Inside the Hotel Bentmoore: Training Ella

: Part 4 – Chapter 14

ELLA EYED THE TWO PIECES of braided rope snaking across the bed. They were thin, but long, and strong enough to restrain her if that’s what Mr. Cox had in mind.

They filled her with foreboding.

“Sir, what’s the rope for?” Ella asked him. He was standing by her side, watching her reaction to the rope.

He was wearing a thin white shirt today, open to the chest, and tucked into a pair of dark blue pants that in Ella’s opinion, made his ass look marvelous.

Not that she would admit to him such a thing. The two of them had come to a new understanding yesterday, but she was not ready to start handing out compliments yet, especially when she was still getting used to the brand new collar around her neck.

“The rope is for you,” he said. “You have a problem with restraints. I happen to be a rope master. I’m going to make you get over your aversion to being restrained very quickly.” His smile was twisted but alluring, and despite her apprehension, Ella had to smile back.

He continued, “What you have to understand, Ella, is that your problem is not with the restraints themselves, it’s the idea of relinquishing control, not just of your body, but of what’s happening up here.” He tapped the side of his head. “So before I start using the rope to tie you up, I’m going to show you that being restrained has nothing to do with submission.”

“How can you say that? If you’re tying me up, you’re making me submit.”

Mr. Cox shook his head. “No, Ella. Your submission has to come first. You are consenting to being tied up—that is your first act of submission right there. The restraints are a result of your relinquishment of power, not the other way around.” He picked up a length of rope. “Come here. You won’t really understand what I’m trying to say until I show you.”

Ella stepped forward, cautious and scared. “What do I do?”

“Just raise your arms up and stand still,” Mr. Cox said. “This will take some time. You’ll have to be patient.”

As Ella stood tall and graceful before him, a vision of feminine beauty, Mr. Cox began to wind the rope around Ella’s body. His warm hands felt like they were touching her everywhere, with light sweeps around her thighs and tingling grazes under her arms. His eyes were bright, and furrowed with concentration. Ella wondered if it was her enticing body making him look at her like that, or just his joy working the rope.

After a while, she stopped thinking about much of anything. Her mind drifted, and she closed her eyes. Mr. Cox kept up his work with the rope, repositioning her now and then like she was nothing more than a pliable doll. Ella relaxed into the process, letting his hands roam where they would, feeling surprisingly calm.

She had sunk into a sort of daze by the time Mr. Cox announced he was done. “Test it out, see how it feels. Then go to the mirror and see how you look. Tell me if you like it.”

Ella looked down at herself. She could still move her body however she wanted; he had not used the rope to restrict her movements in any way. But the thick weave and web of rope felt alien on her skin.

She went to the full-length mirror and stared at herself. The rope followed a diamond pattern around her breasts, down her torso, and across her hips. Intricate knots hemmed the rope right under her thighs, partially shielding her sex. Ella turned in front of the mirror, admiring her reflection.

“It’s beautiful,” she murmured.

“You’re beautiful,” Mr. Cox replied, coming to stand by her side. “I take it you like it?”

“Yes.” Ella continued to turn in front of the mirror, studying Mr. Cox’s intricate skill. Then she ran her fingers up and down her body. She shivered.

Mr. Cox smiled. “I’m glad you like it, cause I’ll probably be tying you up every chance I get from now on. Be honest now: do your movements feel restricted in any way?”

“No,” Ella shook her head. “It’s like I’m wearing a dress.”

And yet, she did feel different somehow. She still felt free in her movements, her body and joints could move however she wanted…but she felt bound in a way that was more mental than physical. She felt claimed. Everywhere the rope touched her skin sent a little shock through her, a small reminder than Mr. Cox was in control of her now. She was not confined by the rope; she was confined by his will.

“I want you to remember that,” he said, as if he could read her thoughts. “No matter how much rope is around your body, it’s not the rope making you give up control. It’s what’s up here.” He tapped the side of her head this time.

Then, to Ella’s surprise, he began to unbutton his shirt. “Submission comes with trust,” he said as he worked the buttons free. “Your mind needs to tell your body it’s okay to accede control. But it’s hard, especially for someone like you.”

As Ella stared at him in growing excitement, Mr. Cox peeled off his shirt and began to unzip his pants. Then, as if thinking better of it, he stopped.

