The team didn’t encounter enemies as they hike past the first mountain but it wasn’t easy. The side facing the river was full of rocks. It rained so everything was slippery. They had to hold onto the other rocks to stop themselves from falling to their death. It wasn’t steep but the fall would be fatal. Everyone was relieved when they saw the wide river as they hike down. There were more rocks on the sides. Skhy immediately led them to a column of trees close to each other beside the river. Half of their trunks were underwater and dark and slimy moss grew on them.

Faz, Skhy, Nate, Lei, and Tessa carefully pulled out the floating boat hidden between the aquatic trees while Aria, Clyne, and Hanne looked for fruits. The golden sun created a bloody sky and illuminated a calm yellow path on the river. Soon the moon and countless stars will greet the adventurers. The wooden boat was 3.5 meters long and 2 meters wide. The rowboat has four seats and four oars, which were lighter than the rest of the boat’s body. On the starboard were a painted letter and symbol. Under the sunset, it looked like gold. Skhy stared at it after they placed it safely near the shore.

“It looked new,” Nate commented.

“It was hidden here recently,” Skhy replied. I guess this means that I have to tell them… He chuckled softly. It was like him to communicate like this…

“C… and a lightning…” Clyne’s voice reached them. He was carrying woods while Hanne and Aria were holding bananas and berries.

“Consortium,” Skhy simply replied. There was a chorus of ‘what.’

“What do you mean?” Aria asked. He turned toward his team and friends.

“One of our allies is a member of Consortium.” Skhy quickly looked at Faz. His wide eyes were already asking the question. He couldn’t make out the responses of his other friends because he was too focused on Faz.

“You knew?” Skhy’s brow furrowed. He thought about the instances when their allies communicated with him. If he’s being honest, he already wondered if Faz would find out because he’s the kind of person who needs to know about everything about everyone. But if he did, he wondered why he kept quiet about it. Faz shrugged.

“It was a guess.” Skhy released an exasperated sigh. Faz suddenly smirked and chuckled. Skhy was flabbergasted.

“What the-” He didn’t expect Faz to joke. It was out of character. But he did it years ago. Only once but it made Skhy feel trusted.

“Did you just joke?” Tessa teased. Faz regarded her for a moment, which made Skhy curious. When Faz turned to Skhy, his cold expression returned.

“I only found out the moment I saw the boat,” Faz explained. “But I already thought about it before. The allies would plant someone there.” Skhy shared his thinking before he was told about the truth. Their allies needed information. And protection.

“So who is it?” Hanne asked.

“Sorry for not telling you,” Skhy started. “It’s-”

“Don’t worry, Skhy. We understand how you care for us.” Lei patted his shoulder after. She smiled a bit at him then turned to the lightning symbol beside the letter C.

“It’s Karl. Karl Dwightfrey,” he revealed. Half of the sun was shielded behind the unmoving rows of trees. It illuminated the patterns of trees, rocks, and zigzags on the mountainside.

“Ah! The guy we met on our first day at the Academy!” Clyne excitedly exclaimed. Skhy nodded.

“The person you, Tessa, and Lei already know before coming to the school,” Aria added. Skhy nodded again. Tessa and Lei looked amazed but didn’t say anything.

“So that’s five people - Ms. Charlotte Luxemburg, the finance director guy, Aubree, Savvier, and Karl Dwightfrey – who are members of the Consortium,” Hanne said. Skhy nodded. He didn’t know Ms. Luxemburg and Mr. Mark Daniel Collingwood personally so he doesn’t know what to expect of them.

Silence followed. It seemed as if everyone was lost in thought.

“Did Karl say anything about Aubree and Savvier?” It was Faz who cut the silence. Skhy shook his head. Unfortunately, Karl kept a lot of things from him. He trusted Karl. He would reveal everything at the right time.

“I’m not sure whose side they are on,” Skhy confessed. “But we’ll find out eventually.” He still remembered Aubree’s desperate face. The unwavering stare with unshed tears. He should have asked Ellie and Aurora but he figured the knowledge might put them in danger if they knew nothing in the first place.

“We should board the boat. It will be dark soon,” Nate advised. Skhy agreed and sat inside first. Faz willingly took his side. The girls sat in the middle while Nate and Clyne were at the end. Skhy, Aria, Lei, and Nate started rowing. The river was calm. It was chilly. Only a third of the sun was peeking over the shadows of the trees.

“Do you think we should camp for the night?” Lei asked. “It’ll get dark soon.”

“We will. We just need to get out of that area.” Faz’s voice was cautious. He kept looking around. Skhy was the same. He intensely listened to the wind. The wind blew softly but Skhy knew he had to stay alert. It could be…the calm before the storm.

“The calm before the storm.” Faz mirrored his thoughts. Skhy grinned.

“Is danger here?” Nate asked.

“There rumours.” Clyne’s voice was low and cautious. They continued to row in silence. The others probably felt that they should also remain silent and alert. It’s too calm… The silence is…deafening.

