Insatiable Park Avenue Prince (Park Avenue Princes Book 2)

Insatiable Park Avenue Prince: Chapter 22

THE SOFT SOUND of Donovan’s breathing woke me next morning. I stretched beneath the silk sheets where our legs were tangled, remembering the way we’d rolled around on them last night.

Last night… 

If I could have dreamed up the perfect first date with the perfect man, that would’ve been it—minus his group of friends. But even they hadn’t been too bad after we ditched them for the evening, and what came after was one of the best nights of my life.

Damn. Who would’ve guessed?

I put a hand under my head where it rested on the pillow and tried to work out the moment Donovan had slipped inside my heart and burrowed in to stay.

If I had to guess, I’d say it was that first day. That moment in the warehouse where Anita and the rest of the crew were busy directing him to take off his clothes, and he’d looked so baffled, so mortified, but at the same time so damn adorable.

As my eyes drifted over Donovan’s relaxed features, I thanked whatever stars had aligned to bring him into my life that day, because I wasn’t aware of any other scenario in which the newest star of Xes Entertainment would end up naked with one of the modeling industry’s most billable faces.

A face that was even more beautiful in sleep, if that were possible.

Unable to resist the urge to touch him, I reached out and swept back the strands of hair that had fallen over his forehead. He stirred and scooted in a little closer to me, rubbing his leg between mine, sprawled out on his stomach with the sheet low on his hips. I trailed my fingers down the smooth skin of his back, drawing patterns over the perfect canvas and dreaming about staying like this forever.

Wow, okay, that was heavy. 

I wasn’t the kind of guy who usually went all hearts in his eyes when his dick was happy. But I was quickly finding the hearts were in my eyes even when my dick wasn’t involved when it came to Donovan.

It was like the second I saw him, he was all I could see. Now every time I thought of him, spoke to him, or was with him—I wanted nothing else.

“Mmm, that feels nice.”

The sleepy voice that filled the room had my eyes shifting from where my fingers were playing to the lazy smile curving full lips I now knew by heart.

“Does it now?”

“Yesss.” Donovan’s eyes opened, and when they found mine, that smile widened. “Damn, you’re a nice sight to wake up to.”

I propped my elbow up on the pillow and rested my hand in my palm as I ran the backs of my fingers down his cheek. “I was just thinking the same thing.”

Donovan rolled to his back and shifted until his head was right by my arm. “Then how about you kiss me and prove it?”

I leaned down and brushed a soft kiss across his lips as Donovan reached up and ran a hand across my cheek and into my hair.

“God, I love your hair,” he said. “It’s so damn sexy.”

I chuckled against his mouth, nipping at his lower lip. “Glad you think so.”

“I do.” He twisted his hand in the long strands and pulled it back from my face. “I love how it feels on my skin. How it looks when it’s all sexed up and messy around your shoulders. That I can grab it and really hang on when you…”

“If you stop there, I might have to insist on demonstrating.”

“In that case, I’m definitely stopping there.”

I smoothed a hand down his side to his waist and then, quick as lightning, rolled us until I was on my back and he was stretched out on top of me. I grabbed a sweet ass cheek in each hand and gave a careful squeeze.

“Any other time, maybe. But I’m pretty sure this right here”—my fingers flirted with the warm pucker I’d spent most of the night inside of—“is probably a little tender.”

Donovan sucked in a breath even as his dick jerked against mine. “I hate that you’re right.”

I pushed my hips up into his with a rueful grin. “So do I. But I don’t hate why. Last night was—”

“Perfect? Amazing? The kinkiest night you’ve ever spent with eight guys and a girl? That definitely sounds like a scene waiting to happen.”

“It was pretty amazing, and you were as close to perfect as I could’ve wished for.”

The humor in his eyes dissipated at the seriousness of my tone. Donovan planted his hands on the pillow by my head and stared down at me. “Did you just say you wished for me?”

“I—” A frown furrowed my forehead, and then I decided, fuck it. I was lying in his bed, naked—it wasn’t like I could hide much from him. “Yeah, I guess I did. Not consciously, like praying before bed or anything.”

“No?” A cheeky grin tugged at the corner of his lips. “So you weren’t down on your knees thinking of me?”

I swatted one of his delectable ass cheeks, then leaned up to gently nip at his chin.

“Smartass,” I muttered, before I lay back on the mattress and ran my fingers up his spine. “What I meant was, I always hoped I’d meet someone that was as free with his sexuality as I was. That was as open to trying new things, and who wasn’t afraid to be himself around me. I like holding hands, touching, kissing the person I’m with, and… I don’t know, I guess I’ve been looking for that ease of self in someone, that level of comfort, and I found it with you.”

