Chapter Chapter Twelve.

Dobson sat back in his chair as he went through the list of recent sightings; it troubled him that one in particular had been over the former English Home Secretary’s house. A woman had reported seeing a huge triangular object, suspended approximately one hundred feet above the Kent home of Mr. Howard in the early hours of March 8th, 1997. Dobson wanted to check with the captured Alien if he was able to verify if any of these earlier reported sightings were from his people.

Looking down at the chart it showed that in Bonnybridge since 1992 there had been some 3,790 sightings, Belfast had more than 3,200, Wales some 14,500, Yorkshire again some 2,500, Lancashire more than 4000, Nottinghamshire some 3000, Derbyshire more than 1,600, Somerset over 12,700 and Dorset some 11,670. This was just in England, the files on other countries was also equally impressive.

It was a noticeable fact that there were military establishments and nuclear power stations in most of the areas which had reported these sightings.

There were also reported sightings of some of these crafts apparently operating out of British Aerospace’s Warton facility, in Lancashire and at RAF Boscombe Down in Wiltshire.

Dobson knew a small percentage of these sightings were secret military test flights, however, what concerned him greatly was the fact that there remained a large number of reported sightings that were nothing to do with the ministry, and he wondered also how many crafts had entered our airspace without been detected as it was rumoured an invisible technology was also been used and that some had been entered onto any military list and that of other countries throughout the world.

Dobson also realized that the best way to hide something, is to do it right in the open; with the authorities refusing to acknowledge to the public, of the Alien existence; even at times purposely ridiculing those who reported such a sighting.

Sadly, even the church also usually refused to acknowledge such life outside this planet; therefore, people could become ostracized for making such a claim, and making their life one of ridicule and despair.

That was except the Mormon Church, as they openly believed in other worlds and life outside that of this world. Commander Phillips walked into the office interrupting Johns thoughts.

“John, I have received a report from central, it seems Nelson was set up to visit John Whitmore. I have checked the surveillance cameras, and Whitmore was there, yet no authorization had been given for the meeting.”

Placing the papers down Dobson looked across to the Commander,

“Have you spoken to either yet?”

“No…I have been unable to contact Nelson; he has been forced to go to ground for his own safety. The interesting thing was that it is reported that Nelson stated that he saw a Nun walking towards him, and he reported it to the senior security officer, saying that she was carrying a gun, they searched the terminal and later found a Nuns habit hidden in a locked cubical in the lady’s toilet.”

Dobson listened with interest.

“We have gone through the surveillance tapes covering that area, the Nun is seen going in but not leaving. We have eliminated all those who went into the toilets, to those who came out, there is one person unaccounted for, from the photo she has been identified, as a Marie Robert’s, a very skilled and expensive freelance terminator. It is believed she has been responsible for several big hits across the world, Nelson is one very fortunate operative to have escaped her.”

Dobson took a look at Marie’s photo,

“What about John Whitmore, I find it hard to believe he would be involved in something like this, as I have known him for many years?”

“It is because of his past record that we are involving you, it is possible he was set up to take the blame. It could also be possible that he is involved, as you know he had requested to be transferred to your Alien unit, I would like you to introduce him to our Alien friend. I don’t won’t him to know about the translation device, I will place armed guards outside once you are both inside.”

Dobson listened without interrupting.

“At no time is he to enter into the Aliens chamber, you can talk outside the viewing panel, and keep the translator out of sight, then use it when the opportunity arrives.”

Dobson nodded his head in agreement; it disturbed him greatly to think John could in any way be involved. He knew John was keen to see the Alien, and up until now he had been unauthorized due to security clearance. That afternoon Dobson called John into his office,

“John how is your research going on with the Tesla Wave?”

John usually reported in at least once a week to Dobson, although the meeting was unscheduled he thought little of it. Placing a folder on the table he pulled out a blue print showing a detailed diagram of the dismantled unit.

“It’s good to see you as well; I have made many advances. I have even managed to establish how the unit works and what we require to manufacture one for ourselves.”

