Inside the Hotel Bentmoore: Training Ella

: Part 1 – Chapter 4

ELLA FELL ASLEEP AS SOON as she got to her room. When she woke up, she had no idea what time it was, and had to call the front desk to ask.

“It’s two o’clock in the afternoon, miss,” the seductive female voice on the other end said. “I see here you haven’t eaten lunch yet. Would you like me to have your meal sent down, or would you like to have someone escort you to the dining room?”

“Neither, at least not yet,” Ella replied. “I’m going to shower first. I’ll call back when I’m ready.”

“Very good, miss.”

Ella took a long time catching up on her notes and writing down everything she’d gone through since the day before. As she wrote, she was surprised by how much she remembered from Mr. Lamont’s long-winded and provocative “lessons.” She thought for sure she would have forgotten most of it, especially by the way the lessons had been administered, but she was wrong.

When she got to the point in her notes where she had to describe how she’d been flogged while holding the Hitachi to her pussy, she had to put the pen down for a while. Her breathing quickened, and her skin grew hot. But she got her body under control, and picked up the pen again. As the words flowed onto the page, she could feel her muscles contract inside her pelvis and around her pussy.

She was turned on. Just the memory of what she had done that morning aroused her more than she could ever remember. The flogging, the multiple orgasms, all of it was stirring her up and making her feel sensual and needy.

Ella closed her notebook with a snap.

She retreated to the shower, where she let the hard water relax her body. But when she tried to slip her hand between her thighs to wash herself there, she gasped. Her clit, even after her long rest, was still very sensitive to the touch.

She stayed clear of it, washing around it instead, delving deep inside her pussy lips.

Even her pussy lips were sensitized, she realized. They were swollen, too. Slippery from the soap, they felt extra soft, and she ran her hand up and down inside her silky velvet folds, marveling at the feeling.

Then she stopped.

Never in her life had she behaved like this before. What was happening to her? Was she merely being trained, as they claimed, or was something more sinister going on? It felt like she was being reprogrammed, like a machine, like a robot…

Like a human sex toy.

Ella turned off the shower and got out quickly, standing naked and shivering in the cold air.

She would not let them do this to her. She would play the role, and pretend to be what they wanted her to be; but when she walked out of this hotel, she would be the same woman, the same Ella.

It was a promise to herself she refused to break.

When Ella got to the activity room later that evening, the first thing she noticed was that the Sybian was gone. Mr. Lamont stood in the spot where it previously resided, wearing his sensuous smile.

“Where’s the Sybian?” Ella asked before she could stop herself.

“We’re done with that part of your training,” Mr. Lamont said. “Time to move on to other things. Here, let me show you.” He pointed her attention toward the bed, where a large, mechanical-looking apparatus was already set up next to it.

Ella’s eyes immediately focused on the end, where a long purple dildo, thin but curved like a finger, pointed out.

“It’s another type of fucking machine,” Mr. Lamont explained. “In case you haven’t heard by now, I’m an expert on fucking machines. Give me some metal, a motor, and enough time, and I can create for you a device that can spread open the gates of heaven. This one here I modified for my own uses. I call it The Juicer.” He let out a chuckle. “You’ll figure out why very soon. Now please, get on the bed.”

“Um, how?”

“On all fours, with your backside facing the dildo. I’ll adjust the height once you’re on the bed.”

Ella eyed the strange contraption nervously.

“Now now, Ella, no more shyness,” Mr. Lamont admonished her as he went to the large wardrobe to retrieve some things. “I think we’ve moved beyond that, don’t you?”

Ella gave herself a mental shrug, and began to take off her dress. The machine looked menacing, but couldn’t be any worse than the Sybian; and Mr. Lamont was right, they were beyond any notions of modesty or propriety.

Once she was naked, she climbed up on the bed. But her positioning wasn’t quite right for Mr. Lamont, and he fixed it quickly.

“Move back a little bit…that’s it…keep your hips steady, head up…Perfect. I’m going to insert the dildo now from behind you. Don’t move.”

Ella felt Mr. Lamont’s warm fingers touch her between her spread thighs, and she inhaled sharply. She realized with a start that it was the first time Mr. Lamont had ever touched her cunt.

As he spread open her pussy lips to gently fit the tip of the dildo inside, Ella held her breath.

“The machine is ready,” he said. “I’m going to turn it on now, and get the dildo all the way in. Ready?” He didn’t wait for her to answer, but flipped a switch, and Ella felt the dildo slide forward into her pussy. It was thinner than the attachment he had used on the Sybian, but curved, and hit her vaginal wall in an odd way that left her breathless.