“Come here,” he said. Once Ella stood in front of his naked wide chest, he pointed her down. “Kneel.”

Ella wanted so badly to run her hands across his chest, feel the muscles and soft skin under her fingers. But she knelt down on her knees and looked up at him, waiting.

“Open my pants, pull them down,” he ordered. “Free my cock.”

Ella smiled now. This was much better than running her hands across his chest. She lowered the zipper the rest of the way and pulled down his pants. Mr. Cox’s prick, already semi-erect, sprang free and proud.

“I know Harden had enough time with you to work on your oral techniques,” he said, his voice hoarse. “Show me what you got. Go on, take me in your mouth.”

Grinning, Ella grabbed the base of his cock, brought her mouth down to the tip, and pressed her lips against the smooth head before opening her soft lips and letting his prick slide past. Mr. Cox didn’t make a sound, but stared down at her with an intent look on his face.

Ella slid about half way down, paused, and swirled her tongue around his shaft. Then, she began to pull her face back up, careful not to scape her teeth along his cock. Mr. Cox moaned and lifted his head, but quickly recovered and met her eyes once more.

Ella squeezed her hand around his base and began to pump up and down the shaft in time with her mouth, treating Mr. Cox’s warm prick to slow turns of her palm. As she sucked his cock into her mouth, she widened her tongue around the base, pressing and undulating it across the pulsing veins. Mr. Cox gasped in tingling delight and shifted his legs open wider.

Now Ella began licking his stiff cock in quick rhythm, twisting her head up and down, letting her tongue slide around the upper shaft, and stabbing at the tiny hole in the center. While her mouth tormented the top half, her hands worked soft magic on the bottom, circling and rubbing the base with the tight grip of her fingers.

Mr. Cox’s brows furrowed, and his eyes went dark with passion; but after a few minutes of this blissful torture, he tapped her arm.

“Take yours hands away,” he said. “Put them behind you. Use only your mouth.”

Ella paused what she was doing, suddenly scared. But she followed orders, taking her hands away from his cock. She folded them behind her back.

Pleasuring his cock with her mouth alone was a completely different kind of task. She continued her face pumping and sucking, but it was harder for her to maintain control over his hard prick. It seemed to want to slide between her teeth and further down her throat without reservation. Ella had to use her tongue to block him from going too far back, but when she did that, she couldn’t use it to lick and suck.

Mr. Cox made a sound of impatience and raised a gentle palm to her cheek, holding it there to keep her head still. Then, he began to pump his hips—not a lot, just enough to gain some momentum in her mouth. Ella closed her eyes and scrunched up her face; she couldn’t handle the large cock gaining ground down her throat. She pulled back.

Mr. Cox pulled her head up with his palm. “Why did you pull back?” He asked, his voice kind. “What scared you?”

“It’s too big. I can’t take all of it.”

“You can, if you relax your throat. I’ll go slow. Just let your muscles open for me.”

He pushed his cock in her mouth…deeper, deeper, until Ella felt it slide down the back of her tongue. She tried to calm herself and be still, but her panicked reflexes got the better of her, and she pulled away, coughing.

Mr. Cox gave her a minute to recover. “You’re not letting your throat open, Ella,” he said. “Tell me what you’re afraid of.”

“I’m afraid I’ll gag and throw up on you,” she admitted.

“You won’t gag if you relax and don’t fight it. Let your throat stretch for me. Accept it’s going to be blocked, and that you’ll be okay. Give me control of your mouth, your throat, even your most basic reflexes. Understand?”

“I…yes, Sir.”

“Good. Let’s try this again.” He began to push through her lips into her mouth once more, and this time, he grabbed Ella by the back of the head to hold her still.

Ella’s brows furrowed with concentration as she took deep, even breaths, trying to calm her nerves, trying not to tense up and gag. But just as she felt his cock hit the back of her tonsils, her anxiety got the better of her; her throat clenched, her esophagus closed, and she brought up her hands to physically push him away.

Mr. Cox didn’t move, but the force of Ella’s push managed to throw her head back. Her chest heaved as she fought to get some air. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, and it came away wet with saliva.

“You’re still not relinquishing control,” Mr. Cox said, sighing. “Somewhere in the back of your head, you still think that by servicing me in this way, it’s all about you. It’s not. You have to let me take control over what happens.”

