Insatiable Park Avenue Prince (Park Avenue Princes Book 2)

Insatiable Park Avenue Prince: Chapter 17

WITH THE SHOOT lasting well into the afternoon and under the blazing sun, my ass was dragging by the time Scotty picked me up.

But…I had a hot date. With Kelly. And nothing was going to stop me from enjoying whatever our evening had in store.

Once I’d scrubbed off all the makeup and hopped in the Sprinter, I sent Kelly a text with my address and said he could head over anytime. Then I power-napped the whole drive back, until Scotty pulled the van door open, startling me awake.

“We’re here,” he said.

Yawning, I grabbed my bag and climbed out of the van. “That was fast.”

“Not really. Traffic was pretty heavy, took about an hour.”

“I was out that long?”

Scotty nodded. “Yes, sir.”

“Damn, I guess I needed it. Thanks for the ride.” I clapped our driver on the shoulder and then crossed the porte-cochère and entered the Towers.

Home sweet home.

I waved at Sofia at the front desk as I headed to the elevator and checked my phone to make sure I didn’t get any messages from Kelly while I’d been passed out.

There was only one in response to my address about an hour ago:


See you soon.

I wasn’t sure what that time frame meant. Soon, like any minute now? Soon, like another hour? It didn’t really matter, as long as he came.

Multiple times.

Grinning to myself, I shoved my phone in my back pocket and stepped off the elevator and onto the forty-second floor. As I headed toward my condo, I thought I heard someone shout, and it wasn’t until I was at my door that I realized there were several raised voices coming from inside.

Looked like I was missing the party.

“Shit, start it over, I wasn’t ready.” That voice belonged to West.

“That would require you to stop sucking face for five seconds. Not sure you can manage.”

“Careful, Daire. You sound jealous.”

“Of being tied down? Yeah. Fuckin’ green over here.”

“D.” That one letter of admonishment spoken by Gavin had someone—probably Daire—sighing.

He grumbled out a half-assed apology, “No offense, JT,” and I rolled my eyes as I walked inside.

I hadn’t expected to come home to all the guys spread out in my living room, not when I had Kelly coming over, but as I looked at what was paused on our big screen, my heart stopped.

“About time you decided to grace us with your presence,” East said, throwing an arm around my shoulders as I stared at the screen. The courtyard was all too familiar, and so was the figure all in black by the brick wall.

Fuck. What were they doing watching this?

Travis brushed by, a glass tumbler in hand, but then he stopped, his eyes catching on my still slicked-back hair. “That’s a hot look for you.”

If I hadn’t been shocked still by the sight of me on my widescreen TV, I would’ve shown him the photo of all the dark makeup I’d worn today that I knew he’d approve of, but I couldn’t seem to make my mouth move.

They hadn’t watched it yet, that much was obvious. I just needed to kick them out before they did. And before Kelly got here.

“Didn’t you guys have plans tonight?” Of everything I could’ve said, that was what came out.

“We did, yeah.” Travis looked down at West and JT. “But something came…up.”

“Or someone’s about to.” West’s comment earned him a jab in the ribs from JT, and he grabbed hold of JT’s hand and drew it between his thighs. “Don’t worry, Golden Boy, I promise it’ll be worth your time.”

Travis took a seat on one of the sofas and nodded. “Sit down, you’re just in time. Xes sent out their latest video of Sin, and damn, it sounds even hotter than the first one.”

The first one? As in, they’d all sat around and watched the party scene too? Where the hell had I been when they were having their little porn parties?

Oh, right, likely getting railed for the starring role in their next film.

“I have to admit…” East smoothed his hand down the ends of the silk scarf tied at his neck. “There’s something about this masked mystery man that’s rather intriguing too.”

A strangled cough left me, and every one of the guys turned my way.

East scrunched his nose a little. “Really, Van. If you’re sick, could you maybe go and stand”—he looked over his shoulder and waved in the general direction of the kitchen—“over there somewhere.”

While I’d love nothing better than to go and hide somewhere, I felt it was important to remind him, “This is my place.”


