit, he needed it to be sufficiently away from Rudloe Manner, and yet in a position that would be serviced by road and rail. Also, he needed to ensure the location was to be very low keyed without drawing attention to its facilities or presence, and he knew it could not become the main base as Rudloe Manner were aware of its new location, once it was to be established.

It was the military alliance with Canada that gave the eventual solution, one was in an isolated area of Red Deer, where there was a little known and disused military establishment, with vast underground facilities, which had been used for the storage of nuclear weapons. Its facilities were ideal for Dobson’s requirements, although alterations were required, it was agreed that military personnel could carry out the work without drawing attention to the world of its true purpose.

The area stretched to some 2,000 acres with opens fields, underground complex and purpose-built accommodation units. Within a period of only seven months, John Dobson has established his authority and was fully operational, his first priority was to establish an independent stealth satellite link in high orbit, which would be overseeing the area of the South Pole; a further three slightly smaller satellite bases were also given the go ahead, in areas which offered the same type of essential environment, and which was so desperately needed.

All were built by military personnel, and who were themselves purposely selected for this sole purpose, and equipped with the highest quality of technology, medical, communication and munitions that they would need; and they were of a design that was above top secret and of another world origin.

He was still convinced that the Aliens who were in alliance with earth were in fact harbouring an ulterior motive, other than the friendly one that they had shown. It also concerned Dobson that the leaders of earth had been informed to except the eventual appearance of a vast floating Space station, which was to be many times larger than that of our own moon, and it was to appear in outer orbit within a period of only two years.

This in itself unnerved him, and gave him shudders at the possible implications, yet again apparently friendly, he was aware they were beyond question, many thousands of years in advance of our civilization and knowledge. Such a space station or mother ship as Owjut had described it, would without question be in a position of placing the earth and any opposing Alien world, in considerable danger of possible colonization.

John Dobson was also given the responsibility of ensuring the new base was safe from hostile Aliens using the transportation equipment, this involved the design of new units operating on different frequencies to those installed at RAF Rudloe Manner.

Ian Boys proved to be a valuable member of John’s new team, his knowledge of programming gave the team the edge needed when it came to be infiltrating into operational installations throughout the world. He had teamed Ian up with Chris Fieldwater, a science graduate who specialized in light technology, a relatively new branch of science, which enabled coded software to piggyback itself on a beam of light, be it used for simple illumination to military laser technology.

Dobson also requested a virus be written, enabling their team to plant a program within RAF Rudloe Manner’s system, and to oversee operations without the knowledge of Commander Phillips or John Whitmore. The eventual confirmation came regarding the downed craft in Scotland, in been constructed from an entirely different type of material. The technology also was far in advance to that found on any of the crafts that John Whitmore had worked on at Rudloe Manner.

Its propulsion system was so far in advance of the previous recovered crafts to bring considerable concern to Dobson. He suspected it actually belonged to Owjut’s Alien race, and that the Alien crafts recovered in the past or given by Owjut, were in fact recovered crafts from another less advanced Alien race.

In a federal office in Ontario Canada, other events were unfolding that were to play a direct role in altering the life of Agent Longman, and bringing her into a realm of nightmares, where reality and fiction seem to merge into one. Deputy Simms was uncomfortable, as the smoke within the room irritated his eyes, it also was making it unpleasant to breathe the air. The ashtray contained several stumped-out cigarettes, with ash on the table, as well as in the ashtray; and even as Simms spoke, the person opposite him, lit herself yet another cigarette.

“What do you mean you are neutral, you know very well that you are in a position to prevent this?” stated Simms.

Quietly the person before him breathed in, held her breath, and then blew the smoke into the direction of Deputy Director Simms face.

“It’s not for you to tell me what I can or cannot do, as it happens I am very fond of Agent Bryan and Agent Longman.”

Simms found that statement very difficult to accept.

“I am simply warning you, that there are certain people within governmental organizations, who are about to terminate Agent Longman’s life, and I promise you now, I will do whatever I can to assist you, but be warned, I still need to remain distant and prevent others in knowing of my involvement.” Her words were cold and to the point. There was a long pause as she inhaled deeply, and then flicked the ash onto the table. “They are of the opinion that Agent Longman was abducted and cloned, and that the real Agent Longman is actually at this moment, in a containment chamber at RAF Rudloe Manner in England.”

Simms knew that by now the person before him, rarely joked about such matters; he sat there looking directly into her eyes. He never had to hide his feelings of hatred from his superior; he had long ago made those feelings more than evident.

“I am telling you this as I know Agent Longman to be uncompromised; however, you will have difficulty in proving that, you may even not have time, as the order has already been given for her termination.” She replied, informing Simms, and knowing that he would need to act quickly.

Simms picked up a file which had been placed before him and read once again through its contents.

“Tell me are you in a position to prevent this from happening?” he asked.

Again, there was a considerable pause before Deputy Director Simms received a reply to his question.

“If I was to do that, I would be revealing my involvement in an area, that as you well know, the government denies been involved in”.

Simms sat there as yet another cigarette was stumped out and a new one lit,

“It would also be pointless to bring this conversation to higher authorities, as I will simply deny that the meeting took place, you would also then be placing your own life at considerable risk.”

As the person got up, she inhaled deeply and then stubbed her cigarette onto the table, then breathing out as she blew the smoke towards Deputy Simms. Quietly Simms sat in his office not wanting to believe the information he had just received. Once he was alone, he sat momentarily thinking to himself, then picking up his phone he requested his secretary brought him the personnel file on Agent Longman.

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