Into the woods I P U B L I S H E D

Chapter 21

There are more secrets that you can imagine,

Everything in this world is a lie.”

- Elizabeth


Every second, minute and hour passed like forever. I tried to keep myself busy as I waited for the clock to strike at 7 p.m. but I couldn’t, my eyes were glancing at the clock for every few minutes, making the time past slower than I actually wanted.

At least my mind was focused on so many things, keeping me somehow mentally stable. But the thought of Jackson Johnson’s article in the book makes the small devil in my mind wanting to know more.

So opening my laptop, I typed Jackson Johnson’s article 1967, Shadowrose on google, but nothing shows up.

I scrolled down the page, but nothing. There is no mention of Jackson Johnson or the article. So I decided just to type Jackson Johnson.

A second later, his picture showed up, I looked down at his bio and sigh when I see the date of his death written on.

23th of November 1967. Couse of death: unknown

The little devil showed up again. He wants to know more. But what if I couldn’t take more knowledge? What if I didn’t want to know the truth?

Glancing at the wall, I looked at what time it was. It was already past 5 p.m. and that would mean that Anastasia had already returned home. Maybe I could ask her for a piece of advice.

I logged on Skype and sent her a video request.

Waiting, I took a bite of a sandwich that Lena made me, grabbed my phone and checked if I had any messages from Henry, but instead of his, I got a message from Nicklaus.

I heard what happened between you and Monica. Did she hurt you?

My neck was still hurting from her tight grip, but he didn’t need to know about it.

No, she didn’t. I will text you when I get home.

A second later, he replied.

Take some pizza at your ride home, I will get the whiskey that Louis keeps hidden in the shoe closet. ;)

I laughed, taking another bite from my sandwich. As I was about to reply to him, someone made a weird sound.

„Who are you texting? Your boyfriend?” I looked up, seeing Anastasia putting a piece of a chip in her mouth. „Did I just scare you again?” She laughed.

I took a deep breath. „Bitch.”

She blew me a kiss. „I love you too.”

We both laughed. God, how good was to see her. It feels like forever since I had last seen her. I wished that she was here with me, helping me with this mess in my life. The thought of her not being here with me made me sad. But that was the reality. She was in Sweden and I was here.

„Are you okay? You look concerned.” Her eyes traveled through my face.

“You can read me that well,” I smiled.

She smiled back. “You can not fool me, Elizabeth. I know you too well.”

“I know. That’s why I need your advice for something,” I said.

Anastasia leaned back on her chair. “I found something in a book about Shadowrose. There was a small article from a newspaper, and when I looked it up online, nothing was there. Nothing,” I took a deep breath. “And when I looked up the writer of the article, it said he died three days after the article was published.”

“So? Why do you need my advice in someone’s death,” She looked at me confused.

“He wrote about the Nightclaw’s. About Henry’s family.”

She opened her mouth. “It must be really bad if you asked a piece of advice from me when you are about to make up with him,” She paused for a second. “What did it say?”

I shook my head. “Something weird.”

“So it’s that bad that you don’t want to even talk to me about it. Okay, but then you have to talk to him about it.”

I looked up at her. “I don’t know how.”

“Just ask him. You don’t have anything to lose.”

„What about the others? What do they think about me and Henry? I mean, you have already told them, didn’t you?” I asked too many questions in a limited time.

She scratched the back of her head. “They are a little bit skeptical. Especially Jack,” She took a deep breath. “There is something that you need to know about him.”

„What?” I leaned on the table to find the answer but she stayed quiet for a moment. The doorbell rang and I heard Lena opening the door.

„Wait for a second,” I said to her, stood up and walking to the window, I saw Henry’s car parked on the yard.

He was already here.

My heart skipped a beat. I wasn’t sure if I was ready for it.

„What’s wrong?” Anastasia asked. I took my coat from the bed, walked to the laptop and took my bag from the table.

„I have to go now. I will call you tomorrow so we can talk about him,” Before I logged off, we said goodbye to each other and Anastasia being Anastasia wished me good luck in having sex with Henry. If that would ever happen.

Looking myself on more time in the mirror, I climbed down the stairs. Each step that I took, my heart skipped even more. There was no more running. I had to face him now.

As I stepped down the last stair, Lena walked to me, nodding her head to the door. „He is outside. Be careful, okay?”

I nodded. „I will. Don’t worry.” She smiled at me, walked to the living room where she left the tv on. Closing my eyes, I counted to three and opened my eyes, taking a deep breath.

I opened the main door, and there he was, the man who made me hurt and yet, I couldn’t stop loving him and all of his craziness.

His eyes were focused on the forest and his big, muscular shoulders were facing me.

„Henry., It was a whisper and yet, he still heard it. His shoulder tensed a little, and when he turned around, I almost lost out of breath. He looked different like he just got 10 years older than he actually was. His under eye bags were showing, and that beard, oh God, he looked more manly than he already was.

We stood in silence. Both of us not knowing what to say.

„Elizabeth,” He whispered my name, narrowed his eyes and clenched his jaw. „We need to talk.”

