Innocent or Not

Chapter 8: 08

Ace look at Bethany from afar and was truly disgusted by her. She sits there with her friends and laugh about nothing important;
it only ticked Ace off more.
"So you want this girl beaten because she messed with your girlfriend?" Noah says with a cocky grin. Ace scowls at him and
sends him a glare. "Oh you're serious! Well then I might have to meet this girlfriend of yours."
Ace only smiled sarcastically at his friend. Though he didn't want any male to met Lia , he was okay with just Noah meeting her.
"Look I don't want her dead. I'm no murder." Noah smirked at that and Ace only shook his head. "I just want to teach her a lesson
to not mess with Lia or there will be consequences."
"Oh ... oh so her name is Lia . That seems like a cute name." Noah smiles as he sparkles his eyes to Ace. He only looked at his
friend with disgust.
"Can you do it or not?"
Noah thought for a second before agreeing. He might be his friend but he was still his boss . "I got you man." Noah pats Ace's
shoulder before walking out of his office. Ace looked at the clock and nearly cursed himself . He was going to be late for school
Lia was getting something random out her locker until she feels a thump to her. She turns and sees Carson with a smirk. "Hey
kid." Carson says , she looked like she was out a breath.
"Hi." She whispers taking her books out and putting them into her green bag. "Is this what friends do? Hit each other in the
head?" Lia asks with a frown.
Carson chuckles before leaning on the locker next to Lia's . "Of course. Well at least when you're my friend." She evilly grins
which Lia laughs and shakes her head. She closed her locked and leaned on it with Carson .
"So you're telling me that I'm your friend?" She beamed as she looked at Carson with hope. She really wanted a girl - friend so
they can have sleepovers and do each other's hairs.
"Yeah sure whatever." Carson waves off as she looks the other way with a smile. Carson never had a friend so she thought , why
not give it try?

Lia looked at her with large smile before pulling her into a hug. She was much taller than her so she had to get on her tippy toes.
"Cool! You're my first girlfriend! Wait that sounded weird uh... my female friend !" She blushes as she steps away from Carson.
Carson looking at her with wide eyes.
"Don't hug me again." She says with a scowl as she walks away. Though Carson can't help the red blush appearing on her face .
Lia frowned but then she felt a arm on her waist making her shriek . She turned around seeing Ace looking at her with a smile.
"Hi." He speaks , his coffee smelling breath fanning her ears.
"Hi." She replied back , trying to keep some space from Ace. She liked the attention but she really didn't like the feeling she got
in her tummy. "I have to see the teacher so I'll see you in class." See waves off as she quickly runs to the office.
Ace frowned , watching her leave him. Did he do something wrong? Once again , she wasn't herself meaning something was
wrong. Was it that girl with red head or was it Bethany ? Those thoughts roamed his mind but nonetheless he let her be and
walked to his class.
When Lia was done with work her teacher asked for her , she looked up at Mrs.Sanders with a smile. "Thank you Lia. You really
helped me back there." Mrs.Sanders exclaims as she gives Lia a short smile.
She needed Lia to write down a few notes since she had the best hand writing in the classroom. "It was no problem! I love to
write." She smiles as she plays with her pencil. Mrs.Sanders smiles at her and told her that she'll see her later in class.
Lia shortens her skirt and proceeded to her first class. As she walked she looked up and saw Bethany , yet she wasn't the pretty
Bethany. Her cheek was bruised and her lip was busted. Her eyes looked swollen making Lia gasp. "Omg Bethany you're
Bethany eyes widened as she saw Lia coming over to her but Bethany took steps back. "S-stay away from me! Don't come any
closer to me." She screams out as she starts running down the hallways. Lia gave a her a confused look as she scurried away.
Lia was always a forgiving person. Maybe what Bethany did to her was simply an accident . But random people just don't go
calling you a bitch. It wasn't normal.
Lia bit her lips as she followed her. She wanted to know what she had done and if she could help. Lia glances around the corner
and saw Bethany walk into the bathrooms. Lia walked in quietly and looked at Bethany seeing her cry softly. Lia nervous played
with her fingers as she walked closer.

"B-Bethany.. I'm sorry if I did something wrong to you. I-I don't like Ace , he's just my friend. I don't want you to h-hate me
because I want to be friends w-with everyone." She quivers out as she looks at Bethany.
Bethany once again stepped away from her with horrified eyes. It was like Lia was the cause of this and she wanted to know
why. "J-Just go away." She mumbles out as she looks at Lia.
Lia once again shook her head and gave Bethany pleading eyes. "W-we can tell the teachers if someone's hurting you or doing
something really mean Bethany." She glances to her bruises and whatever happened didn't look like an accident. She even
glanced down to her wrist and saw a burn mark.
It was a broken heart and the letter E on her skin. It didn't look like a tattoo and it looked painful. "Who did that to you Bethany?"
She whispers out as she walked closer to Bethany.
Bethany smirked as she spit on the ground. "Your crazy boyfriend did." Lia looked at her confused because she did not have a
boyfriend .
The bell ranged slightly startling her and she looked at Bethany with sympathy. "Look I don't know who you're talking about , let
me please take you to the nurse." She starts to get on her knees but Bethany pushes her away and stands up , walking out with
a limp on her leg.
Lia sighed as she was gonna be late for class. She got her stuff and washed her hands since she was on the ground , and
proceeded out.
Who could Bethany possibly be talking about? Lia never even had her first kiss! Tough she dreamt it would be Harry Styles
because she absolutely loved him.
When she got to her class , the classroom was already working and Lia blushed. "Forgot how to get here?" Her teacher smiled at
her and Lia duly nodded , taking her seat next to Ace.
Ace was already looking at her with a look. A look that showed he was definitely not pleased . She definitely was keeping
something from him and he wanted to know what it was. "Where were you?" He whispers as he holds her small hands into his so
she would have his full attention.
"Oh just in the bathroom." She smiles as she tried her best not to stutter . Ace was not happy at all because she was lying to

"Baby. I'm gonna ask you one more time. Where were you?" He was slightly frowning as he pulled her face to his and looked in
her eyes deeply.
Though she wasn't going to to give instead she touched noes's with Ace and smiled at him. "I was in the bathroom seriously."
Ace softly smiled at her adorable action and he only nodded his head . Maybe he was just paranoid.
"If you say so." He softly he kissed her hand and then listen to what the teacher was saying.
But thoughts surrounded Lia and she was thinking.
When Bethany said boyfriend did she mean Ace?
Nah.. that wasn't possible.
happy reading vote & point out any errors cause it really helps me if you enjoyed the book then check out some of my other
books !

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