When West picked up the remote and aimed it at the TV, my anxiety kicked into overdrive. My heart was pounding so hard I was shocked none of them asked what the hell the noise was. But they were all too busy staring at the scene about to unfold on the screen, and that did absolutely nothing to help the panic taking over my body.

Jesus, I felt like I might pass out. I needed some air and I needed it fast, because…

A) That was my bare ass they were all about to watch, and I wasn’t quite sure I was ready for them to be seeing all that.

B) I didn’t really love the way they were all drooling over Sin—Kelly—the way they were. I couldn’t remember a time they were so obsessed with one of the Xes guys. But in all fairness, none of their past guys had ever looked like Kelly.

C) The guy they were all getting hard to was about to be at my front door—this front door—soon.

And D) Possibly the worst reason of all—my brother was sitting in the room.

“Um, Gavin,” I somehow managed around the croak in my throat. “Can you come with me into the kitchen for a second?”

Gavin looked at me, a frown creasing his brow. “But we’re just about to—”

“Kitchen, now.”

Several of the guys oohed us out of the room like I was about to tear Gavin a new one. But truth be told, I just wanted to save him from watching Kelly tear me a new one—almost literally.

I hurried out of the living room as the show started up, and I heard Sin say, “I wouldn’t do that if I were you, and when West and Travis started chanting, “Do it! Do it!” I rubbed my hands over my face.

This was a nightmare.

A living, waking nightmare.

How was I going to get these assholes out of my condo without telling them I didn’t want them watching my sex tape?

“Van?” Gavin’s voice behind me brought me back to my biggest problem right now. “You okay? You look—”

Mortified? Horrified? Like I want to throw up?

“—a little pale.”

I scoffed, raising my brows in disbelief. If Gavin was calling you pale, you definitely should seek medical attention. My brother’s skin tone had been the same shade as his platinum-blond hair since birth—so if he thought I looked like Casper, I was screwed.

“I’m just a little tired, that’s all.” I leaned back against the counter in an effort to stay on my feet. “Do you think you can get rid of that crowd out there so I can go to bed?”

Gavin peered over his shoulder as Daire chuckled and said, “Knew that crowbar was gonna come in handy.”

“I don’t know.” Gavin grinned and turned back to me. “They’re kinda in it now. Even Daire’s, um…enjoying himself.”

My cheeks flamed as I shook my head. “I don’t care. I want to go to bed. It’s just a porn video, for fuck’s sake.”

I knew I sounded irrational at this point, but I was running out of options here.

Gavin reached for my hand and squeezed it. “Hey, it’s cool. I can tell them to go. We’ll just go to someone else’s place and watch it.”

He let go of me, about to walk back to our friends, but I launched myself at him, grabbing his arm.


Gavin glanced back at me, his eyes wide. I sounded insane. Hell, I felt insane. But they couldn’t watch this. He couldn’t watch this—I just couldn’t tell him why.

“What is going on with you?”

I didn’t get a chance to respond, because on the screen, I heard myself say, “Fuck you, and Sin responding, “Wrong answer. No one fucks me. 

“Um, what’s he going to do with that crowbar?” Preston asked, and I did a double take that he was even in the room.

“Not fuck him with it,” East said. “Did you forget about that monster dick in his pants?”

Even as I panicked, I kept my eyes glued to the screen, watching as Sin pushed me against a column and held the crowbar to my chest. With my entire body covered except my eyes and mouth, it wasn’t like you could tell it was me, and even my voice sounded a little different somehow. Deeper, more aroused.

Not that you could look anywhere other than at Sin when he was onscreen. He was captivating, even fully clothed, and born to be watched.

“If he doesn’t want to pay with his body, I’ll pay with mine,” Travis said, grabbing a handful of popcorn from the bowl on the coffee table. Without looking at me, he called out, “You’re all good with that, right, Van?”

That snapped me out of my stupor, and I blinked.

“Why wouldn’t I be okay with it? I don’t care. Why would I care?”

Gavin gave me a weird look, and I swallowed.

“What?” I said. “I’m fine. Everything’s fine.”

His brows knitted together as he felt my cheeks and forehead with the back of his hand. “Do you need to go to the hospital? Did you take something?”

“I’m not on drugs,” I said, a little too loudly, causing JT and Preston to turn around and look my way. “I mean right now.”