“It’s Christmas eve,” Hanne interrupted the heavy silence. There was a chorus of gasps. Some laughed softly for forgetting. When everyone started talking about forgetting the sense of time and date, the atmosphere suddenly felt light and warm. Skhy was glad.

“It’s my first Christmas away from…home,” Tessa said. The last word came out soft and sad.

“It’s the same for us,” Hanne added. It wasn’t the first time for Skhy. As with Faz and Clyne. They lost their families early. But they didn’t say anything.

“First time to celebrate it alone,” Lei whispered but Skhy, who sat in front of her, heard.

“You’re not alone. We are here together,” Faz pointed out before Skhy could say anything. Skhy smiled, knowing that Faz has finally opened himself to the team.

“It’s different from what we’re used to. Fighting. Surviving. Saving…” Skhy absentmindedly said. Christmas huh… He still remembered his last Christmas with his parents but it felt like it was a long time ago. He celebrated it alone in the house after they left. The butler, maids, and staff asked him to let them stay but he told them to celebrate holidays with their families.

“I’m sorry you’re here with us than in a comfortable and warm place,” he quickly added when he awakens from the daydream.

“We chose to be here, remember?” Nate pointed out.

“I rather be with you guys than in the cold and lonely Academy,” Hanne added. “There’s even no Christmas ornaments.”

“It’s different and dangerous. But we’re together.” Tessa’s voice was reassuring. “You saved and protected us several times.” He couldn’t see her but he knew she was smiling.

“There’s first for everything.” Nate chuckled. “We can celebrate it and New Year after everyone is safe. The more, the merrier.” Skhy weighted his words then smiled. He could picture it in his mind. Together with Eloise, Ice, and Levvy.

A comfortable silence enveloped them. The sun finally slept. Faz instructed them to row the boat to the shore to camp for the night. The waning moon hung on the top of the mountain. It was darker than last night. The shadows of the trees were swallowed by the darkness. Only a part of the shore was illuminated by the moonlight. The river reflected countless stars and a white path of the moonlight.

“Stay as near as you can to the river,” Skhy instructed after they tied the boat’s rope to a nearby aquatic tree. He turned and saw Faz nod at him. He quickly followed him away from the group who was setting up their sleeping bags, fixing their dinner, and starting a campfire.

“It’s too dark,” Faz started once the group was out of earshot.

“Yeah. I’m not sure if we were able to leave their vicinity,” Skhy confessed.

“Tell them to be alert.” Faz started walking away. “I’ll look around.” Skhy returned to the camp and found everyone huddled close to the fire.

“So we might face something here…” Skhy turned to Tessa. Was it showing in my face?

“Rumours said that dangerous creatures live in this part of the mountain. We weren’t sure if they are real.” Skhy noticed a few terrified expressions.

“I heard it too,” Clyne added. “But you know that rumours tend to be exaggerated.” Skhy nodded in agreement.

“But Karl said that sentries and knights encountered them before.” Faz was walking toward them as Skhy said this.

“Skhy, Nate, and I will keep guard,” Faz announced. Aria suddenly raised her hand.

“I will too.”

“Me too!” Clyne exclaimed with an excited expression.

“Skhy, Hunter. You’ve been staying up for several nights,” Tessa pointed out. She bit her lower lip. Skhy was about to reject the idea of him sleeping when the wind touched his face. He quickly turned around. His hands clenched and his eyes darting in the darkness. The cold wind blew again.

“So it’s true…” Faz said.

“What is it?” Lei asked. The others started talking but Skhy was focused on locating the enemies. He couldn’t count them. Not just because they’re many but because they seem to be occupying the whole darkness.

“Here.” Faz handed him a torch. He waved it in front of him. Nothing there… Their presence was terrifyingly overwhelming. He noticed that they weren’t as strong as the creatures in the dense forest but these creatures seemed unique. In what way…?

“There’s nothing there.” He heard Hanne say. A thought entered his mind. He sighed of exasperation.


“They’re invincible,” he simply replied. His friends started asking questions. Some seemed to panic.

“Listen to your surroundings,” Faz said. “Use all your senses. You can feel them even without seeing them.” Right. They were closing in. Even if they board the boat, they could still harm them and destroy their only transportation.

“Sorry that we have to celebrate Christmas this way.” Skhy already summoned his sword.

“I don’t like danger but I decided to be here so don’t apologize to me,” Hanne bluntly replied. Skhy chuckled. The girl was really honest no matter where she goes.

“Merry Christmas everyone!” Clyne shouted then ran past Skhy into the darkness while holding his weapon. The others followed.

“Be careful!” Skhy exclaimed. He turned to Faz but he wasn’t where he was standing.

He felt everyone’s presence. He believed in them. They were strong and smart. Then the enemies surrounded him. He closed his eyes. He felt the wind circling him and the enemies near him. It circled faster and sharper. When he opened his eyes, he was standing in the middle of a wide rushing tornado reaching trees. He raised his sword.

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