Chapter Chapter Fourteen.

Nelson had observed his night time visitor, he was unable to distinguish who it actually was; however, he was aware that various devices had been laid with the intention of disabling whosoever was unfortunate enough to have walked in their vicinity. Nelson decided to sit it out, it was on the third night that Nelson saw he had an opportunity to investigate outside of the crypt.

Leaving from the side of a broken tomb he carefully replaced the broken section giving the impression to any on-looker that the tomb was intact. Nelson then made his way slowly around the cemetery using his night vision goggles; it was a very dark night with heavy rain and clashes of thunder and lightning. Nelson left the area and made his way to an old farmhouse; the dog had been barking most of the night,

Nelson managed to enter the building and steal enough fresh provisions to keep him and his guest going for about a further week. He was tired of tinned food; the taste of bacon and coffee had given him a desire to have some more.

As he was about to leave he noticed a pump action shot gun hung above the farm door, he lifted the gun and looked it over, opening some of the drawers he eventually found two full boxes of cartridges they were strong enough to bring down a full-grown fox.

As he made his way back to the Monastery he caught sight of a movement among some of the grave stones; keeping very still he watched as a person was crawling out of the side of the tomb that he used as an entrance into the crypt.

He was sure he had not been seen, he waited quietly to see in which direction that the person was making towards, quickly he put his provisions down then made his way across to intercept whosoever it was.

As the person was unaware of Nelson’s presence, it was easy for him to render whoever it was unconscious. Lifting the person up, Nelson could feel whoever it was weighed very little, walking back to collect his provisions, he then made his way back into the crypt. It took some time for him to bring the body through the small entrance, and then to reseal it, he was also aware there could now be some incendiary devices, that had been planted by his intruder.

Carefully he surveyed the area, with his night goggles until he located two small incendiary units designed not to kill, but certainly too main badly anyone unfortunate enough to have walked across them.

When Nelson arrived in the section of crypt where he had been keeping Sir Peter, he could see he was lying on the floor in a pool of blood, his throat had been cut. This maddened Nelson, as he had particularly been looking forward to watching Sir Peter die. Quickly he undressed the person, as he had learned in survival training; surveillance equipment could very easily be concealed even in a button.

To his surprise it was a woman, then in his memory he identified her, in been the person dressed as a Nun at the Airport. When she was to awake, she would find herself secured by a rope with her hands above her head in similar a manner to how Nelson had kept Sir Peter.

Her mouth was covered with a length of parcel tape, Nelson left her however sitting on the ground secured to one of the many stone coffins, rather than suspended in the air.

Nelson then walked over to one of the stone coffins, and removed the contents, and later placing Sir Peter into his new ready-made home. Once the lid had been secured Nelson then made his way back into the central crypt chamber and preceded to make himself a coffee and to boil some fresh farm eggs.

Marie Robert’s eventually came to her senses some two hours later, her head was swarming with pain, and it took her some seconds to realize that she was wearing men’s clothing, and that basically she was there at her captor’s mercy.

Frantically she tried screaming only to find the tape was very secure and made it impossible for her to speak, Nelson sat in the shadow of two of the rows of coffins, the light from the oil burner, never quiet reached to where he was.

Marie was unaware of his presence from where he sat drinking his coffee; he could see her frantically moving her body, trying desperately to escape. In the early hours of the following morning, after Nelson had rested, he emerged from his corner and walked past Marie, at that moment she forcibly lashed out with her legs knocking Nelson to the ground. He got up holding his side; her kick had knocked him off balance, and with the force of the impact damaging his ribs again in the fall.

Making his way back along the passage he then left the tomb by the way he had at first entered. It took him some forty minutes to find the entire incendiary devices that Marie had left; he had not wanted some unsuspecting child to walk across one, possibly maiming them for life.

Once back in the crypt Nelson took out a small bottle of chloroform from one of his holders, and then placed some on a rag, walking over to Marie he placed it across her face, and within seconds she was unconscious.

It was a good two hours before she eventually came to, and her whole body ached with pain, and the ropes were digging deep into her wrists, as she tried to move she realized each leg had been secured with a rope to railings on either side of her. This was a somewhat undignified position, nonetheless she was fully clothed, and it did make it impossible for her to lash out.

Nelson’s ribs had caused him considerable discomfort and pain; to have Marie kick him like that, had caused him to fear she may have undone the healing. Nelson redressed his wounds, and then walking over to Marie he had her clothing in his hands.

