When the event started, only one-eighth of the seats were occupied. Now, one-third of the seats are full of people. Hanne felt so small surrounded by these people in a large coliseum in an unfamiliar place. The opponent entered the arena in her tight uniform with a lollipop in her mouth. Her long blue-dyed hair was in high pigtails. She had a bored expression as she walked lazily towards her place. She didn’t even spare her opponent a glance but kept playing with her hair. She was the classic mean girl with pale skin, dense makeup, and a bitchy attitude. The thought made Hanne scoff. She was annoyed that the girl is not taking her seriously. It was as if she could hear the girl’s mind saying ‘this is too boring for me.’ It was only when the girl stopped walking when she finally looks at Hanne. She seemed like she didn’t care about Hanne or anything around her. She just playing with the lollipop in her mouth.

Most of Hanne’s fears were replaced with annoyance. She didn’t know if it’s a good thing or not but at least she could channel her anger to the fight. After minutes of her frowning at the girl’s bored face, she finally remembered that they have the same elemental. They might only differ in terms of power. And weapon…

No matter how hard she tried, her weapon won’t materialize. It only appeared once. It happened when Hanne, Nate, Storm, and Aria first faced Skhy, Tessa, and Lei near the river of the border of Westward. She didn’t even think about or call her weapon. When she saw the three people holding weapons at the opposite side of the river, she was so scared and didn’t know what to do. Then Aria, Nate, and Storm called theirs. She was embarrassed. The next thing she knows, her insignias shone then she was holding two ring blades. It was the first time she held and used them. She was clumsy at first but she still fought.

After they sorted the misunderstanding, the blades vanished and never appeared again. Did it appear because I badly need it? At first, it made anxious and scared but her brother told her to channel all her energy to make her elemental stronger. But just like Aria, will I able to use it here?

“Let’s end this quickly, shall we?” Her thoughts were interrupted by the girl’s quirky voice.

“I don’t want to be here,” she said after sighing. “This is boring.” She fanned her hand near her face. When Hanne’s friends said that she’s quirky and girl, she hoped that they didn’t mean that she’s like the girl in front of her. Why did I have to pick her as my opponent?

“What?” the girl uttered. Hanne moved first. She felt the surge of energy emanating on her left arm. It felt hot but not uncomfortable. Unlike months ago, it was now easier to detect metals around her and control them. Her range also widened. She could feel their presence within a 50-metres radius. Show them that you deserve to stay here.

The ground vibrated beneath them. Hanne focused her attention on surveying what’s underground. The ground exploded with dirt flying in different directions. Small and large metals emerged from the holes on the ground. They levitated around Hanne as if she’s a magnet. Well, technically, I am. She turned her attention to her opponent who was finally done eating the lollipop. Her eyes were wide as she stared at the floating large metals. She didn’t move and just stared, looking so surprised. Hanne smirked at her expression. It was the first expression the girl showed aside from looking so bored after she entered the arena. Yes, let’s end this quickly.

Hanne lifted her left hand in front of her. She spread her fingers and slowly closed her hand. The gesture triggered metals under the girl to move. The girl frantically looked at the vibrating ground around her. She looked scared and troubled that Hanne felt a bit sorry but she reminded herself that she’s in a battle. The ground shook faster, scaring the girl more. Is she really one of the strongest students here? Hanne raised her hand higher then metals started rising from the ground surrounding her opponent. The ground inside the circle of metals lifted about two meters. It quaked making the girl unbalanced until she fell on her feet. It looked like the girl was on a pot about the size of a car. Hanne lifted her right hand and the metals suspended in the air raced towards the metal pot. I will just trap her inside for a few minutes then walk out of here.

The other metals clamped above the pot until a metal egg was formed. Hanne was extremely happy that she was able to do it. Nate and Storm helped her train to direct her power into two different positions away from each other. For metal users, they can control everything within the range. If they call, everything within follows. They have to train hard to direct their power into items they only wanted to control. On the other hand, it is extremely hard to control two separate ranges within their controlled overall range. Hanne was lucky enough to use only a few items when she faced their mom’s stalker before. If all metals inside their home and backyard moved, their mom could be in danger. Maybe because I was still weak at that time.