Dobson looked genuinely pleased, John had always been good at his work, and this however was progress beyond his normal speed.

“Listen I have some good news, I have spoken with the Commander, I could do with an extra hand in the Alien unit. I hope you don’t mind…I put your name forward, it was accepted you can start tomorrow.”

The news had taken John by surprise, he had wanted to see the Alien ever since he had heard of its existence, and he had put in for a transfer hoping his past record and security clearance would make him an acceptable candidate.

To be given an opportunity of actually working with it was beyond his dreams. He stared across to Dobson for some seconds unable to say anything, and then after composing himself a broad smile went across his face,

“I almost do not know what to say, you have caught me completely off guard.”

Dobson was already walking across the room towards him,

“We shall have to put you through for a new security pass, in the meantime come with me and see who you will be working with.”

Dobson led him along a corridor past two-armed MP’s and through a security check in desk. Once they had gowned themselves up, Dobson took him into a sealed room; some twenty paces in to the right of the door was a viewing panel, which was connected to an independently sealed chamber.

John looked through the screen in disbelieve as he viewed an Alien,

“They are taller than I had imagined, and they also look similar to us, but with a leathery skin.”

“I would not quiet put it that way myself, but yes that is a reasonable description.”

Dobson put his left hand into the gown pocket as he put his right hand on John’s shoulder. He had learned from the Alien how to use the devise without another party ever knowing they were been subjected to a brain scan.

From within a computerized unit a few feet away, the digital brain waves where been recorded and stored for later translation.

“Have you made any progress in communicating with it yet?”

Dobson was expecting that question,

“Yes, the method we have developed works well with a 100% success rate, I shall go over everything with you tomorrow when you officially start in here.”

“That’s all very well, but what exactly is it that you do in here?”

Dobson smiled,

‘If only you knew’

He thought to himself.

Later that afternoon John sat at his desk reading through the translated digital brain waves, and then looking across to the Commander he bit into his lower lip.

“From the expression on your face I would say it looks as if he is guilty?”

Dobson gave a gentle laugh.

“No…no that’s not what concerns me.”

The Commander looked curiously across to Dobson.

“What then?” she asked him.

“It’s this damn mind reading device, John is completely innocent of the Nelson incident, he had been informed from someone claiming to be from Central to meet an agent off a flight. When it never happened there was a message waiting for him, saying the flight had been cancelled.”

The Commander was becoming impatient,

“What was it then that caused you so much concern?” she enquired

Dobson took some seconds to answer.

“It would seem the longer the physical contact the further back the device can retrieve past memories, John is having an affair with Julie Clark your personal secretary, there’s nothing wrong with that I know. It just concerns me that this could be a very dangerous device in the wrong hands. And don’t ask me to describe what they have been up to; the bloody device has printed out considerable detail,” replied Dobson.

Phillips was stunned yet she managed a wry smile.

“That is a relief, I had not wanted to believe that John could be involved in any such things; however, it was important to check. Do you still want him in this unit or shall I send him back to the craft, it’s up to you?”

Dobson had known John too long to pull such a stunt on him,

“No…I think he will be a valuable member of this team, and he can still jointly work on the craft, and I shall just have to ensure that he does not get to know how this device fully works.”

There was a moment’s pause, and then the two smiled.

“There is one thing; it would seem we might have a bad apple in Central.”

Commander Phillips nodded her head as she walked out of the office trusting in Dobson implicitly.

Sir Peter was near to total exhaustion when Nelson entered the room, once the parcel tape had been removed Sir Peter slowly lifted his head to look at Nelson, and even though it was actually painful he managed to master the strength he needed to talk.

“If you’re going to kill me, then please get it over with.”

He was to exhaust to continue, and his head was even too heavy as his body hung limp; as he desperately wanted to just die. Nelson rigged up a make shift drip unit, it took some minutes to secure the feed unit into Sir Peters wrist,

“Here you are old chap; I can’t have you dying on me just yet,” said Nelson, imitating an upper English accent.