~ - ~

He parked the car at a small road that leads to a field. The field was beautiful. Magical. Everything about this place was magical. The way it shined under the full moon and the way the grass moved in the rhythm of the wind itself. It was simply breathtaking. It was better than the waterfall that he had taken me almost two months ago.

Two months ago. It sounded so crazy when I think about how the time had passed so quickly. It seemed like it was yesterday when we first met and had our first kiss.

„What do you think?” He stood next to me, admiring the field just like I did.

„It’s beautiful,” I said. His eyes traveled down to me, they were glowing under the full moon.

„I know. It belongs to my family.”

I shivered. Of course it belonged to his family. The whole city belonged to them.

Opening the car, he took out the same two blankets that he had took on our date at the waterfall, locked the car and we both started walking down the field until we reached a small hill on the top of the field.

Henry placed the blankets down, sat down, and without looking at me, he lifted his head up to the sky.

I sat next to him, looking up at the sky too. We stared at stars, they were so beautiful, yet, so far away.

„Each of them is different. Some of them are brighter and some of them not. But they have one thing the same,” I turned to him. „They shine even if they are different. They will show the path for hundreds of years from now.”

„Why are you telling me this?”

He turned to me, took my hand to his, and lied down at the blanket. „I’m telling you this because the stars are like me. I’m not perfect. I have my flaws and secrets. I didn’t tell you who I was because I was afraid,” He kissed the inside of my palm, placed it on his face at the same time looking me in the eyes. „I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

Laying next to him, I traveled my palm down his face. I almost forgot how breathtaking he was.

„I’m sorry too,” I didn’t waisted another second as I kissed him with everything I had. I couldn’t compete with his kisses, but at least I was trying. I wanted to show him how much I loved him. Cared for him.

„I love you,” His eyes light up when he heard me saying those small three words that at the end had a powerful meaning behind it. „I love you with all my heart even if you make me want to kill you.”

He laughed and kissed me again. Pulling me to him, I laid on top of him, my lips still pressed on his. I didn’t imagine this to happen after everything we went through so far.

„I love you too,” He bit my lower lip. „I love you so fucking much.” And then he claimed my lips again but this time in his own way like some possessive beast. His hands traveled down my shoulders to my ass as my hands were tangled in his hair. The beard was scratching my face, and I liked it.

Really liked it.

He should keep this kind of look. He looked more handsome.

Starting to undress my coat, he slipped his hands down my shirt to my bra. He unhooked my bra off, and my whole body froze. I wasn’t ready yet. And then there was the article.

“Henry,” I kissed him slowly. “I need to ask you something.”

He broke the kiss and looked up to me. “What is it?”

“Do you know Jackson Johnson?” The look on his face said yes.

“What about him?” He pulled his hands away from my body and slowly sat up with me still sitting on his lap.

“I’ve read a small part of the article he wrote in a book. It was something about your family. And when I looked him up, it said he passed three days after the article was published.”

“His death was a shocking factor not only to Shadowrose but also to half of Canada.” He looked away from me.

“How did he die?” I asked.

He shook his head. “No one really knows. Some say he was eaten by a beast. Some say he killed himself.”


“What do you think killed him?” He asked.

“I don’t know. Maybe madness.”

“Madness? Why do you think that?”

“Because there is no such thing as beasts. Only a mad person could think something like that.”

Henry looked at me for a moment before he looked away. He turned quiet again.

A low growl came out from my stomach, breaking the silence between us.„I’m starving. Again.”

Henry closed his eyes for a second before he gave me one of the blankets.

„Again?” Leaning down, he covered me with the blanket. „Did you eat something before we went here?”

„I ate so much but not only today. Lately, I eat so much that I will become a cow in a few months.”

Looking at me speechles, he started walking down the hill to his car. „I have something to eat! Be right back!” When he was about to reach the car, I lied down at the blanket, looking at the stars once again but not long enough, because the second I lied down, my phone rang. I took my phone out and answered it without looking who the caller was.

„Hello,” I said.

„Hello. Did I get the family Longstorm?” A foreign voice asked.

„No, I’m sorry you got the wrong number,” I said politely.

The foreign voice laughed. „Did I, Elizabeth?” I froze.

„You?” My voice was shaky. „How did you get this number?” I heard some voices besides his.

„It doesn’t matter. It only matters that Henry still didn’t tell you the truth about who he was,” Then he hung up. Henry showed up again with a basket that I guess, was full of food.

„Who were you talking to?” He asked and I chose to lie. I didn’t want to ruin this night. No one should ruin it even if it was some creep.

„Wrong number. Someone wanted the Longstorm family but then he got me.”

He looked at me directly in the eyes when I told him this. He was searching for something, maybe a lie.

„Okay,” Opening the basket, he handed me a piece of apple pie. „Here. I hope you like it.”

As I took a bit, I immediately threw it out. My stomach started to hurt like hell, I couldn’t even stretch my legs properly. Every part of my body was on fire. There was not a piece of my body where I didn’t feel the pain or the fire in me.

„Elizabeth.” Henry took my hands, but I couldn’t even look at him. It hurt so much. „What’s wrong?” He moved my hair behind my ears, giving him a perfect opportunity to examen my face.