“I’m trying to, but I can’t stop my reflexes,” Ella said, her voice thick with remorse. “I’m sorry.”

Mr. Cox tipped her head up. “Don’t be sorry for who you are,” he said. “Never be sorry for that.”

With his thick erection bobbing in front of him, he went back to the bed and retrieved the second piece of rope. “Let’s try something. Move your hair away from your neck.”

Wary now, Ella held her hair up on the top of her head with both hands. Mr. Cox removed the thin leather collar from around her neck and began to wind the rope around Ella’s throat, looping it in the back and making a series of vertical knots.

Ella could feel the coils of rope going higher and higher up her neck. “Sir?”

“Try moving your head around. Is the rope too tight?”

Ella moved her head in a wide circle, testing the pressure of the rope around her neck. She found it was loose, much looser than what she’d been afraid of; she owned necklaces tighter than this.

“It’s not tight at all,” she said, “but it feels strange.” She cocked her head to the side, and felt the fibers of the rope rub against her sensitive pale skin. The rope felt scratchy, and a little bulky, like an unfamiliar weight.

“It’s okay if it feels strange,” Mr. Cox said. “I just don’t want it to feel like it’s choking you. That’s not the point.”

“What is the point?”

“I’m getting to it.” He tied the last knot at the back of her head, and draped the two long ends of the rope over her shoulders, so that they dangled over her breasts. Then he moved around to face her once more. “Touch the rope,” he said. “Feel it on your neck.”

Ella ran her hands up and down her throat, and felt the loops going all the way up to her chin.

“I assert the right to use your throat, Ella,” Mr. Cox said softly, looking deep into her eyes. “You don’t control it anymore. I own it. Everywhere the rope touches is mine. Understand?”

Ella nodded, her crystal blue eyes wide.

“Good. Let’s try this again.” Mr. Cox grabbed onto the two loose ends of the rope to pull Ella toward him. He pulled her in slowly, but firmly; Ella had no choice but to bring her face right up to his swollen cock. She opened her mouth and let Mr. Cox pull her down.

When her lips were about half way down the shaft, he stopped. “Take a breath,” he ordered. Ella grimaced, feeling her throat contract. “No—relax. It’s not your throat anymore, remember? It’s mine. Open my throat for me. Open it. That’s it…relax.”

Ella’s features smoothed out as her muscles finally relaxed. She opened her mouth wider and let her neck go slack, easing the way for Mr. Cox’s approaching assault.

“Now breathe in, and hold it.”

Ella sucked in some air through her nose. As soon as she did, Mr. Cox pulled on the ends of the rope, forcing Ella’s head and mouth all the way down his cock. In one smooth pull, his prick hit the back of her tonsils. Ella opened her mouth wider, letting her lips rest around his thick shaft, and relaxed.

Mr. Cox held his prick down her throat for a good long moment, letting her feel it, enjoying his success. Then he pulled back, giving some slack to the rope. His cock popped out of her mouth, and Ella took a deep breath.

“Breathe easy,” he said. “Easy now.”

Ella slowed her heaving chest, trying to regain a measured tempo for her lungs to work.

“Again now: take a deep breath and hold it.”

Once more, Ella took a deep breath and held it; and once again, Mr. Cox pulled her mouth all the way down his prick, until the entire length had disappeared inside her mouth and her neck distended with his large presence. He didn’t ask her to suck it, or lick it; merely accept it.

Ella accepted it now without qualm.

This time, when he pulled away, he could feel Ella’s tongue pressing against his cock as it slid past. He smiled.

“We’re going to go faster now,” he warned her. “Control your breathing. Remember, the throat is mine. Keep it open for me.”

He began to pump in and out of her mouth with long, slow strokes, dipping his cock all the way down her throat each time. Ella held still and let him block her air passage as much as he wanted, breathing when she could, and holding it when she could not. Her face contorted now and then with her efforts, but her muscles remained malleable, and easy to penetrate.

“Good, Ella,” Mr. Cox murmured, moving faster now. “Very good.” He gripped the pieces of rope in both hands tightly, pulling her to him now with greater urgency. Ella let herself be moved, giving in to his demands on her body.