Nelson knew the drip would sustain Sir Peter, and eventually bringing back his desire to live, as Nelson had wanted him fully recovered before he decided what to do with him.

The meeting with Frank had been productive; Nelson had retrieved his notebook, plus two holders that he had left in Franks care. He was amused at the thought of the poor bloody federal agents that were still on surveillance outside his Flat. What was important now was to finalize his reports and have them sent in; his fieldwork was far from over; however, he had identified fourteen police constables on the take, eight detective constables, and seven senior FBI officers of varying rank, along with numerous high-ranking military personnel.

Also, there were numerous groups who were soon to be in for a surprised visit, and he had enough evidence to close at least six major drug units, and thirteen different counterfeiting groups dealing from music, software, clothing, and money, also numerous illegal arms dealers and human trafficking.

His investigations had involved working closely along with Lord Goodwood’s many enterprises, including the long list of people that he was blackmailing. What was important now was to finalize everything and for him to keep alive, there were also a few personal matters which he had wanted tidying up, and Sir Peter was one of them.

Winston had received more than he had expected from the insurance on his wife. It was during the course of his investigations from over his years in the police, that he had learned how to go about placing a contract on a person. It was not long before he had several takers; and it was then only a matter of sorting the chaff from the wheat.

Once he had established who the assassins were to be, and he then up-fronted $2,000.00, with an agreement of another $2,000.00 to follow on the success of the mission; plus, a bonus of $2,000.00 if the mission was completed within the month. There was only one clause, they were to capture Nelson alive, as Winston wanted the kill.

It was a South African who Winston gave the contract, he was known as Sean Clause, an ex-secret police officer well versed in the art of been an assassin, and also a Nigerian named Femi Unsloow.

Sir Peter had by now recovered his strength, at least enough to support his own weight, Nelson had since taken surprisingly good care of him; although Sir Peter was still bound and naked and was desperately in need of a shower. It had been two weeks since Nelson had gone to ground, his provisions were far from running out; he did however want to settle some accounts as he was starting to become impatient.

It was the early hours on a Friday morning when Nelson eventually broke his cover and making his way to Vancouver. From there he had arranged to meet a contact that had been holding certain items of evidence for him, plus a variety of small firearms, and it was just past 1600 hours that his train had entered the Station.

Nelson was use to merging in with a crowd, and he had also arranged to meet with a character named Judd, at 22 pm, and what he had wanted; and was to ensure, that it was not on Judd’s home ground, as he knew that would have placed him at a disadvantage.

Arriving early was something Nelson had long learned in a process of survival; also meeting in an open public place was also to his advantage.

Contacting Central Intelligence, Nelson checked there were no outstanding orders, he also inquired if they had received the emailed evidence and inquired again if there were any outstanding orders. He was informed there was a package waiting for him in one of the stations public lockers.

This was a process which he knew well, and had used on many an occasion, as there were now some hours before he was due to meet with Judd, he decided to collect the package.

He was unaware however of Central having been infiltrated, and of the organization was aware of the danger in allowing his evidence to have been made public. Lord Goodwood had managed to reach his influence even within the halls of MI6. The station clock showed it was 19.27 pm, and Nelson quickly surveyed the surrounding area.

As he walked across the foyer two men were to be seen walking hand in hand, and some distance to their left were some children. There was a general hustle of people, yet Nelson seemed to sense something was wrong, Judd merged from behind an advertising booth, and as Nelson had walked past; at that point the two men holding hand changed direction and walked towards Nelson.

Sensing the danger, George quickly changed direction and ran across one of the platforms and jumped the track and made his way into a carriage storage area.

Judd and his companions followed, they had foreseen some difficulty and had a person covering that area. As Nelson made his way across a section of track his leg felt a surge of pain; and momentarily he lost balance and almost fell into the side of a stationary carriage.