Donovan went so quiet you could’ve heard a pin drop, and I started to worry that I’d said too much. If I’d ruined our time together by blabbing my feelings too soon, I just might take the elevator to the top floor and hurl myself off the roof.

“Look, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable by putting all my feelings—”

Donovan put a finger to my lips. “Shh…” I bit down on the inside of my cheek as he stroked my hair. “I wished for you too.”

Aw hell. Those words made my stomach flip and my heart pound. I was in so damn deep, and the crazy part was that I hadn’t even realized I’d been falling. I was just here, in it with him, and as crazy fast as it had all happened, it just felt…right.

My lips crooked to the side, as I memorized every feature of his face. “You did, huh?”

“Yeah. One of my friends, he just started dating—”

“West?” I remembered the protective arm Donovan’s friend had kept around his boyfriend all night.

“Mhmm. He started dating JT, and I’ve been a little envious about the whole thing.” He rested his cheek against my chest and a hand over the top of my heart. “I wasn’t looking for a relationship, but I was wishing for one. Then I walked onto a porn shoot and found the man of my dreams.”

A bark of laughter rumbled up out of me, and Donovan raised his head.

“I know that sounds like I’m making fun, but you’ve seen what I’m into, and you can’t tell me you aren’t the man for me.”

“I can’t?”

“No.” Donovan pressed a kiss to my chest and grinned. “Us meeting? That’s fate at work. Biggest bottom meets biggest cock? If that doesn’t lead to a happy ending, I don’t know what will.”

I tightened my grip around Donovan’s waist and rolled him to his back, then pressed a hard kiss to his lips, demanding entry.

Donovan groaned, parting his mouth, as his hands moved to my bare ass and the sheets slipped off us. He wound his legs around mine and arched up into me as we tangled tongues. He was so warm and pliant, so responsive to every touch, and when my cock hardened and threatened to take over all common sense, I raised my head and said, “So what now?”

Donovan smiled at me, and just as he was about to respond, my stomach growled.

He chuckled. “Breakfast?”

That hadn’t been what I meant, but apparently my stomach was now ruling the conversation. That was a miracle, since Donovan was naked and within touching distance.

“That sounds like a good idea.” I shifted off him, and when he climbed out of bed, I couldn’t help but take a moment to just lie there and look at him.

“You coming?”

“Give me five minutes and you standing there like that and I might be.” Yep, my cock was back to ruling the brain.

“I thought you were hungry.”

I ran my eyes down over Donovan’s leanly muscled chest, his sharp, cut abs, to his semi-erect dick, and growled. “Oh I’m hungry, all right.”

Donovan picked up the closest pillow and threw it at me.

“Get up.” I opened my mouth, but he wagged a finger at me. “Don’t even think about mentioning that monster between your legs. I see that he’s awake. But you’re taking pity on my poor behind, remember? Since I have no common sense when it comes to you.”

I let out a sigh and flopped back on the bed. “You’re right.”

“Of course I am.” Donovan headed toward his closet. “Oh, and Kelly?”


Now we date, and you fall madly in love with me.” He winked at me and disappeared inside the enormous walk-in attached to his room, and all I could think was: Pretty sure I’m already halfway there.

“WOULD YOU LIKE a hot breakfast with eggs, bacon, and sausage, or a continental one with fruit and pastries?”

I grinned at where Donovan stood across the kitchen island. “I know the difference between a hot breakfast and a continental breakfast, you know.”

“Oh.” He glanced up from the leather-bound folder he was flicking through. “I know. I wasn’t trying to be rude. I just wanted to see what you might like on here.”

Here being?”

He handed over the folder, and I saw several laminated pages of menus.

“That’s the amenities binder for the Towers. Has all the information we need living here, including—”

“A breakfast menu to the five-star restaurant downstairs.” My brows nearly hit my hairline.

“Right, I mean, if there’s nothing there you like, we also have a health bar that makes great juices.”

“Nothing I like?” I chuckled, looking over the extensive list of choices, then glanced up to see a look of concern in Donovan’s eyes. “I’d have to be one picky bastard not to be able to find something I like on here.”

Donovan’s expression relaxed. “Yeah, well, East orders out. So you never know.”

“East looks like the kind of guy who wouldn’t be happy with a meal unless he saw someone laboring over it from conception to when it was finally plated in front of him—and possibly fed to him by hand.”

A burst of laughter left Donovan, and the sound was so full of joy that I made a mental note to make him laugh as often as possible.

“Man, you sure have East pegged.”

I scoffed. “Wasn’t all that hard after witnessing the amount of pleasure he got from what he assumed would be my ultimate humiliation.”

Donovan strolled around the counter, and I swiveled on the stool so he could move between my legs and wrap his arms around my neck.

“Have I mentioned how happy I am that he didn’t succeed?”

