Into The Unknown World

Chapter 4 - A sip of blood

Odd, that wasn’t a request, but more like a statement and I smiled.

“To what purpose?”

“Beyond the fact that you are my mate, you intrigue me. I’ve been around this world more times can I can count, met countless of different people from different walks of life, and yet, none like you. “ I laughed as he said that and walked over to him, letting just a bit of my fang show in my smile.

“I’ll also guarantee, you will never meet another like me. I’m alone, in the sense that I can’t relate to anyone, but myself.” I stood right in front of him, gazing into his eyes for a few moments and took a deep breath before I took a step back. “Well, that is different.”

“What is?”

“I don’t smell mutt. I smell…” I tapped my nose as I paused and took another sniff, almost smirking now.

“Mutt huh? Better than a vampire stench,” he joked and I smiled. “What do you smell?”

“Don’t laugh, but I smell roses, fresh, just bloomed, roses.” At that, Grayson rolled his eyes and groaned.

“Of course it would be. I should have known when I picked up on yours.”

“What do you mean?” I walked over to grab my coat, and Grayson took it, holding it up for me to slip it on.

“Mate’s smells, they work together, coincide together, they will never clash with each other. Usually an underlying scent is found in both, or like in this case, we have similar scents, but two different sides of it.”

“I must admit Grayson, this whole mate thing, it’s very interesting.”

“It’s going to be a lot more so now, with you as mine.” He slipped the jacket over my shoulders and I turned around to look at him, not 100 percent sure what to make of this situation. It’s not like we had a higher council to go to that we could ask questions about or history books that we could refer too. And talking to half of the elders would only get me laughed at. I flipped my light off and locked my door.

“I can’t say I’ll eat much at dinner, but I’ll join you.”

“Why can’t you eat much?” I linked my arm through his that he held out and walked out, waving to your night door man.

“Good night Alex.”

“Good night ma’am, good night Alpha.” Grayson paused and turned to look at the man; both of them seemed to be frozen. I glanced between the two and finally lifted a brow as Grayson turned to me.


“You employ werewolves?”

“I do. Alex came highly recommended from your dad, he’s amazing at what he does, and I like him, so I asked if he wanted a job, with more benefits and better pay.” I smiled at Alex who just shrugged at the questioning look in Grayson’s eyes.

“Oh yes, you are one of a kind, Fire. Good night Alex.” Grayson lead me back outside and stopped as he looked around. “You like him, huh?”

“Oh stop! Not like that! Alex is funny and he is very good at his job. I’ve only had one problem at night that he took care off without bothering me.” He lead me down the street and over to a nearby restaurant.

“So, back to the other question, why can’t you eat?”

“Older vampires can’t eat a lot of food, we often get sick; the more mature we get, the less our body can handle it.”

“Older? How old are you?” I took the seat he held out and crossed my legs, leaning against the arm of the chair.

“Well past 32.” I smirked as he just glared, placing an order for a bottle of wine. “Do you like older women?”

“No, I prefer younger. But, older women have way more experience in the bedroom.” I laughed at that and nodded.

“You should get a kick out of this, and trust me; I won’t take offense if you run in the opposite direction.” I leaned back as the waiter poured us each a glass of wine and said he’d be back for our order. “I’m 1,853 years old.” Grayson spit out the wine he was just sipping and looked at me.

“My dad said there were only two elders past 1500 years older, both male.”

“He would be right. I was never bitten, Grasyon, I was born into this, and therefore, not an elder.”


“That’s a loaded question, and I’m not able to give much insight.”

“But you are a vampire?”

“100 percent. I am not mixed with anything, I’m not part human or witch, I am a vampire.” He leaned back in his chair as his eyes raked over me, taking in everything, and feeling like he was seeing me in a whole new light.

“Well, shit, Fire, you look amazing for your age.” I couldn’t help it, I laughed at that comment.

“We do keep trim figures, no carbs.” I took a sip of the wine and smiled. “Most vampires can remember their turning point, and after many years, their human memories fade, and all that’s left is what you’ve become. With me, I don’t remember anything.

“I was told; we lived in a village, a small one, next to magnificent kingdom. That my parents kept well away from them though, and kept their true nature at bay, feeding more so on animal blood than anything, and only feed from humans once in a while to keep their blood lust at bay.”

“So, that can happen?”

“Sadly, yes. But over the many years of our existence, we have been able to manage it. And when we sire newbie’s, we have learned to stay with them till they are able to maintain that.”

“Ah, yes, that explains a lot. So, you have no idea about your parents?”

“None. When I was a babe, my parents were killed by a fellow coven, and since it was impossible for females to give birth, no one knew about me. But two sisters on the other side of the land knew what my parents were and came after the destruction, taking me in and raised me, they were witches.”

“So many questions! I thought vampires lived in covens and yet yours didn’t? And how did witches know about you? And how, in the world, did you grow up and never kill them?” I laughed as I took another sip of wine, glancing up as the waiter came back, unable to answer his questions quite yet. “Are you really not going to eat?”

“Do you want me to that badly?”

“Yes, so I don’t feel so strange sitting alone and eating while a beautiful woman has nothing but wine; granted that would make it easier to seduce you, you know.”

“A salad please, with a piece of garlic bread and ranch dressing.”

“And I’ll have the steak with the potatoes.” The waiter nodded and I leaned my arms on the table, looking Grayson dead in the eye.

“Let me have your wrist please.”


“Because you want me to dine with you and it has to cost you, so, please, your wrist.” His brow furrowed slightly as he stuck out his wrist. I grinned, feeling my fangs elongate and placed a very delicate kiss on his vein before biting it, taking a bit of his blood and holding it within my mouth for a moment before discreetly dripping the blood in the wine glass.

I glanced up at him as I licked the few drops off and then licked the wound, moaning softly at the sweetness of his blood, and tasting something underlying it all, something very unique but I couldn’t place it. I finally tore my gaze away from his as I glanced at the wound, watching it disappear and let his wrist go, leaning back in my chair, watching him, waiting for the questions. His comment, though, surprised the hell out of me.

“God damn that was the hottest fucking thing I’ve seen, or experienced.”

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