Into the woods I P U B L I S H E D

Chapter 3

„It’s nice to meet new people,

people who hide secrets that I want to discover.”

- Elizabeth


It was almost 10 p.m. when I was finally done with washing dishes and placing them back to their place. Now caring a cup of hot chocolate in my hands and getting ready for some book reading, I walked up to the stairs to my room, and at the same time, I tried not to overhear the conversation between Lena and Louis.

The way Lena left and slammed the door made me remember my mother’s and father’s fights. I had watched scenes like this my whole life.

Every time when they would fight, he would go out to drink again, and she, well she would pretend as nothing had ever happened. But I didn’t. I would sit next to my bed and cry. Through the years I started to realize that they weren’t worthy of my tears.

Especially not my father.

„I promise you that I will go the next time and the time after that until you finally give birth to our baby.” Standing in the middle of the hallway, I watched through the half-opened door how Louis was approaching Lena.

She was standing in the middle of the room with her arms crossed.

With one arm, he moved her to the right side, showing her scar on the bottom of her neck, while with the other hand he pulled her closer to him.

He leaned his head to her shoulder, taking a deep breath of her smell, leaving a couple of kisses on the scar. In a second, Lena relaxed next to his body and her mood changed in a matter of seconds. She was no longer angry, instead, she was happy again.

She stood like that for a moment before she turned around towards him and cupped his face with her hands.

„You know that I love you?” She asked.

„I know, and I love you too. With all my heart,” He pulled her closer to him like he was afraid that she would disappear in thin air.

The cute moment was ruined with my phone vibrating in my left hand. I unlocked it and saw Anastasia’s name on the screen.

Are you alive? Go on skype. I’m waiting for you for two hours. – A

Shit. I totally forgot about our deal. I quickly ran to my room, placed the cup on the table, and from my backpack, I took my laptop out and placed it on the table, quickly logging in.

I’m on. – E

I was waiting for her except my call when Ronny entered my room, placing his head on my right knee, begging me with his eyes to play with him.

„Not now Ronny, I promise you that we will play tomorrow,” I pat him on the head as he wiggled his tail, still excidet.

„Play, huh? With whom will you play tomorrow?” An unknown female voice made me jump for the second this day.


„Got you, right?” She placed her hand over her mouth, trying to cover her smile.

„Yes, you did,” I took a deep breath. „I almost shat myself in front of you right now.”

She laughed. „I’m so sorry,” She may say she was sorry, but both she and I knew it wasn’t the truth.

I shook my head. „How are you? How is Sweden? Did I miss something since I’m gone?”

„Wait, wait. Question per question,” She waved her hand through the air. „First, I’m so sorry for not giving you a proper goodbye. I was...You know. Drunk,” I laughed as she continued. „Second, Sweden is the same beautiful place since you had left it, and your mom said that she will call you in a day or two. And third, what happened between Jack and you, Ell? He insisted that I give him your new phone number.” I looked away for a second. Great. Now I have to deal with him too.

„What happened Elizabeth? Did he do something to you?” Anastasia brought me back to the present. I looked at her as she had raised her eyebrows at me.

„It’s nothing. We got into a small argument when he was driving me back home,” I gave her one of my fake smiles.

She narrowed her eyes but stayed quiet. „Anyway, how is in Canada? Did my little potato meet some hot body there?” I rolled my eyes.

„Canada is great, Anastasia. It’s so beautiful. Oh, and the Shadowrose village, it’s just magical,” I sighed. „I did meet a guy actually.”

She smirked. „Oh, really? What is he like?”

„You know, tall, blond and has green eyes.”

„It sounds like your type,” I narrowed my eyes.

„No, it doesn’t. He was, I don’t know, intimidating. There is something about him that makes me want to walk on the left side of the street if I ever see him on it.”

„Oh, that doesn’t really sound good. Please, tell me more about him. I want to know everything.”

~ - ~

After I told Anastasia everything that had happened with Nicklaus, she gave me a piece of good advice to stay away from him as much as I can. She also included that I need to enjoy life more and that I don’t need to act the way I was in Sweden, always sad and a big pessimist.

I know she wants what is best for me, but I’m not ready to enjoy life when I have so much work to do.

Just when I was about to fall asleep, Lena walked into the room, caring a blanket in her hand.

„Here is an extra blanket for you. It can get really cold during the night,” She sat on the bed, giving me the blanket.

„Thank you.”

„You’re welcome,” She turned to Ronny who was currently lying on the other half of the bed. „I see that he became really tied to you.”

