The rushing waves violently hitting the life-sized rocks that are so close together. There was no way of seeing how far the rows of rocks stretched toward the ocean. Beneath the horizon were spots of black. The rock formations near the shore have sharp edges. Dark water rushed between the rocks but doesn’t reach the shore. The sand was dark as charcoal. It was hard and dry under their shoes. There were no shells around. Nor trees or twigs nearby. They couldn’t see the edges of the bay on both sides. The wind was cold and violent. The sky turned cloudy when it was just hot and sunny not long ago.

“Where are we?” Hanne asked in a shush tone. Lei felt a cold chill ran on the back of her neck. She rubbed it. There were no signs of life. They passed trees half an hour ago but beyond that, there was nothing. She felt like they entered another dark side of the magic world.

“This should be the southwest edge of Arconien,” Skhy said while looking around in what seemed to be the edge of a scary lone island in the middle of stormy seas.

“It doesn’t look like we’re still in Aronien,” Tessa pointed out. Lei nodded in agreement.

“There’s only the sea beyond these rocks.” Clyne jogged toward the nearest large rock as he said this. A sudden violent cold wind pushed them backward. Lei hair violently flapped all over her face.

“The Canopy should be on that side but…” Nate’s voice trailed as he stares in the direction of his hometown. There was nothing there but the dark sand, rocks, and dark cloudy sky. Lei was getting anxious because she couldn’t sense any living creatures and plants around her. But she knew that they were in the right place.

“It’s expected since we passed through the barrier.” Skhy walked toward Clyne who was standing beside a 3-meter tall and a meter wide rock on the shore.

Lei remembered the difficulty in breaking the barrier earlier. The white sand, soft cold breeze, sunny sky, and calm waves greeted them upon passing another mountain. She was surprised that the edge of South Edgeburn is a paradise. Trees were flourishing, and smooth and beautiful shells of different sizes were scattered on the sand. The sapphire sea created a distorted reflection of the blazing sun overhead. She couldn’t stop staring at the sight. She loved the mountains but the sea is also beautiful. She stared in awe.

“It didn’t change…” she turned to Hunter who was also admiring the view. She suddenly remembered that Hunter had been here several times in the past. She turned to look at the sea and another sight made her stare. Skhy had his hand stretched in front of him, palm up as if waiting for something to fall on his hand. His head was raised. His eyes closed. A slow breeze ruffled his chestnut hair.

“I wished I could stay in a place like this,” she heard Hanne whisper. She was standing near Lei’s side while the others explore the shore. But they had to move on. Lei knew that everything is a façade.

“Where is the barrier?” Nate asked once they gathered.

“Where the waves stop,” Clyne replied. His goofy smile was gone. Lei glanced at the waves. She noticed that they move together and always stop in the same place. And then the water goes back to the ocean.

“Do we know what we’re up against?” Aria asked.

“Mortemians…” Skhy stopped. “Or the people Aubree and Savvier were talking about.” Lei noticed when he clenched his fists that they turned white.

“Can we go around it?” Tessa asked while looking around.

“There’s no going around it,” Hunter replied. His expression darkened. “The barrier surrounds it.” He emphasized “it.” Lei imagined a lone and dark island in the sea. She knew that it’s going to be a difficult and dangerous fight. This is an unknown territory with unknown enemies but a memory of Skhy looking so dejected and frustrated flashed before her eyes. He needs us…

“Alright, let’s do this,” Nate said.

“What’s the plan? We can’t see the barrier,” Lei pointed out. If they don’t plan their next move, they might get hurt or worse, die.

“We should cut a door on the barrier,” Clyne said. Lei frowned at him. Is he suggesting that we shouldn’t break the whole barrier?

“Yes.” Hunter was staring at the sea. Or the invisible barrier.

“With our combined power, it’s still difficult to break the barrier,” Nate agreed. “So we should aim in one spot.”

“And hope that it will create a small opening…?” Tessa asked, to which Hunter, Clyne, and Nate nodded in response.

“It’s also dangerous to try to break the whole barrier,” Skhy pointed out with a serious expression. “It might alert all their forces.” Lei looked at where the barrier should be. She noticed a group of large rocks on the far right of the beach.

“How about there?” She pointed at the rocks.

Four rock formations that stood almost 2 meters stood closed to each other but they were able to squeeze themselves through the narrow in between. Lei touched one of them. It was rough, slippery, and cold to touch.