Placing lighter fuel on them he placed them on the floor just away from her, moving back he dropped a match on the clothing, the flames leapt up and into the air almost burning part of Marie. Once the fire had extinguished itself, he waved a photograph of himself in front of her face.

“Guess where I found this, in a car parked a couple of hundred yards from here. I have driven it into the old quarry, and it will take years before anyone ever finds it. As for your clothing, we learned in survival school that a person can have a hidden transmitter sewn into their clothing with a flexible Ariel sewn along the elastic, and although I could find no evidence of such, I felt it better to not take such a chance.”

He walked around her dragging the photograph across her body.

“Do you realize you are totally at my mercy, as it happens you’re in luck, I do not normally violate people in any way, I just need you to realize you are at my total mercy; you see I hate anyone who tries to take away my life.”

Nelson then walked over to the cage that was containing the rats; taking hold of the cage he walked over to Marie for her to see its inhabitants. Lifting it up until it was level with her face, he explained why they were in the cage, as he walked away he suddenly stopped turned around and spoke to Marie.

“I know what I will do, as I never got the opportunity to use them on Sir Peter I will save them for you, not today though…no, I want to enjoy your company as I get tired of being on my own.”

Marie was frantic; she had never liked rats at the best of times, and without thinking that she may end up as their supper.

Dobson received the message that Agent Longman had wanted to speak with him; it was particularly difficult, as he was back in England and at that moment involved in some interesting new discoveries. Later that day Dobson left a message at the FBI office giving them a mobile number where he could be contacted only if it was urgent.

The next day Agent Longman placed the call and Dobson answered.

“John here; who is calling?”

Agent Longman was momentarily taken back as she had not realized Dobson first name was also John.

“Oh sorry, it’s Agent Longman”

Dobson cut her short.

“Agent Longman, I heard you needed to speak with me, it must have been important, so, what is it that can I do for you?”

“It’s about John…Cathy’s husband.”

Dobson stopped what he was doing and listened intensively.

“I don’t really know how to say this, but do you remember that George Nelson character?” she enquired.

“Yes”, he replied.

“Well John’s van was caught on a CCTV video surveillance unit just a few yards away from where a Sean Clause was found murdered. When we tried to do a license check on the van we were refused details of the owner, it is only as I happen to know John that I was able to identify the van.”

Dobson remained quiet for some seconds.

“Ok, I guess you are wondering why his vehicle is under governmental protection, he was involved in assisting a unit from the Foreign office in some Government business, that is all I am able to tell you.”

Agent Longman was not happy with the answer.

“Did this business have anything to do with George Nelson or a Sean Clause?” Dobson knew how desperate Longman was in finding Nelson and those involved in the apparent global abduction ring.

“Listen I am sorry you are finding so many barriers, but John had nothing to do with this Sean Clause character or this George Nelson, now I really am sorry, but I am in work and I do have to get on.”

Agent Longman thanked Dobson, she put the phone away and doodled on a piece of paper, the more she thought about it the more confident she was that she was right. She did not know how John could be involved, yet she now knew for certain that he was; and she was also now suspicious that John Dobson may have had some involvement.

That evening she called around to talk with John and Cathy, Dobson had already spoken to John warning him of the FBI involvement.

John had told Cathy he simply gave his step dad a lift, and that dad had the van registration classified in case anyone saw the vehicle. When the agent had left, John looked at his wife, Cathy had pulled out a small glass bottle which contained a clear solution.

“What can I ask is that for?” Cathy smiled, “Oh nothing for you to worry about, it is a new substance the hospital is trying, it is reputed to dissolve any unsightly skin over hangs, warts and the like.”

John’s eyes, grew large, as he looked at his wife, “Just keep it away from me then”, he replied. Cathy looked a bit confused, “Why?” she asked. As John looked at his wife a huge grin of a smile went across his face. “In case you spill any on my lap,” he said while pretending to have a hand over his groin area.

Femi Unsloow a backup assassin, was taking his time he was in no rush to find Nelson; it was his belief that in time the great George Nelson would come looking for him.

He had deliberately asked many questions, and making it known he was looking for Nelson, he knew one day it would get back to him. Femi had discovered from various people that George had lived at some time in Innisfail; it was not that long before he had learned of the address.

He spent several days observing the comings and goings of various occupants; it was only to be a matter of time before he had approached Frank while he was working in his burger van. Frank looked at the photograph then handed it back to Femi,

“I’m sorry mate, but I can’t help you, what do you want him for any way?”

