Into The Unknown World

Chapter 42 – Jealousy becomes you

“You need to stop or all of this hard work is going down the drain,” Mariana said, rubbing his arm. Grayson knew that, he didn’t need the other vampire to tell him, but he saw and knew that look in The General’s eyes. And yes, Fire was a vision, but damn, he wanted really nothing more than to tear that older vampire limb from fucking limb.

“I know, I know, but that is my wife.” Mariana knew what they were, but it was still hard to hear. Not that she ever thought Grayson would be with her like that, but he was an amazing lover and she hated losing that.

“I know, but you have to stop. Many people around her can pick up on things.” Grayson nodded and he had to swallow hard, his eyes trailing the woman he so dearly loved.

“Let me introduce you to a good friend of mine, Mariana, this is Fire.” Mariana played coy as she held out her hand, trying to act the part she was asked for, not just by Fire but by the long standing history between her and The General.

“I know Mariana,” I said, glancing at her and her hand but refused to take it. Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw The General stiffen slightly.

“And this young man is Alpha Grayson Black, Mariana’s date. And if you ask me, long standing lover,” he whispered to me, loud enough for the other two to hear. I curbed my anger and offered my hand out to Grayson, who smiled as he took my hand.

“Pleasure, Fire.” My eyes danced with laughter, Midnight calling out to me as much as Grayson was and I wished I could ease them both. “You look simply stunning, by the way. That dress was made to fit you.”

“Thank you sir. When I received The General’s invite, I simply knew I needed a new dress and one that would wow.” The meaning was there and not lost on Grayson; this was nothing but a show.

“You did great. Perhaps you would save me a dance later?”

“Would be my pleasure, Alpha.” I glanced around, spotting Elric and Dylan by the windows, both talking to a few other people before turning my attention back to The General and Mariana. “You know, General, I don’t recall hearing how you know Mariana.”

“Oh, old friends,” he said with a wave and I watched as she stiffened; obviously that was not something she liked to hear.

“I see,” I muttered, looking around the ballroom before looking back at Grayson and then at The General, his attention seeming to be somewhere else for the moment. I looked back at Grayson who carefully pointed to the stairs with his eyes and I nodded. They were ready to go look and it was my turn to be the full on distraction.

“If you will excuse us, Fire,” Grayson said, catching The General’s ear.

“Of course.” I gave them a brief smile and lightly touched The General’s arm. “Shall we dance?” The smile he gave me made my skin crawl but I knew that he would love having me in his arms, giving that all the eyes would be on him.

“Of course, my dear, you are too a rare a beauty to just be stand around talking; come, let me show you off.” I watched Grayson stiffen at that comment and had to keep from laughing, although I did give him a wink to appease him; God that man was a jealous one.

“You flatter me.”

“The truth. Do you know how long I have wanted to meet you? And you finally decided to come. I must say, I am very pleased by this.” I tilted my head, watching him carefully. Something within his words was making me uneasy. Sure, I was known within the vampire world, being the oldest and all. But, I can’t say that I was anything extraordinary to have anyone want to meet me.

“I’m glad I could honor you.”

“You must tell me, my dear, why you finally said yes.” I sat my hand loosely on his shoulder as we lined up for the next dance. His hand settled on my waist and my eyes glanced over to the four people were inching their way to the stair case.

I had no clue what he wanted me to say, but from somewhere deep within, the words came forth that I knew would appease him, for he almost seemed anxious by my answer. “I just knew it was time.” The music for the waltz started up and soon he had me flying across the floor and I could feel every eye riveted upon us.


Grayson paused in his assent up the staircase to stare at the couple; they really were eye catching to watch, almost as if they were made to fit together. But Grayson knew better than that and he had many struggles with Midnight on that front. Fire was made for them, to be part of them, to help whatever was going on. But all of that still was hard to remember when he watched that couple.

“Let’s go Alpha.” Grayson shook his head and followed Dylan, trying to leave the jealousy. Thoughts like that had never come, so why now, why here?

“We will go to his room, Dylan and Elric, you search there. His office is attached to it and we will look there.” Honestly, Grayson didn’t want to stay with her anymore than he had to, but he knew Elric couldn’t stand her and Dylan really didn’t know her.

“Fine,” Dylan muttered, following Mariana into the bedroom. Grayson followed her into the next room and his eyes started scanning around as much as he could. And he knew he shouldn’t ask, but he had stuff rolling around in his mind.

“What happened between you and Fire?”

“I captured her one day and since she was one to fight, I had to drain her; although she did get away with help…and some type of odd form I’ve never seen a vampire do.”

“You mean by stabbing her?” Grayson ignored the rest, although, he understand that this was the time Fire was talking about an attack on her and her creating the coven she claims she doesn’t have.

“Yes, amongst other things. I don’t regret it.”

“Of course not.”

“I was asked to get her and I did. And the more she fought me, the more I stabbed, cut and bit her.” Grayson paused in his looking over the shelves, a tingle running down his spine.

“Who asked for her and why?”

“I’m not totally sure on the why, but I was told she was needed, that she was to be his.”

“Whose?” He slowly turned around to look at her, a feeling of dread coming upon him as he looked at her, almost positive he wasn’t going to like the answer.

“Guys, we found it,” Elric said, walking into the office. Both men stopped as they walked into the room and looked at the two, neither seeming to have heard him.

“Whose, Mariana?” he repeated the question, his anger quickly boiling up, his claws extending, ready to vent the anger that was there.

“The General.”

“My wife is downstairs, dancing with a damn fucking vampire that has tried to kidnap her in the past and you don’t say a God damn word?” Grayson roared.

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