Inside the Hotel Bentmoore: Training Ella

: Part 3 – Chapter 12

ELLA RAN AROUND THE POOL and through the small field of grass, heading straight for the barn. She ran without reasoning or logic; her only thought was to get away.

Mr. Cox was right behind her, and catching up fast. Ella wasn’t giving much thought to what would happen if he did catch her. She was focused on getting away, and away meant getting to the barn before he could tackle her to the ground.

A part of her felt a sense of elation when she made it to the barn and Mr. Cox still had not caught her. She granted herself a single look back, and found him still running through the grass. But he was looking straight at her, savage and bloodthirsty, like a voracious man-eating predator about to take down his prey.

Seeing him looking at her like that gave Ella the rush of a lifetime. She almost crumbled to the ground right then, ready to concede defeat and face whatever punishment he would deliver her. She knew it would mean relinquishing her tenacious self-control, and letting him do whatever he wanted to her…and in that moment, she wanted nothing more.

But a part of her still wouldn’t give up.

She had not been caught yet. The chase was still on. She turned around and ran into the barn.

As soon as she was in, she shut the creaky wood door behind her. It had no lock, but the noise of it would at least give her some warning he was inside.

Frantically, she looked around. The last time she had seen the inside of this place, she had been peeking through a window. It hadn’t really afforded her a good look around. Now she saw a low, crumbled-down cement wall, divided part of the space ahead.

Ella ducked behind the wall and crouched into the corner in a tight ball, breathing hard. Fear was riding her hard now, along with something else, something even more primal, an emotion she couldn’t identify, although the closest word she could think for it was…rapture.

As she heard the barn door shove open with a bang, she hugged her body tighter and quieted her heavy panting.

“Goddamn it, Ella, will you come out!” Mr. Cox bellowed into the barn. “If you come out now, I swear to you, we’ll just talk. No punishment, not even a spanking.” Ella didn’t move. “Ella, get out here now, or I swear to God….” He didn’t finish his sentence.

Ella’s eyes went wide as she heard him begin to move around the barn, but she took controlled breaths through her mouth, careful not to make any noise. Her skin prickled, and her senses went on high alert.

But she wasn’t reacting in fear anymore, she realized. Mr. Cox was almost upon her, there was nowhere else for her to run… her lungs were aching for oxygen, her nerves were fraught, her heart was pounding in her chest…and the only thing Ella could feel from it all was roaring excitement.

She was loving every second of this.

A moment later, a hand gripped her hair from the top of her head. It pulled. Ella screamed.

“Gotcha,” Mr. Cox said, pulling her up to stand.

Ella fought to get away, but Mr. Cox’s hold on her hair was too tight, and Ella howled, this time with fury. He dragged her around the broken wall and pulled her head back against his body, forcing her to look up at him.

His deep brown eyes, usually so shrouded with veiled secrets, were now bright with wrath.

“Running was a mistake,” he murmured into her face. “Hiding was a bigger one, one you will pay for dearly.” He dragged her by her hair to the low cement wall, sat down on it, and yanked Ella over his lap.

Tears sprang to her eyes from the pain in her scalp. But it had the desired effect, as Ella stopped struggling. She lay tense but still across his thighs.

“You want red?” He hissed. “I’ll give you red.”

Mr. Cox trapped both Ella’s legs under one of his own, making sure she would stay bent over his lap no matter what. But he still didn’t let go of her hair.

With his other hand, he ministered a mighty slap across her ass.

Smack! Mr. Cox’s hand came down right on the meatiest part of Ella’s left ass cheek, breaking the smooth surface of her skin like a brick hitting water. Ella’s whole butt rippled from the impact; then it tensed and squeezed as Ella screamed.

Mr. Cox lifted his hand away, and saw he had left a bright red handprint pressed into Ella’s soft skin.

Smack! He delivered her another mighty slap, harder than the first, right on the other ass cheek. Ella howled and jerked, but Mr. Cox pulled her hair up tighter, twisting it around his hand, and Ella stopped struggling quickly.

Mr. Cox began to spank her with his bare hand, using quick, heavy strokes. He never let go of Ella’s hair, but used it to keep Ella still and arched over his lap.

