Snow continued to fall as silence enveloped the academy in the dark of the night. Nate watched through the foggy glass window in the dormitory the legionnaires patrolling on the campus as if they were searching for something. Some of them get to go home but most of the time they needed to stay and protect the almost empty school. A week before Christmas when most of the students and faculties went home for the holidays, Nate and his seven friends were also preparing to leave the Lux Signifer Academy, not for the holiday but a quest.

“Are you done?” Nate heard Clyne ask behind him. He turned slowly as if he wanted to look at the falling snow longer.

“Yeah.” He watched Clyne as he snuggled in his thick orange winter jacket. It was too bright for Nate but he didn’t comment on it. But it reminded him of the sun and autumn. The images made him remember the quest.

“It’s going to be a long and cold journey,” he whispered while staring at the bright orange colour.

“You looked distracted.” Nate raised his eyes and found Clyne frowning at him. Nate chuckled. He didn’t reply. He knew that he’s distracted. He had been replaying a scenario in his head for days. How I’m going to face Storm. Or Ciar…Whatever he’s called. Then he remembered his sister. His chest suddenly ached. Should I urge her to stay here?

He was startled when he felt someone’s hand on his left shoulder. He turned his head abruptly and met Skhy’s concerned eyes.

“We’re here. Just tell us what you need,” Skhy said.

“Of course!” Clyne exclaimed. “We’re also going to protect Hanne.” Nate glanced between the two of them. He suddenly remembered the friends he left. They would say the same if they were with him. Nate smiled. He was still lucky that he has this team.

“Thank you.”

“We’re going.” Nate, Skhy, and Clyne turned toward his voice. Hunter was in all black. His backpack hanged on one shoulder. He had a deep frown like he was impatient.

“Alright,” Skhy responded then grabbed his backpack on the floor. He adjusted his bag over his blue jacket. After a few minutes, the four young men exited their dormitory and into the dark starless cold night. The dark green winter jacket was warm but his face wasn’t covered so he could feel the cold breeze kissing his cheeks.

Once outside the academy, they headed to the forest where they will wait for the girls. They didn’t have to wait long. Tessa in her chocolate brown jacket was walking in front. When she noticed them, she lightly waved. Aria, in a black jacket, and Lei, in green, accompanied Hanne as they walk side by side. Nate couldn’t thank them enough. His eyes met Hanne’s and she smiled as her eyes gleamed. It was genuine. He hugged her tightly.

“Is this jacket warm enough?” he asked after he let her go. He eyed the pink winter jacket on her. Hanne nodded while smirking. A week ago, they talked for almost four hours. It felt like it had been so long since they hang out with just the two of them. Hanne still had difficulty expressing her sadness, but she was able, to be honest with him. He couldn’t do anything but hug her and assure her that he’s always there for her. I like him… Her voice cracked at the end.

It was just a talk about what she feels. They also reminisced, joked, and laughed. This is fine… He pinched her nose.


“Will it take us longer if we go through there?” Lei asked. Nate turned toward Skhy, Tessa, Hunter, and Lei who were looking at the map. Skhy was holding a flashlight onto the paper.

“It’s safer if we go move through The Canopy than South Edgeburn,” Skhy pointed out. Nate moved toward them.

“What’s it like in South Edgeburn?” Nate intercepted, directing the question to Hunter. Everyone raised their heads.

“Most parts are dry as a desert. People only live in the parts where vegetation is good, which is in the far west,” Hunter replied. Nate nodded in understanding. He examined regions surrounding The Mort, including The Canopy.

“What is that castle-like structure between the Seven Hills and Slithering Mountains?” The two landscapes are landscapes in The Canopy.

“A fortress,” Skhy replied. Nate wondered if its presence is a threat to them if they pass by it. There could be hundreds of trained and armed knights there. He doubted that they will against them.

“Slithering Mountains,” Hunter said. Nate eyed him curiously. “We’ll walk in the mountains.” Nate’s eyes bulged. He knew how ridiculously high these mountains are.

“You know how high those are, right?” Tessa probed him. Hunter nodded lazily as if he wasn’t affected by everyone looking at him like he was crazy. He carefully told him about the plan. Nate listened carefully. It was a dangerous path but Hunter looked like he carefully thought about it. He noticed that Skhy seemed to consider Hunter’s suggestion.

“Yeah. There aren’t many knights in that fortress since it’s near the edge of the country…supposedly the edge,” Clyne revealed. “South Edgeburn might be a desert but there are more dangerous unknown creatures there.” Nate was taken aback by his change of disposition. Clyne looked serious and focused as he said these. It wasn’t the usual cheery Clyne.

“How did you know this?” Aria asked. She mirrored Nate’s surprise. Clyne’s eyes widened a bit as if he remembered something. He smiled slowly at her.

“Someone I know worked as a knight before,” he replied then turned his back on her. He started discussing something with Skhy and Hunter. Aria was looking at him suspiciously. Nate also wondered about who he was talking about. He knew that Clyne only lived with his grandmother until she died.

“We’re going to move,” Skhy exclaimed. Skhy, Hunter, and Tessa led the group. Nate walked between Hanne and Lei. While Aria and Clyne walked at the end. It was dark and silent in the forest like the animals knew that holidays are celebrated with their families at home. The thought made him remember their mom. He stopped messaging her a month ago. He didn’t want to make her sad. She probably understood him because her last message said that she only wants him and Hanne to be safe.