Looking down he could see a small bolt type arrow imbedded into the calf of his leg. It was a matter of seconds before another arrow hit the carriage door, Nelson’s reaction was quick, and as he swung his body around, lying flat on the floor, he fired three quick shots in succession, and a young lad no older than sixteen fell to the floor…dead.

The silencer muzzled the sound of his gun; Nelson knew it would be only a matter of seconds before the others were to come into view.

As he rolled his body under one of the stationary carriages he heard the sound of footsteps in the distance, it took Nelson only a matter of seconds before he shot both approaching men in the legs. From under the carriage he was hoping to see where Judd had been hiding and staying perfectly still he listened.

His view was partly restricted by the stationary carriages, he also knew this worked to his favour. Judd merged slowly from one of the carriages; as he had used them to cover some distance, unseen.

As he carefully walked along the track, Nelson had changed his position; the bolt in his leg was causing considerable pain. However, he knew it was better to leave it in, as the moment he was to remove it; it would open the wound and leading to the risk of considerable loss of blood. As Judd walked passed Nelson he stepped out and put a gun to his head.

“Right you little shit, who paid you to hit me?” asked Nelson in an angry and aggressive tone.

The touch of the gun on the back of his head along with that voice Judd recognized so well made him freeze.

“No one I…I wanted you because I heard you were a bloody pig or something like that.” Replied Judd.

As Judd’s gun fell to the floor, Nelson spun him around hitting him hard in the face. The force of the blow knocked Judd some feet backwards, picking up his gun Nelson forced Judd across the yard out of sigh, and he then rested to tend to his wound. Judd was lying flat face down with his hands behind his head.

“OK…if you want to play with the big boys, I have a job for you.”

Nelson led Judd back onto the station foyer, and to the area of the lockers, handing Judd a key he instructed him to go over to locker 127 and bring back the package, all the time he kept a gun in his jacket pocket which was trained on him.

As Judd was very aware of Nelson’s reputation; he quickly made his way to the locker and took out the package. As he was about to turn back towards Nelson there was a deafening noise, the flash of light was blinding, and the force of the explosion took part of the station out, Nelson was knocked backwards across a bench and hit a trash can.

The station was in total devastation, picking himself up Nelson quickly merged in with the crowd and made his way to a place of safety.

He was hurt badly by the blast; with at least two of his ribs having been broken; also, the bolt in the leg had snapped.

In a quiet side street among the homeless Nelson tried to blend in, the dark of the night eventually gave him additional cover, and he knew he needed help, he was also now aware that someone in Central Intelligence had wanted him dead.

Commander Phillips had instigated an internal investigation into who gave John Whitmore the order to go to the airport;

It was only a matter of minutes later when she was made aware of the attempted assassination on Nelson life. The Police believed it might have been the work of the militants.

Two days later Phillips had a visit by Sarah Winslow head of MI6. The meeting took place in Rudloe Manner; Sarah showed Commander Phillips a video taken by the surveillance camera’s explaining she feared there was an infiltration in Central, and until she had found whom it was she would be operating from Rudloe Manner. Phillips called in Dobson.

“John I would like you to watch this video, the FBI forwarded us a copy; it is the surveillance shots of the train station just before it was partly destroyed by a bomb.”

John sat watching the events as they had been recorded from the surveillance cameras, it was comparatively easy from the various films to identify Nelson, they were also aware the explosion came from one of the public lockers used by the intelligence agencies. John looked across to Commander Phillips.

“Have we been able to establish if Nelson is hurt and safe?”

“No…well actually yes and no, we lost sight of him for a while, other CCTV units picked him up some minutes after the explosion, we have established from the shots that he is hurt, possibly badly.

He will be aware now someone in Central had set him up, we also found two men shot in the legs, and a youth dead in the carriage storage unit. We have the two who are alive in our custody, it would seem they were with a character nicknamed Judd, and they had gone to meet Nelson after he had arranged to speak with Judd later that evening, it would seem it was their intention to try and murder him down.”