Travis lifted a brow. “Good. It’s rude not to share.”

“Can everyone shut the hell up?” East complained. “Van, if you’re gonna be sick, do it somewhere else. You’re ruining this for me.”

“This is my place.” No one paid any attention to my protest, because right then, Sin was getting me naked.

Bare-chested, with my shirt holding my arms behind my back, I was at Sin’s mercy as he freed my dick from my pants and began to give it long strokes.

My breathing came a little faster as the memory collided with what I was seeing on the TV. It was just as hot to watch as it’d been to experience, and even though I was panicked that somehow they’d know it was me, I still found my cock getting hard at the scene.

“Take his pants off!” West called out, just as Sin spun burglar me around to face the brick and did just that.

The shirt holding my arms disappeared, my pants were around my ankles, and there I was, hands braced on the brick and so very naked. I couldn’t even enjoy the fact that I looked damn good, because Gavin let out a low whistle and said, “Here it comes,” and I practically stroked out.

I smacked the container of lemon juice on the counter while Gavin wasn’t looking, sending it pouring out in his direction, and he jumped back out of the way, but not before some of it landed on his shirt.

“Van, Jesus.” He grabbed at the paper towel roll, and I helped him dry off his shirt so he wouldn’t be subjected to…oh, I don’t know, his brother getting rammed in about two seconds. He didn’t need to see that. None of my friends needed to see that, but the remote was across the room—

Unless I switched off the power somehow. I could do that, right?

As Gavin rinsed off his shirt in the sink behind me, Travis shook his head at the screen, where Sin had his fingers deep in my ass.

“Van, you’re a fuckin’ idiot for not hitting that while you could,” he said.

I would’ve said the same thing if I didn’t know better, and thank fuck he didn’t know better. None of them did. Wasn’t even on their radar.

For a brief moment, I was able to breathe again—until Sin traced the birthmark under my ass and said, “Now what do we have here?

“What the…” Gavin’s mouth fell open as he slowly made his way his way past the counter toward the living room. “Oh my God,” he said quietly at first, almost to himself, but then recognition dawned and his eyes widened. “Oh my God.

All eyes turned to my brother, who was pressing the heels of his hands over his eyes.

“What the shit is going on with you Truitts back there?” East said, exasperation lacing his words.

“For the love of…” Gavin said as he gagged a little. “My eyes. Someone get the bleach.”

“Uh oh, Gavin’s scared of the pretty python. Doesn’t bode well for what Joey’s packin’.” Daire smirked as my brother shook his head.

“That’s Van. That’s his birthmark. It’s Van.”

Oh fuuuck. I didn’t even remember Sin pointing it out, not with everything else he’d been doing to my body.

Those eyes moved from Gavin to me, disbelief in all of them.

I shook my head, but my knees were about to give out from under me. “He’s wrong. It’s not me.”

“Oh God, it even sounds like you.” With his eyes squeezed shut, Gavin put his hands over his ears. “Make it stop. Someone turn it off.”

“Okay, for some reason my brother is traumatized by huge dicks, so let’s just give him a break.” I made my way in between the couches and reached for the remote, but East was faster, grabbing it and rising to his feet.

He tapped me on the chest with the end of the remote, a wicked curve to his lips. “I think you’re lying.” As he took a step toward me, I moved back, but at least my body was blocking some of the screen now.

Even if the sound of our groans did nothing to hide what was happening.

Gavin had two pillows shoved against his ears.

“It’s not me,” I said again, but this time every one of my friends were looking at me with amusement and devilry written all over their faces.

Shit. I was so busted.

“Is it off yet?” Gavin called out.

East arched a brow at West. “I think we need a little proof.”

“Didn’t look so little to me,” Travis said, and when I cut my eyes to him, he smiled and shot me a wink. “Just sayin’.”

“Fast-forward it—maybe he takes the mask off,” JT said.

“He won’t, will he?” East said, turning back to me. “Because he didn’t in that other scene, the one in the study. And come to think of it, that guy was a blond too.”

“Holy shit.” West bounded up off the couch, pointing at me. “They’re right. Now prove it—take off your pants!”

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