Femi paid for his burger; while he was placing mustard on it he raised his head and spoke.

“It’s like this, I know some very important people are trying to have him killed, I need to talk with him regarding one of his previous missions. Now I know Mr. Smith that you know this man, as he used to live in one of your flats, please pass him a message. Simply says George your old friend Femi is looking for you.”

He put the mustard down and then walked away. Later that evening, Frank had phoned George and relayed the message on; George was quiet for some time. Femi had been an old friend of his many years’ back; sadly, he had got himself into some very bad company and then George had broken off his friendship. What troubled George now was the knowledge that he knew Femi was one totally ruthless person; and that he would not hesitate to slit the throat of a child if it meant him reaching his goals.

George warned Frank to keep well clear of the man and explaining he did not want to cross him under any circumstances; however, he did have one good point. If a person treated him with respect, and as an equal, then as long as you were no threat to him, he would leave you alone. However, the moment you crossed that barrier, then he had no mercy.

Frank knew better than to argue, if George said keep clear then that is what he would do. Later that evening, Frank’s son had informed his father, that there was a strange man on the opposite side of the road, who had been asking people if they had seen George Nelson. He went on to explain to his father, that he had stopped him and then shown him a picture of Nelson.

As Frank looked out of the window, he could see Femi was standing in full view, and looking up at the house, looking and seeing he was been watched, he smiled showing his bright white teeth, and waved at Frank, and giving the suggesting that he had no intention of moving away. It was his intention to un-nerve Frank, and hoping he would then, either lead him to Nelson or bring Nelson to him.

As Frank left the house in the early hours of the morning, Femi was still to be seen resting on a garden wall. Nelson was becoming impatient; and he was waiting to hear from Central, and needing to know if they had discovered, whom it was who had infiltrated their organization.

However, he was unaware of the events, which were going on at RAF Rudloe Manner, and that, although the Central situation was important; events had overtaken him and were drawing the immediate attention of senior management.

Been confined in the Crypt was also beginning to annoy Nelson, the only company he had was Marie Robert’s, and she was far from co-operative, although he did enjoy tormenting her.

The next day he got up early, but then decided to wait until later, and as he was in some considerable pain and discomfort. It was late that day when he made his way towards town, and as he pulled up some two hundred yards from Frank’s house, he could see Femi was sitting on a wall and eating a pizza.

Quietly and with stealth, Nelson made his way up behind him, and then holding a gun to Femi’s head, he led him a short distance along the road, and then both people got into a car. As George drove away, Femi sat quietly next to him, and at no time did George remove the Gun from his side other than when Femi got into the car from the driver’s side and moving across the seats to sit on the passenger side. After some hours of driving, George pulled up in an old airfield, on the outskirts of Red Deer.

“What the hell are you doing looking for me Femi?” Enquired Nelson.

Femi was quiet and cool without showing any sign of concern or fear.

“You know what it is, I heard of this hit been made, the man was offering big money, so I took it.” He replied and still sitting quietly and showing no fear.

Nelson had at one time been very close to Femi, it didn’t feel right holding a gun at him, yet he knew all too well, that Femi was more than capable of looking after himself.

“Are you intending to try and kill me?” Enquired Nelson, as he knew it was pointless to say anything, other than asked his question outright.

Femi looked at him.

“Hell, no man, I would not do that, the client wants to do that himself, and I have been paid to simply find you. Once I realized it was the Fly I was after, I almost had second thoughts, and then I thought if I don’t take it someone else will.” His confident answer was designed to unnerve Nelson.

Femi had a broad smile on his face as if unconcerned about the gun in Nelson’s hands. Nelson got out of the car and walked with Femi, while all the way Femi never stopped talking, and he kept reminding Nelson of the times they had together. Then in an instant of a second, Femi had taken Nelson off his guard; as he was tired and still recovering from the broken ribs.

The Gun and Nelson were knocked to the ground, and by the time Nelson regained his balance Femi had disappeared into the maze of buildings. Nelson walked over picked up his gun and went to make his way back towards the car.

A shot fired, only missing Nelson by inches. Quickly Nelson found cover, he was unable to see where Femi was hiding; he was however aware that Femi may have already phoned his client and informing him where they were.

It was just over an hour before Nelson could hear another vehicle making its way along the back road leading to the airfield, he had moved away trying to find Femi. As Nelson quickly disappeared into one of the old aircraft hangers, he was just able to see a car coming to a stop, and only some five hundred yards away from where he lay hidden.

