Into the Dark

Chapter 13

Calypso is not able to contain her shock,” You’re his sister? How?”

“The King was definitely not known for his faithfulness. My biological did not want me so she left me in the alleyway beside my adopted mother’s home. Madam Francis heard my cries and rescued me from the rain. He and I grew up together. We found out about our relation around my tenth birthday,” when Calypso gave her a curious glance, Ana merely said,” it’s a long story.”

“I have another question,” Calypso was not sure if talking about such things with his sister was such a good idea but Ana was the one to bring it up not her.

“Shoot,” her new friend picks a nearby flower and holds it softly to her nose.

" You said the Change is necessary for the pregnant women to survive. Does this only apply to human woman? So that means human males do not undergo the change?”

Ana nods,“Indeed, human males will never undergo the Change. Changing is not a choice it is purely a survival tactic. Vampire women who get pregnant with a human children will survive; however, human women pregnant with vampire children will rarely survive. The King’s mother was the exception not the rule.”

By now, the sun is beginning to rise on the horizon. Zara will be in Calypso’s room any minute now for her gown fitting.

Ana seems to notice this at the same time as Calypso,” I think you should head back to your chambers, my queen. There is much to prepare for the next ball.”

Together, they rise and head back into the castle.

Calypso stops halfway down the hall as one more question plagues her mind,” Ana?”

Her friend turns at the sound of her voice,” Yes my queen?”

“Why is it that this kingdom has balls so often?” Calypso had never heard of her own kingdom having a ball.

“The King likes to have a relationship with his subjects and hosting events is one way to do that. Besides, who doesn’t love a good ball?”


Calypso’s talk with Ana causes her and Zara to be late to Claypso’s fitting. She quickly learns that Zara has a thing about being punctual. Her personal maid finds every opportunity she can to reprimand Calypso about her carelessness.

The seamstress enters the fitting room once again after having left to grab more pins. Her presence causes Zara to bite her tongue allowing Calypso time to breathe.

“You look magnificent, my lady,” the seamstress compliments her once again.

The seamstress pulls on the skirt of the dress a bit revealing a dagger and sheath hidden inside,” There are a few features the King requested to be including into your dress. He is determined to prevent another incident like that last.”

Calypso had forgotten about the bald man until now. Her heart races at the memory.

Her thoughts shift quickly shift to her husband; specifically the last encounter she had with him. She had not seen the King all day and anticipation of their next encounter made her dizzy.

She does not notice she is blushing until Zara teases her about it,” Thinking of a certain King, my lady?”

Calypso sticks out her tongue causing the older woman to let out a cackle.

“Falling in love truly is a blessing. I remember falling in love with my husband. There is nothing like it,” the seamstress sighs with contempt and Zara enthusiastically nods in agreement.

There were many things Calypso did not know in life including what love felt like. She also did not know what is was like to be comforted by her mother or to even know her mother’s voice. She had no knowledge of what it felt like to laugh and play with her sisters; she did not understand the concept of play at all. Her entire childhood focused on her duty to her kingdom. However, there was on thing Calypso was sure of.

She will not be the hand from which her husband dies.

In fact, she will do everything in her power to ensure her husband lives long enough to change his story.



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