“That path is dangerous. I don’t know what came over him to suggest that,” Nate heard Aria said behind him.

“Hey. Hunter knew what he’s doing,” Clyne assured her, “Besides, he’d been there.” He said the last statement softly. Nate wondered why. He stared at Skhy’s back. The memory from a week ago resurfaced. After Skhy explained his and Hunter’s motive for going to The Mort and following his dad’s instructions, he said:

“I… I’m not asking you to come because we don’t know what awaits us there. Faz and I are willing to go on our own.” He stopped then glanced at Hunter. “We…wanted to save our friends.” Clyne already looked ecstatic and ready to go.

“We’ll be gone for two weeks. But I needed you to start training while we’re-”

“I’m coming,” Tessa interrupted Skhy. “You need all the help you can get.”

“Yes! I’m not letting you two go on your own!” Clyne exclaimed. Aria glared at him. Nate turned to Hanne who looked deep in thought. Her brow furrowed as she stared at the table. Nate wanted to help Skhy but he didn’t want to bring Hanne nor leave her on her own.

“I’m going too.” His eyes widened at her revelation.

“Hanne…I think its best-” He stopped when she abruptly raised her eyes on his. Her ___ eyes were full of determination.

“I want to face it,” she said softly. What is ‘it’?

“Aria is also in!” Clyne exclaimed. Nate continued to stare at Hanne with the same determination. Hanne didn’t look away. He eventually gave up and sighed.

“We’ll talk about this later,” he whispered.

“Thank you,” Skhy said. Nate wasn’t able to follow their conversation. “This means a lot to us.”

“We’re still your…friends,” Lei said. She looked away when Skhy turned to her. Hmmm…

Nate woke up from his daydreaming when he heard Hanne’s voice. The walk in the forest continued until after midnight when they decided to camp to rest for three hours. They made a campfire and they sat around it. Laughter and snickers were heard in the silence of the forest. It was cold but the warmth of the fire and companionship enveloped them.

“I realized only now that we come from different towns,” Clyne said, “Well, except for Skhy and Faz who live here.” Nate forgot about this fact.

“I come from Fayflower, Faymagnates,” Tessa said. “Lei’s from Mershmount of East Woodland.”

“Hanne and I lived in The Canopy,” Nate added. “Aria…” He stopped. He didn’t remember.

“Fountain Wilde, Wyvernshore,” Aria finished the sentence for him. That’s a very wealthy town…

“I lived in Greyhust in North Edgeburn all my life,” Clyne said with a smile.

“You’re wrong. I’m not from Northern Lux,” Hunter revealed.

“What?” Clyne’s jaw dropped. Hunter sipped his warm coffee.

“Cornerstone,” he simply said. Clyne began to complain that Hunter didn’t tell him about it while Hunter kept telling him to shut up. Aria rolled her eyes while Tessa and Lei laughed. Hanne was grinning while Skhy was shaking his head at the scene. Nate smiled. His chest felt warm.

After a few hours, they continued their journey. They rode a bus from Northern Lux toward Highfort. It took eight hours. Hanne was sleeping soundly beside Nate while he couldn’t sleep. A lot of thoughts haunt him. Do I regret letting Hanne come with us? Even if he told her not to come, she would fight her way. Will we face Storm? He closed his eyes tightly. He tried to remind himself that this quest is to save Skhy and Hunter’s friends.

“Whether he’s there or not, I will still fight,” he whispered. Hanne turned toward the window. Nate was nervous for a moment. He stared at her sleeping face. What words are the truth and what are the lies? She whispered this after they had a heart to heart talk. She didn’t look like she expected him to answer but the question triggered a painful truth that he had kept.

“It doesn’t matter,” he whispered. What’s important is Hanne is safe and she’s with him.

The capital of Highfort was bustling with people and transports. There were a lot of contemporary skyscrapers everywhere Nate looked. Compared to the mid-century modern architecture in The Canopy and the mesh of modern and Victorian architecture in Northern Lux, Highfort seemed to be on a different level. He wondered for a moment if he’s in a different country when he saw a 20-feet metal sword in the middle of a round-about.

“Wait. Let’s hide there,” Skhy instructed. Everyone followed him in an alley.

“What is it?” Nate asked.

“Sentries,” Hunter replied.

“Do you think they’re looking for us?” Lei asked. Tessa dropped her backpack on the ground.

“I’m not sure,” Skhy answered.

“If the Consortium thinks that we’re a threat to their peace, they might be.” Hunter abruptly grabbed Tessa’s backpack after he said this. Like Nate, Tessa was taken aback. Maybe he’s warming up with the others.

“Let’s go.” He turned around and started to walk further in the alley with Tessa’s backpack on one shoulder. Tessa ran toward him. Skhy silently followed with an unreadable expression on his face. What’s wrong?

Nate felt his eyes becoming heavy as they continue walking further away from the capital. He didn’t sleep a wink. But he didn’t say anything. They needed to finish the quest quickly. Skhy and Hunter’s friends might be in grave danger. They took another bus ride toward Northern Edgeburn. He wondered how long it will take. He closed his heavy eyes. The next thing he knows, Hanne was shaking him. Once inside a forest in Northern Edgeburn, he noticed something he didn’t earlier.

Clyne was walking with Hunter and left Aria alone. It was unusual. Or is it just me?

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