No, not her body. His body. His throat. He could use it as he pleased. The thought calmed her, and filled her with contentment.

“Use your tongue now,” he ordered. Ella began swirling her tongue against his cock again, this time adding some sucking motions all the way up his prick each time he thrust it down her throat. Mr. Cox moaned, and a look of deep concentration took over his face.

“God, Ella,” he groaned, tipping his head back. He let go of the rope and grabbed her hair instead, digging his fingers into her scalp. Ella smiled serenely around his cock and bore down with her face, pressing her eyes and nose into his groin each time he buried his prick down her gullet.

Unable to control his movements any longer, Mr. Cox rammed down her neck with quick pumps of his hips, rubbing her soft tissues raw and pummeling her throat. Ella held still and took it, feeling an incredible sense of power she wasn’t expecting.

A minute later, Mr. Cox was holding himself still inside her as his balls erupted down her gorge. His sperm shot thick spurts down her throat, and Ella relaxed, swallowing it all.

Mr. Cox was soon staggering away from her, leaning against the bed for support. “That was amazing, Ella.”

“Thank you, Sir,” Ella said, licking her lips. The power she had felt before was still pumping her heart. It bloomed now into a new realization: she could give into Mr. Cox’s demands, relinquish control of her body and mind, and by doing so, grant him even greater pleasure. She had that power.

The knowledge opened her eyes to a whole new array of possibilities.

Mr. Cox studied her as she sat on her heels and smiled.

“You’re beginning to understand now, aren’t you?” He whispered.

“I believe so, Sir,” she said, nodding. “It feels…good.”

“Let’s see if you can apply what you’ve learned,” he said. “Here, get on the bed.”

Ella climbed in on her hands and knees, feeling adventurous. “What do I do now?”

“Get on your back. Lie down,” he said. “Spread your legs and bend them in at your knees.”

Ella eagerly spread her legs, but Mr. Cox spread them wider as he settled himself between them. He looked down at her soft, wet pussy. Then he lowered himself even further down, getting comfortable with his elbows on the bed as he spread her cunt lips wide, studying her pink folds.

Ella squirmed a bit, feeling uncomfortable. It always embarrassed her to have a man look at her pussy this close up. “Sir?”

“Shh. I’m admiring the view.” He began to rub two fingers up and down her folds, making Ella gasp and squirm. But when he squeezed her clit lightly between two fingers, he felt her stiffen in response.

“We’re going to need more lube,” he said. He moved away from her sprawled legs long enough to reach over to the bedside table and pull out a bottle of lubricant. He poured a large glob over his palm.

“Sir, what are you doing?”

“I’m going to have some fun,” Mr. Cox said, a wicked gleam in his eyes. “Now relax.”

He brought his hand, now covered in lube, back to her pussy. His fingers rubbed along her slit, spreading it wide, getting it nice and wet, and Ella propped herself up.

“It’s cold!”

“It’ll warm up. Now lie back down and be still.”

“Sir, please, I—”

Mr. Cox plucked on the rope crisscrossing her body. With it being all one piece, the fibers pulled and brushed across her skin everywhere. “Mine, Ella,” he reminded her. “All mine.”

Their eyes met, and Ella lay back down, looking up at the ceiling.

Mr. Cox continued his slow exploration of her velvety soft pussy folds and secret valleys. Ella gasped and sighed now and then, but did not try to pull away.

Then she felt him push two fingers deep inside her cunt.

“I’ll know if you’re tensing up, Ella,” he warned her. “Keep your body relaxed.” Ella let her breath out and forced her body to go limp.

“Very good,” she heard Mr. Cox say. Then she felt him slip another finger inside her.

With slow, gentle thrusts, Mr. Cox eased his fingers in and out of her, letting her muscles stretch around them. With the lube easing his way, and Ella’s natural arousal taking over, he soon had all four fingers tightly packed up her cunt.

Mr. Cox didn’t pump in and out anymore, but calmly, steadily, began to push his fingers deeper and deeper inside Ella’s cunt, until they were in all the way to his knuckled thumb.

When the third knuckles of all four fingers pressed inside, Ella flinched, feeling her skin stretch and burn. In that moment, all her sinews contracted, and she tried to pull herself up the bed, away from his hand.