John Dobson looked at the still shots before him,

“Was it this Judd character that opened the locker?”

“It appears so; Nelson must have suspected something was wrong. We do have another problem, it is logged that he sent in a comprehensive report via his portable satellite unit, yet the Canadian military are no longer able to trace its existence.”

“How do you feel I can be of help?” enquired John Dobson.

The Commander looked across to Phillips,

“We are aware you have extensive knowledge of his contacts and know possibly some of his likely safe houses, we need you to try and help us contact him and bring him safely in.”

John had a habit of biting his lower lip. He was quiet for some seconds before he spoke again.

“I can possibly help, but I know who I would like to help, John my daughter’s husband. He was Nelson’s contact for some time, I believe Nelson may try and contact him, the only problem is he’s staying in one of my homes, here in the UK, and Nelson would be unaware of that.”

Phillips left the incident in John Dodson’s capable hands; she was reluctant, as he knew how valuable he was for the current project, however it was imperative to bring Nelson in safely. As it was unknown who in Central Intelligence could now be trusted, and they needed to operate outside that department.

Dobson contacted John his son in law, who had already been informed by Commander Phillips regarding the situation.

“Well I was wondering if I would ever get to work with you Dad, I’m sorry about the pretence before, well…you know yourself what security is like.” Stated young John.

“Listen you little twerp…if you had broken cover I would have lost respect for you, as it is your one hell of a brave operative, and I’m truly proud of you.

Now I need you to check your answering machine, I don’t think George will risk going through County Counselling, and he will probably try and contact you direct.” Replied Dobson.

“I have checked it already, he left a message for me yesterday, and I now have a contact number to phone, I know no more than that.” Replied his son in law.

Dobson arranged to meet with John, until then he had asked him to wait before he made the call. Cathy was unaware of what was happening, John had informed her he needed to return to Canada, and due to some conference and to meet a client and that they would be away for about three days. Cathy was pleased as she loved Canada and had wanted to meet up with some old work friends, later john met Dobson at the prearranged site in Vancouver’s Great Park.

As the military helicopter touched down, Dobson could see John waiting in his van. Dobson had arranged for satellite cross-referencing once John had made the phone contact.

It was Frank who answered; he explained that he had received a message from Nelson to pick him up. Frank had then taken him to a safe house under Nelsons personal directions. After speaking to John, Frank agreed that he needed to meet up with him.

“Are you a Mr. Smith?” Asked Dobson, Frank was momentary unsure if he could trust this person before him as Nelson had informed him of John’s disability, therefore he was expecting someone in an electric wheelchair.

“I don’t want to seem disrespectful, but I have a gun pointing straight at you from my coat pocket, now you certainly don’t fit the description of someone in an electric wheelchair, so who the hell are you and where is John?”

Dobson asked him to walk across to the van, explaining he was welcome to keep the gun on him at all times. In the car park Frank could see a Blue Chevy with its side door open; it had been converted to take an electric wheelchair.

Walking over to the van Frank paused for a moment to enable him time to feel comfortable with the situation, he then spoke with John asking him to verify his identity. John introduced himself giving the correct sequence of names as directed from Nelson on his answering phone. Once that was over he introduced Dobson.

“This would you believe is my father in Law, I know it sounds strange, but he has asked me to help him bring Nelson in safely, now, where is he?”

Convinced of their genuineness and of whom he was dealing with; Frank agreed to pass on the information that Nelson had given him. Dobson was pleased to know Nelson was alive and that he had managed to secure himself to a place of safety.

It was another forty minutes before John and Dobson had arrived at the safe house, Dobson ask John to park the van alongside an entrance of a drive in a Burger Bar, and from there he went in by foot.

The house was an imposing old building, it had been converted into flats, Nelson had rented a room almost a year previous, paying the rent through the bank; it was one of three such bolt holes he had secured in an event of having such an emergency. Once there he had access to a supply of medication, tinned food, a change of clothing and a fresh supply of firearms.

