Into The Unknown World

Chapter 30 – Mist form

I trailed my nails lightly down his spine, savoring the feel of skin to skin contact and that lethargic feeling that had settled over me. Never, that I could recall, had sex been like that, that intense, that fast, or that furious. Not that I would trade anything about our first time.

“I’m sorry,” he muttered and I froze my soft touches.

“What in the world are you sorry for?”

“That. I’ve never rushed that or been that fast….” He trailed off and finally rolled over, pulling me in his arms. I chuckled as I laid my head on his chest.

“Grayson, I can only assume the fire that was burning in me was the same for you. Trust me, this was just a way to ease that, and I have no problem with that. After all this time, I think that may have been my favorite. There was no holding back, just us crashing together and it was beautiful.” I turned my head as I looked up at him. “And besides, it’s not like we don’t have all weekend, right?” I wiggled my brows and he smirked.

“You know, Fire, you really are one of a kind.” I looked at him, running my nails over his cheek and softly smirked.

“I don’t know about that, but I do think we were made for each other. We fit together in ways we never thought, and you can’t deny that.”

“No, I can’t, but I do wonder why.” I sighed and sat up, shaking my head.

“I don’t know. I do feel, though, some type of power, higher power that is, may be behind the scenes in this.” I reached down and grabbed my shirt. “Come on, I’ll make you breakfast.” He sat up and wrinkled his brows.

“You don’t eat, how do you know how to cook?”

“What other ways do I spend my time but mastering stuff, cooking included?”


I watched him as he ate and smiled. Either he was really hunger, or he was really enjoying it. I shook my head and he looked up at me, a questioning look in his eye. I waved at his empty plate.

“Did you enjoy that, or just overly hungry?”

“Both,” he answered as he took a sip of his juice. “You can cook for me any time.”

“Oh, I get to keep busy in the kitchen, is that it?” He laughed as he put his plate in the sink and shook his head.

“The last role I could ever see you in would be some domesticated housewife.”

“Yeah, never saw that for myself either.” I glanced down at my ring and smiled. “Can’t say I ever thought I’d find my beloved either.” Grayson walked over and took my hand, looking at the ring as well.

“I never thought I’d find my sigma mate, honestly. When I would come back to the pack, I would always watch Brittany.” I rolled my eyes at that before he went on. “I figured she was smart, tough, and did care about the pack and could have made a good Luna. But this,” he said as he kissed the ring and the finger, “would never have been hers. I was told to keep it for someone special and though I knew I would have loved her, I never would have been in love; that’s the difference you feel between the two.”

“Did she even know?”

“No, I wasn’t going to say anything until I became Alpha. I didn’t need anything to happen before that.”

“And there you went and found me.” I crossed my arms as I shook my head. “I really do believe someone is pushing behind the scenes.” He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my head.

“I think I’m starting to believe you.” I rested my head against his chest and let out a sigh. “Uh-oh, what was that for?”

“I think we need to speak to Mariana.”

“I thought you didn’t like her?”

“I don’t; can’t sand her, but she has info and I believe we need it. As far as I know, that has been the closest to anyone knowing anything about Sol. And try as I may to fight it, I believe part of this is his doing. What I’m struggling all the more with, is the why. And my gut is saying it has something to do with those damn demons of some sort.”

“The why behind him being behind it?” I rubbed his arms and nodded.

“You have to admit, this is all odd; starting with you and I. And when we find each other, we have these demons that have never been around making some grand appearance.” He sighed and rested his chin on top of my head.

“I will give you that. When we get back, I will text Mariana, set up a meeting to see what she can tell us. Or help us with, deal?” I couldn’t help it, though I told him to and I knew we needed to, I still growled at the thought of him talking to her. He laughed and gave me a squeeze. “Are you sure you aren’t part wolf or something?”

“I just don’t like her.” Why the hell was my voice coming out all whinny? He moved his head to look at me, lifted a brow and busted out laughing. It was crazy, the feeling I was having, no doubt about it; but I wouldn’t lie and say it wasn’t there either. “Oh shut up.”

“You know, you are cute, this whole little side of you.” I turned around in his arms and narrowed my eyes at him.

“You have ten seconds to start running Grayson, before I bite you.” His eyes opened wide and he quickly went out the back door, jumping out and shifting into Midnight.

I smirked, tossed my hair up and glanced at outside at the sun. Again, not that it would kill us, but it sure as hell could burn us and it did a damn good job of draining us. Well, the only way I could chase him, and be okay afterward, was the one way he wanted to see. I closed my eyes and gritted my teeth hard against the pain of losing my bones and my muscle into nothingness. In this form, I could travel faster but never for long and all too soon, I came upon him and surrounded him, causing Midnight to growl. But he soon stopped as I formed back and ran my hand over his coat before falling on my knees before him. Midnight shifted back and I looked up into Grayson’s eyes, my fangs already out to receive any blood to help the waning strength.

“God, Fire that was amazing.” I inhaled sharply and struggled to even sit upright, which he quickly caught on to while he held me as he offered his wrist; which I took gratefully. I pierced the vein and took a couple of deep drinks before sealing the wound up and rested against him, slowly smiling at him.

“Told you….I….would….bit you.” He smirked as he lifted me up and quickly headed back to the house, where he laid us both on the couch, holding me tight and close.

“You, as a mist form, is pretty insane.” I closed my eyes as I chuckled but nodded. “And I can see why you can’t stay that way for long.”

“The longer…I stay…the more blood…I will need.” I took another deep breath; ignoring the still lingering intense pain I felt coursing through my body. “I feel it…everywhere. My bones, my muscles….every little part…in between. That is why….I don’t do it often.”

“I can see this.” Grayson turned me on my side so that he could rub my back, or run his fingers through my hair. And oddly enough, with every soothing rub or with every gentle tug, I could feel the pain and tension leave faster than it ever had. Was that the doing of this bond? That we could help in ways never thought of before and in situations that were unique? I blinked a couple times and then finally turned my gaze up to him, offering him a small smile, which he returned. “You look better.”

“Your touching is helping.”

“And I take it that you aren’t used to that?”

“Let’s say it’s different. Usually I need quite a bit of time to rest, but you have…helped.” He leaned down and kissed my forehead and I had to smile. No one had done something so sweet and that was refreshing. He cupped my cheek and shifted us so that he could easily tease my lips with his and I moaned softly. I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him closer, longing and needing so much more, which he sensed as he pulled back, slowly shaking his head.

“Are you ready for that;” that being the process of our bonding. As I thought that over, I nodded. Yes, I was ready for him and for that, my heart said it all, as did his eyes as they reflected back his own feelings.

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