He was sure he had not been seen, however it disturbed him greatly to know that Femi was still out there. Winston got out of his car and made his way over towards one of the buildings, which was near Nelson’s car. Nelson watched quietly from a vantage point, which was high up in the loft area, of an aircraft hangar.

Parts of the old building were damaged with large exposed holes, which had let in the elements over the years. The surrounding buildings were all much the same, and Nelson realized, that it was quite possible Femi had brought a pair of night vision goggles with him, if so Nelson understood, that he must make his move before it became dark.

Moving away from the opening George pulled out his mobile phone, and then rung an emergency number. It was answered in a matter of seconds; he had no idea as to whom he had got through to, only that the last time he used that number was at Heathrow airport. Whosoever it was had verified his identity and had proved to him they were not at that time hostile or an enemy.

As the sky started to darken George had become concerned, as there was no sign of any one coming to his rescue, and he could now visibly see Femi about to put on night vision goggles, he only had two bullets left in the gun, and the remaining clips were in the car.

He was also just able to make out it was Winston who was the paymaster. He realized how much pain he must have gone through, and he also knew that he had no way of knowing it was not he who had killed his wife and child.

It hurt him to think he may have to kill Winston, and he knew however if he did, and then it would only leave one bullet for Femi, that was asking much, even from him.

Femi was a veteran fighter, well versed in all sorts of warfare; it was also most probable that he was wearing a vest leaving only the head areas for a straight kill. At this range and in this light that was near to impossible, and Femi was aware of his advantage.

It was dark, and far too soon for Nelson; he had kept well out of sight, and tucked away hidden behind some steel girders, this was in an effort to reduce his image. Fortunately, Femi was still looking around the buildings nearest to him, and the cars, however he was extending the search, and he knew it was only a matter of time before both men arrived in the building that he was holed up in.

From above Nelson he could hear a strange noise. It was not really that audible, yet in the quiet of the night he could just make out a distinct humming noise. There was a blinding flash of light, Femi dropped to the ground to reduce the target area, and fortunately he had been looking the other way when the light enveloped them. There suspended in the air was this massive craft, never before had he seen anything like it.

As the light from the craft changed its locations, as if it was probing the area, Femi could make out its size, it was triangular, and over 100 meters across, and certainly nothing from this planet. A ray of blue light engulfed the building, which was housing Nelson, as the beam narrowed it became very intense, and then in an instant the craft was gone.

Nelson had been watching the events from his vantage point, when the light switched to his building he tried to keep out of sight, he had this strange sensation as if light particles were running along his skin, and then the next instant everywhere was completely dark. He was not even aware of where he was; only that it was most certainly not high up perched on steel girders; the room where he was being kept slowly lit up revealing an outline.

As George made his way around the walls he came to a section where part of the wall turned transparent. There some miles below him was the earth; it was becoming smaller by the second until it vanished in the glitter of the many stars. The craft travelled at an incredible speed, and then came back to a halt, then for an instant of a single second, the craft appeared over Frank’s house, where a beam of light hit the house and then vanished.

There were few people about that evening, however, there were some which saw the incredible incident, most not really knowing what to make of it, or like others thinking it was lightning or just choosing to ignore it.

Frank had been sitting in the dining room having a late meal with his family; he could feel a strange sensation, almost like ants crawling over his skin. Then the room became covered in a strange blue light, unbelievably before their eyes George Nelson was to materialize standing next to the table, then in an instant the light had vanished.

The police had arrived at the airfield; both Winston and Femi were found seated in a car, unable to come to terms with what they had just seen. Their firearms had been disposed of the moment that they had heard the Sirens of the approaching cars, and from along the track leading to the airfield.

The next day Agent Bryan was speaking to Agent Longman, explaining why they had released Femi and Winston, he had not revealed to Femi that he had been under surveillance, and that the whole episode had been recorded on film. Instead it was Agent Longman who had found the federal agents story very difficult to believe, however there were the photographs that had been taken as evidence.

Agent Bryan had handed over the photos to Agent Longman, Femi could be clearly seen been lead away by Nelson at gun point, there were also various shots of them talking in the airfield, and of how Femi managed to escape also of when Winston arrived.

Unfortunately for the federal agent who had them under surveillance; his mobile phone had failed due to some technical fault, he had therefore been unable to call for assistance at the time.