When the metal trap stopped trembling, Hanne waited for the signal that ends the duel. She tried to remember her opponent’s name. Anisa? Alisa. What happened next took her by surprise. The metal trap exploded. Pieces of metals were thrown everywhere. She heard ringing in her ears due to the loud explosion but she was able to make a shield to protect herself. When there were no more metals falling, she let go of the shield. She was breathing heavily. The ringing in her ears finally stopped but her heart was drumming loudly in her chest as she surveyed the surroundings. It looked like a minefield with mountains of scraps of metals.

What happened? Did I ki-

She shook her head to shake the thought away. It wasn’t her fault. Right? The thought of her not being able to control her power again haunted her mind. She looked around and when she found where her team watches, she couldn’t stop herself from trembling.

“You thought I was dead?” She quickly turned towards the girl’s voice. She looked and found Alisa sitting on a pile of metals a few feet from her looking bored and uninterested. Hanne felt relieved and confused at the same time. She doesn’t look scared now.

“It wasn’t me inside your trap,” Alisa said without any emotion. What? Hanne was more confused.

“It was my clone,” the girl explained, “a metal clone, to be exact.” Hanne couldn’t believe what she heard. She didn’t know that metal users can do that and neither did she notice that the person earlier wasn’t a person. Was the person who entered the arena a metal clone or did she make it while in the arena?

“I made it when you’re concentrating on lifting metals then I switched with it.” Hanne stared at the girl. She didn’t know how but Alisa was able to hide while Hanne was busy trapping the clone.

“Where did you hide?” she asked. Alisa jumped down from the pile then brushed her skirt. The scared trembling girl was no more.

“So you don’t know how to make a clone, limit your concentration on one action, and conceal your presence,” she taunted. There’s no change in her expression nor voice but Hanne knew the girl was mocking her and internally laughing at her.

“Then the deal is off,” Alisa continued.

“What deal?” Hanne asked while glaring at her.

“You can only stay if you’re strong enough,” she replied then jumped back on the pile of metals. It took Hanne by surprise. She jumped feet high…and backwards!

Then without any sound, the mountains of metals, except for the one Alisa was standing on, vanished into thin air. Hanne looked around but there was nothing there. She surveyed the surroundings and found that the ground under them was again filled with metals. Her eyes widened. She turned to Alisa. What are you? The girl can also teleport objects.

“I don’t like dirt. And it was messy,” Alisa said, explaining her action. She lifted her right arm in front of her as if she’s grabbing something. Hanne saw something glowing behind her. Her insignia?

“Come, Melody.” Alisa’s weapon materialized on her hand. It was silver reaping-hook with a short handle. What baffled Hanne was the chain on the edge of the handle. She followed the chain with her eyes and found that it was connected to Alisa’s back. The weapon looked strong.

I’m doomed.

When Alisa was about to throw the hook, Hanne run. A large pile of metal from underground and she hid behind it. But it wasn’t enough. Then she felt that she was slowly losing control over the pile of metals hiding her. Arghh! She’s trying to control everything!

She felt the pile trembled when the hook hit it. Hanne tried to control the other metals underground but they weren’t budging. The girl was stronger than Hanne thought. There was no way around the battle. Fear crept on her skin. Sweat rolled down her forehead. Her hands were trembling.

She was searching her mind what she should do to at least defend herself when something hard hit the pile and it was cut into two. The two pieces moved to the side, revealing Hanne to the enemy. She’s not going to kill me, is she?

The girl stood a few feet from Hanne. She was gripping her weapon but it was no longer a hook. She was now holding a long sword. She can also shift her weapon? Is she the strongest among the nine? As if it wasn’t surprising enough, the weapon glowed and shifted into an axe. She threw it and the weapon along with the chain rushed towards Hanne. Hanne’s mind was blank.

She’s really trying to kill me!

She closed her eyes, waiting for someone to stop the fight. The Academy won’t let their student kill anyone in the game. She kept her eyes closed for a while. For a minute, she didn’t feel or hear anything. Slowly, she opened her eyes. She gasped when she saw the axe suspended in the air just a few metres from her, clashing with something she had never seen before.

Between her and the axe were two large golden circles. Her left arm felt really hot. Power spread from it to her whole body.

The one she had been calling finally listened to her.

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