“Let’s be real, there was no way I was going to be ashamed about hooking up with you. If anything, they should be embarrassed about how much they enjoyed it.” I ran my hands down to his ass and squeezed. “After all, they were the ones perving on their friend.”

Donovan laughed. “I’m pretty sure they were perving on you. But anyway, thanks for not letting them run you off.”

“Not a chance.” I was about to lean in and take another taste of him when I caught a flash of platinum blond out of the corner of my eye—Gavin.

Not about to torture Donovan’s brother any more, I loosened my grip on Donovan and smiled over his shoulder at the new arrival. If I wanted to date Donovan then I needed to make things right with Gavin.

“Hey,” I said as the younger man stepped into the living room.

“Hi. I didn’t realize you were staying the night.”

Gavin,” Donovan said, but I quickly put a hand on his arm.

“No, that’s okay. It was a last-minute decision.”

“Yeah.” Gavin glared at his brother as he passed him and went to the fridge. “I’m sure it was.”

Donovan looked back at me and mouthed, Sorry. But it was all good. If I had seen my brother doing what he’d caught Donovan doing, I would probably move out.

“Gavin, come on,” Donovan tried, walking into the kitchen. “You need to get over this.”

Gavin shut the fridge and looked at his brother. “And what part is this? You getting railed over a chaise longue, or Sin—”


“—coming all over your ski mask?”

“Oh my God.” Donovan scrubbed his hands over his face, shaking his head. “I didn’t mean for you to watch it.”

“No shit. But you think maybe you could’ve said something when all the guys were going on about it?”

“Like what?”

“Oh, I don’t know, ‘Hey, Gavin, maybe don’t watch Sin’s—’”


“—fuck videos, because I’m his leading man.”

Donovan let out a loud sigh and dropped his hands. “If I’d done that, the guys never would’ve let me hear the end of it.”

“So? At least I could stand in the same room as you two and not picture…” Gavin waved his hand around erratically.

“Gavin,” I said, and when he turned his attention my way, I noticed twin spots of color on his cheeks. “I’m sorry you were put in that position and that you’re embarrassed right now. I know Donovan feels the same.”

Gavin looked back to his brother. “You know the guys won’t let me live this down now, don’t you?”

“I do, but—”

“What if you found out something embarrassing about them? I bet there’s a bunch of shit about East and Travis, at least,” I suggested, and both of the Truitt brothers turned on me. “What? That not how this works? I thought that was the kind of friendship you all had. One-upping each other.”

Both of their mouths twitched, and for the first time since finding out they were related, I saw the resemblance as they both started to laugh—hard.

“That’s exactly how it works,” Donovan said, and Gavin nodded.

“Okay, maybe you’re not so bad.”

“See? I also have a bone of my own to pick with East, so I’m definitely up for helping with that,” I said.

Gavin glanced to Donovan, who was smiling at me. “Careful, Van. You might start drooling.”

Donovan rolled his eyes but shoved his brother in the arm. “Shut up. Oh, hey, you ever hear back from Joey? Why couldn’t he make it last night?”

Gavin’s smile faltered a little before he plastered it back in place. “Yeah, um, he called. He just wasn’t in the mood, and the drive in would’ve taken a while, so I just told him not to worry.”

“Aw, man. I’m sorry.” Donovan reached out to squeeze his brother’s arm. While Gavin was putting on a brave face and defending this Joey guy, I—like his brother—could tell he wasn’t happy with how last night had gone down. “Maybe next time?”

“Yeah, maybe. Although I’m not sure a sex museum is really his thing.”

Sounded like a bore to me. Who wouldn’t want to spend the night in a sex museum with their boyfriend?

“Anyway…” Gavin let out a sigh. “I don’t want to intrude on your morning. I just wanted to grab an orange juice.”

He held it up and went to leave the kitchen, but then he stopped, glanced at me, and turned back to look at his brother.

“By the way, don’t forget about the charity event this week. You have to tell them if you’re bringing a plus-one.”

Gavin aimed a sneaky smile my way and nodded in what felt like approval, before heading back to his bedroom.

“Please don’t feel like you have to say yes to that,” Donovan said as he came over to the counter and leaned across it, reaching for my hand.

“Yes to what?” I said. “You didn’t ask me anything.”

Donovan shook his head. “You’re right, I didn’t. But, um, if you’re free this week, would you like to attend one of the most boring nights of your life with me?”

“I mean, that’s a very enticing offer. But I don’t want you to feel like you have to ask because your brother mentioned it.”

Donovan entwined our fingers. “That’s not why I’m asking.”


Color bloomed on his cheeks, making his face even prettier than usual. “No.”

“Then why are you asking?”

“Because there’s no one I’d rather spend the night with,” he said. “And I can’t wait to see how handsome you look in a tux.”

How could I say no to that?

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