„Yes, he didn’t give me peace since I came here, but I love it when he is here. I feel much safer.”

„I will let you sleep. If you need something you can go and take it, this is your house too,” She opened the door to go out, but I stopped her before she even got a chance.


She turned around. „Yes?”

„Thank you for everything.”

She smiled a little. „Good night, Elizabeth.”

„Good night.”

~ - ~

I thought that I wouldn’t need help finding the library in a small place like this, but I was wrong. It was a lot harder than I thought it would be.

People weren’t much of a help either. I asked three times, and each time I got the same answer to go down the street, turn right and at the end of that street I would find the library.

But they lied, or maybe I’m just so incapable to find something so easy in a small village like Shadowrose.

I walked down the same road that some person told me. Walking through the shadows of an empty street. There weren’t many stores or houses there, and the few of them that were left were abandoned.

I was focusing on what I was going to say, even taking the paper on which I had written the things to say when I suddenly heard a noise coming from a small alley on my left.

I turned around, seeing a shadow disappearing behind something.

I shook my head. I’m just imagining.

I walked further down the street, almost on the edge of giving up, until at that moment, in front of me, the library appeared.

The library was nothing like I had expected. I expected a beautiful, yellow stoned library with two giant stones, but not a library like this one. This one was white, two white stones in the shape of a wolf were standing proudly on the top of the stairs. Each of them was standing up on their legs, holding a sword with their paws and a long white tongue sticking down their muzzles.

They looked scary, intimidating. Something that I haven’t seen before in Sweden.

I climbed up the stairs, reading a Latin quote above the giant black doors.

Flectere si nequeo superos, ego imperare inferos.

I’m confused. What does that mean?

My eyes wandered through the rest of the building, searching for a translation, but there wasn’t any quote except this one.

A man got out, opening the door for me so I could walk in. I thanked the man and entered the library, almost falling down on my ass as soon as I saw how big the inside was.

Just like the outside, the inside of the library was white, a few grey spots here in there, making it more historical then it actually was. Portraits of families, men, and a few women were hanging all over the walls. Some of them were small. Some of them were large. And yet, they looked like they all come from one single family.

I walked deeper into the library, looking at the counter with no one there, „Is someone here?”

Suddenly, I heard a scream coming from the second row of shelves.

I ran towards the voice, seeing a brown haired girl dressed in all black sitting on the floor, massaging the top of her head.

„Are you okay?” I gave her my hand. She accepted it and I lifted her from the floor.

„I am. Thank you,” She shook the dust from her jeans.

„I was looking for the librarian, but she isn’t anywhere to be found. Maybe you know where she is?” I asked as I placed the fallen books back on the shelf.

„You are looking at her,” She said shyly, her cheeks turning red. The girl was too young for a librarian. She didn’t even look like she was 20.

„I’m sorry, I expected someone older.”

„It’s okay. The old librarian retired, so I work here when I’m not in it the University and when Mr. Tray asks me.” I walked behind her to the desk where she sat on the computer and started to type something.

„Can I help you with something?” She asked.

„Oh, yeah,” I placed a piece of hair behind my ear. „My aunt, Lena Hold told me she found me a job here in the library.” Her eyes widen at the mention of Lena. She jumped from her seat, walked around, giving me a big hug.

„You must be Elizabeth Zemerlöw.”

I looked at her confused. „Yeah?”

She smiled. „Your aunt told me everything about you.” She punched my shoulder. „I’m Ashley,” She gave me her hand and we shook hands. I hope that Lena didn’t tell her everything.

„Nice to meet you,” I said.

„It’s nice meeting you too. I’ve never seen you at my college and around the place, so I found it weird to see someone new. It’s a small place, we all know each other,” She checked a few books on the table as I looked at the painting with another quote behind the desk. It was a family again. A man, his wife, and four little boys.

And unlike on the outside, this quote was on English.

Hope note ver to see Heaven. I have come to lead you to the other shore, into eternal darkness: into fire and ice. – Alighieri

I’ve read the quote out loud. I know this quote. It was from Inferno.

„I love this quote,” I said out loud.


I nodded. „Yes, Aligheri is my favorite author.”

I made a step towards the portrait. „Who are they?”

„That’s the Nightclaw family. They are the owners of this town, and sadly, my college too.” The Nightclaw family? So that’s the family that my friends told me about.

„The quote makes them sound creepy,” I turned to Ashley, seeing her placing the books on the shelf.