He had however used the opportunity to gather as much surveillance material as possible. It was the outline of the Alien craft that disturbed Agent Longman. It was clear from the photos there was a craft of huge proportions, yet on checking with radar there was no confirmation of any crafts in that area, a few hours later Deputy Simms arrived with authorization to remove the documented evidence, with strict instruction to Agent Longman and her team not to talk about it, to anyone.

Dobson walked back away from the hanger; this was the first time he had actually flown in one of the Rudloe Manner Crafts. Owjut had piloted the vehicle that they had used in the rescue of George Nelson, as part of an exercise to demonstrate to Commander Phillips, John Whitmore and Sarah Winslow the craft ability.

Nelson had been completely unaware of who it was that had rescued him. He even found it difficult to convince Frank that he was telling the truth, however neither Frank nor his family could deny seeing Nelson having materialized in their dining room.

Sarah Winslow took the video recording that was made of the entire rescue and of the vehicle capabilities; she was due to have a meeting with the joint chief of staffs, and later with Com. Sgt Major Robert Denton from Shape. A top-secret NATO organization set up to oversee the entire NATO defence.

Major Robert Denton was suitably impressed, it was up to him to give Sarah the permission to exceed the allocated budget; and it was imperative if they were to build crafts of this nature. The three alien crafts were there for military purposes; it was necessary to train RAF personnel to fly them and others to operate the many defensive devices.

It was also imperative that the station was guarded now twenty-four hours a day. Conventional aircraft would be no real match for an invading alien force. The prototype crafts that were developed earlier were quickly modified enabling the base to have a further three vehicles at any one-time, and air born in defence of the area. They had to ensure that all long-range sensors were in sync with the new crafts, and that they had an ability of not only out manoeuvring any invading aliens, but to also remain unseen, simply because they were aware from intelligence gathered, that the invading army would outnumber them at this present time, by over two hundred to one.

Femi knew now whatever it was that abducted Nelson could quite easily have destroyed him and Winston, he had seen much in the way of military action throughout his life. However, whatever apparently took George Nelson, was like nothing he had ever come against before. He was unsure even now, in his ability to carry out the mission, as there was no evidence if Nelson was alive or dead.

Agent Longman was furious at the withdrawal of the photographic evidence, she was sure there were people in MI6 as well as high ranking federal agents; that were involved in the abduction ring, however she did receive one bit of good news, Intelligence had been working with the French police, and had arrested One Hundred and Sixty-Two people across France, who was directly connected with the abduction ring.

Their details had been retrieved from various computers that were confiscated in police raids. There were also various raids due to take place across Europe within the next few days; Agent Longman had every reason to feel pleased with herself and knowing that her team had at the very least, played a major role in exposing and instigating the safe return of so many abductees.

However, she was still adamant to continue, as she wanted the people at the top; and knowing that it was always they, who somehow managed to cover their tracks, and allowing others to take the blame.

Agent Longman knew now it was entirely possible that Femi would try again to see if he could draw Nelson out. This time she made sure there was adequate backup, for anyone on surveillance; it had been a thorn in her side with the continued restrictions on overtime and available staff. As for Winston, Longman could understand the man’s desire to see Nelson dead, she had in fact felt like destroying Nelson in repayment for her own abduction, and the pain that he had caused to her mother and others.

Later that day Agent Longman made herself a cup of coffee, and then sat in her favourite armchair and put her feet up. From where she was sitting she picked up the remote and selected the CD player, the unit had six pre-selected albums of Agent Longman’s favourite music. She felt she needed to relax, her mother was due home within the next few days, and it had been a strenuous past few months. It was at times like this that Agent Longman was able to re-charge herself, she also knew it was times like this that enabled her to place various snippets of information together, which was a major part of any detective work. It was as if, when her mind reached a certain level of relaxation, that it appeared to go into a deep hypnotic meditative trance, and from there, it was simply a matter of accessing her higher self, and from there the evidence seemed to collate together within her mind.

Winston walked along the river with Judy, she knew of the past events involving Femi and George Nelson, yet she stood by him. Judy also hurt badly; as at times the memory of her sister, and of her child brought tears to her eyes; had she herself of had the opportunity, she knew she would probably have taken it, to have taken her revenged would have been nice she thought, and as they both walked they found themselves holding hands; it was as if they could sense each other’s feelings. Both needing space and time to grieve their loss; yet also needing each other for strength and support. They decided to take a taxi and return to Winston’s Office; in there they were away from the brothers and in a position to lock out the world and explore their feelings.