Mr. Lamont turned another switch, and the dildo began to vibrate inside her with a low steady hum, tickling her innards.

“There we go,” he said. “We’ll just leave it on that setting for now. Try to ignore it. I’m going to start teaching you about canes and crops today.”

Try to ignore it? Ella thought. She was trying her best not to move. She felt silly being on all fours across the bed, her breasts dangling beneath her, the brazen toy working away inside her from behind. “Sir, I really think I’d have an easier time sitting on a chair.”

“True, but that would not give us the same results. Now then, I want you to look at what I brought out to show you.” He lined up all the toys in front of her and, despite the absurdity of the situation, began his lesson.

“Canes come in a few basic materials: wood, metal, and plastic. Of the wood variety, there are many different types, like cedar, bamboo, cherry…but rattan has the reputation as being the meanest cane. Of course, that depends on the feelings of the bottom getting caned, as well as the technique of the top wielding it….”

The lesson continued just as it had the day before, and Ella concentrated as hard as she could.

Despite the humiliating position she was in, and despite the surreal (and in her opinion, ludicrous) quality of the scene, Ella thought she was doing a good job comporting herself. She kept her body still, and her eyes focused on her trainer.

But gradually, in sure degrees, the teasing finger of the machine fluttering inside her began to be felt. It was pressing against the top wall of her cunt in the most vexing way, unpleasant only because the pressure that had been easily overlooked before was now becoming too light and fleeting. She wanted it to press harder.

Ella could no longer ignore the toy oscillating inside her, but she couldn’t do what she really wanted to do, either, which was to press herself against it.

As Mr. Lamont droned on about the flexibility of bamboo canes, Ella tried to adjust her stance just the tiniest bit by spreading her knees a little wider and shifting her hips to push back her ass. Her eyes widened. The humming dildo had touched her in a most amazing way, and a shock of pleasure jolted her.

“Ella, what are you doing?” Mr. Lamont eyed her suspiciously.

“Nothing, Sir,” Ella replied, trying to refocus.

“Mmm.” His face grew shrewd. “I think I should give you a little quiz, just to make sure you’ve been paying attention. But first—” Putting down the cane he had been holding, Mr. Lamont picked up the control box and turned a knob. The probing dildo began to vibrate faster, hitting Ella’s cunt walls with thrumming speed.

“Tell me, Ella, what kind of cane is this?” He held up the cane in front of her cloudy eyes that were quickly filling with distress.

“It’s nylon, Sir,” Ella gasped.

“And this?” He held up another.

“Stainless steel.”

“And this?”


“Which one is more flexible?”

“The—oh god—the nylon one, Sir.”

“And which one is more durable?”

“The stainless steel….”

“Very good, Ella,” Mr. Lamont smiled. “You passed the quiz. You get your reward—and another lesson.” He moved around the bed to stand next to Ella’s side.

Ella felt, rather than saw, him turn up the tortuous machine. The finger began to vibrate even faster, but worse, it began to pump in and out of her pussy. Ella’s cunt was now so wet, she could hear the juicy sucking noises the dildo made as it flowed in and out of her cunt.

Mr. Lamont began to taunt her. “You want to move, don’t you Ella?”

“Yes, Sir, I do.” She bowed her head in shame, even as she thrust her hips and ass back against the fucking machine.

“I bet you do,” Mr. Lamont whispered. Then Ella felt a hiss through the air, as something hard stung her ass.


“Your first taste of a cane,” he said. “I’m just going to tap you with it, just to give you an idea what kind of power it wields.” He tapped her again, and Ella flinched and moaned. “You want to move, go ahead. But you’ll move with the cane tapping your ass.”

He began to drum the cane against Ella’s creamy soft skin. He didn’t strike her hard; in fact, he was barely flicking his wrist. But the taps stung like bee stings, and Ella jerked to try to get away from the prickling bite.

At the same time, the dildo inside her kept up its determined assault. It raked across her vaginal walls, grazing her most sensitive nerve endings, and Ella could feel her muscles tightening all around it, trying to hold it still inside. But the finger would not be caught, no matter how Ella chased after it with her cunt and thighs.

At least the steadfast rhythm of the cane was becoming more bearable. No, not just bearable, Ella realized: the shocking nips of pain were making her reflexively squeeze her cunt muscles, making her tighten around the mechanical dildo. They were also complementing her steadily growing pleasure in the most astonishing way.

