Into The Unknown World

Chapter 45 - Explanation

I closed the door on the three other people in our party and then took my spot on the loveseat next to Grayson again, both of us starting at the three Gods who now sat on the couch, facing us.

“You said talk,” I finally got out. I would think shocked would way under describe the feelings we had seeing Sol at our door, followed by Lunella and Mundias.

“As you know, you two are uniquely joined and all part of something much bigger than yourselves. You two were created and destined to be together since the dawn of our time.” I blinked as I stared at Mundias. That shouldn’t have been odd to me, but it was. I mean, I had already gathered that Grayson and I were destined, but to be made. Yeah, still frantic thoughts over here.

“Why?” Grayson finally spoke up.

“To simply put it, you two are a prophecy,” she answered.

“When our time on Earth happened, there were four Gods, Lunella, Mundias, myself and Demonio. We were to create these supernaturals and we did. But demons, they struggled to live here. They couldn’t maintain their own from upon Earth so they were stuck invading human form, which was forbidden.” Sol stood up as he started to explain.

“We explained all of this to Demonio, but he wouldn’t have it; he found it very unfair so he struck war upon us, tried wiping us all out,” Lunella picked up where Sol had stopped off at. “But it’s hard for God’s to fight God’s so we let our children fight and soon, the demons were losing out.”

“Demonio,” Mundias chimed in, “took a curse that was vile and swore that one day he would find a way for his demons to invade super naturals, that he would win the final war. And thus, the prophecy was set in place.”

“How do they invade supernaturals anyways?”

“That we haven’t been able to figure out Fire, but we know there are key players in this game,” Sol answered.

“The General,” I whispered.

“He is one. There will have to be others, we just don’t know who.”

“But that doesn’t explain us, our purpose,” Grayson said, his voice still holding all the truth of confusion.

“We couldn’t have him win this war, so the three of us devised a way to stop him; a trio of lovers who would be blessed to rule their species and be trained in all of the ways, for they would need it to fight and protect,” Lunella said.

“But we learned that a trio wouldn’t work, so we had to create two lovers and then raise them up specially,” Mundias finished, a smile upon her face.

“Hence the witches you sent to live with us,” I nodded in response to her.

“You may not remember all that they taught you, but when the time comes to call upon their skills, you will know.”

“Okay, why the age gap? Why was I created 1800 years ago?”

“You are the first vampire, Fire, you are my daughter. I knew I would use you for this time, we knew you would be with a wolf, which is why the blood you have always longed for, has been theirs. But because I knew, and because I knew that he, Grayson, wasn’t even close to being ready, I had to create you and give you a chance for you to hone your skills, a time for you to learn and understand the world and why you were different.

“I also created you early because Demonio is my brother and I had to make sure you stayed on the right side of this war because he wanted you too. There are special things about you Fire that even I can’t quite explain. Well, there are special things about the both of you.”

“It’s the man who has been watching me?” I asked.

“Yes, you both have power over these demons, but you, because you are blood Fire, can actually control them to your will. You can also extend their life.” I slowly nodded, so much more falling into place.

“So, why was I created later?”

“One,” Lunella said, “werewolves aren’t as long lasting as vampires, sadly, so for us to create you, it had to be the perfect time Grayson. Two, the prefect time came when we noticed some odd disappearances within our world. About a year before you were born, we lost exactly one Alpha, one elder vampire and one head of a family.”

“I remember reading that,” I said, thinking it was strange at the time but not knowing why.

“Which wouldn’t be odd, if it didn’t happen in a three day window. We know that Demonio had figured out how to start invading so we needed to finish the prophecy,” Mundias finished.

“I sent you to the area you now live Fire, because it was the only way for you to meet Grayson. And you had to be comfortable with his pack and his lands.” I pinched the bridge of my nose as I listened to all of this, still trying to grasp it.

“You said something, though Sol, about us and I’m trying to figure it out, you said rule, how? No one rules all of the species.”

“You see Grayson, you have skills that make you and Fire a pyramid of strength and because of that, you have an understanding with all the worlds and therefore are the only two fit to be the King and Queen of the supernaturals, to rule and protect.”

“And fight,” Lunella added. I slowly turned and looked at Grayson, his own face mirroring my own. What the hell, was really the biggest question. None of what we had been told was anything I would have ever thought. I reached out and took his hand within mine; at least if we are to deal with everything on our own, we had each other.

“One more thing,” Sol said his hand in his pocket. “You two were giving a pair of rings; those gemstones are infused with the power to protect you from the demons, but nothing else. Moving forward, you will need these two as well.” Grayson reached out and took the two necklaces from Sol. He handed them to me and my brow crinkled in confusion for a only a second before my eyes flew to Sol, a complete understanding now on my face.

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