Into The Unknown World

Chapter 13 – Midnight

I looked over the book titles in my library in my home, thinking that my collecting over all this time may lead me to find something, but, I wasn’t sure what. Maybe I was hoping that some random title would jump out at me, that it would be the one book that would answer all the unknown questions I had but didn’t know about. And all of that sounded so very absurd. How could I find something when I didn’t even know what I was looking for? Like really trying to find that old needle in that very huge hay stack.

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. I couldn’t even say why I was trying to find answers, after all, I decided the best route was a fling; it would save all the heartache that would come. But, seeing as Grayson had ignored me for three days, maybe that was my clue that he was not willing to even try that. Hell, maybe I had even turned him off.

He had never called the day he said he was going to, not mind you, that I was waiting by my phone for his call, I wasn’t that for gone. I had would never do that for him and I had never done that for anyone! But it did bother me because if I needed him as an ally, would he have not come, would I not have been able to get a hold of him? And that pissed me off more than anything.

I rolled my eyes as I sat down at one of the tables and rested my head in my hands. I thought to those old wise witches and once again wished, yet again, that they were around to answer questions. They seemed to have known so much when I was growing up; they taught me a lot about the supernatural world. A lot about them and some things about wolves and vampires; granted I learned a lot on my own over time.

Like how witches always had eight members, at least, in a family and that they were more so one with the Earth than anything. In fact, a lot of holistic style medicines came from them. And that in each family they had to be two members who were the head of that family, basically governed them. And that witches went beyond just casting spells, although they did that and had even taught me one or two.

I lifted my head up, probably the only vampire out of every single one who had any capabilities to do that; but living with them, they had bestowed upon me some of their trades. For all I know, maybe that’s why they were killed. I got up and was about to walk back over to some books when Elric walked in. I glanced at him and smiled.

“You have company.” I turned my eyes back to the books, finding the one I wanted and nodded.

“Send them in here.”

“Of course.” I went back to the table and sat the book down, ready to open it when I caught quite the distinct smell of roses and looked up at Grayson. I crossed my hands and sat them on the book as I lifted a brow at the man.

“How can I help you?” Grayson flinched at the biting sound.

“I’m sorry I didn’t call, I was…”

“I’m not your girlfriend Grayson; I don’t need the lies and excuses.”

“It’s not! I’ve had stuff actually come up with the pack.”

“Like what?”

“Rogues. They seemed to have been at our borders but never attacked us.” I leaned back in my seat as I watched him.

“This is…interesting.”

“Very; that’s not normally a problem we have. And as much as I would have liked to have called, or even texted, I’ve been patrolling or on the phone with other packs, so no time to reach out to you.”

“Fuck,” I mumbled to myself and Grayson lifted a brow. “I owe you an apology.”

“For what?” I stood up and walked over to stand by him. I didn’t like how this mad me sound like a controlling girlfriend but I could own up to my mistakes.

“I might have…no, I was upset that you didn’t reach out and I might have said some…things.”

“So, you were upset?”

“Yes!” I threw up my hands, hating to admit it.

“Because I didn’t call?”

“Yes. And because if I had needed you as an ally, you might not have come. I don’t have wolves as allies, so it hurt and I don’t want to be betrayed.”

“Make no mistake Fire, no matter what happens, if you or your coven needed me and my wolves, we would be here. I hold true to my alliances and don’t shy away from it.” He paused and pushed a lock of hair behind my ear. His eyes took in the casual attire of shorts and a tank top, spotting a few tattoos and smiled. “As for the other part behind that, I’m not sure what’s going on. Everything but my mind is screaming at me to be with you, to claim you, to love you hard, but I’m still as uncertain as you as what to do.”

“I…was thinking….a fling might help us both. We can kill those urges and maybe not get hurt in the process…” I trailed off as I looked at him through my lashes.

“Only if,” he cupped my cheek and looked into those burning infernos of my eyes, “it’s an exclusive fling. I’m not…no…I know damn good and well I couldn’t fucking share.”

“Yeah, I think might have made it a bit obvious I don’t care to share.”

“You might have.” He rested his forehead against mine and I smirked.

“Oh, I’m not alone; I got a text from Seth.” Grayson growled and I laughed. “Said Dylan asked him an odd question about him knowing me and our past…”

“Just shut up. I had heard enough and it really rubbed me wrong.”

“But it’s my past.”

“Just…stop…please.” He sighed and placed a light kiss on my nose. “Was he the only one?”

“From your pack, yes.” Grayson groaned and rolled his eyes and all I could do was laugh. “Grayson?”

“Yeah?” He had his hands on my hips and was softly brushing his thumbs over my sides.

“What’s your wolfs name?

“Midnight, why?” I pulled back and looked in his eyes.

“Can I meet him?”

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