Inner Woman Volume 2

Chapter 95 Alms, Alms

The beggar’s cup

Dented tin

Its lip is curled

in sardonic snarl, a grin

Clasped firmly

in his hooked hand

He waves it at

the business band

Beside him giving

thoughtful pause

The one legged man

hops on with heroic cause

His briefcase settled

upon his back

Crutches firmly under arms

thick with strength he feels no lack

Each man an amputee

a limb lost somewhere

along life’s path

where God placed a dare

To thrive and lead

to bring hope,

inspire those who see

or tangle in despair’s long rope

You see they fought

the same long wars

one begs alms

the other, he soars

Choice is the difference

God gives us all

What is yours?

Will you answer the call?

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