Nelson had made his way back from Frank’s home to the crypt, and after having secured the use of another vehicle; he was still finding it difficult to understand what had happened. He knew no one would believe him, and even Frank who had seen him materialize out of thin air, and next to his dining room table, yet even then, he still found Nelson’s story somewhat wild, and yet he was unable to explain or at that, still understand what had happened.

Nelson had not been able to return to the crypt any earlier; and when he arrived, Marie Robert’s was visibly upset, as it was impossible for her to walk away to use a toilet, as a result she felt embarrassed and unclean. On realizing her dilemma, Nelson reached into his rucksack and pulled out some clothing, which he had wanted for himself. Walking over to her he rapped a rope which was secured around her waist to a railing, and then untied her hands and legs; and then he left the clothing within her arms. Marie pulled the parcel tape from her mouth, and then spoke to Nelson.

“Thanks, I know you have every reason to distrust me, but please don’t put that tape back across my face, I can’t stand being alone let not been able to talk.”

Nelson lit the camping stove, put on a container full of water, and waited for it to boil, Marie was not a very talkative person at the best of times, and however the isolation was more than she could cope with. Nelson made two mugs of coffee; and after giving one to his prisoner, he then sat down and rested himself against a coffin.

Marie changed her clothing, it was a new experience for her to be in this position; she had eventually after much effort made a success of her life, and in truth, she was usually very good at what she did. Nelson knew better than to trust her, as intelligence had informed him, that she was capable of killing almost anyone given the right conditions.

Looking across to Marie, he thought for a moment, and then Nelson pulled out two pasties, and he threw one across the floor to Marie, unfortunately it landed among her soiled clothing, Marie was to hungry to worry about that, and she picked it up brushed it off and started to eat.

“What made you take up your profession?” asked Nelson, as he genuinely was interested. Marie looked across to Nelson, when she swallowed and had taken another drink of coffee, she then answered him.

“It kind of happened by accident, I had a bastard of a husband; he would beat and constantly rape me. One day I could not take any more, when he started on me that day, I picked up an iron and hit him across the head, as he fell on his knees I lost control and kept hitting him.”

She went quiet for a short time, took another drink of coffee then continued.

“I called the police; there was this dreadful man who came to interview me, for whatever reasons he would not believe my story, to cut it short, I was eventually charged with his murder and went to jail. It was bloody awful there, and you couldn’t imagine how I hated it, and even though I knew I was not guilty of premeditated murder, the bloody screws there made my life hell.”

She took another drink of coffee.

“Then one day I was being transferred to another prison, along with two other women, there was an accident and I got the chance to escape, so I took it. I tried to change my identity and start a new life; I was getting on real fine until one day some creep somehow recognized me.

He tried to blackmail me wanting sexual favours to keep him quiet, I was in a panic, so at first, I agreed, anything was better than going back inside. Then the bastard started becoming more demanding, so one day I picked up a kitchen knife and stabbed him in the heart.” For some seconds she remained quiet and chewed another bite of her pasty. “It was bloody dreadful, and there was blood everywhere, but the look on his face was worth it, and from there it just grew.”

Marie asked Nelson why he had not taken advantage of her, and to have raped her, she explained that she thought most men were like that. Nelson smiled, he waited some seconds before he answered her, and then explained he was not like that in any way. Yes, he admitted he found her a very attractive person, and when she was unconscious he had every opportunity; however, that went against the grain to his beliefs.

In his opinion she had every right to be a person in her own right without any person taking any kind of advantage over her. Marie was shocked, yet in a kind of way that she liked, she even understood and kind of admired him for his truthfulness, and for the strength of his beliefs. Nelson had listened with interest; he had often wondered what drove a person to kill another for gain.

He could understand self-defence; or even self-preservation; he just found it difficult to understand. He was aware that in his line of work he had taken the occasional life. It was however usually in the line of duty or to protect himself, as for low life like Sir Peter and Pitney brown, he had no time or love for them, anyone he found to have been violating a child, in his mind, deserved far more than simple death.

Marie broke his thoughts. “Any chance of another mug of coffee, my mouth is so dry, it is the dust and fumes?”

Nelson retrieved her mug and made up another brew. He could not help wondering about Femi and Winston, it was wrong that Winston should suffer such pain. He had taken care of the men that had killed his wife and child, however that was no conciliation to Winston, and he knew and understood that he wanted revenge, and even though it was wrong, in his eyes it was Nelson who was responsible, and therefore to him, Nelson who would pay the price.

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