As the slaps rained down, Ella began to howl and cry. Tears ran down her cheeks, and while Mr. Cox couldn’t see them, he could feel her body shaking over his legs.

She fought to get away, but it was no use. When she tried to use her hands to shield her bottom, Mr. Cox just pulled her hair tighter until she grabbed his hand on her head with both her own to try and pry his fingers loose. Then he would slap her ass harder, making her cry and shake even worse.

But after a while, Ella gave up fighting. Beaten into submission, she lay passive across his lap, accepting his hard spanks with only instinctive squeezes and shudders of her bottom. Mr. Cox released his grip on her hair, and Ella drooped her head down over his thigh, resting her cheek on his leg. He moved his hand to the small of her back, ready to use it to keep her still should she attempt to get up, but it wasn’t necessary.

Ella wasn’t fighting him anymore. All her resistance had been pounded away.

That didn’t mean Mr. Cox stopped his spanking. Far from it. He kept going with his bare-hand slapping until Ella’s entire ass was a shiny, throbbing crimson. He was hitting her so hard, his hand hurt, but he didn’t care. Ella’s punishment was filling him with heady satisfaction and potent lust, and he wasn’t about to stop yet.

Finally, his slaps began to die down, and he rubbed his palm on the outer curve of her butt. Her ass radiated with heat.

Ella moaned in response. To her, his rough fingers on her sensitive flesh felt like sandpaper.

Mr. Cox began to caress her butt with his lazy hand until Ella was shifting her weight across his lap, trying to widen her legs. She was beginning to enjoy her little break from his corporal punishment, Mr. Cox realized.

She was enjoying it a little too much.

He began to spank her again, using flat beefy blows, and Ella screamed in frustration. But a moment later, he grabbed her by the hair again and pulled her up until they were both standing.

Ella was off balance, shaking with apprehension and muscle fatigue. Mr. Cox leaned over her, forcing her to meet his eyes. He looked more in control now, not like the marauding beast that had been chasing her before, but his eyes still gleamed with dark depravity.

“I gave you a choice before, and you didn’t take it. Now I’m revoking it. You’ll come the way I want you to come.”

He grabbed her by both arms, moved her over so that she was standing directly in front of him, put out his foot…and pushed her down by the shoulders until she was sitting on his shoe.

“I can’t do this,” she cried. “I can’t.”

“Oh, but I think you can,” Mr. Cox replied in that menacing whisper of his. “And I think you know you can, and that’s what’s scaring you right now. You want control over your own orgasms, but I’m not letting you have it. You don’t have control here, princess, I do. Now rock.”

Ella took a tiny nudge across his shoe, letting the hard leather dig into her pussy lips. She gasped.

Her clit was so sensitive, even the smallest touch felt sharp and intense. She was wet, too; Mr. Cox’s shoe was now slippery with her cunt oils.

She slid further back until her cunt was at the tip of his shoe; then, slowly, she shifted her weight forward, all the way to his leg. The thin shoelaces tickled her prickling nerve endings, nipping her, shooting delicious sensations up her spine and down her thighs. Ella moaned and bit her lip in agitation.

Mr. Cox lifted his foot and wiggled his toes in answer. Even through the tough leather, Ella felt his wiggle, and gasped in response.

Soon she was rocking back and forth across his shoe, sliding along the wide strip of polished leather with small surges of her body. She grabbed his calf and hung on for support as she pushed her body back and forth, riding his shoe like a small, short, carousel pony.

Mr. Cox was fine with letting her set her own pace. He was enjoying watching her crisp features contort with growing arousal and humiliation. Through his shoe, he could feel her smooth ride across his foot, and he knew she was pressing down harder to feel every bump and groove along her clit. Her hold around his leg was now desperate, and she leaned her forehead against his calf.

“Ella, look at me.”

Ella looked up, her eyes wide and pleading. The sadistic predator inside Mr. Cox wanted to howl in triumph at what he saw there: complete subjection.

“Tell me you’re my clit-toy.”

“Please Sir, please, please—”

“Say it.”

A sob rose in her chest. “I’m your clit-toy. I’m your clit-toy. Oh—oh god!” She rubbed herself madly across his shoe as she came, digging her nails into his calf and howling into the sky.