„It hurts so much,” I could barely say it out. I took deep breaths when another wave of pain traveled down my body. I managed not to scream this time. Henry stood for a minute, taking a deep breath.

„Oh, no. This shouldn’t have happened,” He lifted me up bridal style. My head was hidden in his neck as the pain started becoming worse. The moon’s light made it even worse. Every time when it would shine down over me, my stomach would hurt even more.

Henry ran down to his car with me safely in his hands, and when we reached it, he opened the front door without dropping me. He placed me down and put my seatbelt on.

„Everything will be fine. I will make it go away, okay?” He placed a kiss on my forehead. At this moment, my mind was shut down. I couldn’t even think without feeling the pain. His eyes turned black when I looked at him but that was the pain playing mind games with me. Turning the car on, he took out his phone and called someone.

„Louis? Thank God. Fill the bathtub and tell Lena to prepare some fresh clothes for Elizabeth!” He yelled into the phone. „She is in her heat! Just do as I say.” Hanging up, he threw the phone at the back seat, looking at me with worry eyes. „How are you feeling?” I shook my head as I felt another wave of pain in my body. Henry drove like a maniac down the road, honking to everyone that stood in his way.

„Henry...” I took a deep breath. „I can’t take it anymore.” I shut my eyes and took slow breaths as he drove as fast as he could back to the house.

~ - ~

My eyes opened slightly as I saw Louis and Lena running outside. I was once again placed into Henry’s chest, my head resting against his chest where I could hear his heartbeat. Hard and steady.

„Let me take her inside,” Louis said. I couldn’t see them properly but I could hear them. I could hear every word they said.

„Don’t you dare touch her,” A deep growl said. I felt Henry walking again, someone opening the door and me entering the house.

„What will you do to her?” This time, Lena was the one who asked the question. They walked up to the stairs.

I could feel Henry getting more calmer. „I will not do anything against her will.” Lena opened the bathroom door where a tub full of warm water was waiting for me. Henry placed me down to the floor and turned to Lena. „I will take care of her. Please.” Lena looked at me and then at him before she nodded and walked out.

Henry locked the door, took his shirt off, and leaning down, he helped me to stand up. I felt his hands traveling down my body, unbuttoning my pants, and unhooking my bra. He took everything down until I stood in front of him fully naked.

Leading me to the tub, I slowly sank into the warm water. Henry reached for a towel, sank it into the water and started cleaning my body. He didn’t look at the rest of my body, his eyes were only focused on my face and my tears of pain.

He bathed me in silence. The only sound that was around us was the sound of water when I moved a little. My body still hurt, the pain was still here but not as much as it was before.

„The water is getting cold. I need to take you out before you get sick,” He lifted me up, took a towel and slowly wrapping it around my body, he helped me get out of the tub. I dried myself slowly as he prepared my clothes. After helping to get into my underwear and a t-shirt, he took me to my room, gently placed me on my bed and pulled the covers on me.

„What are you doing?” I asked him. He took his clothes off, only standing in his boxers. I had never had a chance to look at his body like this but now when I was feeling weak, I could still the large scars all over his chest and back. They looked like someone stabbed him with sharp knives.

„I’m going to sleep here.” Getting in the bed, he pulled me to him so that I could feel the warmness coming from his body.

„I can see that,” I forced a smile. He kissed my hair, placed his hand around my hips. „Sleep, love.”

And I will because as soon as I closed my eyes, I drifted into a warm, comfortable sleep.

~ - ~

A band of steel was wrapped around my waist, not letting me go. My head was hidden in Henry’s chest and I couldn’t get enough of his smell.

The pain that I felt yesterday was long gone.

Thank God.

Henry moved a little, smiled at me and gave me a hard kiss.

„How are you feeling, my love?” His eyes light up.

„I feel better. Thank you.” Straddling him, I lied down on his naked chest covered with scars.

His arms snaked out, wrapping themselves around my body. I never wanted this to end. This moment. It was a blessing. I wanted to wake up like this for the rest of my life.

„We have to get up. You know that Lena will kill us if we don’t get up from bed right now.”

„It’s still morning. She won’t mind,” I played with his chest. He clearly liked what I was doing because his eyes were full of lust. Rolling us around so that he was on top, he placed himself between my legs. „Oh, she would. Especially if it’s almost noon.”

My eyes widened. „Noon?” I checked my phone. He was right. It was almost noon.

„We have to get up,” I said, pushing him away from me. I pulled out some leggings from the closet. Henry walked behind me, wrapped his arms around me and left a bunch of kisses down my neck.

„I will get dressed.”

We walked down the stairs like a pair. My hand in his hand. This was it. After everything, this was it. This was our new beginning without any secrets and fights.

„Do you smell that?” Henry asked as we reach the kitchen.

„What?” I smiled at him but I immediately lost that smile when I saw him looking furious again. Looking at the thing that Henry was currently staring at, I almost fainted when I saw Lena and someone I didn’t want to see cooking.

„You two lovebirds slept well?” Lena asked as she placed some plates at the table. That, someone, turned around, his golden hair pulled up into a bun, and when he saw me, he smiled from ear to ear.

„Elizabeth,” He lifted his hands up.


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