
Chapter 1

Weeks had passed since she entered the forests, slowly making her way toward her new life. Each day that passed lessened the burdens she had forced herself to carry in her former pack. Early in her journey, she felt immense guilt for putting herself first and deciding to leave, however, each new breath of freedom released that guilt upon exhale. Once the guilt was gone, she focused on unpacking all her reasons to leave. At times, this solitary trek was lonely, and she ached for someone to provide her companionship. Though she had not encountered any other shifters since she left, she did periodically stumble across the familiar scent of her native species and that brought her comfort. She was hopeful for an encounter today, as the edge of her territory was nearing.

There was a marked shift in the air when she entered the new territory. Hairs raised across her body as a new scent overwhelmed her senses. She had not encountered many in her lifetime, but she knew a gray wolf when she smelled one. She stepped back until her shoulders touched the trunk of a large sugar maple and dropped her knapsack to the ground. As she waited for the next patrol to pass she gazed into the bright green canopy.

When the patrol neared, she released a series of soft, low grunts in greeting. She heard them approach before she saw the young pair, a male and a female. She made eye contact with both before calling out, “May I enter? I am seeking asylum.”

The male stepped forward first, raising his nose as the winds shifted toward him. Long moments passed before he said, “You say you seek asylum, but I do not sense any fear. How long since you left home?”

“I have seen two new moons in my journey, but I have taken my time. I haven’t been chased.”

The male turned to confer with his partner. She could hear their discussion from her shady spot against the tree but did not interject. “Could her presence be problematic? If danger does not follow, I do not know what asylum she would seek. And our Alpha-” “Bears are solitary creatures, Cohen. Don’t you think she’d be frantic if there was danger? And you know our Alpha will not oppose it.” “The question remains, why is she running? I am hesitant to make a decision without more transparency. But I trust your instincts, Elise.”

Elise halved the distance between them, “My partner and I would like to know why you seek asylum. The abridged version is fine.”

“Pack mentality is not natural for my kind, and we were not suited to attempt a close-quartered community. After years of sacrifice for power-hungry men, I chose to leave. I have heard of a sanctuary territory up north, but do not know the way or how long it will take.”

The wolves exchanged tense glances before Elise replied, “You will meet our Alpha before arrangements are made. We can guide you to the sanctuary once you’ve rested from your travels. Now, what do we call you?”


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