Mr. Cox put his hands on his hips, wiggled his toes, and smiled.

As Ella’s orgasm ebbed away, she slid off his shoe onto the floor.

Mr. Cox gave his foot a good shake to get off all the loose drippings. He debated whether he should have her lick his shoe clean, but after studying her wasted, supine body, he decided against it—this time. He was pleased enough with her progress that he didn’t feel the need to subjugate her further, at least not at the moment.

He would take her back to the hotel now, back to their activity room, and they would talk.

But when Ella began to finally recover, she didn’t stand up to face him. She pulled herself onto her hands and knees, looking up at him in desperation.

“Fuck me,” she said.

The words flummoxed him. “What?”

“Fuck me. Here, right now. Fuck me like you did that woman. Take me like an animal. Fuck me raw.”

Mr. Cox’s eyes narrowed into hard slits. “No.”

Ella sat hard on her heels, blown away by the force of his refusal. “No?”

“No. I’m not going to fuck you now, not like this.”

“But—but I want you to fuck me!”

“I don’t want to fuck you.”

“But….” She swallowed hard. “I thought you wanted me.”

He knelt down to her eye level. “This is the first time a man’s ever refused to fuck you, isn’t it Ella?” He asked softly. “I’ll fuck you when I’m ready, and not before.”

As he stood up, Ella looked down at the floor, her eyes flooding like crystal blue pools. Tears dripped down her cheeks. Her emotions were crashing, piling on top of each other like a train wreck: shock, mortification, frustration, bitterness, confusion…all of them flitted through her features.

Her face finally settled on deep, seething rage.

Ella stood up, gave her host a venomous look…and slapped him across the face.

By the time Mr. Cox recovered from the slap, Ella was already on her way out of the barn.

“Where do you think you’re going?” He shouted.

“I’m leaving! I’m done!” Ella cried without turning around. Mr. Cox caught up with her and spun her around by her arm.

“I didn’t give you permission to leave, princess. We’re going to talk.”

“No! I don’t care about your fucking permission! I quit this place!” She jerked her arm out of his hold and continued to walk away. It was then Mr. Cox realized Ella didn’t mean she was done with the scene; she meant she was leaving the Hotel Bentmoore completely.

He spun her around again. “You can’t leave yet.”

“Yes I can! I can quit if I want to! Let go of me!” She tried to shake off his hold again, but Mr. Cox held her arm tighter this time. “I said let go! You can’t just grab me!”

Something dangerous set into Mr. Cox’s eyes, something chilling and ominous that made Ella stop struggling and stare at him in blooming panic.

“Can’t I?” He said, his voice cold. “We’ll see about that.”

He dragged her over to the other part of the barn where the mattress still lay in the corner, bare of sheets. Ella saw that next to the mattress was a coil of red rope. She had only a moment to wonder why a coil of rope would just be sitting there in the corner of the barn, as if laying in wait, before Mr. Cox was grabbing it up and flicking it open.

With a strong twist of his arm, he turned Ella around, took hold of both her wrists, and quickly tied them together behind her back.

“What do you think you’re doing? Stop it!” Ella fought to pull her wrists apart, but they were already knotted together. Mr. Cox had done such quick work of tying her wrists, there was no way Ella was going to be able to get them free by herself.

At this point, she tried to run away, but Mr. Cox just yanked on the rope, and she stumbled back against his chest.

“Let me go!”


He coiled the ends of the rope around his hand, giving her a couple feet of lead, and gave her a push.

“Walk,” he said.

“Where are we going?”

“Back to the hotel. You’re not leaving here until you’ve calmed down and we’ve had a chance to talk.”

“But—you can’t do this to me! This is kidnapping!”

“Sue me.” He gave her a stronger push, and Ella stumbled forward.

“I can’t walk through the hotel like this!” She shrieked, looking down at her naked body. Her legs were filthy from the floor, her hair was a mess, and her inner thighs still showed the evidence of her recent romp on his shoe.

“Oh yes you can,” Mr. Cox replied. “This should get you over your modesty issues, that’s for sure.”