Ashley turned around, placing a finger on her mouth. „Don’t say that ever again in here.”

„Why?” I asked.

„Well, according to Mr. Tray, these portraits have eyes and ears. They see and hear everything,” She whispered.

I laughed. „You’re joking. You are just trying to make me scared.”

She shook her head. „I’m not lying. Sometimes, when I’m all alone, I swear that I hear voices coming behind the portraits. And Mr. Tray also said that there is also a tunnel in here, but it was never found.”

„Mr. Tray is a really creative man. There aren’t any portraits who can see and hear.”

She shrugged, giving a book about local history. „Here is a book about the village. Maybe it could help you.”

„Thank you,” I threw the book in my bag, not expecting it to be so heavy.

„When did you move here?” She asked.

„I came here yesterday. This is my second day.”

„It must be hard orienting right?”

I drowsed. „Yes.” It was hard to orient in this place, especially on your own. „You know, we can get some coffee if you want. I still don’t know anyone here so it would be nice to finally meet someone,” I don’t know why, but I felt so embarrassed asking that. Even if there was no reason to be, but unfortunately, my social skills weren’t that good.

„Sure, we could go, but I have to go to a girl supporting group first,” She said.

„A supporting group?” I looked at her confused.

„Yes. It’s for girls who went through an abusive relationship,” She checked her phone, „Do you want to go with me?”

I thought for a second before finally answering. „I don’t know. We just met and someone new like me would make them uncomfortable. Maybe next time.”

„Okay, but could you at least help with the boxes? I always struggle carrying them,” She pleaded.

I nodded. “Sure, why not.”

She clapped her hands. „You can turn the sigh to close while I grab my things, okay?”

Ashley walked through the back door, closing the door behind her.

I walked to the entrance, and just as I was about to turn the sign around, a man pushed the second door and walked in.

„I’m sorry, I thought that the library was working until 12.” It took me a couple of seconds to come to my senses. The man in front of me looked really familiar like I’ve seen him somewhere before. Like he was the same exact replica of Nicklaus.

I shook my head. It wasn’t possible.

„It’s still working,” I said.

„Then why are you turning the sign around?” He asked.

Not knowing what to say, I just turned around, trying to ignore the man.

„Are you new?” And once again, I turned around only to stare at that man.

His eyes were green, his hair blond, and that smirk on his lips that remind me so much of Nicklaus.

„Yes. I mean, I didn’t start yet,” I lowered my head down, hoping he wouldn’t realize my cheeks turned red.

„What’s your name?” His eyes moved all over my face to my neck.


„So, Elizbeth, did you see Ashley?” He moved his attention to the library, searching for Ashley.

„She went to grab her things. Can I help you with something?”

„Please call me Tyler,” He laughed.

Giving me his hand, I thought for a few second about excepting it. I don’t really like him, but I had to show him that I’m a nice person, so I took his hand and we shook.

„Nice to meet you. What book are you searching for?”

„I need Prometheus by Eshil.”

I nodded and started walking towards the shelves. I could feel his eyes on my back, scanning me like a predator his prey. I feel scared next to him.

Where are you, Ashley?

During my search for Eshil, he asked me about my personal life. I tried to give him a few answers without giving much away. Just when I had prepared myself to answer the next question, Eshil caught my eyes.

„Here,” I give him the book. „You must really like ancient literature.”

„I do actually. I love this book, it reminds me of my brother and me. Also, Eshil is one of my favorite authors even If I can bearly understand what he tried to say.”

„Really?” I smiled at him.

„Yeah,” He made a step forward. „I can guess your favorite author if you let me.”

„Shoot,” I leaned on the shelf.

„Dante Alighieri.” His eyes flashed, and I could swear that I just saw something red in them. I didn’t even realize that I was staring at him until Ashley didn’t show up a few seconds later.

„Elizabeth?” She looked first at me and then at him.

„What are you doing here Tyler?” She turned towards him.

„I came here for a book. Elizabeth here helped me out.” He stared at her. She wasn’t happy either to see him.

„We are closed. Next time come early.” Ignoring her, he turned towards me and looked at me directly int he eyes. „You are really beautiful, Elizabeth. I hope that we will see each other more,” He commented.

I stared at him as he turned around on his hills and walked out of the library.

I hope that we will see each other more.

That’s the same thing Nicklaus told me.

Ashley placed a hand on my shoulder. „What happened?”

„You were right, those portraits have eyes and ears.”

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