“Red,” she said, scrunching up her face. “Red, please….” She took a deep breath, trying to get on top of the sensation of his hand invading and burning her clenching cunt. Mr. Cox stopped, but did not pull his hand out.

“No safewords with me, Ella,” he reminded her. “I’ll give you a minute to relax, but we’re not stopping.”

Ella breathed, willing her body to calm down. Soon, she was able to ease her body back down the bed.

“Good girl,” Mr. Cox said. “You can take it.” He pressed his fingers deeper into her. Ella whimpered, but said nothing.

But when the knuckle of his thumb tried to slip past her cunt opening, searing her open with its wide stretch, Ella cried out.

“Sir, please! It hurts!”

“It’s going to burn a little. Just relax. You can take it.”

He pushed in more, and Ella could feel her whole cunt ache. Even her inner tissues were beginning to burn.

A second later, something hard pressed against her pelvic bone from the inside.

“Wait! Wait! Oh god.”

He stopped again. “What’s wrong?”

“You’re going to tear me open!”

“No, I won’t. Relax, Ella.”

“Please, Sir. Please.”

“Do you trust me?”

Ella paused, making a pained face. “Yes, Sir.”

“Then relax. I’m not going to tear you, I’m going to give you an orgasm like you’ve never felt before. But you have to trust me.”

Ella lay back, and this time, she closed her eyes in surrender.

“That’s it, Ella. I can feel your body yielding to my hand. Just relax.” Ella gave up the last of her fight, and relaxed.

She took deep breaths at Mr. Cox’s hand eased into her cunt, pushing her soft innermost tissue aside and making room for itself within her tight grip. Her cunt throbbed and burned as it stretched open further and further. She could feel his hand pressing, pressing…and slip through.

His whole hand was now inside her cunt, balled into a tight fist.

“Oh God,” was all Ella could get out. “Oh God.”

Mr. Cox placed his other hand softly on her belly. “You’re good, Ella,” he said. “You’re doing fine. How does it feel?”

“Oh God.”

Mr. Cox smiled. “It’s not my name, but I’ll take it.”

He began to pull his fist in and out, only a little, only enough to give Ella that push/pull sensation of his hand stroking the deep cavern of her body. But Ella, impaled on his hand and feeling completely stuffed, felt every twitch and rub at her insides. His hand was huge inside her, a ball of pressure, heat, and need.

“Your clit is all swollen,” he said. “It looks delicious. It needs some attention, don’t you think so, my little clit-toy?”

“Yes…yes, Sir.”

Ella stretched her legs open wider, trying to accommodate him. His hand didn’t hurt so much anymore; pain was orbiting into pleasure, and an overwhelming feeling of possession. She was his toy now, his personal little clit-toy, just like he’d said. He could do whatever he wanted, and make her do whatever he wanted.

She was his puppet, and with his hand lodged well up inside her, it felt like he was literally pulling her strings.

He brushed against her lower lip with his other hand. “This is my mouth, right Ella?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“I want to hear it saying ‘I’m Mr. Cox’s clit-toy.’”

“I’m Mr. Cox’s clit-toy,” Ella repeated. “I’m Mr. Cox’s clit-toy. I’m—Oh God!” Mr. Cox had begun to rub Ella’s stretched, stiffened, throbbing clit. He didn’t have to rub very hard. Ella was so close to coming, her thighs were quivering.

As Mr. Cox pumped his hand back and forth inside her, he rubbed her spongy little clit, and Ella came with a howl, jerking her body against his hand and twisting her head back and forth.

Mr. Cox grinned as she came. He could feel her orgasm from the inside—it made all her muscles spasm around his hand.

As Ella’s breathing began to calm down, Mr. Cox slowly eased his hand out, letting her body expel it. Ella made a series of tiny grimaces, feeling the burn of his retreat more acutely now. But soon, his hand was free, and she gave him a languid smile.

“Well?” He asked her. “Was it like nothing you’ve ever felt before?”

“Yes. How did you know it would be like that?”

“I’m not exactly new at this, you know,” he said wryly. Then he went to the bathroom, got a towel, and wiped Ella down.

When he was done, he ordered her to rest. “Close your eyes. You’ve earned a nap.”

“I’m okay.”

“Sleep, Ella, or I’ll be claiming your ass next.”

Ella promptly fell asleep.

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