“How are we going to…” Hanne’s voice trailed. Hunter had his hand raised, palm facing forward as if he was touching the surface of something. Skhy and Clyne followed his movement. The others immediately do the same.

“Concentrate,” Skhy said. Lei closed her eyes. She could only feel the cold breeze on her palm but she directed her power to flow through her right palm. Minutes went by as she felt her friends’ energies going stronger.

“Wow…” she heard Tessa whisper so Lei opened her eyes. Her insignia on the back of her hand was glowing. Her palm was emitting a green colour light. She looked at her friends and saw the colours red, brown, black, pink, sky blue, orange, and blue-green. Then she heard a cracking sound. She turned and saw the blue sky and sparkling ocean turning grey. Someone ushered her to step forward. The next thing she knew, she was no longer facing beautiful scenery but dark and stormy water.

Lei’s thoughts were interrupted by someone touching her shoulder. She looked up and found Skhy staring at her with a concerned expression.

“Should we jump on the rocks until…” Clyne’s voice trailed as he looked for the right words.

“It’s an illusion,” Skhy said after he removed his hand on Lei’s shoulder. Illusion?

“Let’s go!” Tessa exclaimed. She was standing with Hunter near the water. Lei and the others joined them.

“Is there something wrong?” she heard Tessa say. She was referring to Hunter who didn’t give her an answer. Instead, he started walking.

“Wait!” Tessa exclaimed and followed him.

“This again,” Skhy muttered and ran after them. Lei bit her lower lip. Tessa is lucky… Then ran after him. Hunter and Tessa were now walking in the dark water. They passed between two rocks shaped like pillars and disappeared. Lei’s eyes widened. Her heart was on sudden panic.

“Tessa!” she and Skhy shouted simultaneously. After few steps, Lei felt lightheaded so she closed her eyes for a second and stopped walking. When she opened them again, the dark ocean and rocks disappeared and were replaced by a charcoal sand beach and a towering black castle on a cliff. It was the same dark cloudy sky but with the terrifying fortress. Storm clouds were surrounding the tallest tower.

“Where are we now?” Lei heard Hanne’s voice behind her. She noticed Tessa, Skhy, and Clyne trying to stop Hunter from walking further.

“Stop, Faz! We can’t just attack!” Skhy had his hand on Hunter’s chest. Hunter’s glare was menacing. He was baring his teeth.

“Faz! Please! Let’s talk first!” Clyne was holding one of Hunter’s arm. Lei looked around. The noise might alert the enemies.

“She might be in danger,” Hunter said simply while gritting his teeth. She?

“Guys, they might hear us,” she said. Skhy and Clyne continued on reasoning to Hunter. He was trying to get out of Nate and Clyne grips.

Lei was surprised to see Tessa standing still with her back on Lei. Why isn’t she stopping Hunter anymore?

She turned to look at Tessa’s face.

“Tessa…” She couldn’t ask. Tessa was biting her lower lip. Her brow furrowed as if she was in pain. Tears were starting to form in her golden eyes. When she realized that someone was in front of her, she quickly shook the expression away. She looked away first then gave a small smile when she faced Lei again.

She walked toward Hunter who was still trying to get out of three boys’ holds.

“We’re gonna rescue her. Don’t worry,” she started. Hunter stopped moving then turned to her. “But we have to have a plan so we won’t endanger her further, right?” She smiled but her eyes had a hint of sadness. Lei thought that she’s going to scold Hunter.

“Fine,” Hunter said. Lei sighed in relief. They needed to hide first then talk about their strategy. It is everyone’s first time in this frightening place.

“What are doing here?” Lei turned toward the unfamiliar voice. Her heart began to drum furiously in her chest when she saw someone standing behind her. We’re found by the enemy… A lot of possible scenarios played in her mind.

“Eloise!” Hunter’s voice was so loud that Lei flinched. Who?

The girl wavy black hair reached her waist. Her clear ice blue eyes looked like cat’s eyes. Her heart-shaped face reminded Lei of an actress. She was wearing a white long sleeve dress reaching her heel. She was barefoot. She staring blankly at them. Is she a ghost?

“Eloise!” cried Hunter. Does he know him? He looked like he was about to cry. Next to him, Tessa became frozen once again.

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