The pain of the cane was increasing her pleasure, and making her come faster.

Ella swayed against the machine, jerking now and then from the taps of the cane, and groaned.

“That’s it, Ella,” Mr. Lamont said, his voice breaking through her haze. “Use the pleasure and the pain to guide you. Work for your release.”

Ella moved her hips now in wide circles, undulating her torso and jerking her head around as if she were in a trance. The cane danced across her ass and thighs, beating to the rhythm of the machine, and the brazen dildo fucked her cunt with unwavering tenacity.

Ella pushed back her whole body, lodging the purple finger deep inside her womb, and came with shuddering jerks and flicks of her head. Her hair whipped around as her shoulders weaved.

For Mr. Lamont, it was an incredibly erotic scene to watch.

He stopped his light tapping of the cane and turned off the machine as Ella came down from her orgasm. She pulled herself forward and fell on her stomach, breathing hard. Behind her, the purple dildo dripped, coated with her slick juices.

“Look behind you, Ella,” Mr. Lamont ordered. “Look at the dildo. I want you to see what your body does when it’s aroused.”

Ella turned around and looked at the dildo with surprise clear all over her face. “I got that wet? That’s….”

“That’s beautiful,” Mr. Lamont finished for her. “That’s the sign of an aroused woman. Touch it, see what it feels like.”

Ella cocked her eyebrow, giving her trainer a wary look. But her curiosity won out, and she pointed a single finger to run it along the slippery dildo. She pressed her fingers together.

“It’s so…wet,” she said, amazed.

“Yes. Now taste it.”

Her eyes went wide. “What?”

“Go ahead, put your finger in your mouth. Taste your own juices.”

“No.” Ella voice was calm, but firm.

It was the first time she had flat-out refused Mr. Lamont, and it was clear he didn’t like it. He gave her a piercing stare. “I said taste it.”

“No!” Ella said again, louder this time. “It’s disgusting. I won’t do it!”

For a moment, their eyes did a battle of wills. But then, to Ella’s surprise, Mr. Lamont smiled. “Now we’re making some real progress,” he said. “Now you’re starting to think about limits.”

Ella gaped at him. “Limits?”

“Soft limits, hard limits; every woman has them. You can’t negotiate with a Top if you don’t know what your limits are as a bottom.”

Ella was now thoroughly confused. “Sir?”

But Mr. Lamont shook his head. “That’s it for today. Get dressed. I’ll take you back to your room.”

“She got a taste of the cane today, and one of my personalized fucking machines.”


“And, she did beautifully. I didn’t go very hard with the cane, of course. I didn’t restrain her, either. I’ll do that tomorrow. But she did refuse me something.”


“She refused to taste her own cunt juices. She said it’s disgusting.”

Both men laughed.

“Well, she needs some work, obviously,” Mr. Bentmoore said. “But it’s good she’s thinking about boundaries. It means she’s getting over her initial fear and denial. You’re doing good work, Mr. Lamont. Carry on.”

Ella was a jumble of emotions when she got back to her room. She felt tired, frustrated, overwhelmed, and a little bit panicked. Her conviction had been cracked wide open today, and it made her feel shaky and unsure of herself.

She had been caned.

She had liked it.

The pain hadn’t been too bad at all. Mr. Lamont had promised to just “give her taste,” and he had been true to his word. But the pain had been undeniable…as was the fact that she had enjoyed it.

Ella was in a quandary now. Her notes were supposed to be an impartial report of what the hotel was like, what kind of people she was meeting, what they were making her do…but she had always planned her investigative report to be an exposition of how vulgar and obscene the secret affairs of the Hotel Bentmoore really were. This place was supposed to be the den of iniquity itself, brimming with scandal and disgrace.

How could she hold the hotel in contempt if she was enjoying herself? She wasn’t acting anymore, and she could no longer pretend she was. She liked being here. She liked what they were doing to her.

But that didn’t have to change the goal of her mission, she decided. She was there to report on the inner workings of the Hotel Bentmoore, and she could still do that…even if she understood now how people could like this sort of thing.

But her newfound feelings scared her. Her body’s unexpected reactions to Mr. Lamont’s strange machines and “lessons” scared her even more.

This place was not changing her, it was exposing her, stripping away all her inhibitions and reserve, and showing her all her hidden desires, shrouded fantasies, and deep, potent, thrilling passion.

That was what scared her most of all.

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