“Stop it! Stop it!” Ella screamed as he began to force her into a march. “You can’t do this! You can’t!”

“Watch me.”

Mr. Cox pushed, pulled, shoved, and dragged Ella all the way back to the hotel, until they had reached the side door. She continued to squirm and squawk until they were inside; then Mr. Cox grabbed her around her shoulders and held her still against his chest, moving her hair away to whisper in her ear.

“If you’re quiet and don’t draw attention to yourself, it’s likely no one will notice you,” he said, tickling the skin on her neck with the warmth of his breath. “But if you scream, people will turn around. They won’t help you—I promise you that—but they will see you, and watch me drag you down the hall. They might even laugh. Is that what you want?”

Ella went still.

“That’s what I thought.” He kept his lips next to her ear a second more than he had to, and Ella shivered.

He walked her down the hallway. Only two office doors were open this time, and the men sitting inside them did not turn around as Ella and Mr. Cox quietly walked past.

But instead of taking her all the way down the hall, Mr. Cox made a sharp turn around a different corner, and walked her down another corridor, this one carpeted and painted in the same tones of the hotel lobby. Ella realized with a start they had entered the corner of the building where Mr. Bentmoore had his private office.

Mr. Cox pulled Ella along until they had reached a pair of thick double doors she recognized all too well. He knocked loudly.

A voice called from the other side: “Yes?”

Ella’s eyes went wide. She renewed her frantic efforts to get away as she realized Mr. Cox was about to drag her into Mr. Bentmoore’s office—with Mr. Bentmoore sitting inside! But Mr. Cox pulled her in with the rope, dragging her along like a feisty puppy fighting its leash.

“Mr. Bentmoore, we need to use your elevator,” he said as he yanked her across the room.

Mr. Bentmoore stood up away from his desk in shock. “What the hell is going on here, Cox?”

“Just a minor disagreement, Sir,” Mr. Cox replied, working hard to control the struggling woman. “We’ll have this worked out in no time, just as soon as Ella calms down.”

“He attacked me!” Ella yelled. “He tied me up, and now he won’t let me go! This is kidnapping! You can’t do this! I want to go home!”

“No,” Mr. Cox answered her, pushing her through Mr. Bentmoore’s private elevator doors. “We’re not done yet, not by a long shot, princess.”

Mr. Bentmoore watched in disbelief as Mr. Cox scuffled with the naked woman to keep her on the elevator. The doors closed, and he could hear her voice descending as she continued to scream: “Let me go! Let me go! Let me go!”

Once they were on the dungeon floor, Mr. Cox dragged Ella faster along. “C’mon, princess,” he said, his voice thick with effort. “We’re almost there.”

“Let go of me!”

Mr. Cox didn’t bother to say anymore, but continued to half push, half carry her down the hall. Once they got to the room he was looking for, he pulled out his card key, opened the door, and pushed Ella inside.

Now that they were inside an activity room, Ella thought he would at least let go of the rope. But Mr. Cox still wasn’t done. He pushed Ella hard across the room, trying to get her into the far corner. It was then Ella saw what he was trying to corral her into: a large cage.

“No, no, NO!” Ella twisted and bucked. “You can’t stick me in a cage! I’m not an animal!”

Again, Mr. Cox ignored her cries. His sole intent now was to get her into that cage, and it became obvious he was willing to do whatever it took to get her there. When Ella tried to kick him, he picked her up by the waist and hauled her over. She bit his arm, and he pulled her hair until she let go with her teeth and howled in pain.

Finally, he gave her a mighty heave, and Ella went flying into the cage. While she was still trying to catch her balance from the momentum of his push, Mr. Cox was already shutting the door behind her. By the time she could turn around, Ella was locked inside.

“You can’t do this! You can’t!”

“Come here and put your hands out. I’ll take off the rope,” Mr. Cox replied, finally speaking to her again.

Ella backed up until her ass hit the bars. She pushed out her wrists out. In short order, Mr. Cox had the rope off, but by the time Ella could turn around and try to make a grab at him, he had stepped back, out of her reach.

“This is against the law,” she hissed. “You can’t just keep me here against my will.”

“Like I said, sue me.” And with that, Mr. Cox turned around and left the room.

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