Dobson made his way into the flat following the strict instructions given by Frank, it was soon evident that George Nelson had been there, the blood-stained clothing and opened medical packs were evidence of that.

Dobson also soon realized that Nelson was possibly hurt even worse than expected, reading a letter left by Nelson he dug deep into his memory to try and translate the coded words.

Dobson became aware that there was an unpleasant smell coming from one of the rooms, walking into a small kitchen area, there were some fly’s buzzing around a closed cupboard, on opening the door the dead body of Sean Clause slumped into his arms.

Agent Longman was preparing for the case to go to trial, she had been through the preliminaries; and she knew now it was only to be a matter of time. Although she had become concerned, as certain video surveillance cameras had shown Sean Clause at various times talking with people.

One shot taken from a CCTV appeared to show Clause showing a photograph to a group of lads outside Mc Donald’s, and it was Agent Bryan who brought her attention to it, as he had received it from the Federal surveillance unit.

“What do you think he was up to?” enquired Bryan.

Agent Longman looked across to Bryan as he walked back into the room carrying two cups of coffee.

“At a guess I would say he was looking for someone, from the state of the body we found. I’d say he probably found whoever it was. What concerns me, is what was a South African ex-police officer doing, asking questions of people in Vancouver?”

Agent Bryan handed Agent Longman another file.

“This is the report on the finger prints found in the flat; there is also a DNA match from the clothing,”

Agent Bryan read through the documented evidence.

“I see it’s our Mr. George Nelson then, from the look of this clothing he is in a bad state. Right have the latest photos of him issued; and check again with the hospitals or any doctor’s surgeries, someone must have helped him.”

“Oh, there is one other thing, a local Burger Bar were reviewing their CCTV surveillance units, it would seem they may have something for us, I have sent a car around to collect the recording.”

Agent Longman looked pleased, as she felt that she was long overdue, and needed a break, this Nelson had been a thorn in her side; she also wanted revenge, and not just for herself but for others like Winston.

The videotape showed clearly a Chevy Van parked in the Road, one man was seen leaving, it was some twenty minutes before he returned, as the van turned, it enabled the video unit to record its number plate.

“It is a start; I will get the number traced.”

Agent Longman knew in the back of her mind that she had seen that van before, or certainly one similar to it. Agent Bryan returned within a few minutes, he looked more than a little concerned.

“You’re not going to like this; vehicle licencing will not release the owners name or address.” He informed her.

Agent Longman looked at the picture of the van.

“Tell me think back, where have we seen that van or one like it?”

’It’s an old Chevy; there must be thousands of them.”

“No…no not like this one, take a look on the side just under the side door, if you look carefully you can see something protruding.” Stated agent Longman.

Agent Bryan looked where Longman had indicated.

“That reminds me of John’s van, Cathy’s husband, he has a hydraulic lift fitted that looks much the same.”

Agent Longman’s face momentarily lit up, then the realization that John; Cathy’s husband could be implemented in Clause’s death or in any way with Nelson scared her.

“That’s it, thank you, but I must say you don’t look to happy,”

Agent Bryan was right, as the expression on Longman’s face told a story in itself.

“Your damn right I’m not, I can’t be sure, but I think that is John’s van, if it is, what the hell he was doing there, and why the hell won’t vehicle licensing give us his details. It’s not as if he’s any one special, hell he is damn near…I was going to say useless, but that’s unfair. He is in fact one brave person, and what little work he does in the field of counselling can hardly be classed as secretive.”

Agent Bryan felt uncomfortable about this; he could not understand or grasp the reality of the implications before him. Agent Longman was herself only just grasping the possible implications, if this did prove to turn out to be John’s van, she did not like the idea of speaking to Cathy.

“It is possible someone stole or used his van,”

Agent Longman kept looking at the photo,

“No…Bryan I thought for one moment you were brilliant, now you are being damn stupid. It still does not explain why vehicle licensing will not release details of the owner.”

Agent Bryan realized the folly of his remarks.

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